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Cuenta Con Mi Amabilidad – (Spanish)


Este libro divertido y colorido ensea a los nios a ser amables con los demas, a la vez que aprenden conocimientos basicos de matematicas, tales como sumar, restar, contar, medir, y mucho mas. Incluye versiculos biblicos que les recordaran a los nios que Dios los ama, y quiere que compartan esa amabilidad con otros.

In this fun, colorful book, kids will learn how to be kind to others while acquiring basic math skills such as addition, subtraction, counting, measuring, and more. Scripture verses will remind kids that God loves them and wants them to share his kindness with others.

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SKU (ISBN): 9780825419539
ISBN10: 0825419530
Language: Spanish
Debby Anderson
Binding: Saddle Stitch
Published: September 2013
Publisher: Editorial Portavoz


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