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Rose Publishing

Showing 51–100 of 119 results

  • Believers Baptism Pamphlet


    Baptism is one of the most important practices in the church, something that Jesus calls his followers to do. It reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection and the new life we have in him! Enjoy having an easy-to-understand overview on what the Bible says about baptism at your fingertips. Packed with simple summaries, this baptism pamphlet covers what baptism is, why we should be baptized, and more. Perfect for individual use, group Bible studies, a New Believers’ class, baptism gift, baptism class, etc.

    Enjoy having this easy-to-understand overview on baptism at your fingertips. This pamphlet clarifies the basics and reassures believers about this important step–church leaders may use this to help those who may be nervous or hesitant.

    Answers these questions–
    *What is baptism? (Explains believer’s baptism and symbolism of immersion)
    *Why we should be baptized? (Gives 5 reasons to be baptized)
    *What happens during baptism? How do I know if I am ready to be baptized?
    *What does it mean to be baptized in Jesus’ name?
    *What does the Bible say about baptism? (It fulfills Jesus’ command (Matt. 28:19), Jesus set the example (1 John 2:6), it is a testimony to others (Romans 6:5), and more.)

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  • Hebrews Pamphlet : A Study In The Book Of Hebrews


    Find out how to persevere, remain faithful, and live a life that glorifies God with this incredible in-depth Bible study on Hebrews. See how the early church withstood intense persecution and experience the peace that comes from recognizing Christ as our perfect High Priest. Includes section-by-section commentary, quick-reference charts, and simple summaries!

    Hebrews was written during a time of intense persecution against Christians in the Roman Empire. During that time, believers needed encouragement to follow Christ- just as we do today. By showing Jesus’ superiority to the Old Covenant, the letter encourages believers (then and now) to be faithful to Jesus even during the toughest of times! Enjoy having a fantastic overview on the entire book of Hebrews at your fingertips-get incredible insight into Jesus’ superiority to the old covenant and be encouraged by 15 heroes of our faith who resisted the urge to give up and stood firmly in their faith!

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  • Palm Sunday To Easter Pamphlet


    Packed with charts, diagrams, and simple summaries, this quick-reference pamphlet-Palm Sunday to Easter-covers the important teaching and events of Jesus’ life throughout Holy Week.

    Discover how Jesus’ death and resurrection fulfilled over 22 Old Testament prophecies. This pamphlet is perfect for individual reference, an Easter Bible study, Easter Sunday school lessons, and homeschool Bible curriculum.

    Go day-by-day through the week leading up to Jesus’ resurrection and hour-by-hour leading up to his death on the cross.
    *From Palm Sunday and his Triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the Last Supper.
    *From the arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane to the Crucifixion.
    *From the burial of Jesus to his glorious Resurrection on the third day.

    Palm Sunday to Easter Features Incredible Visuals and Bible Study Tools:

    1.Map and Diagram of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus that walks you day by day through the week leading up to Jesus’ death and Resurrection
    Easily see where each of the key events leading up to Jesus’ death occurred with this labeled, detailed, and drawn-to-scale diagram of Jerusalem during the time of Jesus.

    2.Timeline Showing 22 Key Events as They Occurred Hour-by-Hour before Jesus’ Crucifixion
    This clock diagram/timeline shows 22 key events as they happened hour-by hour leading up to Jesus’ death. It starts with Jesus being taken before Pilate and ends with his death on the cross. Explains Jesus’ last words on the Cross, the words of the thieves crucified next to Jesus, and centurion’s confession, from the 3rd Hour (about 9 am) to the 9th Hour (6 pm) when Jesus died. It uses Roman (modern) expression of time as well as Jewish.

    3.Diagram of a Tomb from Jesus’ Time
    This detailed diagram shows the layout of a typical tomb from Jesus’ day. Includes measurements and layout of key portions of the tomb, including the rollaway stone at the entrance. (Optional: This Jesus Tomb diagram is an excellent floor plan for creating a rolling stone model for your Sunday school or homeschool.)

    4.Easy-to-follow chart covering 22 Old Testament Prophecies and their New Testament Fulfillment by Jesus’ Death and Resurrection.
    Covers Key Events and Facts on Jesus’ Life, Death, and Resurrection, including-

    *Simple Summaries of Key Events Leading Up To Easter (Corresponds with Jerusalem Map)

    Enjoy having easy-to-understand explanations of key events leading up to Easter. It starts with Jesus’ arrival in Bethany 6 days before Passover and

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  • Book Of Acts Pamphlet


    The Book of Acts Pamphlet is not simply ancient history. It is our story, the story that informs who Christians are. It’s the story of the early church, early missionary work, and the initial move of the Holy Spirit. It covers the lives of Peter, Paul, Barnabas, Silas and the other Christians who took the Gospel far beyond Jerusalem.

    This Book of Acts Bible Study Pamphlet shows that God is active. He was active in the book of Acts, and He is active in our lives today. Navigate deeper into the Acts of the apostles with Rose Publishing’s 14-page Bible study resource, The Book of Acts. This fantastic Bible study pamphlet provides loads of information at a glance. Enjoy simple summaries, Bible charts, biblical map, and other visual resources that make learning about the early church and early missions movement easier than ever before. It’s perfect for adult Bible studies, Sunday school lessons, and small group curriculum.

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  • Psalms Pamphlet : In Gods Presence


    Enrich Your Understanding of the Book of Psalms with Rose’s Psalms pamphlet. Explore this most beloved book, by learning the who, what, when and where about these favorite Bible passages. Discover the 10 different types of Psalms-from Psalms of Lament to Psalms of Thanksgiving, and learn how to effectively read these beautiful scriptures. This Psalms Bible study covers the basics everyone should know in order to fully unlock, appreciate, and learn from these heart-filled cries.

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  • Book Of James Pamphlet


    The Book of James packs a punch! Fasten your seatbelt as this pamphlet explains key topics such as * “taming” the tongue * dealing with temptation * being “doers” not just “hearers” * backing up your faith with good works * humility vs. hypocrisy * and depending on the good gifts God has given each of us. Includes an overview, key verses, and study questions for person and group use. Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches. Unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits in a Bible. Full color, 14 panels

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  • Jehovahs Witnesses And Christianity (DVD)


    How do Jehovah Witness beliefs compare to biblical Christianity? They claim to believe in Jesus and hold the Bible in high regard, but do they? Their door-to-door activity seems to show a devotion that amazes others. But what is really going on?

    Find out by watching this powerful 30-minute session covering the Jehovah’s Witnesses (Watchtower Society).

    Learn about the Jehovah Witnesses’s

    *History, dating back to the 1800s
    *Founder and key leaders, including Charles Taze Russell and Judge Rutherford
    *Practices and rules (For example, before their prohibition of blood transfusions, there were other prohibitions they observed, but have now set aside.)
    *Beliefs about God, Jesus, the Church, what happens after death, and more.
    Discover the practical Do’s and Don’ts when talking to Jehovah’s Witnesses and uncover the answers to key questions, such as “When Jehovah’s Witnesses say they believe in Jesus, what do they actually believe about him?”

    This DVD has all you need: 30-minute video + a PDF Leader Guide + a PDF Participant Guide. You don’t have to be an expert to lead this 30-minute session. Perfect for small groups, Bible studies, adult Sunday school, or for individual use.

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  • Attributes Of God Pamphlet


    People always wonder, “Who is God?Is He an old confused grandfather sitting in the clouds? Or is he a loving father, a righteous judge, and a merciful king? What we believe about God makes a difference in how we worship and behave. This pamphlet gives25key traits of God: loving, just, kind, all-knowing, all-present, all-powerful, eternal, faithful, and more.Each attribute of God comes with explanation, application, Bible references, and questions for reflection and study.Full color, plastic-coated pamphlet, 14 pages, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, fits inside a Bible cover.

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  • Spiritual Gifts Pamphlet


    When you became a Christian, the Holy Spirit gave you spiritual gifts to build up fellow believers both in your own church and also worldwide. This pamphlet describes the different biblical gifts, explains what they are for, and helps you determine which of them you may have.

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  • Lords Supper Pamphlet


    The Lord’s Supper is something all Christians celebrate. But what does mean? You will experience the Lord’s Supper in a fresh way as you find out about the 7 key themes and 5 reasons Christians should make it an important part of their worship. Includes a glossary of terms, historical background of the Early Church, and a comparison of views of the Lord’s Supper.

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  • What The Bible Says About Forgiveness Pamphlet


    Key biblical principles about forgiveness. Answers questions including: What is forgiveness? Why do we need forgiveness? Why do we need to forgive others? Why is forgiving enemies tied to whether God will forgive us?

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  • Book Of Psalms NASB


    The Book of Psalms can transform our minds by teaching us new and exciting things about our awesome God and it can transform our spirits by pointing us to the right way to praise God through our words and actions. Enjoy having all 150 Psalms in one small pocket-sized book. It is a perfect gift for someone who needs reminders of the wonderful psalms we know and love.

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  • Who I Am In Christ Pamphlet


    The “Who I Am in Christ” chart and pamphlet reminds us what God has done through His Son, Jesus. We are “forgiven”, “beloved,” “new creatures,” and more. Each word has a Bible reference. Be reminded and reassured of the many qualities and characteristics you possess as a believer. You are accepted, forgiven, and made holy in Christ, and that’s just the beginning! Find dozens of promises and where they are located in the Bible.

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  • Understanding The Book Of Revelation Pamphlet


    Understanding the Book of Revelation pamphlet
    In just a few minutes, you can understand the symbolism in the Book of Revelation better. There are several ways that Christians over the centuries have interpreted these features, and each has insights for today.

    The 7 Seals
    The 7 Churches
    Mark of the Beast
    Persecuted Woman
    The 7 Trumpets
    The 7 Bowls
    Great Prostitute
    Fall of Babylon
    New Creation – New Heaven and New Earth
    Healing of the nations

    Historicist – Revelation is prophecy about church history from the time of John to the end of the world.
    Preterist – Revelation is prophecy that was fulfilled primarily in the first century AD.
    Futurist – Revelation is prophecy primarly about the future end of the world.
    Idealist – Revelation is a non-historical and non-prophetic drama about spiritual realities.

    14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

    13 in stock

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  • Life Of Joseph Pamphlet


    Pamphlet-14 Panels, 8.5 X 5.5 In, Unfolds To 38 Inches Long. Fits Inside Most Bibles.

    Additional Info
    Is God really in charge?

    Where is he when everything goes wrong? The life of Joseph shows how God can take misfortune and evil and turn it into great good. Joseph was betrayed by people close to him and had every reason to grow bitter, yet continued to obey God. And God was working behind the scenes to change Joseph and his family. This pamphlet helps us see meaning in suffering and aids us in our own journey toward wisdom. Includes a map and time line.

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  • 24 Ways To Explain The Gospel Pamphlet


    Many who are seeking salvation today need only to be led to the proper Way of being saved. In our postmodern world, however, salvation can be a difficult concept to explain. Fortunately, God’s Word provides numerous means by which we can understand God’s plan for mankind, and this easy-to-use pamphlet makes it even simpler. Here you will find dozens of word pictures, verse referenc es, illustrations and drawings to help you communicate the gospel in 24 different ways.

    Pamphlet measures 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long and fits inside most Bibles. 13 Laminated panels.

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  • Creeds Pamphlet : Explanation Of The Creeds


    How did the early Christians deal with cults and heresies? This pamphlet looks back to the historical teachings of the church, bringing them to life for today’s believers. It shows that many of the modern questionable teachings of today were already present in the past. Understanding how the church dealt with these issues in the past helps us to deal with those same issues today. Contains the full text of the Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, and Chalcedonian Creed.

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  • Nombres De Jesus Folleto – (Spanish)


    Names of Jesus pamphlet
    There are many names for Jesus given in the Bible and each has a special blessing for us that will enrich your worship and prayer life. This fold-out pamphlet shows more than 50 names for Jesus, each with the meaning and Bible reference:
    * King of Kings, Lord of Lords
    * Good Shepherd
    * Chief Cornerstone
    * The Way, The Truth, and the Life
    * Advocate
    * I AM
    * Wonderful Counselor
    * High Priest
    * Holy One
    * Alpha and Omega
    * Mighty God
    * Morning Star
    * Lion of Judah
    * Son of God
    * Son of Man
    * Rock
    * Immanuel
    * Beloved
    * and many more

    This beautiful chart gives the definition, a scripture reference, and shows the spiritual meaning for today.

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  • Whats So Great About Heaven Pamphlet


    What is Heaven like? Popular media portrays boring white clouds, but many verses in the Bible give hints of a wonderful place of joy, vitality, and restoration. Whether you are just wondering or know someone facing death, the Heaven pamphlet explores everything Scripture says about that elusive and much-desired place.

    Some of the topics:
    Why is Heaven important?
    What do we mean by heaven?
    What can we know about heaven from the Bible?
    What kind of relationships will exist in heaven?
    Will we be able to recognize our loved ones in heaven?
    What is the new heaven and the new earth?

    14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

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  • Esther Pamphlet


    The Queen Esther Pamphlet is an excellent overview of the story of Queen Esther in the Bible.

    Esther’s story asks the important question: Where is God when things go wrong?

    It’s easy to characterize Queen Esther as the lucky orphan girl who won the heart of the king. But in reality, she was a young woman with a tragic background and dangerous secret that could cost her life and the lives of her family. She was married to King Ahasuerus (King Xerxes) who destroyed peoples’ lives on a whim and had a history of killing people close to him. Worse still, the king’s favorite counselor and chief advisor, Haman, was a mortal enemy of Esther and Mordecai’s family.

    Esther had to keep a low profile, keeping her secret, and hoping her enemy wouldn’t make the connection. For Esther, life was unfair. But her story brings a message of hope to all who face trouble by showing how God works even through the fears and dangers. There can be happy endings in perilous times! This basic overview of Esther and the biblical and cultural insights is fantastic for a Queen Esther Bible study, Sunday school class, or small group discussion. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

    Queen Esther Gives Insights into the Life of Esther

    Details about Queen Esther’s Life
    *Summary of Esther’s story: Her danger and her courage
    *Background on the biblical feast of Purim
    *Explanation of why the Jewish people were in Persia
    *Orphaned, raised by Mordecai.

    Details about Life in Ancient Persia 2500 Years Ago
    *Map of Persia and the entire Middle East at the Time of King Xerxes
    *Timeline of Key Events in Israel, Persia, Greece and Egypt During Esther’s Lifetime
    *Intrigue in the Persian Court
    *Customs in Ancient Persia
    *Details about The Cast of Characters in the Life of Esther
    *Spiritual parallels between the two banquets: The King’s and Esther’s
    *Hebrew/Persian meanings of Esther’s name, as well as other key characters
    *Genealogy and Background of Each Key Character in the Story

    Esther is an outstanding close-up on one of the most fascinating stories in the Bible. You will find this pamphlet a great resource as you study the book of Esther and you are sure to refer to it often.

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  • Life Of David Pamphlet


    This handy 14-page guide gives you the entire life of King David at a glance. From humble beginnings as a shepherd boy to king over Israel, David is one of the most beloved and impressive characters in the Bible. Despite many personal failures and weaknesses, David went down in history as “a man after God’s own heart.” Examine in detail the historical background of biblical events, a map of Bible places, This Bible pamphlet tracks every major event in King David’s life as well as the important people around him. See David’s life at a glance and know all of the key stories: David and Goliath, David and Jonathan, Saul’s jealously and attacks on David’s life, David’s marriage to Michal, Abigail, and more. Fits inside most Bible cover. Complete with maps, charts and time lines, this pamphlet explores the life of Jesus’ most famous ancestor. Perfect for the busy person who wants an overview of key themes and events.

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  • Then And Now Bible Maps Insert


    Rose Bible Map Insert–An ultra-thin Bible atlas that fits in the back of your Bible.
    This incredible full color Bible atlas has clear plastic overlays of modern-day cities and countries. Now you can have “Then and Now” Bible maps inside your Bible. Includes 44 pages; 8 plastic overlays; all maps in full color; larger print than other Bible map inserts; every major city in the Bible; a Bible time line; index; separate maps for each of Paul’s Journeys.

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  • Rose Guide To The Tabernacle


    Full color, reproducible book on the The Tabernacle, with clear plastic overlays of the coverings of the “tent of meeting.” The Tabernacle was the place where the Israelites worshiped God after the Exodus. Learn how the sacrifices, utensils, and even the structure of the tabernacle were designed to show us something about God. See the parallels between the Old Testament sacrifices and priests’ duties, and Jesus’ service as the perfect sacrifice and perfect high priest. See how: * The Tabernacle was built and moved * The sacrifices pointed Jesus Christ * The design of the tent revealed God’s holiness and humanity’s need for God * The Ark of the Covenant was at the center of worship.

    See how: * The Tabernacle was built * The sacrifices pointed Jesus Christ * The design of the tent revealed God’s holiness and humanity’s need for God * The Ark of the Covenant was at the center of worship.

    Contains illustrations, charts, and diagrams not available elsewhere.

    128 pages, full color with 8 clear plastic overlays showing inside/outside of the tabernacle; plus dozens of reproducible charts. You may reproduce up to 300 copies of any chart free of charge for your classroom.

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  • Where To Find Favorite Bible Verses Pamphlet


    Don’t have a photographic memory? Here are the most important verses in Scripture organized by topic. Perfect for people who do not remember the exact Bible reference for their favorite passage.
    Fits inside a Bible cover
    Unfolds to 38″ long.

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  • Beatitudes Pamphlet : Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount – What Are The Beatitudes


    Jesus’ beloved teachings on finding hope and joy offer a true picture of God’s blessings for believers.
    Understanding the Beatitudes will help Christians learn how to live the “Kingdom” life. Those who follow Jesus will be inspired and challenged to live out these attributes in contrast to worldly values.
    For each Beatitude, explanation includes: What does it mean? Related Scripture and Life Application

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  • Christ In The Passover Pamphlet


    Celebrate your Jewish Roots

    The Passover is the Old Testament feast that celebrates and remembers God’s liberation of Israel from Egypt. It also foreshadow’s Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

    * Examine the biblical origin and symbolism of the Passover to better understand the comparison of Jesus with the Passover lamb
    * Compare the Passover seder with the Lord’s Supper
    * Includes a plan for a Christian seder meal

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  • Women Of The Bible New Testament Pamphlet


    In this concise comparison chart, we will dig out the significance of some important women in the Bible, addressing cultural and literary points of view to discover hidden meanings found in the women’s names, the ironies in their stories, and the culture of the time. Our understanding of the biblical text will increase as we see events from the perspective of the women themselves, their strengths and weaknesses.

    Featured women of the New Testament Mary, Mother of Jesus; Elizabeth, Mary Magdalene; Mary & Martha; Lydia; Priscilla; Herodias
    Unfolds to 38″ long

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  • Women Of The Bible Old Testament Pamphlet


    Unfolds to 38″ long
    Sarah and Hagar, Tamar, Miriam, Rahab, Deborah and Jael, Bathsheba, Naomi and Ruth, Esther

    In this concise comparison chart, we will dog out the significance of some important women in the Bible, addressing cultural and literary points of view to discover hidden meanings found in the women’s names, the ironies in their stories, and the culture of the time. Our understanding of the biblical text will increase as we see events from the perspective of the women themselves, their strengths and weaknesses.

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  • Christ In The Old Testament Pamphlet


    History is about Christ. Throughout the Old Testament, we see God setting up history for the coming of Christ, not simply by speaking prophetic words, but by arranging the lives of human beings. “Typology” deals with significant historical people that have symbols or events in their lives that correspond to symbols and events in the life of Christ. In quick reference chart format, this pamphlet highlights the lives of people who “prefigure” that central Life who is the Life of the World Himself. Includes Melchizedek, King David, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and more.

    * 12 Old Testament people who foreshadowed Jesus
    * Types and Illustrations of Jesus
    * Actions and events that anticipate Jesus

    Pamphlet has 14 panels and fits inside most Bible covers. Unfolds to 38″ long.

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  • Why Trust The Bible Pamphlet


    Is the Bible an ancient document that has been tampered with? Has it been edited many times over the centuries and now is filled with errors? Some critics say that no one knows what the Bible really said because the originals no longer exist. Some people say that the stories in the Bible sound a lot like the myths found in other counties, therefore Christianity has “borrowed” from other religions.

    The Bible can be trusted, says Dr. Timothy Paul Jones. Dr. Jones’ interest in this topic began many years ago when he came across arguments against the Bible. At first his faith was badly shaken and he wondered if he still believed in the Bible. But as he researched more he found answers. (See the Reviews below for his story.) In just fourteen concise pages, Dr. Jones shows the errors in critics’ logic and facts -and does it in an easy-to-understand style.

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  • Bible Translations Comparison Pamphlet


    Compare 20 Bible Translations
    Ever wondered why there are so many different versions of the Bible? How do you know which translation is best for a particular purpose? This handy fold-out pamphlet-

    Compares 20 most popular translations:
    American Standard Version
    Amplified Bible
    New American Standard Bible
    Revised Standard Version
    New Revised Standard Version
    English Standard Version
    King James Version
    New King James Version
    New Jerusalem Bible
    New American Bible
    New International Version
    Today’s New International Version
    God’s Word
    Holman Christian Standard Bible
    New Century Version
    New Living Translation
    New International Readers Version
    Good News Translation
    Contemporary English Version
    The Message

    Reading level

    Describes the purpose of each translation

    Explains texts used for translation

    Gives sample verses in each translation
    Bible Translations Comparison offers help in understanding translators’ different approaches (word-for-word, thought-for-thought, paraphrase, or some combination of the three). It also gives background on source texts and tells which texts were used for each version.

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  • Then And Now Bible Maps Pamphlet


    Where are Bible Lands today? This handy quick reference fold-out shows you! It contains more than a dozen Bible maps that include the modern-day boundaries in red. Fantastic for comparing places in the news with places in the Bible.

    Includes the following maps:
    *The Middle East during Old Testament Times
    *The Assyrian Empire, Babylonian Kingdoms and Persian Empire
    *The Holy Land during the time of the Old Testament
    *United Kingdom, Divided Kingdom compared with modern-day Israel and surrounding countries
    *The Holy Land during the time of Jesus

    All of Paul’s Journeys (Roman Empire at AD 60)

    Fits in the back of most Bibles. Size: 8.5″ x 5.5″ Unfolds 38 inches.

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  • Cristianismo Sectas Y Religion – (Spanish)


    If you have an unsusual appetite for knowledge, the Themes of Faith collection provides simple easy-to-use information on a variety of topics right at your fingertips. Fully illustrated.
    Sized to fit perfectly in the back of a Bible or study notebook. A knowledge-retention booster.

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  • 100 Profecias Cumplidas Por Je – (Spanish)


    If you have an unsusual appetite for knowledge, the Themes of Faith collection provides simple easy-to-use information on a variety of topics right at your fingertips. Fully illustrated.
    Sized to fit perfectly in the back of a Bible or study notebook. A knowledge-retention booster.

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  • 10 Questions And Answers On Jehovahs Witnesses Pamphlet


    10 Questions & Answers for Jehovah’s Witnesses pamphlet
    Includes information on:
    – How the Jehovah’s Witnesses began – Prophecies by their leaders – Should God be called “Jehovah”? – Is the Trinity a “Pagan Doctrine”? – Is Jesus God Almighty or the Archangel Michael? – Will only 144,000 people go to heaven? – Is the Watchtower’s New World Translation reliable? – and more

    Pamphlet is 5.5 inches x 8.5 inches and unfold to 33 inches long. Fits inside a Bible cover.

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  • 10 Questions And Answers On Mormonism Pamphlet


    What do Mormons teach about Jesus, the Trinity, God, baptism for the dead, and how to be saved? The Latter-Day Saints often use Christian terms, but mean something completely different. This pamphlet will help you sort through the confusion.
    This new series gives —
    Clear summary of what Mormons believe
    Misunderstandings and how to correct them
    Tips on interacting with your friends, neighbors, and co-workers

    General editor: Paul Carden is a longtime specialist in the field of cults and new religions around the world. Executive Director of the Centers for Apologetics Research (CFAR), and general editor of Christianity, Cults & Religions. Former co-host of the nationwide “Bible Answer Man” radio program.

    Pamphlet Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches Unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits inside most medium-sized Bible covers.

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  • Bible Promises For Hope And Courage Pamphlet


    Unfolds To 33″ Long.
    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

    Additional Info
    This easy-to-use tool is packed with God’s promises of comfort and love for His children.
    Appropriate for Bible study, personal devotions, or giving to someone in need of encouragement. Over 100 Bible passages carefully chosen to accurately reflect God’s care for His people. Includes Scripture to address:
    – Feelings of loneliness and depression, fear, worry, impatience, insecurity, temptation, anger
    – Need for hope, courage, comfort, peace, joy, assurance of salvation, guidance, forgiveness
    – Need for assurance of God’s mercy and provision
    – Help in making tough decisions, sharing one’s faith
    – and much more!

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  • Giant 10 Foot Bible Time Line


    This full-color Bible time line is perfect for a hallway or office. It starts with Creation and goes all the way through the lives of Jesus and the disciples, including the Apostle Paul. See every key person and event in the Bible. Time line comes packaged in a 8.5″ X 11″ size and is put together in four panels end to end to form a 10-foot long time line. It is simple and easy to understand. Perfect for children, youth, and adults.

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  • Life Of The Apostle Paul Pamphlet


    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
    Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

    Additional Info
    Life of the Apostle Paul pamphlet
    Here are 200 fast facts at a glance about the Apostle Paul in the Bible. Includes maps of his journeys, time line, the books of the Bible he wrote, and an overview of his life. Goes perfectly with the Paul’s Journey’s: Then and Now Bible Maps (304X).

    Road to Damascus, Paul’s Conversion, Barnabas, Silas, Earthquake in the Philippian jail, and more.

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  • 10 Commandments Pamphlet NIV


    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
    Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

    Additional Info
    Ten Commandments Pamphlet
    This fold-out chart shows each of the commandments, both with traditional and contemporary wording. Includes an explanation of each one and why it is important today. Fits inside most Bible covers. Perfect for youth and adults.

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  • Names Of Jesus Pamphlet


    12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

    Additional Info
    Names of Jesus pamphlet
    There are many names for Jesus given in the Bible and each has a special blessing for us that will enrich your worship and prayer life. This fold-out pamphlet shows more than 50 names for Jesus, each with the meaning and Bible reference:
    * King of Kings, Lord of Lords
    * Good Shepherd
    * Chief Cornerstone
    * The Way, The Truth, and the Life
    * Advocate
    * I AM
    * Wonderful Counselor
    * High Priest
    * Holy One
    * Alpha and Omega
    * Mighty God
    * Morning Star
    * Lion of Judah
    * Son of God
    * Son of Man
    * Rock
    * Immanuel
    * Beloved
    * and many more

    This beautiful chart gives the definition, a scripture reference, and shows the spiritual meaning for today.

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  • Following Jesus Pamphlet


    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
    Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

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    New! Following Jesus pamphlet – Basic Discipleship in 2 Hours
    This easy-to-understand guide is perfect to give to new believer, or to go through with them. Includes the basics of the Christian life, including: Prayer * Bible study * Quiet time * Assurance of salvation * Assurance of forgiveness * Who is God and can he be trusted * Why is Christianity the only way, and more. Get people on the right path so that they do not become discouraged and give up on their faith

    6 in stock

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  • Armor Of God Pamphlet


    Unfolds To 33″ Long
    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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    New! Armor of God Pamphlet
    Be ready for the spiritual battles in life! This pamphlet shows the whole armor of God: the sword of the spirit, helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, and more, each with a scripture reference. Help students learn how to stand firm in the faith using the principles of spiritual warfare as they face temptations and struggles. Pamphlet fits inside a Bible cover

    10 in stock

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  • Tabernacle Paper Model Laminated


    New! Paper Model of the Tabernacle
    Here is a full-color scale model of the Tabernacle, the Holy of Holies, the Ark of the Covenant, the High Priest, and all of the animals and furnishings. Just cut out the 60 figures. Then fold and tape or glue. Made from heavy chart paper. Perfect for ages 8 and up. Available laminated or unlaminated. Model size: Courtyard is 23″ x 13″ x 3″

    2 in stock

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  • Tabernacle Pamphlet : Symbolism In The Tabernacle


    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
    Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

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    The Tabernacle pamphlet
    The pamphlet shows a beautiful picture of the Old Testament Tabernacle in the Wilderness of Sinai. The Tabernacle was the special “tent of meeting” that God instructed Moses to build. It was placed in the center of the camp and could be set up and taken down whenever the Children of Israel traveled. Drawn to Bible measurements, this picture points out all of the important features: the Ark of the Covenant, the High Priest, the Holy Place, the Holy of Holies, the Brazen Altar, the pillar of fire and more. Includes more than a dozen illustrations and diagrams. Includes measurements, explanations, a list of sacrifices, symbols, and a time line. Perfect for adults and children

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  • Temple Pamphlet : The Temple Throughout Bible History


    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
    Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

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    The Temple pamphlet
    The pamphlet shows beautiful pictures-
    * Old Testament Temple built by King Solomon
    * Old Testament Temple as it was rebuilt after the Babylonians destroyed it in 586 BC, and
    * New Testament Temple where Jesus worshiped (built by King Herod). This is the beautiful Temple where Jesus amazed the scholars as a child, where he threw out the money changers, where he praised the widow who gave all she had, and where the veil ripped from top to bottom when he died on the cross. See the Temple, the Court of the Gentiles, the Court of the Women, and the Portico.
    These Temples were places of worship that were built using the donations from kings and commoners. The Temple was built to honor God and to house the Ark of the Covenant. Drawn to Bible measurements, these illustrations show and explain all of the important features: the Ark of the Covenant, the veil, the Holy Place, the Most Holy Place (the Holy of Holies), the bronze pillars, the “Sea,” the Bronze Altar, and the cherubim. Includes illustrations and diagrams. Includes measurements, explanations, and a time line. Perfect for adults and children.

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  • Reformation Time Line Pamphlet


    12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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    Reformation Sunday is October 29. It commemorates the day that Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg. A good opportunity to know more about reform, revival, and the importance of the Bible.

    This concise guide to the Reformation shows a time line of key people and events. Gain deeper insights into the rise of Protestantism, and the influence of people such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale, and King James. Learn why they wanted to reform the church of their day. See 400 years of church history alongside the colorful politics of King Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth, and others,
    *Pre-Reformation Period through the Post-Reformation Period (1300-1700)
    * Wycliffe, Hus, Erasmus, Tyndale, Cromwell, Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox, and many more reformers
    *Simple explanations of points of doctrine and practice
    *Comparison with events in world history

    Packed with colorful illustrations and photographs

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  • Noahs Ark Pamphlet


    Featuring simple summaries, diagrams, maps, and more, Rose’s Noah’s Ark pamphlet will deepen your understanding of this story and add depth to any Old Testament study. From a map of where the ark was found to archaeological discoveries proving the Flood actually happened, this pamphlet is packed with fascinating facts! Perfect for kids and adults!

    Unlike other graphics of Noah’s Ark, this pamphlet includes full-color diagrams of the inside AND outside of the ark labeled with dimensions based on scripture. It even takes it a step further by including how the ark’s size compares to common objects such as a football field and semi-truck making it easy to grasp the height, width, and overall length of the ark!

    3 in stock

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  • Genesis Time Line Pamphlet


    Size 8.5″ X 5.5″ – 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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    Genesis Time Line pamphlet
    Now you can see all of the key people and every event from the Book of Genesis at a glance. This fantastic pamphlet includes both a time line and maps, so that you can quickly understand and life and travels of
    * Abraham and Sarah * Isaac and Rebekah * Ishmael
    * Jacob, Leah, and Rachel * Esau * Joseph and his brothers
    * and more.

    See the important people, places, and events, such as * the Creation, * the Fall, * Adam and Eve, * the Garden of Eden, * Cain and Abel,* the Flood, * the Table of Nations, * the Tower of Babel, and more.

    Features —
    * Six days of Creation
    * Jesus’ genealogy
    * Family tree of Noah and his sons
    * Table of Nations map
    * God’s 7 promises to Abraham
    * God’s 2 promises to Isaac
    * God’s 3 promises to Jacob
    * Family tree of Jacob and his 12 sons.
    * Seven years of famine and seven years of plenty
    * One map for each patriarch (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) showing their location and travels.
    * Map of the life of Joseph

    This product is perfect for Bible studies on Genesis and on the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob).

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  • Evidence For The Resurrection Pamphlet


    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
    Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

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    Pamphlet: Evidence for the Resurrection
    Here are 12 reasons skeptics should believe that Jesus died and rose again. Examine the historical, archaeological, and cultural proofs for Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Also know the answers to other beliefs held by atheists and others. Learn why the resurrection is central for Christians. Discover the evidence that has convinced critics over the years.

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