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    Program Resources

    • Fully Devoted Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


      Fully Devoted Bible Study Book with Video Access includes printed content for eight sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” and tips for leading a group. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access free teaching videos for each session.

      *15-minute video sessions featuring Alex and Stephen Kendrick and others
      *8 small group sessions
      *Promotional video
      *Session previews featuring Alex and Stephen Kendrick
      *Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth

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    • Forge Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


      THE FORGE Movie Bible Study Book with Video Access includes printed content for five sessions, a leader guide, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” tips for leading a group, and more. Also, each Book contains unique codes that enable you to access videos for each session.

      Jesus focused His time and attention on walking with God and making disciples. Shouldn’t we?

      In His wisdom, He chose to invest deeply in the lives of twelve men. He saw them, called them, taught them, saved them, then sent them into the world to bear witness to what He had done for them.

      This five-week small group study uses featured clips from the new Kendrick brothers’ movie, THE FORGE, to ignite a passion for knowing Christ personally, following Him sacrificially, obeying Him willingly, and helping others become disciples of Christ.

      The world doesn’t need another strategy, it needs men and women who are devoted to Jesus and committed to helping others know and follow Him through lifelong discipleship.

      Session Topics:

      1. Seeing Like Jesus
      2. Giving Like Jesus
      3. Leading Like Jesus
      4. Investing Like Jesus
      5. Sending Like Jesus

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    • Great Disappearance Bible Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      It Will Be an Ordinary Day– Until, Suddenly, It Isn’t

      For decades, Dr. David Jeremiah has searched the Scriptures for answers regarding the future monumental events known as the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Second Coming, and more. The Great Disappearance compiles his prophetic research for curious believers who patiently await the triumphant return of Christ. This study guide reinforces Dr. Jeremiah’s dynamic, in-depth teaching to aid you in applying biblical truth to your daily life.

      Drawing from his deep knowledge of biblical prophecy and passion for sharing the truth of God’s Word, Dr. Jeremiah skillfully unravels the mysteries surrounding the Rapture and the Second Coming. Designed for use with Dr. Jeremiah’s book, The Great Disappearance Study Guide dives into the promises of Jesus’ return in the Old and New Testaments. Whether you are a seasoned student of prophecy or new to the faith, this guide will expand your understanding, deepen your faith, and bring you one step closer to the future glory awaiting those who put their faith in Christ Jesus.

      Each lesson includes:

      *An outline of the main subjects and Scriptures covered during the lesson

      *An overview of Dr. Jeremiah’s teaching on the topic being studied

      *Application questions to help both individuals and small groups delve into the content and the Bible

      *A Did You Know? section that adds a point of interest to the lesson

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    • Psalms Bible Study


      In this six-session study, explore how the Psalms are worship-prayer songs lifted to God. Whether chanted in a synagogue, sung from a hymnal, or read from projectors on walls, the Psalms have given us the content of our prayers and defined both our worship and faith for generations. By studying, praying, and living the Psalms, our lives become an enduring song of praise to the Lord, like strong, fruitful trees that thrive through every season.

      This study is an invitation to the wild beauty that comes from experiencing God as we journey deeper in relationship with him through the Psalms. Study different types of worship-prayer songs from the book of Psalms, consider the background of specific psalms and their connections with Jesus, and explore how the songs we sing and the song of our lives reflect the themes of the book of Psalms.

      The six sessions include:

      *Blessed is the One Who Praises the Lord (Psalms 1 and 150)
      *The Heavens Declare and the Word Shines a Light (Psalms 19 and 119)
      *Even in Darkest Valleys, the Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalms 22-24)
      *Unfailing Love and Forgiveness (Psalms 51 and 32)
      *Lord, You Have Been Our Home (Psalms 90 and 46)
      *Bless the Lord, O My Soul (Psalm 103)

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    • All Together Now For Ages 4-12 Volume 1 Fall


      All Together Now Sunday School is a best-selling Sunday school series by Lois Keffer. You’ll find All Together Now Sunday school lessons available in four volumes–one for each season of the year starting with fall. Through these kids’ Sunday school lessons, your children’s ministry will experience life-changing adventures for kids in kindergarten through 6th grade. Imagine the impact these 13 interactive Sunday school lessons will have on the children of your church.

      Through All Together Now Sunday School, you’ll discover interactive Sunday school lessons filled with creative ideas for mixed-age classes ages 4 to 12. All Together Now Sunday school lessons work great for small churches, larger churches with multi-age classes, midweek programming, and anytime you want to teach meaningful Bible lessons to children of different ages in the same class. With these kid’s bible lessons you will be ready no matter who shows up.

      All Together Now Volume 1: Fall brings the book of Exodus to life in a way that engages children of all ages–even when they’re all in the same room. These 13 interactive lessons will teach them unforgettable lessons such as God always helps us, God lights up our lives and saves us, and many more!

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    • Women Of The Bible New Testament Bible Study


      Encounter fascinating women from the New Testament in this six-session Bible study. Their lives challenged what society said women like them “ought” to do–or not do–but social traditions do not constrict God! Discover these women’s tenacious faithfulness to their Lord, their seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and the unique roles they played in bringing others to Jesus and the new life he offers.

      Each session unpacks the history, culture, and geography that forms the backdrop to these women’s lives, giving you a deeper understanding of their stories and insight into what we can learn from them for today.

      This study will challenge what you thought you always knew about these women. Read their stories anew with this easy-to-use Bible study incorporating helpful visuals, thought-provoking questions, and practical life application.

      The six sessions include:

      *Mothers of Jesus from the genealogy in the gospel of Matthew
      *Mary and her warrior song in the gospel of Luke
      *Anna the prophetess at the temple
      *The Samaritan woman at the well
      *Sisters Mary and Martha
      *Women of the early church in Paul’s letters to the Romans

      Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with full color visuals that show key information at a glance! With their easy-to-use format–read it, know it, explore it, and live it–these 6-week inductive studies are perfect for gaining a deeper insight into God’s Word.

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    • Fruit Of The Spirit Bible Study


      Do you think you know the fruit of the Spirit? Think again! In this six-session Bible study, you will rediscover the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, kindness, goodness, self-control, and gentleness. Learn the context around Paul’s writings about the fruit, and hone in on each fruit understand fully what it means to keep in step with the Spirit. Full color visuals, thought-provoking questions, Bible passages for further reflection, and more will offer a deeper look into a familiar topic. Gain new insights as you focus on the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your life.

      *Cover all nine fruits of the Spirit in six sessions
      *Know the meaning and Greek word for each fruit
      *Biblical examples of spiritual fruit-filled lives
      *Fruit of the Spirit vs. acts of the flesh
      *”Fruitful” action steps anyone can do to walk in the Spirit
      *The who, what, where, when and why of Paul’s letter to the Galatians

      Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with full-color visuals that show key information at a glance! With their easy-to-use format-read it, know it, explore it, and live it-these 6-week inductive studies are perfect for gaining a deeper insight into God’s Word.

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    • Lords Prayer Bible Study


      Using colorful visuals, easy-to-read summaries, and reflections, The Lord’s Prayer Bible Study takes you through the seven petitions of one of Jesus’s most famous prayers.

      Enrich your prayer life with a deeper understanding of this model prayer that Jesus taught his closest disciples to pray.

      Key features include:

      *Short, concise lessons for people with busy lives, as well as an optional reading plan for people with more time who want to go deeper.
      *Leader’s guide is contained within each study guide, so no extra book purchase is required.
      *Discussion questions for each session and lots of space for writing.

      Most Bible studies on the Lord’s Prayer don’t include visuals. Imagine having one that does! Perfect for small groups, individual use, young adult study, homeschool, church library, to give to a friend, and more!

      Whether you have repeated The Lord’s Prayer countless times in church or are new to this classic prayer, this Bible study will help you dive deeper into the rich theological and spiritual meaning behind each line. This study answers questions such as:

      *What does it mean for God’s kingdom to come, and to ask for our daily bread?
      *How do we “hallow” God’s name?
      *How are we forgiven of our debts (trespasses)?
      *And more!

      With practical life application and thought-provoking discussion questions, you will discover more about God’s attributes and how to pray to our Father in heaven.

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    • Celebrate Recovery Updated Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      There is a way the church can help the wounded move beyond their hurts, habits, and hang-ups to experience the forgiveness of Christ. Celebrate Recovery helps the church fulfill its role as Christ’s healing agent. You don’t have to lead alone. To lead people forward in spiritual, physical, and emotional restoration is to walk in the footsteps of Christ. And that’s why the Celebrate Recovery Leader’s Guide is so important.

      With everything you need to encourage lasting life-change, the leader’s guide is the best way to facilitate Celebrate Recovery in your church and help people look forward to a whole new future.

      The Celebrate Recovery Leader’s Guide includes:

      *Fresh testimonies
      *A 90-day start-up strategy
      *A clear, easy-to-follow format
      *Step-by-step instructions for each meeting
      *Guide for conducting leader training
      *Teaching notes for the 25 lessons of The Journey Begins (Participant Guides 1-4)
      *Overview of the 25 lessons of The Journey Continues (Participant Guides 5-8)

      Along with a willing heart, this leader’s guide is invaluable for leading men and women forward in complete restoration and transformation through Christ.

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    • Moving Forward In Gods Grace The Journey Continues Participants Guide 5 (Student


      Celebrate Recovery introduces The Journey Continues-four new participant’s guides designed as a revolutionary, new second step study curriculum. This step study is taken after completing The Journey Begins (Participant Guides 1-4). In the six lessons in Guide 5: Moving Forward in God’s Grace, you will experience Christ-centered and biblically based studies filled with brand new acrostics, deeper questions, and more helpful Bible verses. The content in Guide 5 will focus on a deeper study of the first 3 of 8 recovery principles:

      *Realize I’m not God. I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and that my life is unmanageable. “Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor” (Matthew 5:3).

      *Earnestly believe that God exists, that I matter to Him, and that He has the power to help me recover. “Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4).

      *Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control. “Happy are the meek” (Matthew 5:5).

      By working through the lessons and exercises found in each of the four participant’s guides of The Journey Continues you will find a deeper sense of true peace and serenity, continue to restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find deeper freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits.

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    • Growing In Christ While Helping Others Participants Guide 4 (Student/Study Guide


      The Celebrate Recovery Participant’s Guides are essential tools for the personal recovery journey. In the seven lessons in Guide 4: Growing in Christ While Helping Others, you will work through the final two principles on the road to recovery. More than just maintenance, these principles will help you prevent relapse and give you the necessary tools to help others in their recovery process.

      7 Reserve a daily time with God for self-examination. Bible reading and prayer in order to know God and his will for my life and to gain the power to follow his will.

      8 Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others, both by my example and by my words. “Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires” (Matthew 5:10).

      By working through the lessons and exercises found in each of the four Participant’s Guides you will begin to experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking, restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. All the scriptures have been updated to the new NIV 2011 version.

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    • Getting Right With God Yourself And Others Participants Guide 3 (Student/Study G


      The Celebrate Recovery Participant’s Guides are essential tools for the personal recovery journey. In the seven lessons in Guide 3: Getting Right with God, Yourself, and Others, you will move through principles 4-6 of the recovery process:

      4 Openly examine and confess my faults to God, to myself, and to someone I trust. “Happy are the pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8).

      5 Voluntarily submit to every change God wants to make in my life and humbly ask Him to remove my character defects. “Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires” (Matthew 5:6).

      6 Evaluate all my relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I’ve done to others, except when to do so would harm them or others. “Happy are the merciful” (Matthew 5:7). “Happy are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9).

      By working through the lessons and exercises found in each of the four Participant’s Guides you will begin to experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking, restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. All the scriptures have been updated to the new NIV 2011 version.

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    • Taking An Honest And Spiritual Inventory Participants Guide 2 (Student/Study Gui


      The Celebrate Recovery Participant’s Guides are essential tools for the personal recovery journey. In the five lessons in Guide 2: Taking an Honest and Spiritual Inventory, you will experience an in-depth look at the 4th principle in the recovery process:

      4 Openly examine and confess my faults to God, to myself, and to someone I trust. “Happy are the pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8).

      By working through the lessons and exercises found in each of the four Participant’s Guides you will begin to experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking, restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits. All the scriptures have been updated to the new NIV 2011 version.

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    • Dont Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In this study, bestselling author and pastor Louie Giglio relates how several years ago he experiencing one of his toughest seasons as a leader. He was feeling attacked, and in a moment of weakness, he fired off an angry text to a friend. It took him five minutes to compose the message-paragraphs of woe about the one causing harm. The nine-word text back from his friend simply said, “Don’t give the enemy a seat at your table.”

      Louie relates how this simple text led him to realize that he had been allowing his adversary-the devil-into the conversation going on in his mind. He had, in fact, been giving his enemy a seat at his table. In turn, this led Louie to Psalm 23, one of the most loved texts in all of Scripture that has comforted God’s people throughout the ages.

      As group members go through this study, they will see they have the power, through Christ, to take back control of their thoughts and emotions. As they uncover the meaning behind the words of Psalm 23, they will discover that God is saying they do not have to give a place to fear, envy, or despair in their lives. Ultimately, they will walk away with practical ways to defeat the enemy’s lies and know how to experience peace and security in the midst of any situation as they learn to listen to voice of their Shepherd.

      Designed for use with Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table Video Study (sold separately).

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    • 2021 VBS Discovery On Adventure Island Super Starter Kit


      SKU (ISBN): 9781791004460ISBN10: 1791004466Compiled by: CokesburyBinding: Boxed SetPublished: February 2021Publisher: Abingdon Press

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    • 2021 VBS Mystery Island Contemporary Super Starter Kit


      SKU (ISBN): 9781984404732ISBN10: 1984404733Binding: Boxed SetPublished: December 2020Publisher: Answers In Genesis

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    • Forgiving What You Cant Forget Video Study (DVD)


      Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of unresolved pain, playing offenses over and over in your mind? You know you can’t go on living like this, but you don’t know what to do next. And you just don’t know if you’ll ever get past it.

      In this six-session Bible study (study guide sold separately), Lysa TerKeurst has walked this journey, wrestling with deep wounds that feel impassible and struggling to move forward. And she’s discovered that, to find life-giving freedom, we have to let go of our bound-up resentment and resistance to forgiving people who’ve hurt us. With deep empathy, therapeutic insight, and rich Bible teaching coming out of 1,000 hours of study, Lysa helps us:

      *learn how to move on when the other person refuses to change and never says they’re sorry;

      *walk through a step-by-step process to free ourselves from the hurt of our past and feel less offended today;

      *discover what the Bible really says about forgiveness and the peace that comes from living it out right now;

      *identify what’s stealing trust and vulnerability from our relationships so we can believe there is still good ahead; and

      *disempower the triggers hijacking our emotions by embracing the two necessary parts of forgiveness.

      Designed for use with the Forgiving What You Can’t Forget Study Guide (sold separately).

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    • I Am Bible Study


      In the Gospel of John, Jesus uses “I Am” statements that tell his listeners exactly who he is: the Bread of Life; the Light of the World; the Gate; the Good Shepherd; the Resurrection and the Life; the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and the True Vine. These claims infuriated the religious leaders and eventually led to Jesus’ crucifixion. This six-session study examines Jesus’ extraordinary claims and shows how Jesus provides, protects, guides, saves, and gives everything we need to grow in spiritual maturity.

      *6-session flexible Bible study
      *Optional reading plan for people with more time who want to go deeper
      *Leader’s guide is contained within each study guide, so no extra book purchase is required
      *Discussion questions for each session and lots of space for writing

      Most Bible studies on Jesus don’t include visuals. Imagine having one that does! Perfect for group and individual use, young adult study, homeschool, church library, to give to a friend, and more!

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    • Proverbs : Bible Study


      The book of Proverbs helps us master the art of godly living. True wisdom is the ability to see life and the world the way God sees them. In this six-session study, you’ll learn about practical, day-to-day godly living from the book of Proverbs. Discover the book’s main themes, background, interpretations, and connections with the New Testament and the church today. Gain true wisdom, a deeper sense of who God is, and the ability to trust in God’s faithfulness.

      *6-session flexible Bible study
      *Optional reading plan for people with more time who want to go deeper
      *Leader’s guide is contained within each study guide, so no extra book purchase is required
      *Discussion questions for each session and lots of space for writing

      Most Bible studies on Proverbs don’t include visuals. Imagine having one that does! Perfect for group and individual use, young adult study, homeschool, church library, to give to a friend, and more!

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    • Chasing Vines Group Experience (Student/Study Guide)


      Join bestselling author Beth Moore on a six-session journey to discover the true meaning of a fruitful, God-pleasing, meaning-filled life.

      In this companion to her nonfiction book Chasing Vines, Beth Moore explores the ways God delights in watching things grow-and how the vineyard holds the secret to how we can have a more abundant and meaningful life. As she traces the metaphor through Scripture, Beth uncovers how every part of our own lives-even the rockiest, most difficult soil-is used by God to make a difference for His Kingdom.

      Great for small groups or individual study, the Chasing Vines Group Experience is a journey you don’t want to miss.

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    • 2020 VBS Champions In Life Starter Kit


      SKU (ISBN): 9781501892363ISBN10: 1501892363Produced by: Abingdon PressBinding: OtherPublished: January 2020Publisher: Abingdon Press

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    • 2019 VBS To Mars And Beyond Younger Elementary Student Book 6 Pack (Student/Stud


      SKU (ISBN): 9781501869037ISBN10: 1501869035Binding: Saddle StitchPublished: January 2020Publisher: Abingdon Press

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    • Gods Crime Scene Video Series With Facilitators Guide (DVD)


      The existence of God: It’s one of life’s most meaningful and challenging questions. For many of us, diving into this question can be daunting and fraught with challenges to separate fact from fiction for ourselves. But what if we approached this question in the same way a detective might approach investigating a homicide? What if digging into the forensics helped us understand if God left His fingerprints all around this “crime scene” called the universe?

      Join renowned cold-case detective, author, and speaker J. Warner Wallace in this compelling eight-session video series with facilitator’s guide. Determine for yourself if everything we see in the universe can be explained solely from causes found within the natural realm, or if there is evidence of an outside “intruder”-or rather, God.

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    • Overcomer Bible Study Leader Kit (Teacher’s Guide)


      Overcomer Leader Kit includes a Bible Study Book and one DVD with 10-minute sessions featuring clips from Overcomer and teaching by Alex and Stephen Kendrick.

      Many people feel they are less than who God says they are. We get our identity from our careers, our political positions, our roles in the family, and a number of other lesser things.

      However, what is most true about us is that we are made by a God who loves us, and the gospel can bring us into a relationship with Him. When we understand who God is, we more fully understand who we are.

      This small group study uses clips from the film Overcomer to examine how we determine our identity and how we can find our true identity in Christ.

      Session topics:
      1. Who Are You?
      2. You Are Broken
      3. You Are Chosen
      4. You Surrender
      5. You Declare

      Kit includes:
      * Bible Study Book
      * DVD with a promotional video and 10-minute video teaching sessions, including clips from Overcomer

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    • Overcomer Bible Study Book


      Overcomer Bible Study Book includes content for five sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” and tips for leading a group.

      Many people feel they are less than who God says they are. We get our identity from our careers, our political positions, our roles in the family, and a number of other lesser things.

      However, what is most true about us is that we are made by a God who loves us, and the gospel can bring us into a relationship with Him. When we understand who God is, we more fully understand who we are.

      This small group study uses clips from the film Overcomer to examine how we determine our identity and how we can find our true identity in Christ.

      Session topics:
      1. Who Are You?
      2. You Are Broken
      3. You Are Chosen
      4. You Surrender
      5. You Declare

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    • So The Next Generation Will Know Video Series (DVD)


      In this six-session video series with facilitator’s guide, viewers will learn fresh strategies to motivate and equip young people today to understand and defend the Christian faith. Sean and Jim share stories, insights, and fresh research on Generation Z for parents, youth leaders, and Christian school teachers. Each video brings hope and clarity for youth influencers to train this new generation of students to articulate and defend the truth.

      Designed to accompany the new book and participant’s guide, these engaging videos are perfect for small groups. Leaders will appreciate the ease of this complete set of resources. Through this unique study that employs a variety of parallel training, interviews, and modeling, gathered small groups will watch together, and in the process grow more confident in their students’ ability to defend their Christian faith in today’s challenging world.

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    • 2019 VBS Yee Haw Starter Kit Weekend VSB


      SKU: 1210000310125Produced by: Group PublishingBinding: Boxed SetPublished: February 2019Publisher: Group Publishing

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    • 2019 VBS To Mars And Beyond Older Elementary Student Book 6 Pack (Student/Study


      SKU (ISBN): 9781501869044ISBN10: 1501869043Binding: Saddle StitchPublished: January 2019Publisher: Abingdon Press

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    • 2019 VBS To Mars And Beyond Super Starter Kit


      SKU (ISBN): 9781501862908ISBN10: 1501862901Binding: Boxed SetPublished: January 2019Publisher: Abingdon Press

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    • 2019 VBS ROAR Ultimate Starter Kit


      SKU: 1210000308924Binding: Boxed SetPublished: December 2018Publisher: Group Publishing

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    • 2019 VBS Miraculous Mission Starter Kit


      SKU (UPC): 0078777101213Binding: Boxed SetPublished: December 2018Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • 12 Disciples : Bible Study


      Jesus called twelve ordinary men–and turned their weaknesses into strengths, their faults into testimonies, and their doubts into faith. Who were these men who walked with Jesus? What can we learn from their lives? Find out with The Twelve Disciples Visual Bible Study.

      From John and Peter to Matthew and Mark, enjoy digging deeper into the lives of each of Jesus’ twelve disciples and learn more about:
      *Their personalities
      *Why Jesus called each of them
      *How they served
      *The lessons that we can learn from their mishaps and strengths
      *And more!

      All-Inclusive Ready-to-Use Bible Study on the Twelve Disciples Can Be Led By Anyone!
      This highly visual and informative introduction to the twelve disciples shows how Jesus called the Twelve individually–and uniquely–for life with him. See how Jesus entrusted them with authority despite all their mishaps and failures. Discover how these men’s lives were radically changed in the midst of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection; and celebrate the global effect they had for generations to come. Features include:
      *6-session flexible Bible study
      *Optional reading plan for people with more time who want to go deeper
      *Leader’s guide is contained within each study guide, so no extra book purchase is required
      *Discussion questions for each session and lots of space for writing

      Most Bible studies on the twelve disciples don’t include visuals. Imagine having one that does!

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    • Journey To The Resurrection


      From Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to his resurrection on Sunday morning, go day-by-day through the events of Holy Week. Combining historical and biblical insights with colorful charts, timelines, and illustrations, this six-week study will deepen your understanding of Jesus’ death and Easter resurrection.

      Gain a deeper understanding of events like Passover and the Last Supper, Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, the road to Golgotha and crucifixion, and the empty tomb and the Easter resurrection. See how even the smallest details of Holy Week fulfilled Old Testament prophecies. Also includes a timeline of events and a map of Jerusalem.
      Features include:
      *6-session flexible Bible study
      *Optional reading plan for people with more time who want to go deeper
      *Leader’s guide is contained within each study guide, so no extra book purchase is required
      *Discussion questions for each session and lots of space for writing

      Most Bible studies on Jesus’ journey to the cross and his resurrection don’t include visuals. Imagine having one that does! Perfect for group and individual use, young adult study, homeschool, church library, to give to a friend, and more!

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    • Letters To The Church Video Series (DVD)


      What does the Church really look like? What is it that God wants for His Church?

      The Letters to the ChurchVideo Series walks with this generation, showing what it can look like to be the Church God desires.

      Join Francis as he takes you on a journey through the chapters of Letters to the Church, hear his heart for the Bride of Christ, and join him as he leans in to God’s desire for the Church. You’ll also see first-hand stories of transformation and be encouraged that you too can pursue God’s heart for His Church.

      See the difference you can make, right where you are.

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    • Im A Christian Now Growing In My Faith


      I’m a Christian Now: Growing in My Faith is a 90-day/15-week daily devotional for kids. Each week outlines a different aspect of the spiritual disciplines and includes a parent section with a family devotional.

      Weekly activity pages for kids include:
      * Daily Scripture reading
      * Memory verse challenge
      * Parent talks
      * Activities designed to help kids “Do, Know, Ask, and Pray”

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    • Book Of James


      This informative introduction to the book of James summarizes the main themes of temptation and spiritual maturity, controlling the tongue, patience in prayer, and faith in action. Helpful charts summarize the dangers to believers, responses that lead to maturity, and spiritual benefits of perseverance. In the clear and easy-to-read style of Rose’s visual elements, Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts. These Bible studies are easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.

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    • Tabernacle : Bible Study


      Learn how the sacrifices, tabernacle items, and even the structure of the tabernacle were designed to show us something about God. In this useful resource, see the parallels between the Old Testament sacrifices and priestly duties and Jesus’ service as the perfect sacrifice and perfect high priest. Features include:

      *Short, concise lessons for people with busy lives
      *Optional reading plan for people with more time who want to go deeper
      *Leader’s guide is contained within each study guide, so no extra book purchase is required
      *Discussion questions for each session and lots of space for writing.

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    • Making Your Case For Christ Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      In his bestselling book The Case for Christ, Lee Strobel retraced his spiritual journey from atheism to faith by showing how the evidence he obtained from experts in the field of history, archaeology, and ancient manuscripts led him to the verdict that Jesus truly was the Son of God.

      Now, in this new six-week training course, Lee and co-author Mark Mittelberg equip believers with practical tools to equip them articulate this same message to their unsaved friends and present evidence that backs up Jesus’ claims and credentials. As participants go through the course, they will discover how to . . .
      *Help their unsaved friends and family members open up to consider the case for Christ
      *Describe their own personal journey with Christ and how it has impacted them
      *Share with confidence about the biblical record of Christ-that Jesus was real
      *Present the evidence for the resurrection of Christ-that Jesus died and was raised to life
      *Explain the central message of Christ in an authentic and compelling way
      *Help their unsaved friends and family members respond to the truth of Jesus

      Making Your Case for Christ is designed to help Christians, both young and old, understand and articulate the message of Christ along with evidence that backs up his claims and credentials. The training course will combine high points of the historical apologetics presented in The Case for Christ book and movie with specific evangelistic training related to this information. Each session will feature a teaching from Lee and Mark and, as part of a special deal with PureFlix, will include a relevant clip (or set of clips) from The Case for Christ movie. A comprehensive leader’s guide will also be included to help course facilitators use the teaching and movie clips to guide the discussion times.

      Sessions include:
      *Helping Friends Consider the Case for Christ
      *Describing Your Own Journey with Christ
      *Backing Up the Biblical Record of Christ
      *Presenting Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ
      *Explaining the Central Message of Christ
      *Encouraging Friends to Follow Christ

      Designed for use with the Making Your Case for Christ Video Study (9780310095156), sold separately.

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    • Life Of Paul


      An archenemy of the early Christians who became a great Christian missionary and the author of thirteen books in the New Testament. Paul’s letters speak profoundly to us centuries later as the inspired word of God. The study brings to life the struggles and circumstances of Paul’s life, his courage in the face of persecution, and his relentless mission to spread the good news of Jesus. Capitalizing on the recognized excellence of Rose’s visual elements, Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts. These Bible studies are easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.

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    • Armor Of God


      This study provides historically accurate background of a Roman centurion’s armor, then draws vital correlations to the spiritual armor God gives his children: the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, Feet Prepared with the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit. Helps those you teach learn to “stand firm in the faith.” Capitalizing on the recognized excellence of Rose’s visual elements, Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts. These Bible studies are easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.

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    • 2018 VBS Time Lab Super Starter Kit Traditional


      SKU (ISBN): 9781626917866ISBN10: 1626917868Binding: Boxed SetPublished: January 2018Publisher: Answers In Genesis

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    • 2018 VBS Time Lab Super Starter Kit Contemporary


      SKU (ISBN): 9781626917859ISBN10: 162691785XBinding: Boxed SetPublished: January 2018Publisher: Answers In Genesis

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    • 2018 VBS Time Lab Starter Kit


      SKU (ISBN): 9781626917842ISBN10: 1626917841Binding: Boxed SetPublished: January 2018Publisher: Answers In Genesis

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    • 2018 VBS Rolling River Rampage Super Starter Kit


      SKU (ISBN): 9781501840760ISBN10: 1501840762Binding: Boxed SetPublished: January 2018Publisher: Abingdon Press

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    • 2018 VBS Shipwrecked Castaway Sing And Play Skits (DVD)


      SKU: 1210000304414Binding: Video DVDPublished: January 2018Publisher: Group Publishing

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    • 2018 VBS Splash Canyon Starter Kit


      SKU (UPC): 0078777098421Binding: Boxed SetPublished: January 2018Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • 2018 VBS Shipwrecked Ultimate Starter Kit


      SKU: 1210000303202Binding: Boxed SetPublished: December 2017Publisher: Group Publishing

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    • 24 Easy To Do Family Ministry Holiday Events


      This new 24 Easy-To-Do Family Ministry Holiday Events book helps create events at church for families to come together once a month!

      You and your family will learn to apply God’s Word to your weekly lives, while creating connections & Christian traditions for each holiday season! Each event offers insight for the Children and Family Ministry team to encourage and support, while giving practical hands-on experiences and resources for families to carry on past the event. Includes take home materials to offer families an easy to use way of doing family devotions on their own, while reinforcing the learning. This is a great resource to help children’s ministry leaders create opportunities for families to embrace their God given mission to be the spiritual teachers of their children.

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    • Messy Easter : Three Complete Sessions And A Treasure Trove Of Ideas For Le


      Chocolate bunnies, marshmallow chicks, colored eggs, and baskets are a lot of fun, but is that all this season is about?

      The new resource Messy Easter offers your church a tool to bring together people of all ages and all stages of faith for a unique come-as-you-are experience of

      creativity-allowing space for all to play and create
      celebration-worshiping God for his redeeming work in Jesus
      hospitality-sharing a meal where all are welcome

      These three once-a-month sessions help us learn more about Lent, Holy Week, and Easter in an excitedly messy way!

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    • Christmas Plays And Biblical Skits


      Will Maudine ever stop being so bossy? Should Aunt Vera get a hearing aid for Christmas? Does Richard really miss his pink flamingo? Can John say anything other than uh-huh and huh-uh? Find the answers to these questions when you join Aunt Vera and her friends as they prepare for their Christmas pageants. Follow them as they find themselves in various situations involving lighthearted rivalry, mystery, and good-natured humor.

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