Biblical Studies
Showing 1–50 of 72 resultsSorted by latest
What The Rabbis Know That I Never Learned In Church
$18.99What the Rabbis Know That I Never Learned in Church is an eye-opening examination of what Christians can learn about God from the ones who call Him Adonai. Author Chaim Bentorah has spent forty years talking with, learning from, and studying with rabbis in order that Christians can experience the gospel through a new lens.
Bentorah wades through the complexities of how Jews and Christians live, breath, and digest Scripture. Rabbis taught Bentorah that there were always new insights that could be learned from Scripture and he presents these not only through Jewish tradition and customs, but also through the importance of the Hebrew and Greek languages.
This book will constructively challenge believers to discover the roots of Christianity from a Jewish perspective providing cultural context and insights. Come with a heart and mind prepared by the Holy Spirit to learn and live anew in God.
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10 Men Of The Bible Updated Edition
$21.99The men depicted in the Bible were not perfect by any means. We find story after story marked by scandal, failure, and intrigue. Yet we also find many stories of men who were able to look beyond their circumstances, completely trust in the Lord, and follow Him wherever He chose to them. Like us, these men made both good and bad decisions along the way–and experienced both good and bad consequences–and we find our struggles and hopes in the pages of the Bible that tells their stories.
In this ten-session workbook, Max Lucado tells some of his favorite stories of these men in the Bible. Stories include:
1. Noah: When You’re Low on Hope
2. Job: The Most Famous Conversation in the Bible
3. Jacob: Wrestling with the Past
4. Moses: The Voice from the Mop Bucket
5. David: Colossal Collapses
6. Joseph: Unanswered Questions
7. Matthew: Friend of Flops
8. Peter: The Gospel of the Second Chance
9. Lazarus: The Final Witness
10. Paul: Don’t Write Off AnyoneEach session includes five insights on each character and Bible study questions to help you delve into the stories and apply them to your life.
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Heaven : 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)
$26.99Over 1 Million Copies Sold!
Have you ever wondered . . . ?
*What is Heaven really going to be like?
*What will we look like?
*What will we do every day?
*Won’t Heaven get boring after a while?We all have questions about what Heaven will be like, and after twenty-five years of extensive research, Dr. Randy Alcorn has the answers.
In the most comprehensive and definitive book on Heaven to date, Randy invites you to picture Heaven the way Scripture describes it-a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering, and death, and brimming with Christ’s presence, wondrous natural beauty, and the richness of human culture as God intended it.
This is a book about real people with real bodies enjoying close relationships with God and each other, eating, drinking, working, playing, traveling, worshiping, and discovering on a New Earth. Earth as God created it. Earth as he intended it to be.
The next time you hear someone say, “We can’t begin to image what Heaven will be like,” you’ll be able to tell them, “I can.”
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What You Need To Know About The Rapture
$14.99“Behold, I am telling you a mystery…we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.”–1 Corinthians 15:51-52
Mysterious yet intriguing, the rapture is one of the most fascinating prophetic subjects in the Bible. But what is it? When will it take place? Why does it seem so hard to understand?
Dr. Charles C. Ryrie, compiler and author of The Ryrie Study Bible, clarifies diverse views on this complex topic in a reader-friendly manner. As you engage with this comprehensive guide, you will discover answers to these important questions:
*How does prophecy benefit people today?
*Why are the same Scriptures interpreted so differently?
*What events surround the rapture?
*What is the millennium?
*How do we benefit from a clear understanding of the rapture?Using concise language and helpful diagrams, Ryrie explores the key events that surround the last days from a pretribulation perspective. As you immerse yourself in this straightforward study, you will not only grow in your knowledge of the rapture and its key role in future events, but also experience the profound joy of knowing God’s glorious plans for the future!
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Discovering Daniel : Finding Our Hope In God’s Prophetic Plan Amid Global C
$16.99Our Lives and the Future Are in His Hands
While the world appears to be in dire straits, the book of Daniel paints a vivid picture of the many ways God guides our lives and world events, providing us with great reason to hope.
Using the same deep but easy-to-understand style found in his standout seller Revealing Revelation, bestselling author Amir Tsarfati reveals how Daniel’s prophecies–and his unwavering faith amid a contentious culture–provide vital insights for living out these last days with hope and wisdom. As you explore the deep connection between Daniel and Revelation, you will learn how:
*2,500 years of future history unfolded exactly the way God said it would, demonstrating how all things are in His hands
*prophetic mysteries in Daniel reveal crucial insights into the signs, timeline, and events of the last days
*God’s ability to use Daniel’s faith in powerful ways shows how He can work through us too
Discovering Daniel reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.
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Time Of The Signs
$16.99“What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” –Matthew 24:3
The disciples could not wait. Christ had said He would bring an end to human rule and establish His kingdom. But when? Eager to learn how the future would unfold, they asked Him about the signs of His coming and the end times. What should they expect to take place?
In The Time of the Signs, pastor Barry Stagner explores the events that will precede Christ’s return. As he describes Earth’s final days, he answers the many questions people ask, including:
*Why is the rebirth of Israel the most significant sign that the end times are near?
*What other important clues, evident today, reveal the closeness of the tribulation and Christ’s return?
*Where does the rapture fit in the chronology of all that will occur in the last days?
*After Christ returns, what is next?
As you study the signs Jesus foretold, you’ll see amazing evidence that we are living in the very time of these signs–and gain a clear understanding of what will happen, and when.
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Great Disappearance : 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready
$29.99The rapture is the central event in biblical prophecy. But what does it mean for us today? How can this crucial end times event draw us nearer to God in a world that is seemingly on the brink of chaos? Political turmoil, economic uncertainty, an ideological divide that feels increasingly impassable–the signs of the times point us toward the end, and that can be disconcerting.
But the greatest truth about the rapture is not its timing, but its reality–for blessed are all who long for His appearing.
The Great Disappearance is a culmination of decades of Dr. Jeremiah studying end times throughout the Bible. In this definitive volume he will explain the meaning of the word rapture, the difference between the rapture and the second coming, and the joy of expecting our Savior to come at any given moment. Dr. Jeremiah will also explore key questions such as:
*Who will be raptured?
*When will it happen?
*What will happen to those left behind?
*What will believers experience when they are taken away to heaven?
*Will non-believers still have time to repent and be saved?Dr. Jeremiah seeks to answer all of those questions and many more, not with sensationalism or stories ripped from the headlines but with solid, biblical truth. Because God has laid out His plan for us in His Word so that we might not be caught unaware. We may not know the exact date that the rapture will happen, but we do know it will happen. Are you ready for it?
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Book Of Revelation Made Easy
$6.99Often considered the most complicated book in the New Testament, Revelation has proven to be an interesting challenge to scholars and lay readers alike. Its apocalyptic imagery and prophetic messages of judgment, salvation, and final redemption have captured the imagination of the church for two thousand years, giving rise to differing interpretations and confusion among Christians. Book of Revelation Made Easy presents these viewpoints in easy-to-follow charts, offering a framework for understanding how this important, final book of the canon has been historically understood. Topics include:
*The Seven Churches: their historical context and modern-day application
*Chart explaining four views on the book of Revelation: (1) Futurist, (2) Historicist, (3) Idealist, (4) Preterist
*Chart exploring four views on the Millennium: (1) Dispensational Premillennialism, (2) Historical Premillennialism, (3) Amillennialism, (4) Postmillennialism
*Helpful summaries of Revelation’s “sevens”: 7 churches, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 symbolic histories, 7 bowls, 7 judgments, 7 visions
These helpful explanations and comparison charts will remove the guesswork for readers who want to make sense of the many perspectives on Revelation. Regardless of interpretation, however, Revelation’s message assures Christians of God’s ultimate victory over the powers of evil and death. Explore the who, what, when, and why of Revelation in an easy-to-read format that translates complexity into clarity.
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40 Days Through Bible Prophecy
$17.99A 40-Day Crash Course on One of the Bible’s Biggest Topics
From bestselling prophecy author Ron Rhodes comes 40 Days Through Bible Prophecy: a succinct, unsensationalized survey of what God has made known through His Word about our future. No matter what your background with prophecy, this Bible study primes you to understand-or rediscover-how prophetic Scripture impacts your life today!
As you read, you’ll learn the timeline of the key events that are to come and how you can apply this knowledge to your walk with Christ. You’ll also find:
*all the major themes of Bible prophecy, including the rapture, the tribulation, the second coming, the millennial kingdom, and beyond
*biographical sketches of key prophecy personalities, like the antichrist and the false prophet
*special “Big Ideas” and “Transformational Truths” sections that help you better retain what you learn
In the book of Revelation, God promises that studying prophecy will yield blessings to every believer! 40 Days Through Bible Prophecy is an approachable, user-friendly way to understand what Bible prophecy encompasses and how it applies to your faith.
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Messianic Prophecy Revealed
The Old Testament isn’t just a collection of traditions from one group of people–it’s about Jesus as the key to salvation.
After reading this book, you will have no doubts that Jesus is the Messiah, and you will be able to read the Old Testament with the newfound revelation that God has been pointing to His Son as the Savior of the world for thousands of years.
Many times, when inquisitive readers look to see how the New Testament authors applied the Old Testament to show that Jesus is the Messiah, they become confused. When the Gospel writers quote Old Testament scriptures and say, “This is how Jesus fulfilled it,” the passage quoted doesn’t appear to be a prophecy at all. This is because understanding Messianic prophecy is often more of an art than a science.
Messianic prophecy is not simply the measurement of specific prophecies about the future that Jesus fulfilled. In the Hebrew tradition, prophecy is not one-dimensional; it is not simply foretelling the future. In reality, the whole of Scripture is prophetic, pointing us to Christ.
In Messianic Prophecy Revealed, Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider takes readers through the Word of God, showing them how the New Testament writers took passages out of the Old Testament to prove that Jesus is indeed the Messiah. It’s a subject that sounds simple but is, in fact, more complex than many realize.
This book will show followers of Jesus why they can have absolute confidence that Jesus is who He claimed to be–the Messiah.
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Bible Prophecy : The Essentials – Answers To Your Most Common Questions
$14.99An Information-Packed Overview of Bible Prophecy
The study of Bible prophecy can seem complicated or controversial, yet Christians still long to understand what God’s Word reveals about the future. Whenever authors Amir Tsarfati and Barry Stagner teach on the end times, the most popular part of their ministry is the question-and-answer session, revealing the church’s great hunger to know more about the last days.
In Bible Prophecy: The Essentials, Amir and Barry pool their knowledge to answer some of their most commonly asked questions. Through succinct, Scripture-focused teachings, Amir and Barry address the seven biggest themes of Bible prophecy, including:
*the Church
*the Rapture
*the Tribulation
*the Millennium
*the Great White Throne of Judgment
*HeavenWhen studied with wisdom and discernment, God’s Word provides all you need to know about what is to come. Amir and Barry’s thoughtful, informative, and user-friendly book is a resource you’ll return to again and again as you seek to prayerfully grow in your understanding of Bible prophecy.
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Interpreting Israels Scriptures
$49.95Many readers find exegeting a passage from the Old Testament to be a mysterious process. How should one begin? What methods should one use? Written in a pragmatic style, Interpreting Israel’s Scriptures guides the reader by offering concrete methods for exegesis that are illustrated by numerous examples and accompanied by well-chosen references to secondary sources.
This English translation of the 2012 original French version of Richelle’s book has been expanded and revised and has been reorganized to have a tripartite structure: the making of the text, the various facets of the text, and “the reader in front of the text.” The book is designed for use in exegesis courses or for personal study, and it is designed to be used both by students who know Hebrew and by those who do not. The book explores a variety of themes relevant for exegesis, including poetry literary genre, literary context, geographical context, historical context, structure, narrative analysis, intertextuality, and reception history. For those who know Hebrew, the book also includes chapters on translation, textual criticism, and compositional criticism. Finally, this English edition has two new chapters: one on feminist and gender studies, and one on postcolonial criticism.
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After The Rapture
$19.99What if you or someone you loved missed out on the Rapture? What happens to those who are left behind? Trusted and beloved Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah shares the help and hope people will need as they face unfolding events during the End Times.
From one of the world’s most beloved Bible teachers comes a timely, easy-to-understand guidebook about the Rapture and End Times and how to prepare yourself and your loved ones.
In After the Rapture Dr. David Jeremiah equips you to understand End-Times theology and Bible prophecy. Many people want to understand how the Rapture unfolds, and this is the perfect handbook to share with your unsaved friends and loved ones so they can prepare themselves before or cope with the challenges they’ll face after the Rapture. With trusted biblical insight, this book will provide the hope and confidence you need and can share with your loved ones.
This life-changing book includes:
*End Times, Rapture, Judgment Day, and Great Tribulation sections
*Guidance for preparing your heart
*How to share with loved ones
*Life application to strengthen understanding
*Highlighted questions and answers
*Relevant Scripture versesAn epic and vital guide to life after the Rapture, this book is a must-have resource for you to buy for those you fear might be left behind. Help your loved ones understand the End Times and guide them to accept Christ as their Savior.
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Revealing Revelation : How God’s Plans For The Future Can Change Your Life
$17.99God Wants Us to Know How It Ends
Revelation is the only book of the Bible that promises a blessing for its readers. It was written because God wants us to know what the future holds and how these prophetic truths provide wisdom, reassurance, and discernment for today–more so now than ever.
From bestselling author Amir Tsarfati, Revealing Revelation examines what the Bible’s final book makes known about the end times and beyond. With accessible teaching that allows Scripture to speak for itself, you’ll take a closer look at the:
*timeline of God’s plan for both believers and unbelievers before, during, and after the tribulation
*process that the Lord has uniquely and intentionally prepared for Israel in the end times
*encouragements, challenges, and warnings Jesus gave to prepare us for His return
Revealing Revelation will inspire you to look at the days to come with hope and excitement as you realize that this final book of the Bible is Jesus’ love letter to the church. Get ready to grow stronger in your faith as you celebrate Christ’s soon return and the magnificent eternity He has promised you.
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Case For Heaven Young Readers Edition
$21.00Is heaven real? What is it really like? Award-winning author Lee Strobel tracked down the evidence and provides answers to the questions children 8-12 ask about both heaven and hell in this young reader’s edition of The Case for Heaven that is perfect for teaching your child about the biblical evidence for eternal life.
Every child wonders at some point what happens after we die-especially after the loss of a pet, a grandparent, or another loved one. Lee Strobel (The Case for Christ) understands your child’s questions, and presents a kid-friendly examination of the evidence for heaven, packed full of research that:
*Helps readers 8-12 understand the biblical, historical, and contemporary facts about the afterlife in a logical and easy-to-follow way
*Explains what happens after we die
*Explores what heaven and hell are really like, based on tested biblical truths
*Presents what it means to have eternal life
The Case for Heaven Young Reader’s Edition is perfect for:
*Sunday school and homeschool education
*Comforting kids 8-12 following a death, and reassuring those experiencing grief
*Unpacking biblical principles in a way anyone can understandAdd to cart1 in stock
40 Days Through The Bible
$19.99Find the better you’ve been longing for.
Lysa TerKeurst, the First 5 team and the Online Bible Studies team have come together to write a Bible study just for YOU!
We know the Bible is a big book and can oftentimes feel overwhelming. Lysa and Proverbs 31 team wanted to create a study that would help you understand the story of the Bible from start to finish.
In 40 Days Through the Bible: The Answers to Your Deepest Longings, you will:
*Take a journey through the storyline of the Bible in 40 days so you can see major themes, how they are all connected and what that means for us as we read the Bible today.
*Discover the eight major things humanity longs for and how Jesus fulfills all of them for us.
*Stop the endless cycle of seeking and searching for satisfaction and find the answers to your deepest longings.
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Where Are The Missing People
$9.99A Tipping Point Press Title
In this unique, practical book–written to be read by those remaining on earth after the Rapture–Jimmy Evans reveals the truth of the Bible about the end times. With compassion and deep insight into the prophecies of Scripture, he explains the disappearance of millions of believers around the world and gives future readers a glimpse into the events of the Tribulation. From the rise of the Antichrist to the ultimate redemption provided by Jesus, this hopeful book is a must-read for anyone navigating the future. Buy it for family members or friends. Leave it on your desk or coffee table. Put it in a place where a future reader can find it. The truths in this book will literally transform their lives. And it may be necessary sooner than you think.
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Septuagint : What It Is And Why It Matters
$21.99A Thorough, Accessible Introduction to the Greek Translation of the Old Testament
Most people think that the Septuagint-the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament-is only for scholars. But understanding even the basics about the Septuagint is helpful for academics and laypeople alike.
In this book, scholars Gregory R. Lanier and William A. Ross examine what the Septuagint is and why Christians should care about it. By distilling the complexity surrounding the origin (who and where), translation philosophy, and transmission (history), the authors address not only how the church throughout history has viewed this text, but also its continued value for the study of the Old Testament and New Testament. Here is a book that serves as a springboard for anyone interested in knowing more about the Septuagint and its relationship to the Bible.
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Dispensational Truth
$39.99Dispensational Truth is the Rev. Clarence Larkin’s famous book on dispensationalism with his beautifully drawn black and white charts. A must-have book for any student of dispensationalism, the book contains more than 115 charts, maps, and woodcuts.
The result of thirty years of study, Dispensational Truth is a gold mine of information on prophetic truth for the busy pastor, evangelist, Bible teacher, and everyone who loves God’s Word. In fact, Larkin’s charts have been called “the gold standard” of pre-tribulation knowledge.
A trained draftsman, Larkin diagrammed what he read during his Bible studies. From his drawings and charts, the study of God’s Word has enriched generations of those who seek illumination and clarification regarding history, prophecy, and the future of mankind.
This book has sold thousands of copies since it was first published in 1920, including more than 17,000 copies in recent years.
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Demons : What The Bible Really Says About The Powers Of Darkness
$22.99The truth about demons is far stranger–and even more fascinating–than what’s commonly believed.
Are demons real? Are they red creatures with goatees holding pitchforks and sitting on people’s shoulders while whispering bad things? Did a third of the angels really rebel with Satan? Are demons and “principalities and powers” just terms for the same entities, or are they different members of the kingdom of darkness? Is the world a chaotic mess because of what happened in Eden, or is there more to the story of evil?
What people believed about evil spiritual forces in ancient biblical times is often very different than what people have been led to believe about them today. And this ancient worldview is missing from most attempts to treat the topic.
In Demons, Michael Heiser debunks popular presuppositions about the very real powers of darkness. Rather than traditions, stories, speculations, or myths, Demons is grounded in what ancient people of both the Old and New Testament eras believed about evil spiritual forces and in what the Bible actually says. You’ll come away with a sound, biblical understanding of demons, supernatural rebellion, evil spirits, and spiritual warfare.
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Unseen Realm : Recovering The Supernatural Worldview Of The Bible
$22.99In The Unseen Realm, Dr. Michael Heiser examines the ancient context of Scripture, explaining how its supernatural worldview can help us grow in our understanding of God. He illuminates intriguing and amazing passages of the Bible that have been hiding in plain sight. You’ll find yourself engaged in an enthusiastic pursuit of the truth, resulting in a new appreciation for God’s Word.
*Why wasn’t Eve surprised when the serpent spoke to her?
*How did descendants of the Nephilim survive the flood?
*Why did Jacob fuse Yahweh and his Angel together in his prayer?
*Who are the assembly of divine beings that God presides over?
*In what way do those beings participate in God’s decisions?
*Why do Peter and Jude promote belief in imprisoned spirits?
*Why does Paul describe evil spirits in terms of geographical rulership?
*Who are the “glorious ones” that even angels dare not rebuke?After reading this book, you may never read your Bible the same way again.
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Hebrew Word Study Exploring The Mind Of God
$24.99Hebrew Word Study: Exploring the Mind of God reveals the thoughts and plans of our Creator-Father as revealed in the deeper meanings of Hebrew words in Scripture. Chaim Bentorah highlights many Old Testament passages that reveal the loving nature of God, as opposed to the vindictive nature that is commonly portrayed. Each devotional includes a specific passage of Scripture, followed by an investigation of key words in the original Hebrew, all pointing to the eternal purposes of our loving heavenly Father. Use as an inspiring daily devotional that will draw you closer to the Lord, a deeper word study into biblical Hebrew–or both! You don’t even have to be familiar with a word of Hebrew to be greatly blessed by these insights. Chaim opens up the biblical passages while ultimately pointing us to enter more fully into a loving relationship with our Lord.
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Angels : What The Bible Really Says About God’s Heavenly Host
$24.99What does the Bible really tell us about the heavenly host?
Everyone knows that angels have wings, usually carry harps, and that each of us has our own personal guardian angel, right? We all have some preconceptions about angels from movies, television shows, and other media, but you might be surprised to know that a lot of those notions aren’t based on anything from the Bible. If you read Luke 1:26-38 and imagine the angel Gabriel standing before Mary with neatly folded white wings, you’re not getting that picture from anything the Bible itself says.
What the Bible really says about angels is overlooked or filtered through popular myths. This book was written to help change that. It’s a book about the loyal members of God’s heavenly host, and while most people associate them with the word “angel,” that’s just one of many terms the Bible uses for supernatural beings.
In The Unseen Realm Michael Heiser opened the eyes of thousands to seeing the Bible through the supernatural worldview of the ancient world it was written in. In his latest book, Angels, Dr. Heiser reveals what the Bible really says about God’s supernatural servants. Heiser focuses on loyal, holy heavenly beings because the Bible has a lot more to say about them than most people suspect. Most people presume all there is to know about angels is what has been passed on in Christian tradition, but in reality, that tradition is quite incomplete and often inaccurate.
Angels is not guided by traditions, stories, speculations, or myths about angels. Heiser’s study is grounded in the terms the Bible itself uses to describe members of God’s heavenly host; he examines the terms in their biblical context while drawing on insights from the wider context of the ancient Near Eastern world. The Bible’s view on heavenly beings begins with Old Testament terms but then moves into literature from the Second Temple period–Jewish writings from around the fifth century BC to the first century AD. This literature from the time between the Old Testament and the New Testament influenced the New Testament writers in significant ways. With that important background established, the book focuses on what the New Testament tells us about God’s holy ones. Finally, the book reflects on common misconceptions about angels and addresses why the topic is still important and relevant for Christians today.
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Ultimate Bible Guide Revised And Expanded (Revised)
$9.99If you’ve been wanting to get a better handle on the Bible this helpful reference book pulls the sweeping story, the timeline, the key terms, and much more into a clear, concise, yet surprisingly comprehensive summary of biblical information.
What’s the main idea of each Bible book? Where can you quickly locate Christian worldview themes? How can the shadow of Christ be seen in each Old Testament book? What are the big verses that every Bible student needs to know? How can you sum up the biblical story in six simple statements? The answers to these and many other questions begin to surface as you confidently walk your way to “big picture” Bible understanding. One-sentence summaries, colorful maps and charts, quick-hitting details on who wrote what and why-you get all this and more with a graphic flow and design that makes the reading easy… and makes the knowledge your own.
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Brief Insights On Mastering Bible Study
$16.99The Bible is the most important book in history. It’s also one of the most misunderstood. Studying Scripture involves much more than reading. Serious Bible study can be a daunting task. It takes effort and skill.The Bible was put together over 2000 years ago. There are serious obstacles to grasping its meaning and message. Wouldn’t it be great to have a seasoned Bible scholar by your side to help? Now you can. In Brief Insights on Mastering Bible Study, biblical scholar Michael S. Heiser is the guide by your side, providing easy-to-read lessons and truisms for grasping God’s Word.
Adept Bible study isn’t about a checklist of tasks. It’s about using the right tools, thinking carefully, and sticking to it. You don’t need to be a scholar to understand the Bible. You just need some advice from one along the way.
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Brief Insights On Mastering Bible Doctrine
$16.99Bible doctrine gets a bad rap. It’s anything but boring. The Bible is to doctrine what a recipe is to the delicious results. What satisfies is the outcome – the mouth-watering morsel – not the lifeless list of ingredients.If all you know of Scripture is Bible characters and stories, you’re missing its life-changing teachings. The crucifixion was an event. What it means is doctrine. In Brief Insights on Mastering Bible Doctrine, Michael S. Heiser shows readers how to think carefully, analytically – theologically – about what the Bible says.
He also covers the spectrum of Christian doctrine, succinctly drawing meaning from the Bible independent of denominational traditions.
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Place Called Heaven (Reprinted)
$15.99If any of us learned we were going to move to a foreign country, we’d do everything we could to learn about that place so that we’d be prepared when moving day arrived. As Christians, we know some day we will leave our familiar country and be united with God in heaven. And yet many of us know very little about this place called heaven. In this enlightening book, bestselling author Dr. Robert Jeffress opens the Scriptures to unpack ten surprising truths about heaven and explain who we will see there and how we can prepare to go there someday.
Perfect for believers or skeptics who are curious about heaven.
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Conoce Tu Biblia (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Guide)
$4.99Know Your Bible gives details on each biblical book’s author and time frame, a ten-word synopsis, a longer summary, a listing of key verses, and a “So What?” section of practical application. This helpful and memorable overview of scripture is a fantastic resource for individuals and ministries.
Conoce tu Biblia–Casi tres millones de copias vendidas
Conoce tu Biblia proporciona detalles sobre el autor y el marco de tiempo de cada libro de la Biblia, una sinopsis de diez palabras, un resumen mas extenso, un listado de versiculos clave y la seccion de aplicaciones practicas Y, ahora que?. Esta util y memorable vision general de las Escrituras es un recurso fantastico para individuos y ministros.Add to cart1 in stock
Bible Unfiltered : Approaching Scripture On Its Own Terms
$16.99In The Bible Unfiltered, Michael Heiser, an expert in the ancient Near East and author of best-seller The Unseen Realm, explores unusual and misunderstood parts of the Bible and offers insights that will inform and surprise you on every page.
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Kids Guide To The Names Of God
$11.99Your Kids Will Be Encouraged by Learning God’s Names
The names of God contain powerful promises for you and your kids, revealing who He is and the many roles He fills in your lives. When your tween son or daughter (ages 8-12) learns these names they will have greater confidence in who they are in Christ and also gain a valuable tool they can use to help them overcome challenges in life.
Watch them grow as they learn about God as…
*Elohim: The Strong Creator God
*Jehovah: The Relational God
*Jehovah Jireh: The Lord Our Provider
*Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Is Peace
*Jehovah Rohi: The Lord My Shepherd
*Jehovah Nissi: The Lord My Banner
*Jehovah Rapha: The Lord Who Heals
*Jehovah Tsidkenu: The Lord My Righteousness
*El Shaddai: Lord God Almighty
*Immanuel: God With UsGive your tween the life-changing knowledge of God’s many names and see them fully realize His immense love for them.
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Reversing Hermon : Enoch The Watchers And The Forgotten Mission Of Jesus Ch
$19.95Reversing Hermon is a groundbreaking work. It unveils what most in the modern Church have never heard regarding how the story of the sin of the Watchers in 1 Enoch 6-16 helped frame the mission of Jesus, the messiah. Jews of the first century expected the messiah to reverse the impact of the Watchers transgression. For Jews of Jesus day, the Watchers were part of the explanation for why the world was so profoundly depraved. The messiah would not just revoke the claim of Satan on human souls and estrangement from God, solving the predicament of the Fall. He would also not only bring the nations back into relationship with the true God by defeating the principalities and powers that governed them. Jews also believed that the messiah would rescue humanity from self-destruction, the catalyst for which was the sin of the Watchers and the influence of what they had taught humankind. The role of Enochs retelling of Genesis 6:1-4 in how New Testament writers wrote of Jesus and the cross has been largely lost to a modern audience. Reversing Hermon rectifies that situation. Topics include: understanding Genesis 6:1-4 and the Sin of the Watchers in Their Original Context; how the ancient Mesopotamian story of the apkallu aligns with Gen 6:1-4, was preserved in 1 Enoch, and sets the stage for the theme of reversing the evil of the Watchers; how the theme of reversing the transgression of the Watchers colors the gospel accounts of the birth of Jesus, his genealogy, and his ministry; how the writings of Peter and Paul allude to the sin of the Watchers and present Jesus as overturning the disastrous effects of their sins against humanity; and how the descriptions of the antichrist, the end-times Day of the Lord, and the final judgment connect to Genesis 6 and the nephilim.
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Book Of Revelation Decoded
$15.99Understand the connection between the Old Testament and the end times, what to expect during the last days, and how to stand firm in Christ in the face of opposition.
Rabbi K. A. Schneider decodes the Book of Revelation, showing how the end-time events prophesied in the New Testament book correspond with the teachings of the Torah and the Hebrew prophets. You will discover how the Passover foreshadows the great tribulation, and what the Hebrew prophets reveal about the anti-Messiah, Armageddon, hell, the return of the Messiah, the millennial kingdom, heaven, and much more. As the world grows darker and darker, many people have a sense of impending doom. This book will teach you what to expect during the last days and how to stand firm in Christ even in the face of opposition.
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Women Of Easter
$14.99This giftable Bible study for the Lenten season, modeled on the author’s successful book The Women of Christmas, explores the stories of three women who played a vital role in the life and ministry of Jesus, as well as in the events of Holy Week that first Easter.
With unforgettable insights and powerful life application for today’s women, Liz Curtis Higgs delves into the biblical text to help us view Easter through the eyes of Mary of Bethany, who prepared the way before the cross; Mary, the mother of Jesus, who was addressed from the cross; and Mary Magdalene, who proclaimed Christ’s resurrection after the cross.
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Believers Bible Commentary
$59.99Make Bible study a part of your daily life with the thorough, yet easy-to-use, Believer’s Bible Commentary. William MacDonald tackles the controversial issues head-on, taking a theologically conservative stand, yet presenting alternate views with fairness. The Believer’s Bible Commentary is a friendly guide to exploring the deeper meanings of every biblical book. This new edition includes 14 pages of 4-color maps of the Holy Land and other study helps.
*Nelson’s best-selling Bible commentary
*Balanced approach to linguistic studies and useful application
*Easy to understand
*14 pages of 4-color maps
*Use with any Bible translation
*Best used with the New King James version of the Bible. The New King James keeps the style and accuracy of the King James but has up-to-date English.Add to cart1 in stock
Know The Bible Now
$21.99This visual resource provides Christians of all ages with a quick overview of Bible stories and key teachings, giving readers a solid foundation of biblical understanding for participating in the life of their church.Know the Bible Now was created to build on the proven practice of learning the big picture of the Bible through the study of central passages. The 120 Bible stories highlighted in this book are based on the English Standard Version and provide the perfect bridge to reading the whole Bible with a fuller understanding. Each section is filled with easy-to-skim infographics that summarize main points about the books of the Bible.Gain quick confidence in your Bible knowledge with this engaging overview handbook!
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Supernatural : What The Bible Teaches About The Unseen World And Why It Mat
$17.99Dr. Michael S. Heiser, a Scholar-in-Residence at Faithlife Corporation, presents fifteen years of research on what the Bible really says about the unseen world of the supernatural unfiltered by tradition or by theological presuppositions. People shouldn’t be protected from the Bible, Dr. Michael S. Heiser says, but theological systems often do just that, by explaining away difficult or troublesome passages of Scripture because their literal meaning doesn’t fit into our tidy systems.
Who were the sons of God ? Who were the Nephilim? Where do angels fit into the supernatural hierarchy? Why did God find it necessary to have the Israelites destroy the populations of entire cities man, woman, and child? What relation does Jesus bear to the rest of the supernatural world? Dr. Michael S. Heiser tackles these questions and many more in his books Supernatural and The Unseen Realm.
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Halleys Bible Handbook Large Print (Expanded)
$44.99More than 80 years after its initial publication, Halley’s Bible Handbook remains a bestseller in its various editions, with millions of copies sold worldwide. Now available in this large print edition, this world-renowned Bible handbook has been consistently updated and revised to accurately provide even greater clarity, insight, and usefulness. Halley’s Bible Handbook makes the Bible’s wisdom and message accessible to people from all walks of life. Whether they’ve read the Bible many times or never before, readers will find insights that give them a firm grasp of God’s Word and an appreciation for the cultural, religious, and geographic settings in which the story of the Bible unfolds. Written for both mind and heart, this completely revised, updated, and expanded 25th edition retains Dr. Halley’s highly personal style.
It features:
*All-new maps, photographs, and illustrations
*Contemporary design
*Practical Bible reading programs
*Helpful tips for Bible study
*Fascinating archaeological information
*Easy-to-understand sections on how we got the Bible and on church history
*Improved indexesAdd to cart1 in stock
Gods Love Through You
$11.99Over his years of walking with Jesus, John–ambitious,opinionated, volatile–came to identify himself simply as “the disciple Jesus loved.” In 1 John, one of his letters, John presents Jesus Christ as the living expression of God’s love, the One who reveals to us the mind and heart of His Father. The apostle tells us what a relationship with Jesus looks like and how it should transform our attitudes and behaviors.
This study guides you, or you and your group, through selected Bible passages, presents straightforward explanations and applications, and provides open-ended discussion questions. You will see yourself changed as you learn, because to know Jesus is to know love–and to know Jesus is to know God.
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Halleys Bible Handbook Classic Edition (Expanded)
$34.99More than 80 years after its initial publication, Halley’s Bible Handbook remains a bestseller in its various editions, with millions of copies sold worldwide. This world-renowned Bible handbook has been consistently updated and revised to accurately provide even greater clarity, insight, and usefulness. Halley’s Bible Handbook makes the Bible’s wisdom and message accessible to people from all walks of life. Whether they’ve read the Bible many times or never before, readers will find insights that give them a firm grasp of God’s Word and an appreciation for the cultural, religious, and geographic settings in which the story of the Bible unfolds. Written for both mind and heart, this completely revised, updated, and expanded 25th edition retains Dr. Halley’s highly personal style.
It features:
*All-new maps, photographs, and illustrations
*Contemporary design
*Practical Bible reading programs
*Helpful tips for Bible study
*Fascinating archaeological information
*Easy-to-understand sections on how we got the Bible and on church history
*Improved indexesAdd to cart1 in stock
12 Tribes Of Israel Pamphlet
$3.99Enjoy having a simple overview on the 12 Tribes of Israel at your fingertips. See each tribe’s symbol, meaning, history, and other fascinating facts at a glance. Includes incredible visual aids, such as a full-color map, family tree, Tabernacle diagram, and more.
Almost every person in the Bible belonged to one of the 12 Tribes of Israel based on their ancestry: From Moses who was a Levite to the Apostle Paul who was Benjaminite. Each tribe had its own history, land, and heritage. Now you can easily grasp the “backstory” of each tribe and see key information at a glance! For example, find out the significance of Jesus being called the “Lion of Judah.” For each of the 12 Tribes of Israel, you will get-
*A quick overview of its meaning, size, family history, location, and more.
*A picture of the tribe’s symbol (such as the lion from the Tribe of Judah)
*Simple summary of Jacob’s blessing, Moses’ blessing, and other key events related to each tribe. (Find out the major battles, controversies, and scandals that impacted each tribe. Plus, see which important Bible people came from each tribe of Israel.)Perfect for individual or group use. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.
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Palm Sunday To Easter Pamphlet
$4.99Packed with charts, diagrams, and simple summaries, this quick-reference pamphlet-Palm Sunday to Easter-covers the important teaching and events of Jesus’ life throughout Holy Week.
Discover how Jesus’ death and resurrection fulfilled over 22 Old Testament prophecies. This pamphlet is perfect for individual reference, an Easter Bible study, Easter Sunday school lessons, and homeschool Bible curriculum.
Go day-by-day through the week leading up to Jesus’ resurrection and hour-by-hour leading up to his death on the cross.
*From Palm Sunday and his Triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the Last Supper.
*From the arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane to the Crucifixion.
*From the burial of Jesus to his glorious Resurrection on the third day.Palm Sunday to Easter Features Incredible Visuals and Bible Study Tools:
1.Map and Diagram of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus that walks you day by day through the week leading up to Jesus’ death and Resurrection
Easily see where each of the key events leading up to Jesus’ death occurred with this labeled, detailed, and drawn-to-scale diagram of Jerusalem during the time of Jesus.2.Timeline Showing 22 Key Events as They Occurred Hour-by-Hour before Jesus’ Crucifixion
This clock diagram/timeline shows 22 key events as they happened hour-by hour leading up to Jesus’ death. It starts with Jesus being taken before Pilate and ends with his death on the cross. Explains Jesus’ last words on the Cross, the words of the thieves crucified next to Jesus, and centurion’s confession, from the 3rd Hour (about 9 am) to the 9th Hour (6 pm) when Jesus died. It uses Roman (modern) expression of time as well as Jewish.3.Diagram of a Tomb from Jesus’ Time
This detailed diagram shows the layout of a typical tomb from Jesus’ day. Includes measurements and layout of key portions of the tomb, including the rollaway stone at the entrance. (Optional: This Jesus Tomb diagram is an excellent floor plan for creating a rolling stone model for your Sunday school or homeschool.)4.Easy-to-follow chart covering 22 Old Testament Prophecies and their New Testament Fulfillment by Jesus’ Death and Resurrection.
Covers Key Events and Facts on Jesus’ Life, Death, and Resurrection, including-*Simple Summaries of Key Events Leading Up To Easter (Corresponds with Jerusalem Map)
Enjoy having easy-to-understand explanations of key events leading up to Easter. It starts with Jesus’ arrival in Bethany 6 days before Passover and
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Book Of Acts Pamphlet
$3.99The Book of Acts Pamphlet is not simply ancient history. It is our story, the story that informs who Christians are. It’s the story of the early church, early missionary work, and the initial move of the Holy Spirit. It covers the lives of Peter, Paul, Barnabas, Silas and the other Christians who took the Gospel far beyond Jerusalem.
This Book of Acts Bible Study Pamphlet shows that God is active. He was active in the book of Acts, and He is active in our lives today. Navigate deeper into the Acts of the apostles with Rose Publishing’s 14-page Bible study resource, The Book of Acts. This fantastic Bible study pamphlet provides loads of information at a glance. Enjoy simple summaries, Bible charts, biblical map, and other visual resources that make learning about the early church and early missions movement easier than ever before. It’s perfect for adult Bible studies, Sunday school lessons, and small group curriculum.
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Psalms Pamphlet : In Gods Presence
$4.99Enrich Your Understanding of the Book of Psalms with Rose’s Psalms pamphlet. Explore this most beloved book, by learning the who, what, when and where about these favorite Bible passages. Discover the 10 different types of Psalms-from Psalms of Lament to Psalms of Thanksgiving, and learn how to effectively read these beautiful scriptures. This Psalms Bible study covers the basics everyone should know in order to fully unlock, appreciate, and learn from these heart-filled cries.
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Is God Anti Gay
1. Getting Started: The Bible, Marriage And Sex
2. The Bible And Homosexuality
3. Homosexuality And The Christian
4. Homosexuality And The Church
5. Homosexuality And The WorldConclusion
Additional Info
It’s the hot topic of the moment. Christians, the church and the Bible seem to be out of step with modern attitudes towards homosexuality. And there is growing hostility towards those who hold a different view. So is God homophobic? And what do we say, and how do we relate to to both Christians and non Christians who experience same-sex attraction.In this short, simple book, Sam Allberry wants to help confused Christians understand what God has said about these questions in the scriptures, and offers a positive and liberating way forward through the debate.
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2nd Coming Of Christ
$15.99The King Is Coming!
Have you ever tried to imagine what Christ’s return will be like? As you explore the Scriptures with Charles Spurgeon in this book, you will discover…
*The circumstances that will surround Christ’s second coming
*What will actually happen during Jesus’ reentry to Earth
*What it means to watch for the Lord’s reappearance
*How to prepare yourself for His return
*How to insure the safety and acceptance of your loved ones
*The heavenly rewards that are laid up for the righteous
*How you are to act until Christ comes againChrist’s first Advent altered the course of all mankind, forever changing our destiny. His second coming will have an even greater impact as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords returns to earth, intervening in one moment to claim His bride and to judge all of humanity.
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When Christ Returns
$15.99And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21:4Are You Ready?
Christ’s second coming and the judgment that will follow are fascinating subjects to consider in our troubled generation. Charles Spurgeon explores many aspects of these end-time events and the role of Christians in them, including…
Being prepared for Christ’s coming
Facing Judgment Day without fear
Standing firm in your faith
Becoming a citizen of heaven
Anticipating your resurrected bodyDiscover how you can be prepared to meet God face-to-face, look forward to Christ’s return with joy, and be assured of your eternal home in heaven.
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Route 66 : A Crash Course In Navigating Life With The Bible
$13.99An eight-week course in how to use the Bible as an aid to living well. The main resource book for Spring Harvest.
The intention of this book is to teach Christians how to use the Bible to live well. It has eight sections – living faithfully, distinctively, emotionally, imaginatively, discerningly, purposefully, infectiously and hopefully. Each provides an introduction to a different kind of literature within the Bible and follows with questions for discussion and five days of daily readings.
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Isaiah : Feeling Secure In The Arms Of God
$10.99The book of Isaiah has been called “the Bible in miniature.” Both are comprised of sixty-six sections-chapters in Isaiah, books in the Bible. Isaiah first chronicles a holy God’s need to judge sin, reflecting the Old Testament, as latter chapters preface the New Testament, revealing the mercy to come through God’s Son. This study examines a sweeping narrative of Israel, and explores the very arch of God’s redemptive story, as sin and judgment are defeated through the grace of our Savior.
The Wiersbe Bible Studies Series explores timeless wisdom found in God’s word. Based on Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s popular “BE” series, each study provides topical, relevant insights from selected books of the Bible. Designed for small groups, this eight-week study features selected commentaries from BE Comforted, engaging questions, and practical applications, all designed to help you connect God’s word with your life.
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John : Get To Know The Living Savior (Student/Study Guide)
$12.99Introducing two new studies in The Wiersbe Bible Study Series that are perfect for groups or individual study, and now include John and Psalms. Each book includes interactive questions, stories, illustrations, and flexible formats. It’s all the depth and richness of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s Bible teaching for a new generation of students.
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