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  • Kingstone Bible Volume 1


    Kingstone Bible Volume 1 is a graphic novel adaptation of the Word of God. It is the first of three volumes. The first volume of the Kingstone Bible covers the time of history before the life of Jesus; many of these Old Testament stories foreshadow Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. In the Garden of Eden, an animal is killed, and the skin is used to cover over the sins of the first humans. (Jesus will later be an eternal sacrifice to cover over the sins of man.) God directs Abraham to offer his son as a sacrifice but at the last moment provides another sacrifice. (With Jesus, He is the sacrifice that God gives on the cross.) Moses leads the people out of Egypt and directs them to cover the doorposts with blood so death will not reach them. (In Jesus, our lives are covered with His blood and eternal death does not reach us.) Moses tells of another great prophet, Jesus, who will come later to Israel.

    The Kingstone Bible Volume 1 covers the time of history before Jesus but all leading up to the magnificent story of Jesus. In the first volume of this graphic novel series, we see the epic greatness of creation, the fall of man and the Tower of Babel. We see and learn of a great flood through the story of Noah and the Ark. We learn how God establishes the nation of Israel through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Moses leads the people of Israel through the Red Sea and to the Promised Land. There is the time of the judges of Israel as well as Ruth and Samuel. King David then rises to power and begins to lead the people of God and the nation of Israel. The nation of Israel is the chosen nation through which Jesus will come.

    Volume 1 is the first in a trilogy of graphic novels that seeks to capture the epic greatness of God and the rich goodness of his gracious dealings with mankind.

    Kingstone Comics places Scripture references at the bottom of the pages for direct references to the Bible, and we encourage all of our graphic novel readers to read the Bible story for themselves because God has much to teach us.

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  • Luther : The Midieval Era Ended And The Modern Era Began With One Stormy Mo


    The 500th Anniversary of arguably the Reformation’s seminal event – the posting of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, occurs in 2017. In commemoration of this epic event, Kingstone is making available this new graphic novel that details the stormy monk who ushered in a return to Biblical standards among both Protestant and Catholic faiths. Luther describes the religious and historical forces that shaped him and how the course of Christianity itself was shaped by his influence.

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  • Kingstone Bible Volume 3


    Kingstone Bible Volume 3 is a comic book Bible and graphic novel adaptation of the Word of God. This volume covers the birth of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels until the return of Jesus as told in the book of Revelation. It is the third and final volume in the Kingstone Bible series.

    Beginning with the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and covering the entire life, death, and resurrection accounts from the New Testament, The Kingstone Bible Volume 3 is the most complete graphic novel adaptation of the life of Jesus that has ever been published.

    This volume of the series also illustrates the early days of the church as the followers of Jesus begin to tell about his life. Saul (Paul) is a persecutor of Jesus who encounters the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus and becomes one of the strongest proponents and missionaries of the Christian faith. The apostle Peter denies Jesus but becomes one of the biggest leaders of the church.

    The gospel writers Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John record the life of Jesus as well as the teachings of Jesus. The book of Acts picks up with the ascension of Jesus and the growth of the early church. The New Testament books and epistles give more detail and explanation on the teachings of Jesus and how he wants his followers to live. The book of Revelation describes the climactic return of Jesus and setting up the kingdom of Jesus on earth.

    The Kingstone Bible places Scripture references at the bottom of the pages for direct references to the Bible, and we encourage all of our graphic novel readers to read the Bible story for themselves because Jesus has much to teach us.

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  • Kingstone Bible Volume 2


    Kingstone Bible Volume 2 is a comic book Bible and graphic novel adaptation of the Word of God. It is the second of three volumes, covering the time of history after King David until the birth of Jesus.

    This volume covers the time span of the kings of Israel, beginning with David’s son Solomon and extending to the last king and the fall of Israel. The volume covers the exile of the Jews as told through these books of the Bible: Esther, Nehemiah, Ezra, and Daniel.

    The major prophets section opens with the prophet Isaiah (who provides many of the messianic prophecies that describe the coming of Jesus.)

    In the section of the minor prophets, Micah foretells where Jesus will be born.

    Every major and minor prophet in the Old Testament is covered in this volume of the comic book Bible (including the story of Jonah, whose famous fish story will be referenced by Jesus himself in explaining the process of his death and resurrection.)

    The final Intertestamental section tells of the rise of Greek culture and leads up to the coming of Jesus.

    The Kingstone Bible Volume 2 is the story of God and His continual working with the nation of Israel approaching the birth of Jesus.

    Kingstone Comics places Scripture references at the bottom of the pages for direct references to the Bible, and we encourage all of our graphic novel readers to read the Bible story for themselves because God has much to teach us.

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  • Lamb And The Fuhrer


    SKU (ISBN): 9781613281376ISBN10: 1613281374Ravi Zacharias | Editor: Kelly AyrisBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Kingstone Graphic NovelPublisher: Kingstone Media Group

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  • Kingstone Bible 12


    The Kingstone Bible is a complete graphic adaptation of the Bible and is published in 12 volumes to illustrate in exquisite detail the grand story of the Holy Bible. Each volume is a rich narrative sequentially illustrated to teach and explain the major stories and themes in the Bible in a historical and chronological manner.

    Volume 12 describes and layouts the last years of planet earth as well as God’s glorious future for His people. A complete graphic novel of the book of Revelation.

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  • Eternity


    In a dramatic exposition on the classic story of the Rich Man and Lazarus taught by Jesus Christ, Heaven author Randy Alcorn takes readers on a very different visual tour in the graphic novel Eternity.

    This story by author Randy Alcorn and artist Javier Saltares takes observers on a journey into the realm of first century Jerusalem and then ultimately into two shockingly different spiritual dimensions.

    Christ was very clear that a person’s decision to obey, or to not obey God, would result in two very differing eternal realities and realms.

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  • Book Of God


    This educational graphic novel tells the historical and reliable process of how we got the Bible we have today.

    This in-depth book addresses these regularly asked questions:

    *How did the Bible come to be?
    *How were the centuries-old stories in the Bible collected?
    *Who translated the languages?
    *Who selected what to put into the Bible, and how?
    *How do we know the Bible is really God’s Word?
    *Why should we trust it?

    This one-of-a-kind graphic novel thoroughly answers these questions, along with many others.

    “The Book of God” is an invaluable resource for churches, schools, and families.

    This insightful graphic novel from Kingstone Comics is a trustworthy tool for the current and next generations to understand why the Bible itself is dependable and truly the divine document it claims to be. Learn more about the book on which we base our faith – the book that changed the world.

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  • Bright Purple


    SKU (ISBN): 9781576839508ISBN10: 1576839508Melody CarlsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2006TrueColors # 10Publisher: NavPress

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