



    Picture Books

    • God I Need To Talk To You About Bullying


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

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    • God I Need To Talk To You About Greed


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

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    • Very First Easter


      The Gold Medallion Award-winning team of the renowned ancient historian and the gifted illustrator make the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection come alive for children aged 5 to 10. Difficult questions are asked, reasonable answers given. For family reading or religious education.

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    • God I Need To Talk To You About Sharing


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

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    • God I Need To Talk To You About Vandalism


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

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    • God I Need To Talk To You About Stealing


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

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    • Jesus In Pictures For Little Eyes


      SKU (ISBN): 9780802430595ISBN10: 0802430597Kenneth TaylorBinding: Cloth TextPublished: October 2003Publisher: Moody Publishers

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    • God I Need To Talk To You About Paying Attention


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

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    • God I Need To Talk To You About Hurting Others


      Child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations help children think about a behavior they encounter in daily life and pray about it.

      This book, one in a series, expresses that all sinful behaviors are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and encourages children to go to God in prayer any time they feel tempted or troubled.

      Scripture examples help children apply it to their lives.

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    • Before You Were Born


      SKU (ISBN): 9780970599674ISBN10: 0970599676Michael Molinet | Kelly Molinet | Illustrator: Michael MolinetBinding: Cloth TextPublished: March 2003Publisher: Practical Christianity Foundation

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    • Bible In Pictures For Toddlers


      Seventy of the most loved stories from both the Old and New Testaments are re-told in an entertaining and expressive manner, making it easy for a toddler to follow along as grown-ups read. Colorful illustrations.

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    • Berenstain Bears Funny Valentine


      This Valentine’s Day treat with the Berenstain Bears features two valentines in the back of the book that kids can cut out and send to their extra-special someones. Full color. Consumable.

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    • New Bible In Pictures For Little Eyes


      The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes has been a favorite of children for more than forty years. It has sold more than 1.5 million copies in fifty-four languages since it first appeared in 1956.

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    • You Are Mine


      Bigger allowances. Better clothes. More toys. Bigger, better, more is how the world determines who’s special and who’s not. It’s a message your kids are hearing every day. But it’s not God’s message. His truth is simple and never-changing: It’s not what you have, it’s Whose you are. And it’s a truth that the lovable Wemmick, Punchinello, hears again at the knee of his creator in this faithful, fully illustrated sequel to You Are Special. Punchinello’s lesson in love will help you speak God’s heart to the heart of every child: You are special, not because of the things you have, but because you are Mine.

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    • God Loves You



      Additional Info
      “Kids ages 0-5 will love learning about God’s unconditional love through the fun rhymes and cute pictures of the Little Blessings characters. With solid content from Kathy Bostrom and the endearing art of the Care Bears artist, this chunky board book will entertain young children as they learn that God loves them just the way they are–no matter what!”

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    • Very First Christians


      “Who were the first Christians?” Chris asked.
      Grandpa smiled and said, “Oh that’s quite a story, Chris. A great story, in fact.”

      Twelve-year-old Christopher has always tried to sort truth from fiction. Ever since The Very First Christmas and The First Easter, he looked for the story behind the story.

      This time, Christopher’s grandfather teaches him about the drama of Pentecost and the powerful change God brought the world through Peter, Paul, and the very first Christians.

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    • You Are Mine


      Boxes and balls. They were the latest thing! Fancy balls. Colorful boxes. All the Wemmicks had them. All, that is, except Punchinello. Not wanting to be left out, he resolved to fit in. He would do whatever it took to have what others had. He never imagined it would cost him so much. Eli, his maker, used the moment to remind Punchinello of this truth: “You are special, not because of what you have, but because you are mine.” Could you or someone you love use the same reminder?

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    • Jesus Is With Me


      SKU (ISBN): 9780781430760ISBN10: 0781430763Debby AndersonBinding: BoardsPublished: August 1998Cuddle And SingPublisher: David C. Cook

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    • Jesus Loves Me


      “Jesus Loves Me,” is a brightly illustrated childrens boardbook for 1-3 years old. Each page has a short story that explains to children that no matter what you may be doing with your busy day, (running & playing, or getting dressed or even eating your lunch), Jesus will always love you. Debby Anderson’s whimsical illustrations and kid-like style is the perfect way to introduce your toddler to Jesus. Each of these fun books is designed to be sung to a familiar song and at the same time reinforce the simple biblical truths that Jesus loves and cares for us.

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    • Jesus Loves The Little Children


      “Jesus Loves The Little Children” is a children’s boardbook for 1-3 years old. It is brightly illustrated and each page has a little story of all the children around the world. It tells how much Jesus Loves all the children. Debbie Anderson’s whimsical illustrations and kid-like style are the perfect way to introduce your toddler to Jesus. Each of these fun books is designed to be sung to a familiar song and at the same time reinforce the simple biblical truths that Jesus loves and cares for us.

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    • Picture Bible : God’ Word Brought To Life In Pictures


      With a bold and bright new cover, The Picture Bible now extends its ever-popular appeal to a new generation.

      With more than three million copies in print worldwide, this is the trusted and proven classic in picture Bibles. For decades, readers round the globe have discovered the thrill of their first big-picture understanding of God’s Word through the colorful pages of The Picture Bible.

      With 230 Stories in full-color comic format, young readers will also find maps, a Scripture index, a time-line, and twenty-five “did You Know?” fact pages filled with helpful background information. Suitable for younger ages, preteens, younger teens, and adults who are new to the Bible.

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    • What Happens When We Die


      The thought of dying can make any child sad and scared. Will it hurt? Does God want me to die? Where is heaven? Will Mom and Dad be there? How do I get there if I’m buried in the ground? In this simple yet profound book your children will see for themselves the reasons people die…and what God has in store for them in heaven.

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    • My First Bible In Pictures


      SKU (ISBN): 9780842346337UPC: 031809046333Kenneth TaylorBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 1989Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Unwrapping The Names Of Jesus For Kids


      Let the little children come to Jesus!

      The names of Jesus tell us who He is. Good Shepherd. Prince of Peace. Bread of Life. And so much more. Join Asheritah Ciuciu as she tells the story of a mama from ancient times who met the Savior while He walked the earth and wants her kids to know Him too. Because Jesus isn’t just for grown-ups. He’s for all the children of the world–the ones who lived in Bible times, and the ones who are learning to love Him today.

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