



    • Timber Wolf (Revised)


      A winter vacation for the Sugar Creek Gang at the Snow Goose Lodge is full of surprises. Old Man Paddler’s nephew Barry Boyland introduces his fiance Jeanne, and she ends up in the middle of a blizzard before the story is over. Along the way the gang goes ice fishing, checks traps, encounters a wolf, and chases a bear. This Sugar Creek Gang adventure will deepen your appreciation for nature. Recommended for ages 9 to 12.

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    • Compelled To Control


      This exciting book breaks new ground in identifying the major cause of relationship failure as the need to control – in marriages and families, with friends and within organizations. Compelled to Control reflects Miller’s sweeping knowledge as a thinker, a speakers and a writer. Going far beyond “how to control a controller,” Miller speaks from the perspective of experience and personal change.

      “When a controller has the sense of life being out of control,” he says, “he or she reacts with an even stronger need to ‘get things under control’ usually with the negative result of alienating the people who matter the most.” Miller tackles this deeply denied, seemingly universal phenomenon with compassion and offers a way out of the dilemma. He tells who to approach broken relationships in new ways, leaving behind destructive patterns of perfectionism and self-justification.

      Keith miller is one of those rare writers who can combine intellectual acuity with deeply felt insight born of his own struggle for authenticity. Compelled to Control is an impressive contribution to the literature of recovery and personal change.

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    • How We Got The Bible Pamphlet


      Size 8.5″ X 5.5″ – 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      Increase Your Confidence in the Reliability of the Bible
      How We Got the Bible will inspire your students with the stories of early Bible translators. This time line of key people and events in the history of the Bible shows ancient writing materials, such as stone and clay tablets, leather scrolls, papyrus, early hand copied books, and more. Features people who gave their lives to translating and printing the Bible, including William Tyndale, John Wycliffe, King James, Erasmus, and Johann Gutenberg.

      * Features facts about early Bibles, including the Septuagint, the Vulgate, the Wycliffe and Tyndale Bibles, the Geneva Bible, the King James or Authorized Version Bible, the Revised Version, as well as modern-day translations.
      * Special emphasis on the inspiration of the Scriptures and the reliability of the Bible as the Word of God.
      * Explains the importance of finds such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, which testify to accuracy of Bible translation throughout the centuries.

      Available as a wall chart or a pamphlet.

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    • Because I Love You


      Wise Shaddai loves his children so much that he surrounds their village with a wall to protect them from the deadly wilderness. But when curious little Paladin finds a hole in the wall, he ignores Shaddai’s warnings and sneaks outside! This colorfully illustrated tale helps your young children understand just how much God loves them.

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    • Act Of Marriage (Revised)


      1. The Sanctity Of Sex
      2. What Lovemaking Means To A Man
      3. What Lovemaking Means To A Woman
      4. Why God Created Sex
      5. Sex Education
      6. The Art Of Lovemaking
      7. For Men Only
      8. For Women Only
      9. The Unfulfilled Woman
      10. The Key To Feminine Response
      11. The Impotent Man
      12. Sane Family Planning
      13. Sex Survey Report
      14. The Missing Dimension
      15. Practical Answers To Common Questions
      304 Pages

      Additional Info
      This updated and expanded edition gives a fresh, informative edge to an already definitive book.

      New sections discuss “sex after sixty” and five reasons why God created sex. All supported by the very latest findings in the fields of medicine and sociology.

      For engaged couples and newlyweds who want to make lovemaking a joy from the start…for couples who have been married for years and want to maintain the flame or rekindle the embers…for every husband or wife who wants to be a better lover—here are the insights into each other’s bodies, psychosexual makeup, and need for tender, unselfish affection that can help you achieve your goal.

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    • Suicide


      SKU (ISBN): 9780825423550ISBN10: 0825423554Editor: Timothy Demy | Editor: Gary StewartBinding: Cloth TextPublished: February 1998Publisher: Kregel Publications

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    • On The Mexican Border (Revised)


      10 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Sugar Creek Gang enjoys a midwinter vacation on the Rio Grande River. Their adventures include fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, meeting a boy evangelist in a tent meeting, and chasing a criminal through a grape fruit grove. Will the stowaway in their trunk make it safely across the border? And will the dangerous criminal make it across the Rio Grande in the boys’ rubber raft? Learn with the Sugar Creek
      Gang how precious children of all colors are in God’s sight.

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    • Lost In The Blizzard (Revised)


      Bill Collins’s garden is the scene of several encounters with a hog nose snake. Will the family’s pet toad, Warty, survive? A new member of the gang, Middle Jim, offers amazing insights into the snake mystery. When winter arrives, Middle Jim puts the whole gang into jeopardy. Will the Sugar Creek Gang survive the night in the fierce storm? Discover with the boys the important truth of the great hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”

      The Sugar Creek Gang series chronicles the faith-building adventures of a group of fun-loving, courageous Christian boys. These classic stories have been inspiring children to grow in their faith for more than five decades. More than three million copies later, children continue to grow up relating to members of the gang as they struggle with the application of their Christian faith to the adventure of life.

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    • Little Book Of Manners


      1. “Happy To Meet You” – Meeting And Greeting Manners
      2. “Emilie Marie Speaking!” – Telephone Manners
      3. “Let’s Go Over To My House” – Playtime And Visiting Manners
      4. “Please Pass The Sugar” – Mealtime Manners
      5. “I’m Really Glad You Came!” – Partytime Manners
      6. “Thank You Very, Very Much” – Grateful Good Manners
      32 Pages

      Additional Info

      Wouldn’t it be great to set a table just right and what to say to somebody you’ve just met and the right words to use when you answer the phone?

      Emilie Marie is learning all of these things, and you can learn with her!

      Practicing how to make everyone feel welcome will make you happy, too. You’ll have a wonderful time making pretty invitations for a special tea party or planning the best sleep-over ever with your friends. And you can make placemats together to help remember what you learn!

      Manners are more than simple rules to remember-they’re a way of showing love!

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    • Bible Study Organizer And Notebook


      The Bible Study Organizer & Notebook is a valuable tool to help you systematize and maximize your study of Scripture.

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    • Vanishings : Four Kids Face Earths Last Days Together


      In one shocking moment millions around the globe disappear. Those left behind face an uncertain future – especially four kids who now find themselves alone. As the kids search for help and for answers, they are told the truth behind the disappearances. But are they ready to believe it?

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    • Noah


      1. Animals
      2. Boat
      3. Covenant
      4. Door
      5. Explanation
      6. Faith
      7. Games
      8. Household
      9. Ingredients
      10. Jesse Tree
      11. Kin
      12. Learning
      13. Music
      14. Numbers
      15. Olive Branch
      16. Prayer
      17. Questions
      18. Rainbow
      19. Skits
      20. Thank Offerings
      21. Uratu
      22. Violence
      23. Water
      24. X-ample
      25. Yes
      26. Z-A Animals In The Bible
      Resources P. 80

      Additional Info
      Children are fascinated by stories. Tell them about the queen of Persia beauty contest, the animals going in the ark two by two, the lion’s mouths that were shut in the den, or Peter walking on water and they will listen again and again. Bible stories center around people whose lives were used by God in dramatic, exciting ways and in everyday, ordinary ways.
      The Ideas A to Z Series provides an in-depth look at these Bible characters and themes- making learning fun for children. Each letter of the alphabet is a topic for learning about the featured Bible character. Twenty-six topics present twenty-six different activities designed to allow participants to experience the story in a variety of ways.
      The Ideas A to Z Series is an excellent resource for children’s worship, children’s meetings, or Sunday school classes.
      To study Noah, the letters A through Z have a different theme and different learning activity such as drama, music, puppetry, storytelling. This volume shows from Noah’s example how to be faithful to the God who loves us and preserves us in the floods of life.

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    • Streams In The Desert (Large Type)


      For years, the beloved classic devotional Streams in the Desert has sustained and replenished God’s weary desert travelers. Now, bursting forth like a sparkling-clear river of wisdom, encouragement, and inspiration, this updated edition of Streams in the Desert promises to revive and refresh today’s generations of faithful sojourners, providing daily Scripture passages from the popular, readable New International Version-and modern, easy-to-understand language that beautifully captures the timeless essence of the original devotional.

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    • Mommy Why Do We Have Easter


      Jimmy was excited! Across the street Mrs. Smith was decorating her house for Easter, and he. thought that was a great idea! His Mommy wasn’t so excited, and she and Jimmy decided to find out why people really celebrate Easter. With an understanding of Jesus’ resurrection, Jimmy and Mommy make, plans for a “Resurrection Party” instead

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    • Devotions For The Childrens Hour


      48 Chapters

      Additional Info
      Have you ever noticed that “basic” Bible doctrine doesn’t seem so “basic” when you’re trying to teach a child? These forty-eight thoughtful devotionals are excellent tools to introduce elementary school-aged children to Bible doctrine. (Each lesson is made memorable with illustrations, questions, hymns, and accompanying Scripture readings.) Children need daily quiet times with the Lord just as adults do. This helpful book will teach them the basics for the Christian life in an understandable way

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    • 1 Year Book Of Josh McDowells Youth Devotions


      Aimed directly at the needs and interests of preteens and teens, The One Year Book of Josh McDowell’s Youth Devotions is a Right From Wrong devotional that helps young people apply the Scriptures in daily decision making. Covering a host of topics that are relevant to today’s teens, this devotional encourages teens to think through difficult choices, enabling them to discover why certain choices are right or wrong.

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    • These Are The Candles


      Here is a resource that will dramatize the lighting of the Advent candles during your worship service. The lighting of each candle is proceeded by a statement, which the author suggests may be read from offstage.

      The series of statements reveal the significance of the traditional Advent characters: the angel, the shepherds, the wisemen, Mary and the Christ child.

      This simple but dramatic resource provides an explanation of the deeper meaning of the events preceding Jesus’ birth, as they spell out the relationship of these individuals to Christ, the Light of the World.

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    • False Intimacy : Understanding The Struggle Of Sexual Addiction


      Stealing glances at pornographic magazines. Reading novels just to get to the “good” parts. Finding more excitement outside marriage than in it. With frank honesty, Dr. Schaumburg examines the roots behind these kinds of behaviors, offering realistic biblical direction for healing and restoration. Includes new information on cybersex, homosexuality, women and false intimacy, and more. WHY ARE SEXUAL TEMPTATIONS SO HARD TO RESIST WHEN THE PRICE IS SO HIGH?
      We all long for true intimacy. Many people seek to fill that void by seeking sexual relationships-whether real or fantasized-that promise to provide the relief, acceptance, and fulfillment for which they long. But it is false intimacy. And as Dr. Harry Schaumburg points out, “Sexual intimacy can’t relieve their deep, unmet longings.”

      False Intimacy goes beyond behavioral symptoms and willpower-based solutions to provide biblical guideposts for the journey to restoration. With frank honesty, False Intimacy examines the roots behind these kinds of behaviors and offers realistic direction to those whose lives or ministries have been impacted by sexual addiction.

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    • You Are Special


      Punchinello is a chipped, ugly puppet who thinks he’s not worth much; that is, until Eli the Woodcarver helps him understand how special he is—marks and all. Originally published in Tell Me the Secrets, this delightfully illustrated tale shows your kids that no matter how the world evaluates them, God loves them just as they are.

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    • Water Bugs And Dragonflies


      How can we answer the many questions young children have about death?

      Doris Stickney and her minister husband were looking for a meaningful way to explain to neighborhood children the death of a five-year-old friend — an explanation that would satisfy not only the children but adult minds as well. While they were preparing for the child’s memorial service, the fable of the water bug that changed into a dragonfly came to mind.

      “Water Bugs and Dragonflies” tells the story of a small colony of water bugs living happily below the surface of a quiet pond. Every so often one of them climbs up a lily stalk and disappears from sight, never to return. Those left behind are faced with the mystery of figuring out what has become of them.

      Revealing the “miracle that makes shiny dragonflies out of ugly bugs”, this graceful story reminds us that God has given us the means of transforming our metaphorical selves into dragonflies capable of winging off contentedly into a new world. Recognizing that “the old answers will not satisfy today’s children”, Stickney presents instead a simple, wise tale that illuminates a difficult reality without pretending to contain all the answers.

      This bona fide bestseller — more than 150,000 copies have been printed — is presented here in a deluxe gift edition, including newly rendered full-color illustrations. Set in large type so that young readers can enjoy it themselves, Water Bugs also includes accompanying information that offers the author’s own insights for explaining how adults can effectively assist children in coping with death.

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    • Reaching Out To The Deaf


      SKU (ISBN): 9780570099390ISBN10: 0570099390Rhonda RynearsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1996Harvest WaitingPublisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • Christianity Through The Centuries (Reprinted)


      42 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The third edition of Christianity Through the Centuries brings the reader up-to-date by discussing events and developments in the church into the 1990s. This edition has been redesigned with new typography and greatly improved graphics to increase clarity, accessibility, and usefulness. – New chapters examine recent trends and developments (expanding the last section from 2 chapters to 5) – New photos. Over 100 photos in all — more than twice the number in the previous edition – Single-column format for greater readability and a contemporary look – Improved maps (21) and charts (39) Building on the features that have made Christianity Through the Centuries an indispensable text, the author not only explains the development of doctrines, movements, and institutions, but also gives attention to “the impact of Christianity on its times and to the mark of the times on Christianity.”

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    • True Meaning Of Christmas


      SKU (ISBN): 9781682162422UPC: 663575723905Binding: OtherPublished: October 1996Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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    • Come Lord Jesus


      This favorite book of home devotions for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany is once again available. Warm and readable, this collection of prayers, readings, ideas, and history will provide a faithful center to family devotions during the busy holidays. Includes information on traditions from other lands, Bible reading suggestions, reflections, and more. Easy, week-by-week format is easy to use over and over, becoming a beloved holiday tradition.

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    • Story Of The Empty Tomb


      Share God’s Word with children through lively poems and colorful illustrations that jump off the page!

      For more than 25 years, the best-selling Arch Book Bible story series has captivated children ages 5-9. Each book presents a complete Bible story in a fun-to-read way children can understand and remember.

      The Arch Book series contains more tan 60 books, covering themes from Genesis through Acts.

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    • Jonah And The Very Big Fish


      Share God’s Word with children through lively poems and colorful illustrations that jump off the page!

      For more than 25 years, the best-selling Arch Book Bible story series has captivated children ages 5-9. Each book presents a complete Bible story in a fun-to-read way children can understand and remember.

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    • Abrahams Big Test


      Faith is at the heart of every Christian life and nothing in the Bible illustrates faith better than the story of Abraham, Sarah and Isaac.
      I hope the book teaches children that they, too, can have a faith that makes a difference in their lives, and the lives of those around them.
      Thank you for reading “Abraham’s Big Test.”

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    • Shepherd Trilogy : A Shepherd Looks At The 23rd Psalm A Shepherd Looks At T


      Trilogy Includes:
      A Shepherd Looks At The 23rd Psalm
      A Shepherd Looks At The Good Shepherd
      A Shepherd Looks At The Lamb Of God

      Additional Info
      The late W. Phillip Keller was born in East Africa and always loved the out-of-doors. He was trained in agronomy and subsequently spent many years on ranches in British Columbia. He lived among and observed sheep and their relationship to the shepherd. Out of this rich, practical experience, came the best-selling book from which this book was excerpted.

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    • Right From Wrong


      336 pages in 18 chapters

      Additional Info
      According to Josh McDowell, our children are being raised in a society that has largely rejected the concepts of truth and morality. In Right From Wrong, McDowell offers hope and provides families and the church with a sound, thorough, biblical and workable method to clearly understand and defend the truth.

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    • Handbook For Counseling Youth


      50 Chapters

      Additional Info
      A Comprehensive, Up-to-Date Resource for the 50 Major Issues Facing Today’s Youth

      In the work of a lifetime, Josh McDowell and his collaborator Bob Hostetler have developed this easy-to-use handbook to help parents, teachers, pastors and youth workers guide today’s young people through the minefields on the path to adulthood. Drawn from over 6,000 pages of research, this book will equip you to help youth cope with the major issues they face, from simple challenges of growing up to the major traumas of extreme crisis.

      The book is designed for easy use. Each issue is organized to lead you through the helping process in five easy steps for effective analysis and results:

      1. identify the problem, 2. discover its causes, 3. determine its effects, 4. view it from a biblical perspective, and 5. prescribe the right response.

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    • Lift Little Voices PreK-2


      SKU (ISBN): 9780570049814ISBN10: 0570049814Carol Greene | Deborah CarterBinding: Spiral BoundPublished: February 1996Publisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • My First Bible Verses PreK-K


      My First Bible Verses helps children ages 3-5 learn basic Bible truths. Using hand motions and chants, these simple actions capture the attentions of very young children while reinforcing popular Scripture verses.

      Perfect for Sunday School, day school, Vacation Bible School, and home school use, these finger plays require little preparation time and NO ADDITIONAL MATERIALS!

      Use to reinforce a Bible lesson, as part of a devotion, during story time, or as part of closing activities. Reproduce copies of the hand motions for children to take home and use again and again.

      My First Bible Verses gets young children excited about learning God’s Word by actively involving then in the learning process.

      Teach young children their first Bible verses today!

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    • Lords Prayer Coloring Book


      Encourage your children to learn to pray with The Lord’s Prayer Coloring Book created by Shirley Dobson. Filled black-and-white illustrated scenes to color in and complete, Scripture references and a simple text that explains to children in a way that they understand.

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    • Gods Promises For Your Every Need


      The Word of God establishes the family as the most important Christian social unit in our society and gives us guidance for proper relationships so that we might be everything God chooses for us, both individually and corporately. This wonderful scriptural guide will help you learn more about the promises for your family, God’s guidance for a better family relationship, and how God truly wants to bless and direct every Christian family for His Glory.

      Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, King James Version.

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    • Healing : For Christians Who Have Been Crucified By Christians


      Exquisite Agony, formerly titled Crucified By Christians, is a beautiful and wholly unique book which points the wounded Christian to healing and to full restoration, even to triumph and ascension. If you have ever experienced unjust treatment from another believer, this monumental literary work is for you. From exquisite agony your life can enter into that of resurrection.

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    • Covenant Of 58 Blessings


      In This book “The Covenant Of Fifty-Eight Blessings”, Dr. Murdock gives a list of 58 Blessings promised in the scriptures. He explains the mystery and Miracle Of the 58 Dollar Seed, The 14 Most Important Facts You should know about the blessing of God, Personal testimonies from those who have planted a seed of 58 dollars,what occurs when you ignore the instruction of a Man of God and much more…….. This book will change your life!!

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    • Have You Heard Of The Four Spiritual Laws


      The Four Spiritual Laws presents a clear explanation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. One of the most effective evangelistic tools ever developed, over one hundred million copies have been distributed in all of the major languages of the world. This four point outline:
      Begins with a positive note-“God loves you.”
      Presents the claims of Christ clearly
      Includes an invitation to receive Christ
      Offers suggestions for growth
      Emphasizes the importance of the Church
      Gives you confidence because you know what you are going to say and how to say it
      Enables you to stay on the subject-to control the situation
      Makes it possible for you to be brief
      Enables you to be prepared
      One of the most effective evangelistic tools ever developed. This booklet helps you open conversations easily and naturally and share your faith with confidence.

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    • Greeters Manual


      SKU (ISBN): 9780310374817ISBN10: 0310374812Leslie ParrottBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1993Publisher: Zondervan

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    • Complete Financial Guide For Young Couples


      SKU (ISBN): 9781564761309ISBN10: 1564761304Larry BurkettBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1993Publisher: David C. Cook

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    • Traditional Flower Chart


      This attractive chart is used for recording the names of persons presenting altar flowers. Each month includes six ruled lines for easy writing, with beautiful full-color flower designs over the name of each month, and words Date and Presented By under name of month, ‘- 15 x 31 inches- Mylar reinforced

      15 in stock

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    • Mothers Day And Fathers Day


      This program builder includes readings, recitations and skits for Mothers and Fathers. Good for a church or formal setting but also well suited for individuals who want ideas in appreciating mother and father.

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    • What Happens When We Die


      The thought of dying can make any child sad and scared. Will it hurt? Does God want me to die? Where is heaven? Will Mom and Dad be there? How do I get there if I’m buried in the ground? In this simple yet profound book your children will see for themselves the reasons people die…and what God has in store for them in heaven.

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    • Bible Promise Book KJV


      Whatever your problems, whatever your needs, the answers are in the Bible. Whatever you’re feeling, whatever you’re suffering, whatever you’re hoping…..the Bible has something to say to you. This is the premise of the Bible Promise Book.

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    • Goodnight Moon


      In this classic of modern children’s literature, beloved by generations of readers and listeners, the quiet poetry of the words and the gentle, lulling illustrations combine to make a perfect book for the end of the day.

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    • Armed And Dangerous


      Arm your teenagers with Bible truths and they’ll become quite dangerous—they’ll possess the knowledge that changes attitudes, hearts, and lives! Let the transformation begin with this handy-sized book that arranges key Scripture verses by topic, so teens can consult God’s Word regarding self-control, temptation, dating, loneliness, and many more relevant issues.

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    • Lights Of Love


      Faith, Hope, Love, Joy, and The Light Of The World are themes in this candle lighting service for the four Sundays of Advent and Christmas Eve. Each service includes a scripture, message and prayer with optional listing of hymns and calls to worship.

      Lights Of Love provides a banner instruction section, a Christmas Eve candle lighting suggested order of service, and a brief explanation of the meaning of Advent.

      In addition to public worship, the services can easily be used in a family worship or Sunday school setting.

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    • Prayer Ministry Of The Church


      A collection of messages on prayer as: “In the Name of the Lord Jesus–The Trust of God,” “Authoritative Prayer,” and “Watch and Pray.”

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    • Jesse Tree : Stories And Symbols Of Advent


      A Jesse Tree is a small tree decorated with symbols portraying the spiritual heritage of Jesus. It is a kind of family tree that was suggested by Isaiah’s prophecy: “A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse.” This little book features a page for each day in Advent with a passage in Scripture to read, a short insight, a prayer, and the symbol that would be put on the Jesse Tree that day. Perfect to be done as a family with instructions to make your own Jesse Tree!

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    • Secret Teachings Of The Masonic Lodge


      4 Parts/20 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Masonic Lodge offers its members social prestige, brotherhood, a sense of mystery, and an opportunity to do charitable work. But that’s not all there is to Masonry.

      The philosophies and symbols used in the Masonic rituals app point to a world view that includes God as a benevolent but unapproachable father who holds all men as his children, regardless of their beliefs. The secrecy and rituals are also reminiscent of paganism and the occult.

      Yet, Masons are promised that nothing in Masonry’s teachings will ever conflict with the Christian faith. Is the Masonic Lodge deceiving its Christian members?

      THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF THE MASONIC LODGE is an eye-opening look at the beliefs, rituals, and teachings of the Masons. The authors have carefully researched the subject, using documents recommended by leaders of the Lodge. They contrast their findings with the principles and commands found in Scripture. You will find answers to such questions as: Is Freemasonry a religion? Is the god of the Masonic Lodge the God of Christianity? Does the Masonic Lodge turn men away from Jesus Christ?

      What goes on behind closed doors? If you or someone you love is involved in Masonry, you need to know the Christian perspective.

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    • All The Promises Of The Bible


      The Substance Of The Promise
      The Simplicity Of The Promise
      The Stipulation Of The Promise
      The Surety Of The Promise
      The Source Of The Promise
      The Security Of The Promise
      The Scope Of The Promise
      343 Pages

      Additional Info
      Throughout the Bible are scattered hundreds of definite, explicit promises that form the category Peter calls “the exceeding great and precious promises.” In All the Promises of the Bible the noted evangelical and expository writer, Dr. Herbert Lockyer, undeniably achieves his goal of marshaling “a comprehensive and representative number of the promises” in Scripture, which he likened to “an arranged museum of gems and precious stones and pearls in God’s cabinet of spiritual jewels.”

      Dr. Lockyer leaves no theological stone unturned in his chapter-by chapter exegesis of

      The substance of the promises
      The source of the promises
      The simplicity of the promises
      The security of the promises
      The stipulation of the promises
      The scope of the promises
      The surety of the promises

      The believer who reads All the Promises of the Bible will find encyclopedic knowledge uniquely combined with deep spiritual insight that enlightens as it inspires.

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