




    • Illustrated Handbook Of The Bible


      The perfect tool for everyday Bible study.

      You want your Bible study time to pay dividends. The Illustrated Handbook of the Bible will help–it’s a one-stop resource for understanding God’s Word.


      *Easy-to-understand summaries of all 66 Bible books
      *Fascinating sidebars on biblical customs and curiosities
      *Full-color illustrations and maps

      This book provides the background information that will make your Bible come alive. Get the most from your time in God’s Word with The Illustrated Handbook of the Bible.

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    • Contemporary Hanbook For Weddings And Funerals And Other Occasions (Revised)


      Guidance, advice, and ready-to-use sermons and services for the busy pastor

      Weddings and funerals are some of the most meaningful events in people’s lives, and also some of the most challenging for the pastor to perform. Written with the needs of the busy pastor in mind, this popular and newly updated handbook includes everything necessary to conduct a variety of weddings and funerals, along with other common events such as Communion, baptisms, dedications, and ordinations.

      Helpful aids for weddings include services, vow renewals, messages, prayers, guidelines for vows, information on marriage laws, and, new in this edition, a service and message for second marriages. Guidance for funerals covers orders of service, quotations and reflections, and eulogies for a variety of circumstances, incorporating those with evangelistic appeal, untimely deaths, and suicide. New to this edition are funerals for service members, victims of violence, accidental deaths, cancer, and community tragedies.

      Additional new resources include blessing services for a home or special event and guidance for speaking at fraternal organizations.

      Pastors of all denominations will benefit from the services, advice, and resources in this sought-after handbook.

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    • Ultimate Guide To Defend Your Faith


      The Ultimate Guide to Defend Your Faith is full of practical information, resources, and visual aids to help you discuss, defend, and clearly share your Christian faith with others.

      Chapters include:

      What is Apologetics?

      Does God Exist? The Cosmological Argument

      Does God Exist? The Teleological Argument

      Does God Exist? The Moral Argument

      Which God Exists?

      Where Did the New Testament Come From?

      Is the New Testament Reliable?

      Is the Old Testament Reliable?

      Do Miracles Happen?

      What About Prophecy?

      The Resurrection?

      Did Jesus Claim to Be God? Is Jesus the Only Way?

      How Can God Allow Evil?

      In an age of increasing moral and spiritual relativism, many people struggle with the reliability of

      the Scriptures, the historicity of Jesus, or the problem of pain and suffering. Knowing the basics

      of these issues and their biblical solutions will help you understand the worldview and beliefs of

      others and defend your faith in a fun and engaging way.

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    • Ultimate Bible Dictionary Revised And Expanded (Expanded)


      The Ultimate Bible Dictionary is the perfect tool for those who are beginning to study the Bible. Carefully researched and accessible definitions are designed to provide a quick understanding of a term right up front and then, in many cases, go into more detail for those who want this level of description.

      The definitions are further enhanced by the large number of colorful maps, photos, and reconstructions of biblical objects placed on the same page spread as the definition they accompany. The optimal size of the Ultimate Bible Dictionary makes this resource easy-to-carry and easy-to-use in personal study or group activities.

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    • Ultimate Bible Guide Revised And Expanded (Revised)


      If you’ve been wanting to get a better handle on the Bible this helpful reference book pulls the sweeping story, the timeline, the key terms, and much more into a clear, concise, yet surprisingly comprehensive summary of biblical information.

      What’s the main idea of each Bible book? Where can you quickly locate Christian worldview themes? How can the shadow of Christ be seen in each Old Testament book? What are the big verses that every Bible student needs to know? How can you sum up the biblical story in six simple statements? The answers to these and many other questions begin to surface as you confidently walk your way to “big picture” Bible understanding. One-sentence summaries, colorful maps and charts, quick-hitting details on who wrote what and why-you get all this and more with a graphic flow and design that makes the reading easy… and makes the knowledge your own.

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    • What The Bible Is All About Bible Handbook KJV (Revised)


      “What the Bible Is All About” is the essential handbook for anyone who wants to read and understand God s Word. Inside this revised and updated edition of Henrietta Mears classic, you ll find an overview of every book in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. In addition, “What the Bible Is All About” will:
      *Provide a complete guide to the Scriptures
      *Explain how Jesus is revealed in the Old and New Testaments
      *Show why the Bible is one book, one history, one story
      *Introduce key people in biblical history
      *Give historical background for every major event
      *Highlight recurring biblical themes
      *Provide helpful reading plans, maps, and charts, and other study helps

      Discover for yourself why “What the Bible Is All About” is one of the world s best-selling Bible handbooks, with more than 4 million in print. This user-friendly guide makes it easier than ever to plant the Word in your heart and mind!”

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    • Halleys Bible Handbook Large Print (Expanded)


      More than 80 years after its initial publication, Halley’s Bible Handbook remains a bestseller in its various editions, with millions of copies sold worldwide. Now available in this large print edition, this world-renowned Bible handbook has been consistently updated and revised to accurately provide even greater clarity, insight, and usefulness. Halley’s Bible Handbook makes the Bible’s wisdom and message accessible to people from all walks of life. Whether they’ve read the Bible many times or never before, readers will find insights that give them a firm grasp of God’s Word and an appreciation for the cultural, religious, and geographic settings in which the story of the Bible unfolds. Written for both mind and heart, this completely revised, updated, and expanded 25th edition retains Dr. Halley’s highly personal style.

      It features:
      *All-new maps, photographs, and illustrations
      *Contemporary design
      *Practical Bible reading programs
      *Helpful tips for Bible study
      *Fascinating archaeological information
      *Easy-to-understand sections on how we got the Bible and on church history
      *Improved indexes

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    • Halleys Bible Handbook Classic Edition (Expanded)


      More than 80 years after its initial publication, Halley’s Bible Handbook remains a bestseller in its various editions, with millions of copies sold worldwide. This world-renowned Bible handbook has been consistently updated and revised to accurately provide even greater clarity, insight, and usefulness. Halley’s Bible Handbook makes the Bible’s wisdom and message accessible to people from all walks of life. Whether they’ve read the Bible many times or never before, readers will find insights that give them a firm grasp of God’s Word and an appreciation for the cultural, religious, and geographic settings in which the story of the Bible unfolds. Written for both mind and heart, this completely revised, updated, and expanded 25th edition retains Dr. Halley’s highly personal style.

      It features:
      *All-new maps, photographs, and illustrations
      *Contemporary design
      *Practical Bible reading programs
      *Helpful tips for Bible study
      *Fascinating archaeological information
      *Easy-to-understand sections on how we got the Bible and on church history
      *Improved indexes

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    • Star Book For Ministers (Revised)


      Twenty years have passed since the last revision of this best-selling resource for pastors. This third revised edition features everything ministers love about the classic, with some valuable updates for twenty-first century ministry.

      Key features:

      Restores the beloved Episcopal funeral service-back by popular demand!
      Honors the familiar and indispensable wedding and funeral service materials.
      Offers a rich selection of Scriptures from the beautiful King James Version for diverse occasions of pastoral care.
      New additions feature a cremation service and a service for the interment of ashes.
      Includes a new preface from Rev. Dr. Aidsand Wright-Riggins III, Executive Director of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies and CEO of Judson Press.

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    • Groups Emergency Response Handbook For Youth Ministry


      Assist every leader and volunteer in your church with these ministry-specific emergency response guides. They’ll know what to say and what not to say as they help other cope with difficult challenges. And they’ll be prepared with counseling and care tips, practical advice, Scripture connections, additional resources, and the confidence they need to reach out in love.

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    • New Believers Handbook


      How do you share the next step after salvation? This booklet lays a firm foundation for new Christians to build their faith. Its easy-to-read style is organized by questions every new Christian asks: What happened to me? Where do I go from here? What does God expect of me? How can I understand the Bible? How can I pray effectively? How can I know the will of God? What are the two baptisms? The answers are clear and point to the Bible for more discovery. It’s the booklet you want to give every person who comes to salvation through your ministry; and it’s economical enough to do just that.

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    • Wired That Way Personality Profile (Reprinted)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780800725396ISBN10: 0800725395Marita Littauer | Florence LittauerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2006Publisher: Revell

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    • Ministers Handbook


      1. Helps For Worshipping
      – Preparing To Worship
      – Using Liturgy
      – Preparing The Church Music
      – Writing The Worship Service

      2. Helps For Special Occasions In Worship
      – The Lord’s Supper
      – The Ordinance Of Baptism
      – Dedications In The Life Of The Church
      – A Service For Licensing To The Ministry
      – A Model Service Of Ordination
      – Models For Installation Of Pastor
      – Commissioning Service For Lay Ministers/Missionaries
      – A Model Service For Anniversary Celebrations
      – Special Days Or Seasons

      3. Helps For Special Occasions In The Lives Of People
      – When A Baby Is Born
      – At Graduation
      – When Young People Enter New Phases Of Life
      – When Marriage Takes Place
      – When A Remarriage Takes Place
      – Renewal Of Vows
      – When Sickness Strikes
      – When Death Comes

      4. Prayers For Pastoral Spiritual Growth
      – Prayers For Personal Needs
      – Prayers For The Church
      – Prayers For The Community

      Appendix 1: Helps For One Considering The Ministry
      Appendix 2: When Retirement Comes
      Appendix 3: Preparing Communion
      Appendix 4: Baptism

      Additional Info

      The contents of this handbook are the result of years of experience as a pastor in small and large churches, as a denominational executive, and as a missionary in a land of another language and culture. It is the result, too, of various stages of change and growth.

      May this book be a practical manual for pastors that will enable them to have resources to utilize during their ministry to others.

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    • Christian Wedding Planner (Revised)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780842304566UPC: 031809004562Ruth Muzzy | R. Kent HughesBinding: Cloth TextPublished: October 1998Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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