


    Christian Education

    • Sciency Fun WOWS 54 Surprising Bible Object Lessons Ages 3-7


      Science experiments are a surefire way to get kids’ attention. Even better? When they get to help! Supplement your Bible lessons with these Bible-related object lessons from the popular Dig In curriculum. Your 3- to 7-year-olds will participate in exciting science fun that focuses on the life of Jesus.Here’s a few of the 54 engaging ideas you’ll find inside: – Using vinegar and baking soda to inflate a balloon (reminding kids that Jesus heals the sick) – Harnessing the power of static electricity to pick up various items (demonstrating Jesus’ power over sickness and death) – Testing homemade listening devices (a reminder that Jesus hears us) – Putting a balloon on a fan and watching what happens (to learn that Jesus helps us believe in him, even though we can’t see him) These memorable object lessons will stick with kids for years to come! The Scripture and topical indexes make it easy to find an experince that goes with your Bible lesson. Get ready for a lot of oohs, ahs, and wows as kids are amazed to see how science can illustrate important Bible truths. This book includes reproducible pages.

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    • Final Words From The Cross


      In life and in death, Jesus’ words were powerful and meaningful. Despite the serious effort and increased pain required for Jesus to speak as he hung on the cross, Jesus spoke seven “final words”-statements that have much to teach us about Jesus, his Father, and ourselves: Father Forgive Them Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise Behold Your Son…Behold Your Mother My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me? I Thirst It Is Finished . . . Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit Postscript: The Words After That In 24 Hours That Changed the World, Adam Hamilton took us on a Lenten journey through the last day of Jesus’ life. Now in this inspiring follow-up book, Hamilton explores these final words as seen and heard through the eyes and ears of those who stood near the cross. Each chapter begins with the biblical account followed by a first-person story as might have been told from the viewpoint of one of the characters at the cross. Then the chapter explores the meaning of Jesus’ dying words for our lives today. Following the last statement, a postscript recounts the words Jesus spoke following his resurrection, including what truly were the final words Jesus spoke while walking this earth. Join the crowd now and experience the final words from the cross. Final Words from the Cross offers six chapters/sessions plus a postscript chapter/session, so that classes have the option of a seventh session on Easter Sunday.

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    • Grow Together Now Volume 2


      13 Sunday School Lessons for kids of all ages in one room

      Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. Volumes 1 and 2 of these exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explore the character qualities of forgiveness, peacemaking, having a servant’s heart, humility, kindness, and cooperation. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God’s foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn.

      With the lessons in Volume 2, you’ll introduce kids of all ages to:
      Humility – Seeing myself the way God sees me
      Kindness – Treating others as beloved creations of God
      Cooperation – Working together to accomplish a goal

      Includes reporducibles and a DVD!

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    • Grow Together Now 1


      13 Sunday School Lessons for kids of all ages in one room

      Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. Volumes 1 and 2 of these exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explore the character qualities of forgiveness, peacemaking, having a servant’s heart, humility, kindness, and cooperation. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God’s foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn.
      With the lessons in Volume 1, you’ll introduce kids of all ages to:
      Forgiveness – Trusting God to help me love others who hurt me
      Peacemaking – Getting along with others
      Servant’s Heart – Thinking of others before I think of myself

      Includes reporducibles and a DVD!

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    • Top 50 Instant Bible Lessons For Elementary


      Part of our Top 50 series, enjoy 50 fully-reproducible kids’ Bible lessons for elementary-aged children (ages: 5-10). This brand new resource includes two bonus lessons for Christmas and Easter, making it perfect to use as an easy full year curriculum. Each story comes with an easy-to-follow object lesson and 2-3 volunteer-friendly activities. Use this reproducible book for weekend curriculum or mid-week teaching opportunities. Each lesson is volunteer-friendly and child approved! Packed with object lessons, puzzles, games and crafts, these kids’ Top 50 Bible stories will keep your elementary-aged children actively involved and growing in God’s Word.

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    • Giant Book Of Bible Fingerplays For Preschoolers


      The little ones in your ministry will love every one of the 101 Bible fingerplays in this new Giant Book by Amy Houts. The book covers the New and Old Testaments on Bible topics such as The Good Samaritan, Jesus’ Great Acts of Love, The Prodigal Son, Baby Moses, Joseph’s Coat, and many, many more. Through these active and engaging fingerplays, you can help make God’s Word stick in children’s minds and hearts.

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    • Character By Gods Design Volume 4


      Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. This fourth volume of exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explores the three character qualities of respect, stewardship, and perseverance. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God’s foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn. With these lessons, you’ll introduce kids of all ages to: – Courage-Doing the right thing even when I’m afraid. – Wisdom-Using my knowledge to follow God. – Loyalty-Remaining faithful. Includes reproducibles and a DVD!

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    • Character By Gods Design Volume 3


      Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. This third volume of exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explores the three character qualities of respect, stewardship, and perseverance. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God’s foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn. With these lessons, you’ll introduce kids of all ages to:- Respect-Honoring God and others. – Stewardship-Using my time, talents, and treasure for God. – Perseverance-Doing the right thing even when it’s hard. Includes reproducibles and a DVD!

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    • 13 Essential Lessons From The New Testament


      Bring the New Testament to life for students in a fresh way that ignites their passion for Jesus. Jesus’ ministry. Bold followers. Transformational parables. Give junior high and high school students an opportunity to explore the profound accounts of the New Testament. These 13 intentionally selected lessons capture the magnitude of Jesus’ words, the radical obedience of his followers, and other important teachings that will equip youth workers to guide students toward a faith-filled life. All 13 lessons include… – Brief overviews designed to help you prepare – Primary and secondary Scripture references – Open-ended questions for authentic discussions – Objectives to help drive home what, why, and how – Flexible guidelines with opportunities to go deeper 13 Essential Lessons From the New Testament provides an exciting overview that will build a strong biblical foundation for students to thrive in their relationship with Jesus.

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    • 13 Essential Lessons From The Old Testament


      Bring the Old Testament to life for students in a fresh way that ignites their passion for Jesus.

      Help your junior high and high school students see how the entire Bible works together to create a perfect picture of God’s loving character and his plan for redemption. They’ll be on the edge of their seats as their eyes are opened to truths they’ve yet to discover. These 13 intentionally selected lessons build anticipation for Jesus’ impending arrival through surprising stories packed with valuable wisdom. All 13 lessons include… – Brief overviews designed to help you prepare – Primary and secondary Scripture references – Open-ended questions for authentic discussions – Objectives to help drive home what, why, and how – Flexible guidelines with opportunities to go deeper 13 Essential Lessons From the Old Testament equips you to invite students on an exciting journey that increases their desire to go deeper with Jesus.

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    • Character By Gods Design Volume 2


      Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. This second volume of exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explores the three character qualities of diligence, faithfulness, and gratitude. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God’s foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn. With these lessons, you’ll introduce kids of all ages to: – Trust-Firm and confident belief in someone – Honesty-telling the truth – Obedience-doing what I’m told to do Includes reproducibles and a DVD!

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    • Eye Popping Bible Lessons For Preschool Volume 1


      These engaging, age-appropriate lessons captivate preschoolers and keep them excited about God. Each of the 13 imaginative lessons takes about 60 minutes to teach, and is packed with preschool games, crafts, activities, songs, and snacks that make Bible learning easy and fun! This ready-to-use companion is a teachers best friend, offering a variety of lessons on timely topics for preschool children. Easy-to-follow instructions make teaching a snap Creative activities help teach Bible truths Fun crafts make learning more active Great games grab and hold kids attention Creative snacks reinforce the lesson Simple songs help kids remember what they learn With these lessons, youll introduce preschoolers to key age-appropriate topics such as: God Loves Me-Who God is and what he means to me I Can Love OthersHow God wants us to treat others I Can Love God How God wants me to share his love Written by seasoned teachers and childrens ministers, these ready-to-go lessons really work with young children. Simply review the simple instructions, gather the easy-to-find supplies and watch your preschoolers grow!

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    • Character By Gods Design Volume 1


      Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. This first volume of exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explores the three character qualities of diligence, faithfulness, and gratitude. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God’s foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn. With these lessons, you’ll introduce kids of all ages to:
      – Diligence-Focusing on the work God has given me
      – Faithfulness-Staying true to God and his purpose for me
      – Gratitude-Expressing thanks no matter how I feel
      Includes reproducibles and a DVD!
      Character by Design is a brand new series of Sunday school lesson books designed for you when you have kids of all ages in one room. The complete series lets kids explore and practice character qualities that guide them to fulfill the potential God plans for their lives.

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    • Books Of The Bible Coloring Book


      Children will have fun coloring these scenes based on the accounts of Scripture. All 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are represented.

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    • 13 Most Important Bible Lessons For Teenagers (Revised)


      Students who’ve experienced the Bible’s great truths, not just read about them, can walk through their lives with a firm foundation under their feet. They know what they believe and why, and they feel a lot more comfortable in situations that are challenging to their faith. This collection of lessons covering the most important truths in the Bible gives you an easy-to-use resource that will plunge your teenagers into the beautiful basics: the reality of God in the world, the truth about who Jesus really is, and why all of us need a “Good Shepherd” to find us and reclaim us…13 powerhouse lessons in all. And because they’re created by the editors of Group/Simply Youth Ministry, every lesson uses the R.E.A.L. learning approach-Relational, Experiential, Applicable, and Learner-based. This approach is not only easy to lead, but also guarantees that your students will engage with these great truths. They’ll learn how to live out their relationship with Jesus in their everyday lives as they wrestle with issues that really matter… – Why bad things happen to good people, and how Jesus brings beauty out of ugly; – What it means to “grow into” Jesus-living and loving others the way he does; and – Learning how to depend upon the Holy Spirit in life. No matter what the life issue, the Bible offers foundational truths that can help your students live more confidently with a deeper ongoing connection to Jesus. And our concise instructions and easy-to-use reproducible handouts make your job easy. Use these lessons as “spice” in between a teaching series, or build a series around them. Also, they’re easily adapted for a confirmation setting, a “new believers” class, a “grow-deep” discipleship group, or even Sunday school.

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    • Work Of The Deacon And Deaconess (Revised)


      Just in time for its 50th anniversary! The second revised edition of this best-selling classic in Judson Press’s “Work of the Church” series features new and updated content, reflecting the evolving diversity of ministry in the diaconate.

      Key Features:
      Comprehensive manual covering traditional responsibilities of the deacon.
      Awareness of the increasing diversification of ministries in the local church
      Greater differentiation between the ministry of deacons (male and female) and that of deaconnesses, as reflected in congregations that maintain distinct boards
      Additional ideas and strategies for tailoring the deacon’s work to the needs of a growing congregation and changing community.

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    • 13 Most Important Bible Lessons For Kids About Living For Jesus


      13 Most Important Bible Lessons for Kids About Living for Jesus is kid-sized theology that really cements the fundamentals of faith into kids’ hearts and heads. Children’s ministry leaders are looking for an effective way to teach kids the foundational truths of the Christian faith, and this is it!

      This practical and engaging resource will draw children closer to Jesus and help them learn through his followers how to live for him. These 13 Bible-packed lessons equip upper-elementary kids to experience, grasp, and embrace the fundamentals of their faith. Each lesson uses Scripture, conversation, and hands-on activities to teach kids vital truths that include:
      Living in the hope and joy of Jesus
      Showing the glory and truth of Jesus to others
      Living in the world but belonging to Jesus
      Uniting in faith with other followers of Jesus
      Trusting in Jesus for eternity

      Quick overviews and the step-by-step format make teaching these concepts simple. Each lesson includes:
      Scripture foundations
      Lessons at a glance
      Bible explorations
      Relational applications
      Closing prayer

      And you’ll be fully equipped to tackle tough questions and encourage children every step of the way. Let 13 Most Important Bible Lessons for Kids About Living for Jesus be the launch pad to send the children in your ministry into a rewarding and exciting journey of faith!

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    • Kids Travel Guide To The Beatitudes


      Kids’ Travel Guide To The Beatitudes

      Explore What Jesus Shared In The Sermon On The Mount!

      Jesus Calls His Disciples

      Jesus Wants To Be Our Friend.

      The Crowds Follow Jesus

      We Want To Follow Jesus.

      The Sermon On The Mount

      Following Jesus’ Teaching Changes Our Hearts For Good.

      God Blesses Those Who Are Poor

      God Is With Us When We’re In Need.

      God Blesses Those Who Are Sad

      God Comforts Us When We Hurt.

      God Blesses Those Who Are Gentle And Kind

      God Will Reward Us In Heaven.

      God Blesses Those Who Are Fair

      God Makes Everything Right.

      God Blesses Those Who Are Merciful

      God Is Kind To Us.

      God Blesses Those Whose Hearts Are Pure

      God Helps Us Know Him.

      God Blesses Those Who Work For Peace

      God Calls Us His Children.

      God Blesses Those Who Are Punished For Doing Right

      God Takes Care Of Us.

      God Blesses Those Who Are Made Fun Of

      God Says We Belong To Him.

      A Great Reward Awaits

      God Wants Us To Live For Him.

      Additional Info
      Jesus left no doubt that being a Christian can be hard; but because of God’s promises, each of us can experience his blessings. These 13 Sunday school lessons help kids discover a wealth of wisdom about how to live a life full of blessings-even when things get tough. And they’ll learn firsthand about all the wonderful ways God shows his love in their lives, no matter the circumstances.

      All of the hands-on sessions include loads of Scripture, activities, and mementos to help kids learn for a lifetime. Plus, you get heaps of easy teacher tips and extra creative options to make the most of your sessions. Pack your bags and buckle up for an adventure full of surprises with Jesus!

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    • God Helps Me


      Our classic series, Instant Bible Lessons, is back with more lessons and activities that will help preschoolers draw closer to God every day!

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    • Creative Church Bulletin Boards


      Do church bulletin boards have to be dull and boring? Not if you have Creative Church Bulletin Boards in hand! The uplifting, thought-provoking theme messages presented in this practical “how-to” guide will both educate and entertain your entire congregation. Capturing the attention of media-jaded children – and adults – is much easier when the message of our faith is displayed in eye-catching splashes of color and design, rather than in faded construction paper or dry “memos.”

      Packed with unique design ideas that will spark your creativity, Creative Church Bulletin Boards offers plenty of specific advice on shopping for supplies and keeping expenses within a limited budget, as well as detailed directions for using a wide variety of non-conventional tools to mount interesting items. You’ll learn how to put together attractive displays that reinforce Christian teachings on subjects such as trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, and caring. Material appropriate for both general use and specific seasons throughout the year is provided, with plenty of possible slogans or phrases for you to choose from. And to help get you started, each grouping includes a thorough discussion of one example along with a color picture and explicit step-by-step instructions for assembling the board. Creative Church Bulletin Boards gives you everything you need to put a powerful but often overlooked evangelism tool to work in your church!

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    • God Takes Care Of Me


      Get toddlers into Bible learning with this series of complete lessons patterned after our best-selling Instant Bible Lessons series for older children. Each lesson begins with a Bibley story followed by a clever visual teachers can make to enhance learning. Then a variety of themed puzzles, games, crafts, and snacks allow flexibility in shaping the biblical message for any class.

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    • God Speaks To Me Flashcards


      Lesson 1 – God Speaks Through Creation (Doctrinal – Evangelistic) (Job 38; Genesis 3; Romans 8; Revelation 21-22) Memory Verse: Psalm 19:1
      Lesson 2 – God Speaks Through Jesus (Topical – Evangelistic) (Matthew 1; 13; 21; 27-28; Luke 1-2; John 14; 18-20; 1 Corinthians 15) Memory Verse: Psalm 19:1
      Lesson 3 – God Speaks Through His Word Part 1 (TCE 2 – Growth) (2 Kings 21-23; 2 Chronicles 33-34) Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16
      Lesson 4 – God Speaks Through His Word Part 2 (Topical) (Genesis 1; 2 Kings 23; Isaiah 40; Jeremiah 36; Matthew 24; John 19-20; Revelation 22) Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16,17
      Lesson 5 – God Speaks. Are You Listening? (TCE 2 – Growth) (1 Samuel 1 – 3) Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16,17
      Lesson 6 – Mystery Review Party – Memory Verse Review: Psalm 19:1; 2 Timothy 3:16-17

      Additional Info
      Full-color flashcard visuals to teach six lessons in the God Speaks to Me series.

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    • Following Jesus Curriculum


      Following Jesus answers the question “Why follow Jesus?” through a study of the lives of Peter, John, Judas, Andrew and Mary.
      Lesson 1: Why Follow Jesus?
      Lesson 2 – 3: Peter – Changed Forever & Peter – Failures and Victories
      Lessons 4 – 5: John – A Devoted Follower & John – Looking Forward
      Lessons 6 – 7: Judas – Pretending to Follow & Judas – On the Road to Ruin
      Lessons 8 – 9: Andrew – Brining Others to Jesus & Andrew – Sharing the Message
      Lessons 10 – 11: Mary – Freed from Sin & Mary – Empowered to Serve
      Lesson 12: Being a True Follower

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    • Wordless Book Small


      One of the most popular tools for witnessing, the Wordless Book presents the salvation message using five colored pages to represent Heaven and God’s love, the darkness of sin, the blood of Christ, a clean heart and Christian growth. Each book includes a free instruction leaflet.

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    • Warner Full Year Class Book


      SKU (ISBN): 9781593173340ISBN10: 1593173342Binding: Trade PaperPublisher: Warner Press

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    • Warner Full Year Class Book


      SKU (ISBN): 9781593173333ISBN10: 1593173334Binding: Trade PaperPublisher: Warner Press

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    • I Have Fun At Church


      SKU (ISBN): 9781584110729ISBN10: 1584110724Pamela KuhnBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2000More Instant Bible LessonsPublisher: RoseKidz

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    • God Speaks To Me English Text


      Lesson 1 – God Speaks Through Creation (Doctrinal – Evangelistic) (Job 38; Genesis 3; Romans 8; Revelation 21-22) Memory Verse: Psalm 19:1
      Lesson 2 – God Speaks Through Jesus (Topical – Evangelistic) (Matthew 1; 13; 21; 27-28; Luke 1-2; John 14; 18-20; 1 Corinthians 15) Memory Verse: Psalm 19:1
      Lesson 3 – God Speaks Through His Word Part 1 (TCE 2 – Growth) (2 Kings 21-23; 2 Chronicles 33-34) Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16
      Lesson 4 – God Speaks Through His Word Part 2 (Topical) (Genesis 1; 2 Kings 23; Isaiah 40; Jeremiah 36; Matthew 24; John 19-20; Revelation 22) Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16,17
      Lesson 5 – God Speaks. Are You Listening? (TCE 2 – Growth) (1 Samuel 1 – 3) Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16,17
      Lesson 6 – Mystery Review Party – Memory Verse Review: Psalm 19:1; 2 Timothy 3:16-17

      Additional Info
      Lesson text to teach the six lessons of God Speaks to Me.
      Everything the teacher needs to teach 6-11 year olds.
      Lesson outlines, detailed story line, review questions, memory verse teaching and more.

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    • Improved Sunday School Secretary Record Book 1 (Revised)


      Record concise records of students, teachers, and officers for a full year. Comprehensive, comparative reports at a glance for up to 15 classes. Weekly, quarterly, yearly.

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    • Sunday School Record Book


      Weekly class record and 31 individual members’ information and records for one year.

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