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    Bible Story Books

    • Jesus Beach Breakfast


      Journey with the disciples into the sea of Galilee while they try to catch some fish-and see the miracle that Jesus does! Children will learn about trusting in and having faith in Jesus, our Good Shepherd who entrusts pastors to feed His sheep (us!).

      First published in 1964, Arch Books captivate children with colorful pictures and creative poems. Each book presents a complete Bible story in a fun-to-read way that children ages 5-9 will understand and remember. Known for their biblical and historical accuracy, Arch Books are accessible, engaging, affordable, and collectible-perfect for assisting teachers and parents as they teach children the Bible and how God works in all aspects of life.

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    • Bible Sleuth Old Testament


      SKU (ISBN): 9781496422446ISBN10: 1496422449Produced by: Scandinavia Publishing | Illustrator: Jose MonteroBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 2017Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Fiery Furnace


      Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo to ancient Babylon to meet Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego. The three Hebrew men must choose whether to bow to an idol or face death. The children learn that obeying God is always the right decision.

      CBN’s Superbook team is made up of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast. Together they are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic Superbook series using the latest 3-D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

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    • Bible Explorers Guide


      SKU (ISBN): 9780310758105ISBN10: 0310758106Nancy SandersBinding: Cloth TextPublished: April 2017Publisher: Zondervan

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    • Noah And The Ark


      Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo back in time to meet Noah – the only righteous person in an evil world. He obeys God by building a huge boat on dry land, even though there is no sign of rain. Noah, his family, and Earth’s animals are all saved from the worldwide flood. The children learn that in troubled times, God will care for those who trust Him.

      CBN’s Superbook team is made up of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast. Together they are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic Superbook series using the latest 3-D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

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    • Peters Denial


      Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo back in time to meet Peter, a disciple of Jesus. When Jesus is arrested, Peter denies knowing Him three times. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, He forgives Peter three times and their relationship is restored. The children learn that God is always ready to forgive.

      CBN’s Superbook team is made up of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast. Together they are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic Superbook series using the latest 3-D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

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    • John The Baptist


      Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo to meet John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. John preaches a message of repentance to the crowds and fearlessly confronts King Herod about his sin. The wicked queen plots revenge by having her daughter dance to entice the king and ask for John’s head as her reward. John faithfully chooses to follow God, and the children learn they can point others to Christ.

      CBN’s Superbook team is made up of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast. Together they are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic Superbook series using the latest 3-D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

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    • Jesus Is Alive


      SKU (ISBN): 9781434711151ISBN10: 1434711153Debby AndersonBinding: BoardsPublished: February 2017Publisher: David C. Cook

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    • Story Of Passover


      For thousands of years, Jewish people have gathered during Passover to celebrate God’s love and protection. This board book explains this ancient event in a manner so simple that even the youngest child will understand. Focusing on Moses, the story tells of the plagues, Pharaoh’s reactions, and finally, the Passover itself and the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt. Parents can use this book as a way to introduce children to the concept and events of Passover.

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    • Parables Of Jesus Activity Book


      SKU (ISBN): 9781593179151ISBN10: 1593179154Binding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2017Publisher: Warner Press

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    • Bible Story Dot To Dots Coloring Book


      SKU (ISBN): 9781593179106ISBN10: 1593179103Binding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2017Publisher: Warner Press

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    • Jesus Christ Is Risen Today


      The hymn Jesus Christ Is Risen Today beautifully expresses the Gospel! Based on that hymn and on the resurrection accounts in all four Gospels, this Arch Book is a simple, joyful way to teach children why we celebrate Easter.

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    • Joshua And The Fall Of Jericho


      Despite the impressive wall around Jericho, God’s people defeated the city without a shovel or axe or arrow. This story from Numbers and Joshua teaches children that God will punish the unrighteous, but He will keep His promise to deliver those whom His Son has redeemed!

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    • Peter Surprises Rhoda


      Peter and his fellow Christians could hardly believe that God sent an angel to rescue Peter from execution! This account from Acts 12:1-19 of Peter’s escape from prison teaches children that God answers all prayers.

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    • Beginners Bible Bilingual


      El best seller de los libros de historias biblicas en la actualidad con mas de 5 millones de ejemplares vendidos ensea a los nios las historias y los personajes de la Biblia en esta edicion bilingue. Ahora, las historias biblicas favoritas cobran vida en un formato bilingue Espaol-Ingles con el nuevo arte vibrante e historias cautivadoras, haciendo de este libro el punto de partida perfecto para que los nios aprendan de la Biblia. Disfrutaran de las ilustraciones divertidas de Noe ayudando al elefante a subir al arca, Jonas orando dentro del pez, y mucho mas, a medida que descubran el tesoro contenido en estas paginas al igual que ya lo han hecho millones de nios.

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    • Beginners Bible : Timeless Childrens Stories


      The Beginner’s Bible has been a favorite with young children and their parents since its release in 1989 with over 25 million products sold. Now it’s redesigned with fresh new art that will excite children for many more years to come. Full of faith and fun, The Beginner’s Bible is a wonderful gift for any child. The easy-to-read text and bright, full-color illustrations on every page make it a perfect way to introduce young children to the stories and characters of the Bible. With new vibrant three-dimensional art and compelling text, more than 90 Bible stories come to life. Kids ages 6 and under will enjoy the fun illustrations of Noah helping the elephant onto the ark, Jonah praying inside the fish, and more, as they discover The Beginner’s Bible just like millions of children before. The Beginner’s Bible was named the 2006 Retailers Choice Award winner in Children’s Nonfiction.

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    • Babys First Bible Carryalong


      SKU (ISBN): 9780794438357ISBN10: 0794438350Colin MacLean | Moira MacLeanBinding: BoardsPublished: September 2016Publisher: Trusted Media Brands

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    • Hungry Mouths Hungry Hearts


      When the crowds were following Jesus, they were hungry-spiritually and physically! This Arch Book is about the miracle of Jesus feeding 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, as told in all four Gospels.

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    • Wild About The Bible Sticker And Activity Book


      The Adventure Bible comes to life with puzzles, activity pages, and 50 reusable stickers in the new Wild About the Bible Sticker and Activity Book. Featuring Bible time heroes and their adventures, activities are fun and engaging and will entertain as well as teach young children about familiar stories in the Bible. Heroes and adventures include Creation, Noah, Moses, Esther, and the parable of the Lost Son.

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    • Road To Damascus


      In “The Road to Damascus” Superbook takes our heroes on a journey where they encounter the sinister Saul of Tarsus. Through experiencing Saul’s dramatic life change, the kids return home with a renewed hope that amazing change is always possible with God.

      CBN’s Superbook team is made up of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast. Together they are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic Superbook series using the latest 3D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

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    • I Am : Bible Stories Devotions And Prayers About The Names Of God


      This book includes 40 of the names and descriptive titles for God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as shown throughout the Bible. Each story features Scripture verses, a prayer, and a short section about that name and its significance in kid-friendly language that children can comprehend. For example:
      *Jehovah Tsuri: the God who helps me
      *Jehovah Rophe: the God who heals me
      *Immanuel: the God who is with us
      *Rabbi: the God who teaches me

      This wonderful introduction to the many names of God will help your children get to know God as all powerful, loving Savior, Healer, Creator, and so many other ways that show He is completely awesome and trustworthy.

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    • He Is Risen


      In “He Is Risen” Superbook intervenes and in a very special episode, takes Chris, Joy, Gizmo AND Phoebe back in time, for an encounter with Jesus’ mother Mary during the time of her son’s crucifixion.

      CBN’s Superbook team is made up of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast. Together they are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic Superbook series using the latest 3D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

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    • Last Supper


      In “The Last Supper” Superbook whisks the kids off to Jerusalem and Chris learns from Jesus that even though Jesus is famous, he was humble and served others.

      CBN’s Superbook team is made up of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast. Together they are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic Superbook series using the latest 3D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

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    • Miracles Of Jesus


      In “The Miracles of Jesus” Superbook whisks the kids off to historical Galilee where Jesus is performing true miracles like healing a cripple, calming a storm on the sea and banishing demons from a possessed man.

      CBN’s Superbook team is made up of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast. Together they are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic Superbook series using the latest 3D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

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    • Jacob And Esau


      In “Jacob and Esau” Superbook intercedes and whisks the kids back to the days of Jacob and Esau to witness forgiveness.

      CBN’s Superbook team is made up of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast. Together they are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic Superbook series using the latest 3D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

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    • Test : Abraham And Isaac


      In “The Test!” Superbook takes our heroes on a journey through Abraham’s obedience to God where they learn to put God first, above all else.

      CBN’s Superbook team is made up of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast. Together they are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic Superbook series using the latest 3D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

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    • Garden The Curtain And The Cross


      This beautifully illustrated hardback book takes children on a journey from the garden of Eden to God’s prefect new creation.

      Retelling the Easter story through a Bible overview, children will discover that ‘because of our sin, we can’t go in’ but because of Jesus’ victory on the cross, an even better garden awaits us…

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    • Adventures Of Moses Activity Book


      SKU (ISBN): 9781593178499ISBN10: 1593178492Binding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2016Publisher: Warner Press

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    • My Very First Easter


      My Very First Easter tells the story of Jesus from Palm Sunday through Easter day. This addition to the popular Candle Bible for Toddlers line pairs simple text with bright and friendly illustrations ideal for the very young as they learn about Jesus’ death and resurrection–perhaps for the first time.

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    • 10 Commandments : Moses And The Law


      In “The Ten Commandments” Superbook takes our three heroes on a trip back in time to learn that rules are in place to protect you.

      CBN’s Superbook team is made up of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast. Together they are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic Superbook series using the latest 3D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

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    • Bible Trivia


      SKU (ISBN): 9781593178529ISBN10: 1593178522Binding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2016Itty Bitty Bible Activity BooksPublisher: Warner Press

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    • Bible Stories Kids Love Coloring Book


      Min. order is 6
      High quality paper – Reproducible for home or classroom use.

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    • Beginners Bible Super Girls Of The Bible Sticker And Activity Book


      Amazing women of the Bible come to life through age-appropriate puzzles, activity pages, and 50 reusable stickers in these friendly and fun sticker and activity book featuring The Beginner’s Bible classic art and simply written content. Children will love learning about Deborah, Ruth and Naomi, Queen Esther and more as they delight in the stories, art, and activities in The Beginner’s Bible Super Girls from the Bible Sticker and Activity Book.

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    • Beginners Bible Super Heroes Of The Bible Sticker And Activity Book


      Bible heroes come to life through age-appropriate puzzles, activity pages, and 50 reusable stickers in these friendly and fun sticker and activity book featuring The Beginner’s Bible classic art and simply written content.

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    • Giant Adventure : David And Goliath


      In “A Great Adventure” Superbook takes our heroes on the frontline of battle when David meets the giant Goliath.

      CBN’s Superbook team is made up of Emmy-winning artists and storytellers, whose credits include Mulan, The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast. Together they are collaborating to completely reimagine the classic Superbook series using the latest 3D CGI technology. The new Superbook honors the life-changing legacy of the classic series and introduces the stories of the Bible to a new generation.

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    • Beginners Bible A Christmas Celebration Sticker And Activity Book


      The Christmas story comes to life through age-appropriate puzzles, activity pages, and 50 reusable stickers in this friendly and fun sticker and activity Book featuring The Beginner’s Bible classic art and simply written content.

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    • My First Hands On Bible


      This Pretty Pink deluxe edition of My First Hands-On Bible is the preschooler version of the popular Hands-On Bible, which has sold nearly one million copies. Jesus taught with hands-on lessons and illustrations; My First Hands-On Bible uses the same experience-based learning to communicate God’s Word in an active, understandable way.

      My First Hands-On Bible is a fun and simple, yet meaningful way to engage preschool, prekindergarten, and kindergarten children (ages 3-6) with the Bible while helping them build a solid faith foundation. Each lesson focuses on a specific Bible point through a variety of activities in order to reinforce and help young children remember the stories and lessons. Using common household items, you can help your children have a “hands-on” learning experience while engaging them in 85 key stories from the Bible.

      My First Hands-On Bible doesn’t just retell the Bible stories; it also includes actual Scripture from the easy-to-understand and easy-to-read Holy Bible, New Living Translation. In addition to the stories and activities, there are fun illustrations, prayers, and a special Jesus Connection feature.

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    • My First Hands On Bible


      This Bold Blue deluxe edition of My First Hands-On Bible is the preschooler version of the popular Hands-On Bible, which has sold nearly one million copies. Jesus taught with hands-on lessons and illustrations; My First Hands-On Bible uses the same experience-based learning to communicate God’s Word in an active, understandable way.

      My First Hands-On Bible is a fun and simple, yet meaningful way to engage preschool, prekindergarten, and kindergarten children (ages 3-6) with the Bible while helping them build a solid faith foundation. Each lesson focuses on a specific Bible point through a variety of activities in order to reinforce and help young children remember the stories and lessons. Using common household items, you can help your children have a “hands-on” learning experience while engaging them in 85 key stories from the Bible.

      My First Hands-On Bible doesn’t just retell the Bible stories; it also includes actual Scripture from the easy-to-understand and easy-to-read Holy Bible, New Living Translation. In addition to the stories and activities, there are fun illustrations, prayers, and a special Jesus Connection feature.

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    • Illustrated Bible For Little Ones


      Introduce little ones (ages 5 and under) to the Bible with this brightly illustrated, easy-to-understand storybook. With more than a hundred adventure-filled stories from both the Old and New Testaments, The Illustrated Bible for Little Ones is sure to become the most requested book on your child’s bookshelf. As you read, your child will be captivated by the large, colorful pictures while learning who God is and how much He loves them.

      This is the one. This is the beginner Bible storybook you will want to give to inspire the children in your life as they begin their own journey with God.

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    • Abraham Trusts God


      SKU (ISBN): 9781496403209ISBN10: 1496403207Jennifer Holder | Illustrator: Terry JulienBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2015Faith That SticksPublisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Beginners Bible Wild About Creation Sticker And Activity Book


      The wonders and joys of nature come to life through age-appropriate puzzles, activity pages, and stickers in this friendly and fun The Beginner’s Bible Wild About Creation Sticker and Activity Book, featuring The Beginner’s Bible classic art and simply written content.

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    • Believe Coloring Book


      How do you Think, Act, and Be like Jesus? This church-wide discipleship program takes families on a journey to become more like Jesus in their beliefs, actions, and character. The Believe Coloring Book gives even the youngest child a way to interact with the stories and lessons the rest of their family is following in the church-wide Believe campaign. With bold black line images for 30 Old Testament and 30 New Testament stories, this coloring book lets children have fun coloring the pages that encourage them to THINK, ACT, and BE like Jesus.

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    • Bible Favorites One Sentence Storybooks


      Teaches foundational sight words
      Clear, simple illustrations
      Sturdy slipcase for easy storage
      10 complete 12-page books!

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    • Beginners Bible Come Celebrate Easter Sticker And Activity Book


      The Easter story comes to life through age-appropriate puzzles, activity pages, and stickers in this friendly and fun The Beginner’s Bible Easter Sticker and Activity Book featuring classic art and simply written content from The Beginner’s Bible. .

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    • Jesus Blesses The Children Story And Activity Book


      SKU (ISBN): 9781496403162ISBN10: 1496403169Karen Cooley | Illustrator: Terry JulienBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2015Faith That SticksPublisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Ready Set Go Activity Book


      SKU (ISBN): 9781593177690ISBN10: 1593177690Binding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2015Publisher: Warner Press

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    • Fruit Of The Spirit Coloring Book


      The Fruit of the Spirit coloring book teaches the meaning of Galatians 5:22-23 in a simple, visual way that young children can understand. The illustrations and simple activities are designed for children (ages 4-7) to enjoy as an adult helps read the story.

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    • Bible Made Easy For Kids


      Forget boring! Dave Strehler’s “The Bible Made Easy–for Kids” takes young (and old!) readers on a fun-filled, informative journey to understand the Bible and apply it to their lives. Conversational in tone, the writing is clear and simple. Contents are jam-packed with line drawings that beg to be colored, charts that help explain complex facts/concepts, questions that provoke thoughtful reflection and prompts that generate rousing discussions. Key biblical topics like faith and salvation are explained in kid-friendly, age-appropriate terms.

      Read along with the Bible, this creative learning tool can help kids discover the exciting connection between Bible stories, their individual lives and God’s overall plan for mankind.

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    • Gods Story For Me God Sends Jesus


      We’ve fun-sized one of the best loved story Bibles! Introducing God’s Story for Me booklets! Every child needs to fall in love with God’s great book, the Bible. These 32-page “Little Books” have been adapted from God’s Story for Me Bible Storybook, a Bible designed especially for preschoolers! These stories have proven to get kids excited about God’s plan for their world.

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    • Christmas Story For Children


      Follow the events of Jesus’ birth as you read this lovely picture book written by Max Lucado with Randy Frazee and Karen Hill and illustrated by Fausto. The Christmas Story for Children tells readers about the birth of a special baby whose story is filled with love for us all. Young readers as well as their parents will appreciate the beautiful words and artwork that convey the message that we are loved and cherished. A holiday companion book to the award-winning and bestselling The Story for Children.

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