Books (Spanish)
Showing 1–50 of 66 resultsSorted by latest
Historia Del Cristianismo – (Spanish)
$27.99Una introduccion a la formacion e historia del cristianismo hasta nuestros dias
Edicion especial de La historia de cristianismo de Paul Johnson.
Desde los tiempos de san Pablo, pasando por los primeros concilios de la Iglesia y llegando hasta nuestros dias, Johnson ofrece una amplia panoramica de la religion que durante mas de dos milenios ha ejercido una influencia mayor en el destino de la humanidad que cualquier filosofia.
El autor hace gala en este libro de su maestria en el arte de contar la historia de una forma accesible, rica en detalles, apreciaciones y anecdotas, y al mismo tiempo ofrece los datos necesarios para responder a cuestiones esenciales sobre la evolucion de la fe cristiana.
Illuminating perspectives on the themes of Christianity during nearly two millennia are provided in a survey of the foundation of the Christian faith and its diffusion throughout the world.
In a highly readable companion to books on faith and history, the scholar and author Johnson has illuminated the Christian world and its fascinating history in a way that no other has. Johnson takes off in the year 49 with his namesake the apostle Paul. Thus, beginning an ambitious quest to paint the centuries since the founding of a little-known ‘Jesus Sect’, A History of Christianity explores to a great degree the evolution of the Western world. With an unbiased and overall optimistic tone, Johnson traces the fantastic scope of the consequent sects of Christianity and the people who followed them. Information drawn from extensive and varied sources from around the world makes this history as credible as it is reliable. Invaluable understanding of the framework of modern Christianity-and its trials and tribulations throughout history-has never been contained in such a captivating work.
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Historia De Jesucristo 2024 25 – (Spanish)
$1.20Adapted from the bestselling Action Bible, this comic book-sized Bible storybook uses vivid illustrations to tell the incredible stories of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
Millions of people around the world have seen God’s Word come alive in The Action Bible. Now in The Action Bible: Story of Jesus, readers of all ages can discover the incredible stories of Jesus’ ministry in a comic book-style size. This updated edition of the colorful 16-page book includes:
*Sergio Cariello’s vivid illustrations from the expanded Action Bible
*Fast-paced stories of Jesus’ life, from his birth to his baptism, his miracles to his death, his resurrection to his ascension into heaven
*An emphasis on Jesus’ love and forgiveness, with a call to faith at the end of the book
Available in packs of 25 for easy distribution, Story of Jesus depicts the real-life details and relationships of Jesus’s time on earth. This unique resource will draw readers closer to the God who came to us so that we might always be with him.
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Mi Pequeno Libro De Promesas – (Spanish)
$4.99Cuando anheles el consuelo y el animo, el libro de regalo Mi Pequeo Libro de Promesas te recordara suavemente de las promesas encontradas dentro de la Palabra de Dios y de la sabiduria de lideres espirituales que han abierto camino delante de ti. Este libro precioso presenta una coleccion escogida con mucho cuidado de versiculos de las Escrituras y citas organizados por temas. Cada pagina es un testamento a las promesas que nuestro Dios incambiable les ha hecho a los que han puesto su confianza en El. Deja que este lindo regalo te levante el espiritu y reafirme tu fe, recordandote del amor firme y guia disponible para ti en cada etapa de la vida. Una hermosa montaa se levanta entre la neblina detras de un valle lleno de flores en la portada de cartulina gruesa y resistente del libro. El titulo esta enmarcado con un borde de color cuero y esta presentado con letras blancas acentuadas con letras doradas metalicas
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Progreso Del Peregrino – (Spanish)
$12.99La nueva edicion de una de las mas grandes alegorias que se hayan escrito. Ahora con oraciones curadas para guiarnos en nuestro camino diario.
Una obra maestra de la tradicion inglesa puritana, El progreso del peregrino posee un poder imaginativo y un lenguaje vivido y sincero de gran riqueza. Cuenta la historia de Christian, quien aparece ante el autor en un sueo, y de su viaje hacia el Cielo a traves de las pruebas y tribulaciones de la vida. A lo largo del camino conoce a peregrinos que comparten su forma de pensar, como Esperanza y Leal, pero antes de llegar a su meta, se encuentran con el Gigante de la Tristeza y el propio Rio de la Muerte. Traducido a mas de cien idiomas, El progreso del peregrino sigue ejerciendo una inconmensurable influencia en la literatura inglesa.
Esta edicion incluye ademas una introduccion del autor bestseller Jose Luis Navajo, asi como oraciones cuidadosamente elegidas que guiaran al lector en todos los encuentros y giros decisivos que tenga Christian en su viaje. Sin duda, un tesoro.
A new edition of one of the greatest allegorical stories ever written. Now with curated prayers to help guide us along today’s journey.
A masterpiece of the English Puritan tradition, The Pilgrim’s Progress is rich in its imaginative power and its vivid and heartfelt language. It recounts the story of Christian, who appears to the author in a dream, and his journey to Heaven through the trials and tribulations of life. He meets many like-minded pilgrims on his way, such as Faithful and Hopeful, but before they attain their goal they encounter the Giant Despair and the River of Death itself. Translated into more than one hundred languages, The Pilgrim’s Progress continues to have an immeasurable influence on English literature.
Additionally, this edition carries an introduction by Best-selling author Jose Luis Navajo, as well as curated prayers that will help guide the reader along each of the critical turns and encounters that Christian has along his journey. Sure to be a precious keepsake.
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Usted Es Especial 25 Pack – (Spanish)
$4.25Everyone is special to God, and he loves and desires to know each of us personally. This all-time bestselling tract, redesigned and translated into Spanish, reveals Christ’s loving and merciful heart for those who place their identity in him.
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Respuesta A La Ansiedad – (Spanish)
$17.99Renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers how to overcome anxiety by putting your worries to God.
Anxiety and worry are common human responses to stressful situations. We all feel anxious, worried, or concerned at times but what if there was a way to put a stop to your worrying before it gets out of hand?
In The Answer to Anxiety, renowned Bible teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer encourages us to lean into God when we’re feeling anxious or unsettled. Joyce teaches readers the lessons found in God’s word that can help us deal with our fears and anxieties. When we understand that God has a good plan for us, we can find the peace He offers.
God’s will for us is peace, not worry and anxiety. Join Joyce on this exploration to conquer that anxiety and learn to lead a God centered, anxiety-free life.
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Manten La Calma Y Confia En Di – (Spanish)
$4.99Nuestras vidas parecen estar bajo un asalto constante. La preocupacion, el miedo, el estres y la ansiedad nos hacen guerra a diario. Nuestra sociedad ha aceptado la depresion y el desanimo como dolencias sociales comunes. La ansiedad amenaza con inmovilizarnos, ya que los sueos incumplidos, la perdida, el divorcio, la enfermedad, la muerte, los fracasos, los errores y las criticas parecen invadir nuestras vidas a diario. El resultado es mucho dolor, confusion y sufrimiento. Este libro esta diseado para volver a centrar nuestra atencion en Dios en lugar de centrarnos en los problemas. Cada capitulo contiene oraciones, animo, reflexiones, citas inspiradoras, poemas y escrituras llenas de esperanza y ayuda para afrontar los problemas mas frecuentes de la vida.
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Esperanza – (Spanish)
$14.99Para muchos, la preocupacion, la ansiedad y el miedo son compaeros constantes: miedo a la muerte, miedo al peligro, miedo a la enfermedad. En el mundo impredecible y contencioso de hoy, quien puede culparnos?
Con demasiada frecuencia, estos temores son paralizantes y nos roban la vida que Dios nos ha llamado a vivir. Hay esperanza alguna en medio de toda esta oscuridad?
Si, la hay. Como cristianos, se nos ha dado todo lo que necesitamos para enfrentar hasta los obstaculos mas aterradores, inesperados y abrumadores de la vida. En Esperanza, el Dr. David Jeremiah explora los siete miedos principales que nos impiden vivir la vida a la cual Dios nos ha llamado. Tambien nos comparte secretos para enfrentar estos temores con la esperanza puesta en Dios. Con cada pagina, aumentara su conviccion de que Dios es la respuesta que ha estado buscando. Al mirar hacia el futuro, comenzara a ver nada mas alla del poder y el amor de Dios protegiendo cada paso que usted da. Camine hacia la verdad y comience a vivir y a disfrutar la vida para la cual Dios lo creo.
For many people, worry, anxiety, and fear are constant companions: fear of death, fear of danger, fear of disease. In today’s unpredictable and contentious world, who can blame us?
All too often, these fears are crippling, keeping us from the life God has called us to live. Is there any hope amidst all this darkness?There is. As Christians, we have been given all we need in order to face down even the most frightening, unexpected, and overwhelming obstacles in life. In Hope, Dr. David Jeremiah explores the top seven fears that are holding so many of us back from the life God has called us to live and shares secrets for facing down these fears with hope in God. With each page, you’ll grow in your conviction that God is the answer you’ve been looking for. As you look to the future, you’ll begin to see nothing except his power and love guarding your every step. Step into the truth and start living the fearless life God created you to enjoy.
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Devocionales De 3 Minutos Para – (Spanish)
$4.99For Boys Under Construction
Hey guys–you can make three minutes for God’s Word, especially when it’s presented in the fun, appealing package of 3-Minute Devotions for Boys? Created just for guys ages 8 to 12, this book offers 90 readings that speak directly to the interests, needs, and dreams of you “men under construction”–with plenty of fun references to sports, video games, machines, and all those things you enjoy. In three minutes’ time, you can 1) consider a relevant scripture selection; 2) read a devotion that explains God’s Word in light of what boys experience in life; and 3) read a prayer designed to help you jump-start a conversation with God.
Para muchachos en progreso
Hey, chicos, pueden apartar tres minutos para la Palabra de Dios, sobre todo cuando les llega con una presentacion tan divertida y atractiva como Devocionales de 3 minutos para nios. Creado solo para nios de 8 a 12 aos, este libro ofrece 90 lecturas que hablan directamente de los intereses, necesidades y sueos que tienen ustedes, “hombres en progreso”, con muchas referencias divertidas a los deportes, los videojuegos, los aparatos electronicos y todas esas cosas que los hacen disfrutar. En tres minutos, puedes 1) considerar un pasaje biblico relevante seleccionado; 2) leer un devocional que explica la Palabra de Dios a la luz de lo que experimentas en la vida; y 3) leer una oracion diseada para ayudarte a iniciar una conversacion con Dios.
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Notas De Las Escrituras Cuader – (Spanish)
$6.99This Bible Study notebook is a great way to organize your bible notes. Its lay-flay spiral binding with 100 double sided, perforated pages fits into most Bible cases. You’ll find many helpful prompts on the study pages to make studying and journaling easier. The sturdy front and back covers keep everything together.
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Notas De Las Escrituras Cuader – (Spanish)
$6.99This Bible Study notebook is a great way to organize your bible notes. Its lay-flay spiral binding with 100 double sided, perforated pages fits into most Bible cases. You’ll find many helpful prompts on the study pages to make studying and journaling easier. The sturdy front and back covers keep everything together.
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Preocupate Menos Y Ora Mas – (Spanish)
$4.99Worry-Free Devotional Guide for Women Offers You Calm for an Anxiety-Filled Soul
This purposeful devotional guide features 180 readings and prayers designed to help alleviate your worries as you learn to live in the peace of the Almighty God, who offers calm for your anxiety-filled soul. Inspired by this promise from God’s Word: “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life” (Philippians 4:6-7 MSG), Worry Less, Pray More reinforces the truth that with God, you can live anxiety-free every single day-whether you worry about your work, relationships, bills, the turmoil of the world, or something more.
Guia devocional para mujeres ofrece calma al alma angustiada
Esta guia devocional llena de proposito presenta 180 lecturas y oraciones diseadas para ayudar a aliviar las preocupaciones de la mujer mientras aprende a vivir en la paz del Dios Todopoderoso, quien ofrece calma para su alma angustiada. Inspirado por esta promesa de la Palabra de Dios: ” No se preocupen por nada; en cambio, oren por todo. Diganle a Dios lo que necesitan y denle gracias por todo lo que el ha hecho. Asi experimentaran la paz de Dios, que supera todo lo que podemos entender. La paz de Dios cuidara su corazon y su mente mientras vivan en Cristo Jesus” (Filipenses 4:6-7 ntv), Preocupate menos, ora mas refuerza la verdad de que, con Dios, las mujeres pueden vivir todos y cada uno de los dias sin angustia, ya sea que se preocupe por su trabajo, sus relaciones, sus cuentas a pagar, la agitacion del mundo o cualquier otra cosa.
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Mi Diario De Estudio Biblico – (Spanish)
$9.99Daily Bible study made simple with themed reading plans!
Do you want to spend time in God’s Word, but aren’t sure where to start? My Bible Study Journal can help!
This elegant journal features six themed 30-Day Bible Reading Plans: Getting to Know God, Growing Your Faith, Great Women of Scripture, Thankfulness, Friendships and Relationships, and Forgiveness.
Each entry includes the scripture reference for the day’s Bible reading and journaling prompts with ample lined space that will encourage you to reflect applying God’s Word to your own life and heart.
This lovely journal, perfect for personal quiet time or small groups, features:
*A user-friendly, spiral binding–lays flat!
*Delightfully designed one-color interior
*Six topical 30-day Bible reading plans
*Daily Bible studies
*Journal prompts encourage deeper study and reflection
*Generous space to record personal thoughts and feelingsAdd to cart1 in stock
Templo Folleto – (Spanish)
$4.99Se proporcionan ilustraciones y hechos detallados siguiendo la historia del templo desde el tabernaculo en el desierto hasta el templo construido por el rey Salomon, el de Zorobabel y el templo de Herodes, el que Jesus conocia. Se explican los propositos y las funciones de los muebles requeridos por Dios y son mostrados los significados que tienen para los creyentes hoy. Como centro judio de la adoracion y el sacrificio, un estudio del templo dara una comprension mas completa o una introduccion al papel de Cristo en la vida de un creyente. 12 paneles laminados a todo color se despliegan a 33 pulgadas de largo, pero encajan dentro de la cubierta de la mayoria de las Biblias.
The Temple has a detailed and colorful diagram of the Jewish Temple drawn to scale based on measurements from the Bible. Each of the Temple furnishings are explained in detail, as well as their functions, purposes, and the meanings they have for believers today. The Temple pamphlet also has a question-and-answer section filled with fascinating facts about the biblical Temple. The physical pamphlet version is 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches folded, which fits in most Bibles; it unfolds to 33 inches long. The e-book and/or digital versions can be scrolled or zoomed.
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Concordancia Tematica Holman – (Spanish)
$16.99Con la Concordancia Tematica Holman podra obtener informacion sobre mas de 1,700 temas diferentes. Usted especifica el asunto y este libro se ocupa del resto. Lo guiara directamente hacia los pasajes biblicos pertinentes, de un extremo al otro de las Escrituras, y aportara un factor de equilibrio y profundidad al estudio y la enseanza.
A diferencia de las concordancias comunes, este volumen va mas alla de palabras biblicas especificas para sealar pasajes por temas e ideas, ordenadas alfabeticamente en cientos de alternativas. Es un recurso ideal para desarrollar lecciones de estudio biblico sobre temas en particular, independientemente de cuan contemporaneos sean.
Incluso las personas que recien comienzan a estudiar la Biblia podran usar este sencillo producto de referencia para lograr una comprension integral sobre lo que dice la Palabra de Dios acerca de casi todo tema de interes. Este libro contiene 40,000 referencias biblicas y tambien incluye dibujos lineales de artefactos, edificios y lugares.
Get the Word on more than 1,700 different subjects with Concordancia Tematica Holman, the Spanish edition of the Holman Concise Topical Concordance. You name the topic, and it does the rest, steering directly to relevant scriptures from one corner of the Bible to the other, adding balance and depth to study and teaching.
Unlike regular concordances, this volume goes beyond specific Bible words to point out passasges by themes and ideas-arranged alphabetically in hundreds of choices, perfect for crafting Sunday School lessons on particular topics, no matter how contemporary.
Even those new to serious Bible study can use this ready reference to gain a well-rounded grasp of what God’s Word says about nearly any subject of interest. This book contains 40,000 Bible references and also includes line drawings of artifacts, buildings, and places.
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Promesas De La Biblia Para La – (Spanish)
$17.99“El cielo y la tierra pasaran, pero mis palabras jamas pasaran”. Mateo 24:35
!Que maravillosa promesa!, una de las muchas que Dios ha hablado para su vida.
Sabia usted que hay cientos de promesas de Dios similares para cada una de sus necesidades? Estas promesas no cambian; y siempre son verdaderas. Son para todas las personas en todos los tiempos, puesto que reflejan el corazon y el caracter de Dios.
Promesas de la Biblia para la vida es un recurso poderoso que le resguardara y le dirigira. Es su mejor manual para conseguir todo lo que Dios le garantiza en su Palabra. Le dara la confianza que necesita para enfrentar los problemas cotidianos. Es el regalo ideal para darles a aquellos que necesitan conocer las promesas personales de Dios en cuanto a cada una de sus necesidades. En este libro, cada una de las promesas de Dios se organiza por temas en orden alfabetico, por lo que es la referencia perfecta cuando mas requiera de la seguridad divina.
Guarde un ejemplar en su mesita de noche y obsequie una copia a un amigo. !Las promesas de Dios no perderan su poder nunca ni dejaran de cumplir su proposito en su vida!
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Mi Diario De Oracion – (Spanish)
$8.99Good mornings are guaranteed when you start the day off in prayer.
Dozens of faith-building prayers are accompanied by inspiring devotional thoughts, scripture selections, and generous journaling space–just for you. Featuring just-right-sized readings to fit into your busy morning routine and scripture selections from the Reina Valera 1909, you’ll start your days off right with Mornings with God!
Docenas de oraciones que edifican la fe van acompanadas de pensamientos devocionales inspiradores, de una seleccion de textos biblicos y de un generoso espacio para apuntes; solo para ti. Presenta lecturas del tamano ideal que encajaran en tu ajetreada rutina mananera, y versiculos seleccionados de la amada version de la Biblia, empezaras tus dias con Mananas con Dios!
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Pequena Locura Llamada Matrimo – (Spanish)
$13.99Cada pareja que quiere un matrimonio feliz apreciara los secretos revitalizantes en Una pequea locura llamada matrimonio. Alli, el doctor Greg y Erin Smalley exploran las caracteristicas de un matrimonio saludable y prospero. Basados en una investigacion de miles de parejas fuertes, los doce elementos esenciales delineados estan arraigados en fundamentos biblicos y trazan el curso para una relacion romantica que durara toda la vida. Con consejos practicos y anecdotas de su propio matrimonio y experiencias de consejeria, Greg y Erin guian a las parejas a descubrir maneras para superar los obstaculos en su relacion actual y a intencionalmente crear patrones de comunicacion que los llevaran a lugares emocionalmente seguros. Si, el matrimonio puede tener sus giros y vueltas. Pero los desvios no necesariamente tienen que llevar a las parejas fuera de curso. Greg y Erin ayudan a las parejas a delinear un viaje para sus matrimonios de manera que puedan disfrutar de la relacion apasionada e intima que Dios ha prometido.
Every couple who wants a happy marriage will appreciate the revitalizing secrets in Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage. In it, Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley explore the traits of a healthy and thriving marriage. Based on research that looked at thousands of strong couples across the country, the twelve essential elements outlined are biblically based and chart a course for a romantic adventure that will last a lifetime. With practical advice and stories from their own marriage and counseling experiences, Greg and Erin guide couples to find ways to work around roadblocks in their current relationship and to intentionally create communication patterns that will take them to emotionally safe places. Yes, marriage can have its twists and turns. But the detours don’t necessarily have to lead couples off course. Greg and Erin help couples map out a journey for their marriage so that they can enjoy the passionate and intimate relationship that God has promised.
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Conoce Tu Biblia (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Guide)
$4.99Know Your Bible gives details on each biblical book’s author and time frame, a ten-word synopsis, a longer summary, a listing of key verses, and a “So What?” section of practical application. This helpful and memorable overview of scripture is a fantastic resource for individuals and ministries.
Conoce tu Biblia–Casi tres millones de copias vendidas
Conoce tu Biblia proporciona detalles sobre el autor y el marco de tiempo de cada libro de la Biblia, una sinopsis de diez palabras, un resumen mas extenso, un listado de versiculos clave y la seccion de aplicaciones practicas Y, ahora que?. Esta util y memorable vision general de las Escrituras es un recurso fantastico para individuos y ministros.Add to cart1 in stock
Biblia En Accion – (Spanish)
$27.99La Biblia en accion incluye mas de 200 historias emocionantes en orden cronologico, para ayudar al lector a comprender la fluidez historica de la Biblia y a experimentar como la tension dramatica crece hasta culminar en su apogeo conmovedor.
Las historias de La Biblia en accion comunican la verdad biblica clara y convincentemente a los lectores contemporaneos. Su mezcla absorbente de narrativa comprensible e imagenes dramaticas atraera a personas de todas las edades.
Sergio Cariello, artista de renombre internacional, ha creado ilustraciones que captaran la atencion, caracterizadas por vivos colores, iluminacion y sombreado dramaticos, y figuras evocadoras.
Deja que esta interpretacion epica te envuelva en toda la emocion de la historia mas asombrosa del mundo.
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Biblia Para Principiantes – (Spanish)
$22.99El best seller de los libros de historias biblicas con mas de 5 millones de ejemplares vendidos ensena a los ninos las historias y los personajes de la Biblia. Ahora, las historias biblicas favoritas cobran vida con el nuevo arte vibrante e historias cautivadoras, haciendo de este libro el punto de partida perfecto para que los ninos aprendan de la Biblia. Disfrutaran de las ilustraciones divertidas de Noe ayudando al elefante a subir al arca, Jonas orando dentro del pez, y mucho mas, a medida que descubran el tesoro contenido en estas paginas al igual que ya lo han hecho millones de ninos.
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Bosquejo Sencillo Del Plan De – (Spanish)
$4.25With a beautifully redesigned cover, this timeless tract uses Scripture to summarize the key points of salvation. Outlining the three major questions an unbeliever would ask about beginning a relationship with Jesus Christ, this message paints a compelling picture of the gospel, while presenting verses that calm uncertainties faced by every sinner.
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Libro Para Colorear 4 – (Spanish)
$2.95We know “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” II Timothy 3:16 NLT
Knowing that everything in the Bible is useful and much to understand, we present Scripture to children in an interesting, creative way. Kids love activities and to color so we decided to combine that with what the Bible teaches.
Instead of just reading a passage, a parent or teacher can read the passage and the children color as they listen or vice-versa. It also encourages the children to show their family and friends their coloring but also share what they learned.
Each volume also has an 8-page section that focuses on one theme and in Volume 4; the focus is on Mission. By the time they finish the activities and read what is written each child will have a far better understanding of what Mission means and that all followers of Christ are called to go and make disciples. This is in addition to what they learned from the passages with coloring.
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Libro Para Colorear 2 – (Spanish)
$2.95We know “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” II Timothy 3:16 NLT
Knowing that everything in the Bible is useful and so much to understand, we wanted to present Scripture to children in an interesting, creative way for them to learn. Kids love activities and to color so we decided to combine that with what the Bible teaches.
Instead of just reading a passage, a parent or teacher can read the passage and the children color as they listen or vice-versa. It also encourages the children to show their family and friends their coloring but also share what they learned.
Each volume also has an 8-page section that focuses on one theme and in Volume 2; the focus is on Prayer. By the time they finish the activities and read what is written each child will have a far better understanding of prayer in addition to what they learned from the passages with coloring.
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Historia Mas Importante Del Mu – (Spanish)
$2.95The Most Important Story (MIS) is the single most effective Gospel presentation available today. The distribution of 92 million copies alone marks an unprecedented milestone in Christian publishing. It has been utilized by leading Christian Organizations and Denominations around the world. Of special note is this is the book chosen to be distributed through Operations Christmas Child’s “shoebox program” for 15 consecutive years. It has been used by Billy Graham and Operation Mobilization and Child Evangelism Fellowship and countless others.
Most revealing perhaps has been its incredible reception in 175 countries and the unparalled response rate in Vietnam with the fastest growing denomination in the country. Exacting documentation reveals that 75% of non-believers accept Christ upon going through the MIS book. It also directly led to over 400 new churches being established. One other amazing fact is that on two occasions, this full color, Scripture filled (50% of content) was named the number one selling book at the Cairo book fair which is the largest book fair in the Middle East, intended to market and sell Arabic books to the Muslim world.
It tells the big story of the Bible, starting with creation, revealing the sin of mankind and our separation from God but quickly moves to God’s solution in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. There is content revealing the life of Christ on earth, his death, resurrection and ascent to heaven.
The family was designed carefully to be of no particular origin. It clearly explains how to become a child of God, ending with an invitation to accept Christ with a prayer of salvation and a challenge to go and do likewise.
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Historia Mas Importante Del Mu – (Spanish)
$1.95The Most Important Story (MIS) is the single most effective Gospel presentation available today. The distribution of 92 million copies alone marks an unprecedented milestone in Christian publishing. It has been utilized by leading Christian Organizations and Denominations around the world. Of special note is this is the book chosen to be distributed through Operations Christmas Child’s “shoebox program” for 15 consecutive years. It has been used by Billy Graham and Operation Mobilization and Child Evangelism Fellowship and countless others.
Most revealing perhaps has been its incredible reception in 175 countries and the unparalled response rate in Vietnam with the fastest growing denomination in the country. Exacting documentation reveals that 75% of non-believers accept Christ upon going through the MIS book. It also directly led to over 400 new churches being established. One other amazing fact is that on two occasions, this full color, Scripture filled (50% of content) was named the number one selling book at the Cairo book fair which is the largest book fair in the Middle East, intended to market and sell Arabic books to the Muslim world.
It tells the big story of the Bible, starting with creation, revealing the sin of mankind and our separation from God but quickly moves to God’s solution in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. There is content revealing the life of Christ on earth, his death, resurrection and ascent to heaven.
The family was designed carefully to be of no particular origin. It clearly explains how to become a child of God, ending with an invitation to accept Christ with a prayer of salvation and a challenge to go and do likewise.
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365 Historias Biblicas Para La – (Spanish)
$4.99Looking for a fun, age-appropriate Bible resource for 3-8-year-old kids? You’ll find it in 365 Read-Aloud Bedtime Bible Stories, now available in Spanish! With sales in English of well over 2 million copies, this book has proven its worth with parents and kids, offering a carefully-retold Bible story for each day of the year. Questions for further thought and more than 100 line art illustrations complement the stories, making this book a powerful tool for any family’s spiritual “quality time”!¿Buscas un recurso bíblico divertido y adecuado a la edad, para niños de 3 a 8 años? Lo tienes en 365 historias bíblicas para leer en voz alta a la hora de acostarse, ¡ahora disponible en español! Este libro, cuya venta en ingles ha superado los 2 millones de copias, ha demostrado su valía con padres e hijos, ofreciendo una historia bíblica cuidadosamente contada para cada día del año. Preguntas para una meditación adicional y más de 100 ilustraciones complementan las historias ¡y convierten este libro en una poderosa herramienta para un tiempo espiritual “de calidad” en familia!
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Biblia En 365 Historias – (Spanish)
$15.99Ilustrada a todo color, incluye 365 historias que van desde “La serpiente astuta” hasta “el arco iris”, desde “Desastre en Egipto” hasta “Jonas en el mar”, o “Jesus y los nios”. Cada historia es presentada en un lenguaje vibrante y facilmente comprensible. Tambien se incluye mapar y dibujos de los tiempos biblicos.
Illustrated in full color, this Bible includes 365 stories from “The Cunning Snake” to “Jesus and the Little Children”, and is retold in vibrant and easily understandable language. Also iIncluded ares maps and pictures of Bible times.
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Cuenta Con Mi Amabilidad – (Spanish)
$3.99Este libro divertido y colorido ensea a los nios a ser amables con los demas, a la vez que aprenden conocimientos basicos de matematicas, tales como sumar, restar, contar, medir, y mucho mas. Incluye versiculos biblicos que les recordaran a los nios que Dios los ama, y quiere que compartan esa amabilidad con otros.
In this fun, colorful book, kids will learn how to be kind to others while acquiring basic math skills such as addition, subtraction, counting, measuring, and more. Scripture verses will remind kids that God loves them and wants them to share his kindness with others.
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Jesus Te Llama – (Spanish)
$14.99Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is closer than you can imagine.
This #1 bestselling 365-day devotional is written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you words of encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of His unending love.Sarah Young shares her personal prayer journal and her reflections based on Jesus words of hope, guidance, and peace within Scripture. Penned by one who loves Jesus and reveres His Word, these writings will help your love for Jesus grow as you spend time with Him each day. Sarah Young has also added 100 new scriptures to this beloved book.
Experience a deeper relationship with the Lord as you savor the presence of the One who will never leave you.
The Jesus Calling(r) brand has touched millions of lives and remains a bestselling and truly transformative gift for loved ones and new friends alike.”
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Seis Lugares Donde Jesus Derra – (Spanish)
$9.99!Descubra la plena revelacion de lo que Jesus logro para usted por medio de su muerte y resurreccion!
Cada pagina de este revolucionario libro del pastor Larry Huch le llevara a un notable viaje por los ultimos dias de la vida y el ministerio de Jesus. Usted recibira una nueva perspectiva sobre como derramo El su sangre no solamente una vez, !sino siete!
Las frescas perspectivas y las profundas revelaciones del pastor Huch le mostraran el poder para salvar, liberar y sanar mediante cada lugar donde Jesus derramo su sangre.
Vaya con el paso a paso a medida que le lleva al huerto de Getsemani, donde Jesus sudo gotas de sangre, al poste de los azotes, donde su espalda quedo rasgada por los treinta y nueve latigazos, hasta las heridas de los clavos en sus manos y pies en el Calvario y la lanza que traspaso su costado.
Cada lugar donde la sangre de Jesus fue derramada se convertira en una conexion transformadora para que usted reciba las bendiciones redentoras de Dios. Experimentelas ahora en Los 7 Lugares Donde Jesus Derramo Su Sangre.
Discover the full revelation of what Jesus accomplished for you through His death and resurrection!
Every page of this revolutionary book by Pastor Larry Huch will take you on a remarkable journey through the last days of Jesus’ life and ministry. You’ll receive a fresh perspective on how He shed His blood not just one time, but seven!
Pastor Huch’s fresh insights and deep revelations will show you the power to save, deliver, and heal through each place Jesus shed His blood.
Go with him step-by-step, as he takes you to the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus sweat drops of blood, to the whipping post where His back was laid bare by the thirty-nine stripes, to the nail wounds in His hands and feet at Calvary, and finally to the spear thrust into His side.
Every place Jesus’ blood was shed will become a life-changing connection for you to receive the redemptive blessings of God. Experience them now in The 7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood.
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Dios Te Ama – (Spanish)
$7.99Who is God? Why does He love us? What does that mean for us?
This inviting picture book answers questions every child has about God and our relationship to Him. Using an engaging, conversational style and vibrant illustrations, God Loves You offers simple, understandable answers about God.
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Promesas De Dios Para Ninas – (Spanish)
$7.99An easy way to help young girls see God’s promises and how they can rely on His love in their daily lives. The promise verses in this book are selected from the best-selling International Children’s Bible(R) to offer comfort and encouragement when a girl is feeling afraid, lonely, worried, angry, dissatisfied, discouraged, sad, rebellious, impatient, or sick . . . and when they need reassurance of God’s protection, love, forgiveness, help . . . and that He listens when they pray. It’s a great way for children to hide God’s Word in their hearts. Sample text: Monsters. Spiders. Being alone. Do any of these things make you feel afraid? When you start to feel fear, hold on tight to these words: God promises to take your fear away! “So don’t worry, because I am with you. Don’t be afraid, because I am your God. I will make you strong and will help you. I will support you with my right hand that saves you.” Isaiah 41:10
?Necesitas de una forma facil que ayude a los ninas a ver las promesas de Dios y como pueden confiar en su amor en sus vidas diarias?
Los versos de promesas en este libro son escogidos de la Nueva Biblia al Dia para ofrecer ayuda y animo cuando una nina se siente asustada, sola, preocupada, enojada, decepcionada, desalentada, triste, rebelde, impaciente o enferma. Y cuando las ninas necesitan estar convencidas de la proteccion, el amor, el perdon y la ayuda de Dios; y que El les escucha cuando oran. Este libro ofrece una maravillosa oportunidad para que las ninas atesoren la Palabra de Dios en sus corazones.
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Promesas De Dios Para Ninos – (Spanish)
$7.99An easy way to help young boys see God’s promises and how they can rely on His love in their daily lives. The promise verses in this book are selected from the bestselling International Children’s Bible(R) to offer comfort and encouragement when a boy is feeling afraid, lonely, worried, angry, dissatisfied, discouraged, sad, rebellious,impatient, or sick . . . and when they need reassurance of God’s protection, love, forgiveness, help . . . and that He listens when they pray. It’s a great way for children to hide God’s Word in their hearts. Sample text: Sometimes it’s hard to tell the truth when you feel like youhave something to hide. But remember-when it’s hard to be honest: God promisesto reward Truth-not Lies! “You must do thesethings to enjoy life and have many happy days. You must not say evil things.You must not tell lies.” Psalms 34:12-13
?Necesitas de una forma facil que ayude a los ninos a ver las promesas de Dios y como pueden confiar en su amor en sus vidas diarias?
Los versos de promesas en este libro son escogidos de la Nueva Biblia al Dia para ofrecer ayuda y animo cuando un nino se siente asustado, solo, preocupado, enojado, decepcionado, desalentado, triste, rebelde, impaciente o enfermo. Y cuando los ninos necesitan estar convencidos de la proteccion, el amor, el perdon y la ayuda de Dios; y que El les escucha cuando oran. Este libro ofrece una maravillosa oportunidad para que los ninos atesoren la Palabra de Dios en sus corazones.Add to cart1 in stock
Nombres De Jesus Folleto – (Spanish)
$4.99Names of Jesus pamphlet
There are many names for Jesus given in the Bible and each has a special blessing for us that will enrich your worship and prayer life. This fold-out pamphlet shows more than 50 names for Jesus, each with the meaning and Bible reference:
* King of Kings, Lord of Lords
* Good Shepherd
* Chief Cornerstone
* The Way, The Truth, and the Life
* Advocate
* I AM
* Wonderful Counselor
* High Priest
* Holy One
* Alpha and Omega
* Mighty God
* Morning Star
* Lion of Judah
* Son of God
* Son of Man
* Rock
* Immanuel
* Beloved
* and many moreThis beautiful chart gives the definition, a scripture reference, and shows the spiritual meaning for today.
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