New International Version (NIV)
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Daily Living Study Bible For Youth
$34.99El estudio de la Biblia !cobra vida!Esta Biblia visualmente llamativa alienta el aprendizaje profundo de las Escrituras, e invita al lector a buscar un conocimiento cada vez mA!s profundo de Dios y de su obra en el mundo. El atractivo interior a todo color tambiA(C)n ayuda a personas de todas las edades a leer la Biblia con facilidad y placer.La Biblia de estudio del diario vivir para jA”venes utiliza el texto claro y preciso de la Nueva TraducciA”n Viviente (NTV) y tambiA(C)n viene con la aplicaciA”n Filament Bible. Esta Biblia estA! perfecta para los que estA!n buscando una Biblia de estudio innovadora de la NTV.Las caracterA-sticas incluyen:Miles de notas de estudio, tanto impresas como digitalesUna guA-a de lectura que delinea la trama principal de la Biblia81 resAmenes de la vida de personas importantes en la Biblia136 imA!genes que ilustran lugares y objetos bA-blicosRespuestas a 59 preguntas esenciales acerca de la fe cristiana y lo que significa llevar una vida cristiana315 mapas, cuadros y diagramasLa aplicaciA”n Filament Bible con cientos de perfiles, artA-culos temA!ticos y devocionales, ademA!s de videos, infografA-as y mapas interactivos y miles de notas de estudio adicionalesEl texto claro y preciso de la Nueva TraducciA”n VivienteAmplifica tu estudio bA-blico con la aplicaciA”n Filament, y descubre un mundo de conocimiento e inspiraciA”n al alcance de tu mano !completamente gratis!La aplicaciA”n Filament Bible es tu puerta de entrada a una experiencia de estudio bA-blico mA!s profunda y enriquecedora. Cada pA!gina de tu Biblia conecta de manera fA!cil y conveniente a toda una colecciA”n de recursos relacionados, que incluyen:Alrededor de 25.000 notas de estudio, escritas por mA!s de 40 eruditos bA-blicos, que ofrecen una comprensiA”n mA!s profunda de las EscriturasMA!s de 100 videos que proveen informaciA”n clave sobre el trasfondo y el significado de la BibliaMA!s de 30 mapas e infografA-as que explican la geografA-a y el trasfondo cultural de la BibliaCientos de perfiles biogrA!ficos y artA-culos temA!ticos que revelan a las personas y las historias detrA!s de los versA-culos, enriqueciendo tu conexiA”n con el texto bA-blicoMA!s de mil artA-culos devocionales que proporcionan inspiraciA”n diaria y numerosas oportunidades para la reflexiA”n diariaLa Biblia en audio que hace posible un acercamiento fresco a la Palabra de Dios en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugarUna biblioteca de mAsica de adoraciA”n perfecta para escuchar durante tu es
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Thinline Reference Bible Filament Enabled Editiion
$29.99La experiencia de lectura de la Biblia !llevada al siguiente nivel!La nueva Biblia ultrafina NTV con Filament de Tyndale ofrece un texto legible, un diseAo atractivo y referencias cruzadas en una Biblia delgada con un tamaAo fA!cil de transportar. Y aunque tiene el mismo precio cA”modo de las Biblias bA!sicas de texto, la Biblia ultrafina NTV ofrece mucho mA!s, al incluir la innovadora aplicaciA”n Filament Bible. Esta aplicaciA”n le permite utilizar su telA(C)fono mA”vil o tableta para conectar cada pA!gina a una amplia gama de contenido relacionado con la Biblia.La aplicaciA”n Filament Bible convierte esta Biblia de texto en una poderosa herramienta devocional y de estudio que lo ayudarA! a aprovechar al mA!ximo su tiempo en la Palabra de Dios y mejorar su experiencia de lectura.Lo mejor es que no hay ningAn costo adicional, ya que la aplicaciA”n Filament Bible es un valor agregado a nuestra Biblia sin costo alguno para usted. Y por supuesto, usted puede utilizar esta Biblia con o sin la aplicaciA”n, pero cuando quiera profundizar mA!s en la lectura de las Escrituras, simplemente tome su telA(C)fono o tableta, descargue la aplicaciA”n Filament Bible y descubra un mundo de conocimiento e inspiraciA”n. Es muy fA!cil de usar.CaracterA-sticas de la Biblia:El texto claro, cA!lido y comprensible de la Nueva TraducciA”n VivientePalabras de Cristo en rojoReferencias cruzadasLocalizador de versA-culos de TyndalePA!gina de presentaciA”nEncuadernaciA”n delgada y duraderaHabilitada para la aplicaciA”n Filament, que provee contenido adicional en cada pA!ginaAmplifique su estudio bA-blico con la aplicaciA”n Filament, y descubra un mundo de conocimiento e inspiraciA”n al alcance de su mano !completamente gratis!La aplicaciA”n Filament Bible es su puerta de entrada a una experiencia de estudio bA-blico mA!s profunda y enriquecedora. Cada pA!gina de su Biblia conecta de manera fA!cil y conveniente a toda una colecciA”n de recursos relacionados, que incluyen:Alrededor de 25.000 notas de estudio, escritas por mA!s de 40 eruditos bA-blicos, que ofrecen una comprensiA”n mA!s profunda de las EscriturasMA!s de 100 videos que proveen informaciA”n clave sobre el trasfondo y el significado de la BibliaMA!s de 30 mapas e infografA-as que explican la geografA-a y el trasfondo cultural de la BibliaCientos de perfiles biogrA!ficos y artA-culos temA!ticos que revelan a las personas y las historias detrA!s de los versA-culos, enriqueciendo su conexiA”n con el texto bA-blicoMA!s de mil
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Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible
$34.99Easy to read and carry, the KJV Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible strikes the perfect balance between portability and readability, featuring many of the same helps as other editions twice its size, and incorporating an end-of-paragraph cross reference system that is among the most conveniently arranged ones available.
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Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible
$34.99Easy to read and carry, the KJV Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible strikes the perfect balance between portability and readability, featuring many of the same helps as other editions twice its size, and incorporating an end-of-paragraph cross reference system that is among the most conveniently arranged ones available.
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Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible
$24.99Easy to read and carry, the KJV Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible strikes the perfect balance between portability and readability, featuring many of the same helps as other editions twice its size, and incorporating an end-of-paragraph cross reference system that is among the most conveniently arranged ones available.
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Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible
$24.99Easy to read and carry, the KJV Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible strikes the perfect balance between portability and readability, featuring many of the same helps as other editions twice its size, and incorporating an end-of-paragraph cross reference system that is among the most conveniently arranged ones available.
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Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible
$29.99The NASB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features large 11.25-point type in a convenient personal trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The easy-to-read large print type also makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching.
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Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible
$29.99The NASB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features large 11.25-point type in a convenient personal trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The easy-to-read large print type also makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching.
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Large Print Compact Reference Bible
$19.99The NASB Large Print Compact Reference Bible features a large, easy-to-read 8-point type in a convenient, easy-to-carry compact size that slips nicely into a coat pocket, backpack, or purse. It is the perfect gift for a person who wants to keep the Word of God on hand at work or when traveling.
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Large Print Compact Reference Bible
$19.99The NASB Large Print Compact Reference Bible features a large, easy-to-read 8-point type in a convenient, easy-to-carry compact size that slips nicely into a coat pocket, backpack, or purse. It is the perfect gift for a person who wants to keep the Word of God on hand at work or when traveling.
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Go Bible
$44.99When God calls, it’s time to go!
The Go Bible is bursting with fun and engaging content to help kids explore God’s Word and go share it with others. Paired with the accurate, easy-to-read NLT translation, this kids’ Bible plants seeds of faith and share the life-changing love of God with kids through over 600 features centered on the theme of transformation.
Key Benefits of the Go Bible:
*Easy to Understand
The NLT’s accurate and accessible Bible text uses familiar words that speak to the hearts and minds of readers without having to process technical biblical language. Perfect for readers age 7+.*Big Font Size and Colored Text
The Go Bible is the full Bible formatted with a 9.5-point font size and a two-column format. Chapter numbers are red and verse numbers are blue, making them easy for children to find. Perfect for reading alone or out loud with an adult.*Emphasizes the Theme of Transformation
The message of the Bible has transformative effects on the lives of believers. That’s why every feature in the Go Bible emphasizes how God’s power transforms the lives of people in the Bible, and our lives today.*Packed with More than 600 Features Connecting Bible Truths to Everyday Life
Includes several features tying Bible truth to modern-day lifeGo Bible features include:
*Complete text of the trustworthy, clear, and accurate New Living Translation (NLT)
*Know, Grow, and Go-Read mini devotions that teach kids to know God’s Word, grow their faith, and go share it with others.
*Key Verse Challenge-Engage with fun activities to help kids memorize scripture.
*Factoids-Learn interesting facts about life in Bible times.
*True Tales of Transformed People-Enjoy snapshots of people whose lives were forever changed by God.
*Choose to Change-Apply Bible knowledge to modern-day problems.
*20 Key Moments-This children’s Bible contains info-packed illustrations of the tabernacle, ark, Egyptian plagues and more!
*32 Special Pages-Explore big Bible ideas with full-color illustrations
*Book Introductions-Includes a Seek-and-Find guide, chronological timeline, and a big picture view of why the book matters in God’s story
*8 Kid-Friendly Maps-Discover colorful maps with travel routes, kingdom borders, and animal populations.
*9.5-point font
For readers familiar with Ken Taylor’s best-selling A Child’s First Bible, the Go Bible is the perfect next step to deepening their understanding of God’s story.
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Go Bible
$44.99When God calls, it’s time to go!
The Go Bible is bursting with fun and engaging content to help kids explore God’s Word and go share it with others. Paired with the accurate, easy-to-read NLT translation, this kids’ Bible plants seeds of faith and share the life-changing love of God with kids through over 600 features centered on the theme of transformation.
Key Benefits of the Go Bible:
*Easy to Understand
The NLT’s accurate and accessible Bible text uses familiar words that speak to the hearts and minds of readers without having to process technical biblical language. Perfect for readers age 7+.*Big Font Size and Colored Text
The Go Bible is the full Bible formatted with a 9.5-point font size and a two-column format. Chapter numbers are red and verse numbers are blue, making them easy for children to find. Perfect for reading alone or out loud with an adult.*Emphasizes the Theme of Transformation
The message of the Bible has transformative effects on the lives of believers. That’s why every feature in the Go Bible emphasizes how God’s power transforms the lives of people in the Bible, and our lives today.*Packed with More than 600 Features Connecting Bible Truths to Everyday Life
Includes several features tying Bible truth to modern-day lifeGo Bible features include:
*Complete text of the trustworthy, clear, and accurate New Living Translation (NLT)
*Know, Grow, and Go-Read mini devotions that teach kids to know God’s Word, grow their faith, and go share it with others.
*Key Verse Challenge-Engage with fun activities to help kids memorize scripture.
*Factoids-Learn interesting facts about life in Bible times.
*True Tales of Transformed People-Enjoy snapshots of people whose lives were forever changed by God.
*Choose to Change-Apply Bible knowledge to modern-day problems.
*20 Key Moments-This children’s Bible contains info-packed illustrations of the tabernacle, ark, Egyptian plagues and more!
*32 Special Pages-Explore big Bible ideas with full-color illustrations
*Book Introductions-Includes a Seek-and-Find guide, chronological timeline, and a big picture view of why the book matters in God’s story
*8 Kid-Friendly Maps-Discover colorful maps with travel routes, kingdom borders, and animal populations.
*9.5-point font
For readers familiar with Ken Taylor’s best-selling A Child’s First Bible, the Go Bible is the perfect next step to deepening their understanding of God’s story.
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Go Bible
$34.99When God calls, it’s time to go!
The Go Bible is bursting with fun and engaging content to help kids explore God’s Word and go share it with others. Paired with the accurate, easy-to-read NLT translation, this kids’ Bible plants seeds of faith and share the life-changing love of God with kids through over 600 features centered on the theme of transformation.
Key Benefits of the Go Bible:
*Easy to Understand
The NLT’s accurate and accessible Bible text uses familiar words that speak to the hearts and minds of readers without having to process technical biblical language. Perfect for readers age 7+.*Big Font Size and Colored Text
The Go Bible is the full Bible formatted with a 9.5-point font size and a two-column format. Chapter numbers are red and verse numbers are blue, making them easy for children to find. Perfect for reading alone or out loud with an adult.*Emphasizes the Theme of Transformation
The message of the Bible has transformative effects on the lives of believers. That’s why every feature in the Go Bible emphasizes how God’s power transforms the lives of people in the Bible, and our lives today.*Packed with More than 600 Features Connecting Bible Truths to Everyday Life
Includes several features tying Bible truth to modern-day lifeGo Bible features include:
*Complete text of the trustworthy, clear, and accurate New Living Translation (NLT)
*Know, Grow, and Go-Read mini devotions that teach kids to know God’s Word, grow their faith, and go share it with others.
*Key Verse Challenge-Engage with fun activities to help kids memorize scripture.
*Factoids-Learn interesting facts about life in Bible times.
*True Tales of Transformed People-Enjoy snapshots of people whose lives were forever changed by God.
*Choose to Change-Apply Bible knowledge to modern-day problems.
*20 Key Moments-This children’s Bible contains info-packed illustrations of the tabernacle, ark, Egyptian plagues and more!
*32 Special Pages-Explore big Bible ideas with full-color illustrations
*Book Introductions-Includes a Seek-and-Find guide, chronological timeline, and a big picture view of why the book matters in God’s story
*8 Kid-Friendly Maps-Discover colorful maps with travel routes, kingdom borders, and animal populations.
*9.5-point font
For readers familiar with Ken Taylor’s best-selling A Child’s First Bible, the Go Bible is the perfect next step to deepening their understanding of God’s story.
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Kids Bible Thinline Reference Edition
$39.99A Bible for kids on the go.The new Kids Thinline Reference Bible in the New Living Translation is designed for the active lifestyle of kids ages 8-12. With fun cover designs and a compact size that’s easy to carry, your kids will be thrilled to take it everywhere to school, church, or camp!Key features for an enriching experience:A Presentation page to personalize this special gift.A handy ribbon marker to keep their place.Words of Jesus in red, making His teachings stand out.Thousands of cross-references for deeper understanding.Quality lay-flat, Smyth-sewn binding for durability.The Tyndale Verse Finder for easy navigation.An engaging map set to bring Bible stories to life.Comfortable, easy-to-read 8.75-point font for smooth reading.The New Living Translation – Where Truth Comes Alive:The New Living Translation (NLT) is an authoritative Bible translation crafted by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT’s scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages but even more powerful are stories of how people’s lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts. That’s why we call it The Truth Made Clear. The New Living Translation’s accessibility makes this children’s Bible easy to understand and an excellent option for the young reader.A Meaningful Gift for Kids:This beautiful Bible for kids is the perfect gift choice for your children. It nurtures their spiritual growth and helps them embark on a journey of faith like never before. Its lightweight size is convenient and portable, easily slipping into a backpack it won’t slow them down when they’re on the go! Invest in your child’s spiritual development and surprise them with the Kids Thinline Reference Bible where meaningful truths await!
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Large Print Compact Bible
$29.99The new ESV Large Print Compact Bible combines the benefits of a compact format with the easy readability of larger text. This Bible’s 8-point type set in a double-column format gives the Large Print Compact the right balance between portability and usability. Bible readers of all ages will find this the perfect edition for travel and on-the-go reading.
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1 Year Bible Premium Slimline Large Print
$22.99The One Year Bible makes reading through the Bible in one year achievable with bite-sized daily readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. The arrangement of the text of the One Year Bible New International Version brings variety and a fresh approach to each day’s reading while providing a clearer understanding of the Bible’s overarching message. The One Year Bible is ideal for personal devotions and instructional reading. It is also perfect for family Bible readings.
*Unique design has 15-minute readings that each include a portion from the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs to provide a fresh and clearer understanding of the Bible’s larger message.
*Attractive, simple layout makes reading interesting and fun.
*Variety of applications for personal devotions or instructional reading. It is also perfect for family Bible reading with children of all ages.
The One Year Bible Premium Slimline is easy to carry, easy to read. Read The One Year Bible from cover to cover and see how God’s Word comes alive. You’ll never be the same.
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Giant Print Reference Bible
$49.99When you want to study the Word of God in a big way, turn to this giant print edition. It’s packed with study helps like full-color maps, “Messianic Prophecies,” “Miracles and Parables of our Lord,” “Harmony of the Gospels,” and concordance (in giant print too!), 52-week reading plan, favorite Bible readings, and more. And all at a not-so-giant price!
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Giant Print Reference Bible
$39.99When you want to study the Word of God in a big way, turn to this giant print edition. It’s packed with study helps like full-color maps, “Messianic Prophecies,” “Miracles and Parables of our Lord,” “Harmony of the Gospels,” and concordance (in giant print too!), 52-week reading plan, favorite Bible readings, and more. And all at a not-so-giant price!
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Kids Bible Thinline Reference Edition
$39.99A Bible for kids on the go.The new Kids Thinline Reference Bible in the New Living Translation is designed for the active lifestyle of kids ages 8-12. With fun cover designs and a compact size that’s easy to carry, your kids will be thrilled to take it everywhere to school, church, or camp!Key features for an enriching experience:A Presentation page to personalize this special gift.A handy ribbon marker to keep their place.Words of Jesus in red, making His teachings stand out.Thousands of cross-references for deeper understanding.Quality lay-flat, Smyth-sewn binding for durability.The Tyndale Verse Finder for easy navigation.An engaging map set to bring Bible stories to life.Comfortable, easy-to-read 8.75-point font for smooth reading.The New Living Translation – Where Truth Comes Alive:The New Living Translation (NLT) is an authoritative Bible translation crafted by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT’s scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages but even more powerful are stories of how people’s lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts. That’s why we call it The Truth Made Clear. The New Living Translation’s accessibility makes this children’s Bible easy to understand and an excellent option for the young reader.A Meaningful Gift for Kids:This beautiful Bible for kids is the perfect gift choice for your children. It nurtures their spiritual growth and helps them embark on a journey of faith like never before. Its lightweight size is convenient and portable, easily slipping into a backpack it won’t slow them down when they’re on the go! Invest in your child’s spiritual development and surprise them with the Kids Thinline Reference Bible where meaningful truths await!
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Kids Thinline Reference Bible
$29.99A Bible for kids on the go.The new Kids Thinline Reference Bible in the New Living Translation is designed for the active lifestyle of kids ages 8-12. With fun cover designs and a compact size that’s easy to carry, your kids will be thrilled to take it everywhere to school, church, or camp!Key features for an enriching experience:A Presentation page to personalize this special gift.A handy ribbon marker to keep their place.Words of Jesus in red, making His teachings stand out.Thousands of cross-references for deeper understanding.Quality lay-flat, Smyth-sewn binding for durability.The Tyndale Verse Finder for easy navigation.An engaging map set to bring Bible stories to life.Comfortable, easy-to-read 8.75-point font for smooth reading.The New Living Translation – Where Truth Comes Alive:The New Living Translation (NLT) is an authoritative Bible translation crafted by 90 leading Bible scholars. The NLT’s scholarship and clarity breathe life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages but even more powerful are stories of how people’s lives are changing as the words speak directly to their hearts. That’s why we call it The Truth Made Clear. The New Living Translation’s accessibility makes this children’s Bible easy to understand and an excellent option for the young reader.A Meaningful Gift for Kids:This beautiful Bible for kids is the perfect gift choice for your children. It nurtures their spiritual growth and helps them embark on a journey of faith like never before. Its lightweight size is convenient and portable, easily slipping into a backpack it won’t slow them down when they’re on the go! Invest in your child’s spiritual development and surprise them with the Kids Thinline Reference Bible where meaningful truths await!
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Student Bible Thinline Reference Filament Enabled Edition
$44.99Reignite Bible reading in your teen or student.Ready for a Bible that fits your on-the-go lifestyle? The NLT Student Thinline Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition is your ultimate companion for life’s adventures. Packed with readable text, a sleek layout, and cross-references all in a slim, easy-to-carry size perfect for school, church, youth group, or wherever you roam. But hold on, there’s more! Brace yourself for a bold new design and the trusted, easy-to-read New Living Translation (NLT) the language you speak.Key features of this youth Bible include:Words of Jesus in red, making His teachings stand out.Thousands of cross-references for deeper understanding.Quality lay-flat, Smyth-sewn binding for durability.The Tyndale Verse Finder for easy navigation.A Visual Overview of the Bible bringing scripture to life.Comfortable 8.75-point font for smooth reading.A presentation page to make this Bible uniquely yours.Level Up Your Bible Study with the Epic Filament Bible App It’s Free! Unlock a world of knowledge on every page with this app from uplifting devotionals and thrilling videos to interactive maps and inspiring worship music. Plus, jam out to an awesome library of worship music that’ll fire up your spirit! With the Free Filament Bible App you’ll be instantly connected to:25,000+ study notes for deeper understanding.350+ videos to bring scripture to life.40+ maps and infographics for visual context.400+ profiles and articles for enriching insights.1,500+ devotionals for daily inspiration.Library of worship music to uplift your soul.Audio Bible to immerse yourself in God’s Word.The Filament Bible app transforms this beautiful Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand. And there is no additional cost for the Filament Bible app. No additional purchase. No additional size or weight.Of course, you can use this Bible without the app, but when you want to go further grab your phone or tablet and open the Filament Bible app and begin your immersive exploration. It’s so easy to use.This beautiful book is the perfect choice to give as a gift or to grow your faith and enhance your own experience of Scripture.
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Student Bible Thinline Reference Filament Enabled Edition
$34.99Reignite Bible reading in your teen or student.Ready for a Bible that fits your on-the-go lifestyle? The NLT Student Thinline Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition is your ultimate companion for life’s adventures. Packed with readable text, a sleek layout, and cross-references all in a slim, easy-to-carry size perfect for school, church, youth group, or wherever you roam. But hold on, there’s more! Brace yourself for a bold new design and the trusted, easy-to-read New Living Translation (NLT) the language you speak.Key features of this youth Bible include:Words of Jesus in red, making His teachings stand out.Thousands of cross-references for deeper understanding.Quality lay-flat, Smyth-sewn binding for durability.The Tyndale Verse Finder for easy navigation.A Visual Overview of the Bible bringing scripture to life.Comfortable 8.75-point font for smooth reading.A presentation page to make this Bible uniquely yours.Level Up Your Bible Study with the Epic Filament Bible App It’s Free! Unlock a world of knowledge on every page with this app from uplifting devotionals and thrilling videos to interactive maps and inspiring worship music. Plus, jam out to an awesome library of worship music that’ll fire up your spirit! With the Free Filament Bible App you’ll be instantly connected to:25,000+ study notes for deeper understanding.350+ videos to bring scripture to life.40+ maps and infographics for visual context.400+ profiles and articles for enriching insights.1,500+ devotionals for daily inspiration.Library of worship music to uplift your soul.Audio Bible to immerse yourself in God’s Word.The Filament Bible app transforms this beautiful Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand. And there is no additional cost for the Filament Bible app. No additional purchase. No additional size or weight.Of course, you can use this Bible without the app, but when you want to go further grab your phone or tablet and open the Filament Bible app and begin your immersive exploration. It’s so easy to use.This beautiful book is the perfect choice to give as a gift or to grow your faith and enhance your own experience of Scripture.
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Large Print Thinline Reference Bible Filament Enabled Edition
$44.99The Bible Reading Experience: ReimaginedThe new Tyndale classic NLT Large Print Thinline Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition has readable text, an attractive layout, and cross-references in a thin, easy-to-carry size. And while it has the same low price as basic text-only Bibles, the NLT Large Print Thinline Reference offers much more. It not only features a bold new design and the trusted and much-loved New Living Translation (NLT) but also includes the groundbreaking Filament Bible app. This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content, including study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music.The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.And there is no additional cost for the Filament Bible app. No additional purchase. No additional size or weight.Of course, you can use this Bible without the app, but when you want to dig deeper, grab your phone or tablet and open the Filament Bible app. It’s so easy to use.Features:New designs and Filament content for each page!Readable large printHandy thin sizeWords of Jesus in redThousands of cross-referencesQuality lay-flat Smyth-sewn bindingTyndale Verse FinderPresentation pageRibbon markerGilded page edgesFilament Bible app with free access to:25,000 study notes350+ videos40+ maps and infographics400+ profiles and articles1,500+ devotionalsLibrary of worship music
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Value Compact Bible
$14.99The ESV Value Compact Bible retains many of the components of the ESV Compact Bible. It features a quality TruTone cover, but is made more affordable by not including gilded paper edges or a ribbon marker. The Value Compact Bible is a conveniently sized and affordably priced edition, making it a practical option for anyone who wants to take God’s Word wherever they go.
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THRIVE Devotional Bible For Women
$49.99Enhance your Bible reading experience with this beautiful Bible.The THRIVE Devotional Bible for Women is for every woman who wants to know God more deeply and follow Him more closely. God’s design for His children is that they live flourishing, fulfilling, joy-filled lives in Christ. Bestselling author and beloved speaker Sheri Rose Shepherd has devoted over 30 years of her ministry to helping women learn how to thrive in Christ, reflect God’s glory, and gain an eternal perspective.Sheri Rose invites women to join her on a yearlong journey through this women’s Bible in THRIVE. The daily devotionals capture the very heart of her ministry by helping women discover their identity in Christ, God’s purpose and plan for their lives, and how to flourish in a faith that is pure, genuine, and life-giving.Each day’s devotional reading contains a key Scripture, a love letter from God, a reflection from Sheri Rose, a treasure of truth callout, and a special prayer for the reader.Sheri Rose encourages women to leave all their concerns and struggles at the foot of the cross so they can truly thrive as the women God created them to be.This beautiful women’s devotional Bible features a rose and black interior printed on high-quality cream Bible paper.Key features include:365 encouraging and challenging daily devotionals365 focused daily prayers for the reader66 book introductions31 profiles50 treasure of truth calloutsHigh-quality cream Bible paperBeautiful two-color rose and black interior
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Outreach New Testament
$2.99Designed for churches, ministries, and organizations to serve those who seek or long to reconnect with God’s words of hope and healing! The Outreach New Testament NLT is a clear, faithful rendering of the entire New Testament in contemporary English, which is perfect to use as an outreach Bible.
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Inspire PRAISE Bible Filament Enabled
$54.99Illuminate your Bible with your coloring and artwork while you meditate on God’s Word. Now Filament Enabled!The bestselling Inspire Bible is a beautiful single-column, wide-margin New Living Translation Bible for coloring and creative journaling that has become a treasured legacy Bible for many. The second all-new edition of Inspire, the Inspire PRAISE Bible, has even more beautiful line-art illustrations to color, with nearly 500 all-new full- and partial-page Scripture illustrations attractively displayed throughout the Bible. Leave traces of faith and PRAISE throughout the Bible for a treasure that will truly inspire!Key Features include:8.65-point fontNearly 500 Scripture line-art illustrations to color32 colorful and beautifully designed vellum pages spread throughout the Bible19 full-page Scripture line-art illustrations to colorLightly ruled, 2-inch-wide margins for prayers, notes, or creative expressionThicker, high-quality, white Bible paper that is excellent for journalingThe groundbreaking Filament Bible app, turning this beautiful Bible into a powerful study and devotional BibleThe clear and accurate New Living Translation (NLT)Enhance Your Bible Studying through the Free Filament Bible AppThis app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content, including:25,000+ study notes350+ videos40+ maps and infographics400+ profiles and articles1,500+ devotionalsLibrary of worship musicThe Filament Bible app turns this Bible journal into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand. And there is no additional cost for the Filament Bible app. No additional purchase. No additional size or weight.Of course, you can use this creative journaling Bible without the app, but when you want to go further, grab your phone or tablet and open the Filament Bible app. It’s so easy to use.This Inspire Bible makes a perfect gift for your loved one, yourself, or anyone looking for an innovative and artistic New Living Translation Bible for women!
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Couples Devotional Bible Comfort Print
$59.99Build a Biblical Foundation for Your MarriageWith devotions that reflect the joys and challenges that many couples face today, the bestselling NIV Couples’ Devotional Bible is designed to help you build your relationship on the one foundation you can count on: God’s Word. The devotions cover a variety of topics, including communication, careers, sex, money, fears, setting goals, step parenting, forgiveness, and more. By learning to openly discuss these topics through the lens of Scripture, you will become more aligned in your marriage as you grow together in Christ.This devotional Bible was developed in partnership with the team at Christianity Today International and features material from bestselling experts in relationships and marriage, so you can be confident that the devotions are relevant, trusted, and honest.The NIV Couples’ Devotional Bible is now available in Zondervan’s exclusive NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface for smooth reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)260 weekday devotions52 weekend devotions with advice from bestselling writers, marriage therapists, and pastors, including Les and Leslie Parrott, Gary Thomas, John Townsend, Henry Cloud, and Gary SmalleyWeekend devotions include tips, helps, quizzes, activities, and a Let’s Talk section that promotes application and interactionBook introductionsSubject indexList of contributorsTwo satin ribbon markersLeathersoft cover lies flat when openExclusive NIV Comfort Print typefacePrint size: 9
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Greatest Warrior New Testament With Psalms And Proverbs Pocket Sized Comfor
$6.99A compact New Testament offering hope and healing for those who defend our country and for their families.Why would God let good men die? Why is it so hard to forgive and forget? The NIV Greatest Warrior New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs addresses these and other hard questions and features real-life stories of military men and their spouses who have struggled to overcome combat trauma, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).The NIV Greatest Warrior New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs is designed to help military members and their families spiritually prepare for the challenges of military service and heal from the effects of PTSD brought on by their deployments. On the road to healing, military personnel battling through life will discover that God does not waste pain and that Jesus is the greatest warrior who ever lived.This New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs is available in the exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface for smooth reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation.Features include:New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)48 full-color pages of moving testimonies from military men and their spouses, the Gospel presentation, and a 120-day reading planEasy-to-carry pocket sizePlan of salvationExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface for ease of readingPrint Size: 7The New International Version (NIV) is the world’s bestselling modern-English Bible translation-accurate, readable, and clear, yet rich with the detail found in the original languages. The NIV is the result of over 50 years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, who oversee the efforts of many contributing scholars. Representing the spectrum of evangelicalism, the translators come from a wide range of denominations and various countries and continually review new research to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance, and authority. Every NIV Bible that is purchased helps Biblica translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world.
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Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print
$39.99Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding
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Economy New Testament
$2.49Invite a otros a una vida de abundancia y fe.El Nuevo Testamento econA”mico NTV contiene el Nuevo Testamento en la Nueva TraducciA”n Viviente. Los traductores de la Nueva TraducciA”n Viviente (NTV) se propusieron transmitir el mensaje de los textos originales de las Escrituras en un lenguaje contemporA!neo y claro. Al hacerlo, tuvieron presente los intereses de las dos teorA-as generales de traducciA”n: la equivalencia formal y la equivalencia dinA!mica. Su meta fue ser fieles a los textos antiguos y a la vez comprensibles. El resultado es una traducciA”n que tiene precisiA”n exegA(C)tica y fuerza idiomA!tica.Sus caracterA-sticas incluye:Tapas rAsticas de diseAo AnicoMedidas: 4.75 x 7.75TamaAo ligero y fA!cil de llevarEsta Biblia tiene un precio econA”mico y es perfecta para ofrecer como regalo o distribuir en su propio ministerio.Invite others into a life of abundance and faith.The Nuevo Testamento econA”mico NTV [Economy New Testament NTV] contains the Biblical New Testament in the Nueva TraduccA”n Viviente. The translators of the Nueva TraducciA”n Viviente (NTV) set out to render the message of the original texts of Scripture into clear, contemporary Spanish. The scholars who worked on this project kept in mind the concerns of both translation theories: formal-equivalence and dynamic-equivalence. Their goal was to be both faithful to the ancient texts and eminently readable. The result is a translation that is both accurate and powerful.Its features include:Unique softcover designs4.75 x 7.75 trim sizeLightweight and easy to carry sizeThis Bible is offered at a low price and is perfect for gift giving or distribution in ministry.
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Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition
$44.99Tyndale’s innovative Filament-enabled Bible line is now available in the NLT Compact Giant Print edition. Like other compact editions of the New Living Translation, this Bible fits easily into a purse, backpack, briefcase, or suitcase. This Bible features the life-changing New Living Translation text in 10-point font with the words of Jesus in red, plus a presentation page and a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible. And for the same low price as similar text-only Bibles, the NLT Compact Giant Print Bible offers much more with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app. This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of curated content, including thousands of study notes and hundreds of devotionals, plus interactive maps, informative videos, and inspiring worship music. The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.
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Compact Giant Print Bible Filament Enabled Edition
$34.99Tyndale’s innovative Filament-enabled Bible line is now available in the NLT Compact Giant Print edition. Like other compact editions of the New Living Translation, this Bible fits easily into a purse, backpack, briefcase, or suitcase. This Bible features the life-changing New Living Translation text in 10-point font with the words of Jesus in red, plus a presentation page and a full-color Visual Overview of the Bible. And for the same low price as similar text-only Bibles, the NLT Compact Giant Print Bible offers much more with the groundbreaking Filament Bible app. This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of curated content, including thousands of study notes and hundreds of devotionals, plus interactive maps, informative videos, and inspiring worship music. The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.The New Living Translation is a clear and trusted English translation of the Bible. It conveys the precise meaning of the original languages in a flowing, effortless writing style that promotes comfortable and meaningful reading.
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Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print
$54.99Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding
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Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print
$54.99Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding
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Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print
$54.99Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding
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Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print
$39.99Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding
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Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print
$54.99Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding
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Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible Comfort Print
$39.99Offering a convenient size and a large print, this Bible also provides over 43,000 cross-references to help you study anywhere.You don’t have to sacrifice readability for portability. With the NKJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, you get the full text of the popular New King James Version presented in a large print format that’s easy to carry. And with Thomas Nelson’s NKJV Comfort Print(R), this edition is even easier to read. An extensive cross-reference system and other essential study resources make this a Bible you’ll want with you, wherever your day takes you.Features include:43,000 end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easilyFull-color maps show a visual representation of locations and themes in the BibleEasy-to-navigate dictionary-concordanceClear and readable 10-point NKJV Comfort Print(R)Words of Christ in redDurable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding
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Thinline Center Column Reference Bible Filament Enabled Edition
$39.99The text Bible reimagined.The new NLT Thinline Center-Column Reference Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition features readable text, an attractive layout, and center-column cross-references in a thin, easy-to-carry size. It also features the Tyndale Hebrew and Greek word-study system, providing helpful insights into the meaning of the original languages as well as book introductions and a concordance.The NLT Thinline Center-Column Reference Bible features a timeless and classic design and the clear and accurate New Living Translation (NLT). It also features the innovative Filament Bible app, which enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content, including study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music.The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.There is no additional cost for the Filament Bible app. No additional purchase. No additional size or weight.
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Large Print Compact Bible
$29.99The new ESV Large Print Compact Bible combines the benefits of a compact format with the easy readability of larger text. This Bible’s 8-point type set in a double-column format gives the Large Print Compact the right balance between portability and usability. Bible readers of all ages will find this the perfect edition for travel and on-the-go reading.
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Hand Size Giant Print Bible
$39.99Biblia tamaño manual, con referencias en cadena, palabras de Cristo en rojo, plan de lectura, atributos de Jesús, cinta marcadora y mapas a todo color. El tamaño de Biblia más popular, por combinar un diseño legible con un tamaño práctico. El tipo de letra, creado exclusivamente para Biblias Holman, es estético y cómodo para el lector. Las referencias y ayudas adicionales son el complemento perfecto al texto de la Reina Valera 1960, la versión preferida en español. Con esta Biblia podrá llevar la Palabra consigo y atesorarla en su corazón. Características: – Referencias en cadena y concordancia temática – Panorama histórico de la Biblia; plan de lectura anual – Buenas nuevas de salvación; palabras de Cristo en rojo – Introducción y bosquejo de cada libro; armonía de los Evangelios – Mapas a todo color; atributos de Jesús – Palabras de aliento para tu caminar con Dios – Cinta marcadora; tamaño de letra 12 pts; 1,696 páginas; tamaño: 5.38 x 7.88 pulgadasRVR 1960 Hand Size Giant Print BibleHand Size Giant Print Bible. With cross-references, words of Christ in red, read the Bible in a year, attributes of Jesus, ribbon marker and full-color maps. The most popular size, for combining an easy to read design with a practical size. The typeface, created exclusively for Biblias Holman, is both aesthetic and comfortable for its reader. The references and additional tools are the perfect complement to the Reina Valera 1960 text, the most preferred version in Spanish. With this Bible you will be able to take the Word with you and treasure it in your heart. Features: – Cross-references and thematic concordance – Overview of the Bible’s history; read the Bible in a year – The Good News of Salvation; words of Christ in red – Introduction & outline of each book; harmony of the Gospels – Full-color maps; attributes of Jesus – Words of encouragement for your walk with God – Ribbon marker; font Size 12 pts; 1,696 pages; size: 5.38 x 7.88 inches
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Hand Size Giant Print Bible
$42.99Biblia tamaño manual, con referencias en cadena, palabras de Cristo en rojo, plan de lectura, atributos de Jesús, cinta marcadora y mapas a todo color. El tamaño de Biblia más popular, por combinar un diseño legible con un tamaño práctico. El tipo de letra, creado exclusivamente para Biblias Holman, es estético y cómodo para el lector. Las referencias y ayudas adicionales son el complemento perfecto al texto de la Reina Valera 1960, la versión preferida en español. Con esta Biblia podrá llevar la Palabra consigo y atesorarla en su corazón. Características: – Referencias en cadena y concordancia temática – Panorama histórico de la Biblia; plan de lectura anual – Buenas nuevas de salvación; palabras de Cristo en rojo – Introducción y bosquejo de cada libro; armonía de los Evangelios – Mapas a todo color; atributos de Jesús – Palabras de aliento para tu caminar con Dios – Cinta marcadora; tamaño de letra 12 pts; 1,696 páginas; tamaño: 5.38 x 7.88 pulgadasRVR 1960 Hand Size Giant Print BibleHand Size Giant Print Bible. With cross-references, words of Christ in red, read the Bible in a year, attributes of Jesus, ribbon marker and full-color maps. The most popular size, for combining an easy to read design with a practical size. The typeface, created exclusively for Biblias Holman, is both aesthetic and comfortable for its reader. The references and additional tools are the perfect complement to the Reina Valera 1960 text, the most preferred version in Spanish. With this Bible you will be able to take the Word with you and treasure it in your heart. Features: – Cross-references and thematic concordance – Overview of the Bible’s history; read the Bible in a year – The Good News of Salvation; words of Christ in red – Introduction & outline of each book; harmony of the Gospels – Full-color maps; attributes of Jesus – Words of encouragement for your walk with God – Ribbon marker; font Size 12 pts; 1,696 pages; size: 5.38 x 7.88 inches
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Hand Size Giant Print Bible
$40.99Biblia tamaño manual, con referencias en cadena, palabras de Cristo en rojo, plan de lectura, atributos de Jesús, cinta marcadora y mapas a todo color. El tamaño de Biblia más popular, por combinar un diseño legible con un tamaño práctico. El tipo de letra, creado exclusivamente para Biblias Holman, es estético y cómodo para el lector. Las referencias y ayudas adicionales son el complemento perfecto al texto de la Reina Valera 1960, la versión preferida en español. Con esta Biblia podrá llevar la Palabra consigo y atesorarla en su corazón. Características: – Referencias en cadena y concordancia temática – Panorama histórico de la Biblia; plan de lectura anual – Buenas nuevas de salvación; palabras de Cristo en rojo – Introducción y bosquejo de cada libro; armonía de los Evangelios – Mapas a todo color; atributos de Jesús – Palabras de aliento para tu caminar con Dios – Cinta marcadora; tamaño de letra 12 pts; 1,696 páginas; tamaño: 5.38 x 7.88 pulgadasRVR 1960 Hand Size Giant Print BibleHand Size Giant Print Bible. With cross-references, words of Christ in red, read the Bible in a year, attributes of Jesus, ribbon marker and full-color maps. The most popular size, for combining an easy to read design with a practical size. The typeface, created exclusively for Biblias Holman, is both aesthetic and comfortable for its reader. The references and additional tools are the perfect complement to the Reina Valera 1960 text, the most preferred version in Spanish. With this Bible you will be able to take the Word with you and treasure it in your heart. Features: – Cross-references and thematic concordance – Overview of the Bible’s history; read the Bible in a year – The Good News of Salvation; words of Christ in red – Introduction & outline of each book; harmony of the Gospels – Full-color maps; attributes of Jesus – Words of encouragement for your walk with God – Ribbon marker; font Size 12 pts; 1,696 pages; size: 5.38 x 7.88 inches
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Large Print Compact Reference Bible
$19.99The KJV Large Print Compact Reference Bible features a large, easy-to-read 8-point type in a convenient, easy-to-carry compact size that slips nicely into a pocket, backpack, or purse. This Bible makes the perfect gift for a person “on the go” who wants to keep the Word of God close, accessible, and convenient to read at all times. FEATURES Pure Cambridge Edition of the KJV text Compact portable trim size that is easy-to-carry Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding Two-column verse-by-verse text format Topical page headings Large 8-point type size Words of Christ in red Gilded page edges Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages Topical Concordance Presentation page for gift-giving Full-color maps The KJV Large Print Compact Reference Bible features the authorized Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible.
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Large Print Compact Reference Bible
$19.99The KJV Large Print Compact Reference Bible features a large, easy-to-read 8-point type in a convenient, easy-to-carry compact size that slips nicely into a pocket, backpack, or purse. This Bible makes the perfect gift for a person “on the go” who wants to keep the Word of God close, accessible, and convenient to read at all times. FEATURES Pure Cambridge Edition of the KJV text Compact portable trim size that is easy-to-carry Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding Two-column verse-by-verse text format Topical page headings Large 8-point type size Words of Christ in red Gilded page edges Ribbon marker for easy referencing between pages Topical Concordance Presentation page for gift-giving Full-color maps The KJV Large Print Compact Reference Bible features the authorized Pure Cambridge Edition text of the King James Version (KJV) translation. The KJV is one of the best-selling translations of all time and captures the beauty and majesty of God’s Word for those who love the rich heritage and reverent language of this rendering of the Holy Bible.
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Thinline Bible Compact Comfort Print
$27.99Easy to Read. Easy to Carry.With an easy-to-read typeface and a slim size, the NIV Thinline Bible, Compact, invites you to deeply explore God’s Word anywhere and at any time. Expertly designed for the New International Version (NIV) text, Zondervan’s exclusive Comfort Print(R) typeface delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary-English Bible translation. Measuring less than one inch thick, it is the perfect on-the-go Bible to take to church, your Bible study group, work, or travel.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)Less than one inch thickDouble-column formatPresentation pageTwo satin ribbon markersWords of Jesus in redExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefacePrint size: 7
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Premium Value Compact Bible Filament Enabled Edition
$14.99The text Bible reimagined.The new NLT Premium Value Compact Bible, Filament-Enabled Edition has readable text, an attractive layout, and an affordable price in a thin, easy-to-carry size. And while it has the same low price of basic text Bibles, the NLT Premium Value Compact offers much more. It not only features a bold new design and the trusted and much-loved New Living Translation (NLT) but also includes the groundbreaking Filament Bible app. This app enables you to use your mobile phone or tablet to connect every page to a vast array of related content, including study notes, devotionals, interactive maps, informative videos, and worship music.The Filament Bible app turns this Bible into a powerful study and devotional experience, offering more to expand your mind and touch your heart than you can possibly hold in your hand.And there is no additional cost for the Filament Bible app. No additional purchase. No additional size or weight.Of course, you can use this Bible without the app, but when you want to dig deeper, grab your phone or tablet and open the Filament Bible app. It’s so easy to use.
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