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    Bibles (Spanish)

    • Personal Edition Large Print Bible


      La Nueva Traduccion Viviente (NTV) ahora esta disponible en una nueva edicion personal que presenta una Biblia de tamao mediano con letra grande.

      La edicion personal contiene pagina de presentacion, introducciones a cada libro, palabras de Cristo en rojo, una concordancia, mapas a todo color, cinta marcadora y canto dorado.

      The NTV is now available in a new personal edition that introduces a special mid-size Bible with a beautiful TuTone leatherlike cover and large print. The personal edition includes a presentation page, book introductions, words of Christ in red letter, a concordance, full-color maps, ribbon marker, and gilded edges.

      The NTV is an authoritative Bible translation uniquely and faithfully rendered into today’s Spanish from the ancient texts by more than 50 leading Bible scholars. Its scholarship and clarity breathe life into the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages. That’s why we call it: “La verdad con claridad” (The Truth Made Clear).

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    • Childrens New Testament


      Affordable Spanish Outreach to Kids

      This low-cost contemporary Spanish Nueva Version Internacional ( NVI ) translation New Testament is perfect for reaching the hearts of children. It offers twelve engaging color pages illustrating Bible passages and a presentation page. Easy to read 9 point type with notes that include the story of God and his creation in five parts and an invitation for the child to join in this story.

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    • New Testament


      Ideal for personal, family, and church outreach, this non-smear newsprint New Testament is priced for giving away. This is the contemporary Spanish Nueva Version Internacional ( NVI ) translation.

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    • New Believers Bible


      The New Believer’s Bible is designed to help new Christians grow in and understand their faith, while providing a foundation for their new life in Christ.

      Four study tracks (Cornerstones, First Steps, Off and Running, and Big Questions) present the essentials of the Christian faith in a way that is easy to follow and understand. The New Believer’s study tracks and notes were written by author, pastor, and evangelist Greg Laurie.

      The NTV is an authoritative Bible translation uniquely and faithfully rendered into today’s Spanish from the ancient texts by more than 50 leading Bible scholars. Its scholarship and clarity breathe life into the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages. That’s why we call it “La verdad con claridad” (The Truth Made Clear).

      La Biblia para nuevos creyentes esta diseada especialmente para ayudar a los nuevos cristianos a profundizar su fe a traves de la lectura, el estudio y el entendimiento de la Palabra de Dios.

      Las cuatro secciones de lectura (Piedras angulares, Primeros pasos, En marcha, y Grandes preguntas) presentan las bases esenciales de la fe cristiana en una manera facil de comprender y de seguir. Los temas de estudio y las notas para nuevos creyentes fueron escritos por el pastor, autor y evangelista Greg Laurie.

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    • Personal Edition Large Print Bible


      La Nueva Traduccion Viviente (NTV) ahora esta disponible en una nueva edicion personal que presenta una Biblia de tamao mediano con letra grande.

      La edicion personal contiene pagina de presentacion, introducciones a cada libro, palabras de Cristo en rojo, una concordancia, mapas a todo color, cinta marcadora y canto dorado.

      The NTV is now available in a new personal edition that introduces a special mid-size Bible with a beautiful TuTone leatherlike cover and large print. The personal edition includes a presentation page, book introductions, words of Christ in red letter, a concordance, full-color maps, ribbon marker, and gilded edges.

      The NTV is an authoritative Bible translation uniquely and faithfully rendered into today’s Spanish from the ancient texts by more than 50 leading Bible scholars. Its scholarship and clarity breathe life into the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages. That’s why we call it: “La verdad con claridad” (The Truth Made Clear).

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    • Life Recovery Bible


      La Biblia Renacer incorpora a los Doce Pasos de recuperacion para ayudar a las personas a encontrar la verdadera fuente de la restauracion: Jesucristo mismo.

      La Biblia Renacer es un recurso esencial para cualquier persona que quiera una nueva oportunidad para volver a empezar y desea acercarse mas a Dios a traves del camino de la restauracion. Tambien es una herramienta para consejeros, pastores, familiares y amigos que desean ayudar a encaminar a sus seres amados a los brazos restauradores de Jesus.

      The Life Recovery Bible, which incorporates the Twelve Steps of recovery, helps people turn to the true source of healing: Jesus Christ himself.

      The Life Recovery Bible is an essential resource for anyone wanting to walk more closely with God through recovery, as well as for counselors, pastors, relatives, and friends who want to point their loved ones to Jesus’ restoring arms.

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    • New Testament With Psalms And Proverbs


      SKU (ISBN): 9781414383613ISBN10: 1414383614Translation: Nueva Traduccion Viviente (NTV)Language: SpanishColor: BlackBinding: VinylWords of Jesus Christ in Red LettersPublished: February 2013Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Biblia De America


      This complete translation, approved by the Episcopal Conference in Mexico and with the authority of the Episcopal Conferences in Colombia and Chile, is from the original texts. Its pastoral character, an important consideration of the translation team of more than 40 leading Biblical specialists, makes it an excellent choice for laypeople, religious, and priests.

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    • Jewish New Testament Spanish Edition


      This New Testament version communicates its original, essential Jewishness. Highlights Jewish references and corrects mistranslations. Freshly translated into English from Greek.

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    • Holy Bible Harvest Edition


      Santa Biblia NTV, Edicion Cosecha ofrece a los lectores una Biblia economica para leer o dar a alguien. Disponible en cinco portadas de diseo unico.

      Holy Bible NTV, Harvest Edition offers readers an economic Bible to read or give to someone. Available in five uniquely designed covers.

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    • Grace For The Moment Daily Bible


      Spend a year reading the Bible with Max Lucado!
      In this Bible, Max Lucado will guide you through the Scripture day-by-day, with daily readings from the Old and New Testaments, Psalms, and Proverbs, plus a devotional insight. The Nueva Biblia al Dia version will help readers from all walks of life approach God’s Word with fresh eyes.

      !Pase un ao leyendo la Biblia con Max Lucado!
      En esta Biblia, Max Lucado lo guiara a traves de las Escrituras dia tras dia, con lecturas diarias del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamentos, Salmos y Proverbios, ademas de una reflexion espiritual. La version Nueva Biblia al Dia ayudara a los lectores de todas las profesiones y condiciones sociales a acercarse a la Palabra de Dios con nuevos ojos.

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    • Abundant Life New Testament


      SKU (ISBN): 9781414326405ISBN10: 1414326408Translation: Nueva Traduccion Viviente (NTV)Language: SpanishColor: Full ColorBinding: PaperPublished: August 2009Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • New Testament For New Believers


      SKU (ISBN): 9781414326412ISBN10: 1414326416Translation: Nueva Traduccion Viviente (NTV)Language: SpanishColor: Full ColorBinding: PaperPublished: June 2009Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Gospel Of John


      The Gospel of John introduces readers to the (NTV Nueva Traduccion Vivi-ente), a new Spanish Bible translation based on the scope and purpose of the New Living Translation (NLT), a standard in English Bibles. The NLT possesses a scholarly precision perfectly suited for serious study. Though the NTV is based on the work of the NLT, especially exegetically, it is an original translation from the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. Other hallmarks of the NLT–warmth, clarity, and living language–also carry over beautifully in the NTV. The NTV’s emotive qualities will touch you personally, as if the Bible were written just for you.

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    • Gospel Of John


      El Plan de la Vida brinda orientacion, esperanza y la promesa de vida eterna a todos los que confian en Jesucristo como su Salvador personal. Este Evangelio segun San Juan, presentado en la version “La Biblia de las Americas” utiliza el espanol moderno para comunicar claramente el plan de Dios para nuestras vidas. Tanto los ministerios como las organizaciones pueden usar esta traduccion economica y actualizada del Evangelio de Juan en diversas estrategias de evangelismo. Ya se trate su esfuerzo misionero actual de distribuir tratados es su comunidad o ministrar en otros paises, el Plan de Vida es un recurso eficaz para ayudar a compartir la palabra de Dios y dar la esperanza de vida abundante para todos.

      Plan de Vida provides direction, hope, and a promise of everlasting life to all who believe in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. This Gospel of John, presented in the “La Biblia de las Americas” version, uses modern Spanish to clearly communicate God’s plan for our lives. Ministries and organizations alike can use this affordable, updated translation of the Gospel of John in various form of evangelism. Whether your current mission effort is handing out tracks in your community or ministering in other countries, Plan de la Vida is an effective resource to help share God’s word and give hope of abundant life to all people.

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    • Spirit Filled Bible Handy Size


      The handy size Biblia Plenitud is the study Bible for a new generation passionate about living out the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

      This formidable and revealing study Bible offers anyone who hungers after God a holistic approach to what a Spirit-filled life entails. Besides a detailed outline and introduction to each book of the Bible and extensive notes based on solid biblical scholarship, this Bible includes:
      *Kingdom Dynamics: More than 350 articles that cover 22 ever-current topics and give practical and prophetic understanding for Christian life and ministry
      *Word Wealth: Over 550 detailed definitions of important Greek and Hebrew words
      *Truth-in-Action: How to apply the lessons found in each book of the Bible to daily life at work and at home
      *Charts and tables
      *Full-color maps
      *Maps in the text

      La Biblia Plenitud tamao manual es la Biblia de estudio para la nueva generacion apasionada por vivir la Palabra de Dios y el poder del Espiritu Santo.

      Esta formidable y reveladora Biblia de estudio ofrece a todo el que tenga hambre de Dios un enfoque total sobre lo que encierra la vida llena del Espiritu. Ademas de bosquejo detallado e introduccion a cada libro de la Biblia, y notas extensas que reflejan erudicion, esta Biblia incluye:
      *Dinamica del Reino: Mas de 350 articulos que aclaran 22 temas siempre vigentes que presentan una comprension practica y profetica para el ministerio y la vida del cristiano
      *Riqueza Literaria: Mas de 550 definiciones detalladas de palabras importantes del griego y del hebreo con sus conceptos basicos
      *Verdad en Accion: Aplicacion especifica de las lecciones que se encuentran en cada libro de las Escrituras a la vida diaria en el hogar y el trabajo
      *Graficas y tablas
      *Mapas a color
      *Mapas en el texto

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    • Precious Moments Bible Precious Angels Edition


      Precious Moments Bibles are available once again!

      This newest edition to the family of Precious Moments(R) Bibles is our Precious Angels Bible. This beautifully designed Bible includes the full text of the RVR 1960, combined with 16 full-color images of Sam Butcher’s angelic characters.

      These delightful pages show angels alongside Scriptures on themes such as praise, joy, guidance, worship, protection, loving, caring, and sharing. Also included is a 4-page full-color presentation section and extra pages in the back to lovingly record your own thoughts of praise, joy, loving, caring, sharing, etc. The small trim size is just right for collecting, gift-giving, and the enjoyment of every “angel-lover” in your life.

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    • Giant Print Bible


      This is the best version of the original Biblical text available at the present time, developed by Biblical experts from twelve Latin American countries. The NIV Bible is the most used version, directly translated form Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. This special publication in giant print can be used in the pulpit, at home and as a personal study tool.

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    • Spanish English New Testament RV60 KJV


      The Spanish/English New Testament is meticulously typeset to allow the reader to follow verses in both languages -side-by-side. This handsome book includes the complete New Testament in the popular Reina Valera Revisada (RVR 1960) and the time-honored King James Version (KJV) in English.

      This compact resource fits easily into an attache, purse, or coat pocket. The imitation leather cover is gold foil stamped. Fine quality lightweight paper allows for ease of reading while keeping the book a conveinant size.

      The Spanish-speaking segment of the country’s population is growing fast, and Hispanics appreciate having products in their own language. This parallel text will be a great tool for people evangelizing in a second language as well as for those who are learning a new one.

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    • Spirit Filled Life Bible


      SKU (ISBN): 9780899222769ISBN10: 0899222765Translation: Reina Valera – 1960 (RVR)Language: SpanishColor: BlackBinding: BondedFont size: 10Words of Jesus Christ in Red LettersPresentation BiblePublished: October 2000Publisher: Groupo Nelson

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    • Heres Hope New Testament


      Meeting the needs of today’s Hispanic population, Holman offers this efficient and effective tool for testifying at special events or using in missionary work.

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