


    Scrapping The Sultans Stinging Stickers Of Selfishness (DVD)


    Join Bibleman and His Team on Three Exciting Animated Adventures!

    1. Scrapping the Sultan’s Stinging Stickers of Selfishness (An Adventure in Patience) – The Principal of Spruce Avenue Elementary School booked some guy called The Sultan of Success as a guest speaker? What was she thinking? And what are those stickers on her lapels? Good thing the Bibleteam is always vigilant for threats. Or are they? Bible story: The Patience of Job. Key verse: Proverbs 14:29

    2. Say Goodbye to the Grand Duchess of Greed, Part 1 (An Adventure in Generosity) – “It’s MY money, and you can’t tell me what to do with it!” Uh-oh, sounds like somebody is having second thoughts about paying their pledge to the Youth Group Fundraiser – and Lila is a member of the group! That sparkling GreeDust must have something to do with it. Bible Story: Elijah & the Widow. Key Verses: Matthew 6:1-4

    3. Say Goodbye to the Grand Duchess of Greed, Part 2 (An Adventure in Generosity)

    1 in stock

    SKU (UPC): 844667041569
    Produced by: P23 Entertainment
    Binding: Video DVD
    Published: October 2018
    Bibleman The Animated Adventures #
    Publisher: New Day Christian Distributors


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