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    Vision Video

    • Cross And The Switchblade 50th Anniversary Edition (DVD)


      Long before faith-based films became a regular feature of mainstream movie theaters, there was, The Cross and The Switchblade. The film was made squarely within the Hollywood system yet, was set apart by the unashamedly Christian vision of its producers. It went on to become a worldwide ministry phenomenon and it stands among the early sparks that ignited today’s growing Christian film movement.

      Based on the 1963 autobiography, of the same name by David Wilkerson, the film depicts the unlikely efforts of a “skinny country preacher” to bring change to the desperate lives of gang members living and dying on the mean streets of New York City. Among those whose lives were transformed was the notorious gang-leader Nicky Cruz who went on to lead a decades long outreach to gang members and other distressed young people.

      Wilkerson’s mission to tell lost and hurting young people that there was a better way through Jesus Christ, blossomed into the Times Square Church and the international ministry of World Challenge whose mission is to bring lasting, holistic change to individuals and communities.

      Optional languages available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Putonghua/Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Cantonese, and Hindi

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    • Pilgrims Progress : Based On John Bunyan’s Epic Masterpiece (DVD)


      This family-friendly animated feature follows closely John Bunyan’s masterpiece by the same title. A man named Pilgrim discovers a book, and the more he reads it, the more he is convicted of sin and judgment, and a burden begins to develop on his back. Obsessed with discovering the truth and escaping his town, the City of Destruction, he ventures outside the forbidden borders and begins his journey to find a Celestial City ruled by a good and noble King, meeting friend and foes along the way.

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    • George Muller Story (DVD)


      George Muller lived on radical prayer, depending on God to supply all his needs instead of asking others for help-even in his most desperate situations. By the time God opened his eyes to the neglected street children and the horrors of the workhouses, Muller did what he had always done: he prayed and trusted God to accomplish the impossible. In this 18th episode of the Torchlighters, discover God’s miraculous provision and the power of prayer as Muller cared for 10,000 orphans over the span of 50 fruitful years.

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    • Animated Bible Series Episode 1 Creation (DVD)


      In the beginning, before the heavens and the earth existed, God spoke – and there was life! All was perfection until a crafty serpent questioned, “Did God really say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” Episode 1: The Creation highlights Genesis chapter 1-3 revealing God’s creation, the fall of man, God’s judgment on mankind and on the crafty serpent, the banishing of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden and the tree of life, and the promise of future redemption..

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    • Tanglewoods Secret : Sometimes We All Have To Look A Little Deeper (DVD)


      Ruth and her brother Philip stay with their overly strict aunt while their parents are overseas. Ruth runs away and learns about the Good Shepherd and His love for lost sheep just like her. Later, when a friend is seriously hurt in an accident and dies, Ruth faces many questions about death. This delightful film will challenge people of all ages to reflect upon life and its ultimate meaning.

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