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    Ken Ham

    • Climate Change For Kids


      Do not fear! While the world is sounding the alarm, authors Ken Ham and Jessica DeFord help Christian families to trust God’s Word and not fear man.

      Climate Change for Kids…and Parents Too! is a groundbreaking book designed to equip the whole family with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complex issue of climate change.
      This full-color book reveals the intersection of science, Scripture, and logic to provide a comprehensive understanding of this issue from a biblical worldview.

      Some people are claiming the earth will be destroyed in a few years if this supposed man-made climate change isn’t stopped. But authors Ken Ham and Jessica DeFord, forecast that in another 10 years we will find these predictions haven’t come true for two reasons:

      1. God’s Word makes it quite clear that man can never destroy the earth (Genesis 8:22).
      2. Real observational science (not the radical interpretations of some of the data) does not support the alarming claims of these activists.

      Christians have no need to fear. In moments when climate change hysteria grips the media or academic spheres, it’s crucial to approach with discernment. Beyond the predominant theories attributing climate change to human activity, we must also weigh in various factors such as natural cycles of the earth and the sun, which significantly influence climate patterns.

      Discover the truth of science, climate change, and the true history of the world in this powerful exploration of climate change science and the importance of developing a strong biblical worldview.

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    • 1 Race One Blood Revised And Updated (Revised)


      One Race, One Blood reveals the origins of the horrors of discrimination, the biblical truth of “interracial” marriage, as well as the proof revealed in the Bible that God created only one race. Explore the science of genetics, melanin and skin tone, affected by the history of the Tower of Babel and the origin of people groups around the world.

      Ethnic cleansing, genocide, “racial” conflicts have taken place from colonialism to Nazi Germany to modern day. We are a society, nation, and world in continued conflict. We are increasingly being identified and divided by designations of “racial” groups. Many of these unfortunate divisions have been fueled by the troublesome threads of “scientific” racism which emerged from Darwinian evolution.

      Education can teach, workshops can inform, laws can protect, but what is the defining answer to ending the notion of “racial” division? Since racism is a heart issue – a sin issue – it is one that only the truth of God’s inerrant Word will overcome.

      “And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth….” (Acts 17:26 KJV)

      Within these compelling pages, Dr. A. Charles Ware, founder of Grace Relations, a ministry of The College of Biblical Studies, and Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis – US, examine the historical roots of racism that have permeated evolutionary thought, and the Bible’s powerful response to this disturbing issue. Together they address the Christian worldview regarding “race” from a compassionate and uniquely compelling biblical and scientific perspective and reveal the most empowering answers to bridging “racial” divisions.

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    • Dinosaurs Of Eden (Revised)


      Did you know that we have a written record of the history of the universe, past, present, and future, from someone who sees and knows everything? The infinite Creator of the universe made sure that all the most important events of history were recorded in a special series of books that together make up one book, the Bible. Using the Bible, we can actually read about the past (that enables us to correctly understand what we observe in the present in this world), and the future!

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    • How Do We Know The Bible Is True 2


      We are an increasingly skeptical society – whether it comes to politics, science, or even faith. As various channels of media vie for our time and attention, people see conflict everywhere, even about fundamental aspects of the Bible. When church leaders are at odds about biblical truth and scriptural authority, believers are left confused and uncertain. In this popular new series, a stellar group of biblical scholars, seminary professors, and apologetics ministry leaders team up to offer compelling fact’s and research to reassure Christians about the validity and inerrancy of the Bible. Addressing topics from popular culture like the Shroud of Turin, or ‘missing’ books of the Bible, and even what makes God’s Word unique among holy books, How Do We Know the Bible is True? Vol. 2 is a fascinating collection of details that make this a ‘must have’ resource for churches, libraries, and home study.

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    • How Do We Know The Bible Is True 1


      Can you defend the authority of the Bible?

      Government and media leaders have been eliminating the Bible and its teachings from society for years. Now there are Christian professors, pastors, and other church leaders who cast doubt on the reality of Adam, the age of the earth, and the inerrancy of the Bible. This cultural disregard for the Word of God demands that we focus on educating ourselves and defending the truth.

      General editors Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge of Answers in Genesis along with a team of biblical scholars and Christian apologists present answers to twenty relevant debates. This all-star lineup of authors include Jason Lisle, Brian Edwards, Tommy Mitchell, Steve Ham, Jobe Martin, Steve Fazekas, Terry Mortenson, Tim Chaffey, Roger Patterson, Bob McCabe, Georgia Purdom, and John MacArthur. Guard your family, your church, and future generations from vague notions of truth and authority. Be prepared to give a reason for your faith in God!

      In the growing “biblical authority” debate-which often encompasses the creation-evolution controversy-we usually get a host of questions about science and the Bible. But as soon as we answer those questions (for example in our popular New Answers Book series), skeptics realize their defeat and quickly change their line of attack and go after the Bible itself or the character of God.

      Over 20 relevant issues discussed include:

      Is the Bible totally without error?
      Did the resurrection really happen?
      How do we know that the 66 books of the Bible are from God?
      Does the Bible contradict itself?
      How were people saved before Jesus came?
      What is the purpose and meaning of life?
      Did miracles really happen?
      Was Genesis derived from ancient myths?
      How should we interpret the Bible; should Genesis be literal?
      Do you have to believe in a young earth to be saved?
      What about the factual claims in The Da Vinci Code?
      Is the age of the earth a salvation issue?

      This first book of a new series, simply entitled How Do We Know the Bible Is True? is lay-friendly, yet hard hitting where it needs to be. This is an excellent new tool when it comes to defending against the shifting attacks on God’s Holy Word.

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    • Dinosaurs For Kids


      Ken Ham teams a powerful apologetics-based timeline of dinosaurs history with eye-popping illustrations and the latest in dinosaur information. Kids will learn about dinosaur names and misnomers, what the Bible can teach us about them, and what we can learn from the evidence of their existence! From where dinosaurs lived to what scientists assume they know about these great creatures, the world of dinosaurs has never been this exciting, revealing, and simply amazing to see and explore!

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    • Where Did God Come From (DVD)


      Teaches Christians how to defend their faith when they encounter questions regarding creation vs. evolution: How can we know there is a God? Can we see any evidence of God’s handiwork today? Can the Bible be defended by real science?

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    • Why Wont They Listen (DVD)


      Why are the traditional methods of evangelism failing to win souls for Jesus? In this compelling presentation, Ham explores biology, history, archaeology, and other disciplines to show how the radical shift toward humanism has had a negative impact on sharing the gospel. Discover how to bring the nation back to Genesis in order to win the world for Christ!

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