


    Javier Saltares

    • Eternity


      In a dramatic exposition on the classic story of the Rich Man and Lazarus taught by Jesus Christ, Heaven author Randy Alcorn takes readers on a very different visual tour in the graphic novel Eternity.

      This story by author Randy Alcorn and artist Javier Saltares takes observers on a journey into the realm of first century Jerusalem and then ultimately into two shockingly different spiritual dimensions.

      Christ was very clear that a person’s decision to obey, or to not obey God, would result in two very differing eternal realities and realms.

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    • Book Of God


      This educational graphic novel tells the historical and reliable process of how we got the Bible we have today.

      This in-depth book addresses these regularly asked questions:

      *How did the Bible come to be?
      *How were the centuries-old stories in the Bible collected?
      *Who translated the languages?
      *Who selected what to put into the Bible, and how?
      *How do we know the Bible is really God’s Word?
      *Why should we trust it?

      This one-of-a-kind graphic novel thoroughly answers these questions, along with many others.

      “The Book of God” is an invaluable resource for churches, schools, and families.

      This insightful graphic novel from Kingstone Comics is a trustworthy tool for the current and next generations to understand why the Bible itself is dependable and truly the divine document it claims to be. Learn more about the book on which we base our faith – the book that changed the world.

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