Erin Smalley
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Pequena Locura Llamada Matrimo – (Spanish)
$13.99Cada pareja que quiere un matrimonio feliz apreciara los secretos revitalizantes en Una pequea locura llamada matrimonio. Alli, el doctor Greg y Erin Smalley exploran las caracteristicas de un matrimonio saludable y prospero. Basados en una investigacion de miles de parejas fuertes, los doce elementos esenciales delineados estan arraigados en fundamentos biblicos y trazan el curso para una relacion romantica que durara toda la vida. Con consejos practicos y anecdotas de su propio matrimonio y experiencias de consejeria, Greg y Erin guian a las parejas a descubrir maneras para superar los obstaculos en su relacion actual y a intencionalmente crear patrones de comunicacion que los llevaran a lugares emocionalmente seguros. Si, el matrimonio puede tener sus giros y vueltas. Pero los desvios no necesariamente tienen que llevar a las parejas fuera de curso. Greg y Erin ayudan a las parejas a delinear un viaje para sus matrimonios de manera que puedan disfrutar de la relacion apasionada e intima que Dios ha prometido.
Every couple who wants a happy marriage will appreciate the revitalizing secrets in Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage. In it, Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley explore the traits of a healthy and thriving marriage. Based on research that looked at thousands of strong couples across the country, the twelve essential elements outlined are biblically based and chart a course for a romantic adventure that will last a lifetime. With practical advice and stories from their own marriage and counseling experiences, Greg and Erin guide couples to find ways to work around roadblocks in their current relationship and to intentionally create communication patterns that will take them to emotionally safe places. Yes, marriage can have its twists and turns. But the detours don’t necessarily have to lead couples off course. Greg and Erin help couples map out a journey for their marriage so that they can enjoy the passionate and intimate relationship that God has promised.
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Little Book Of Great Dates
$14.99The Little Book of Great Dates will help build romance and fun into any marriage with its creative ideas for a year’s worth of weekly affordable dates. This book-a simpler, gift version of Focus on the Family’s The Date Night Challenge campaign-will help couples to proactively and intentionally build their relationship, showing how everyday activities can become “dates” that strengthen the marriage relationship. It includes plans for special-occasion dates, such as the couple’s anniversaries (first date, engagement, wedding), birthdays, etc. Couples can get to know each other better by sharing fun times and discover dating again in their marriage with this great little book of ideas!
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