




    • Case For Heaven (DVD)



      We all want to know what happens after we die.

      In THE CASE FOR HEAVEN, best-selling author and investigative journalist Lee Strobel explores the evidence for the afterlife in order to address man’s biggest fear: death.

      Inspired by his own brush with death, Strobel searches for answers to the most profound questions we all have, about heaven, hell, and Near-Death Experiences.

      Featuring interviews with experts and skeptics, THE CASE FOR HEAVEN will challenge, encourage and inspire as Strobel dares to probe the most important question.

      If there is a heaven, can we prove it?

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    • Sabina Blu Ray Plus DVD Plus Digital Editon (Blu-ray)


      Why would a Jewish Christian risk everything to help Nazi soldiers, members of the army that killed her entire family?

      Sabina: Tortured for Christ, the Nazi Years is the story of how God’s love transformed a hedonistic atheist into an inspiring example of Christ’s forgiveness. Sabina and Richard Wurmbrand sacrificed their own comfort and safety to serve those persecuted by enemies of the gospel. They boldly advanced God’s kingdom at great cost, ultimately spending years in Communist prisons and labor camps.

      Be inspired by their witness for Christ, and discover this powerful truth: Forgiveness is the heart of the gospel.

      Bonus Content:
      * Keith and Kristyn Getty’s “It Is Well” (6 min.)
      * Bible for Every Believer Concert (29 min,)
      * Finding Life and Solitary Prayers Short Features
      * Behind the Scenes – On set with the Director in Romania

      Rating: PG-13
      Run Time: 115 minutes
      Format: DVD/Blu-ray/Digital Access

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    • Show Me The Father (DVD)


      Everyone has a unique father story. Whether positive or painful, it’s always personal and can deeply affect the core of our identity and direction of our lives. Kendrick Brothers’ SHOW ME THE FATHER is the first documentary film from the creators of WAR ROOM, OVERCOMER, FIREPROOF, and COURAGEOUS Legacy. Featuring a variety of amazing true stories, this captivating movie takes audiences of all ages on an inspiring and emotional cinematic journey. Providing a fresh perspective on the roles of fathers in today’s society, SHOW ME THE FATHER invites you to think differently about how you view your earthly father, and how you personally relate to God.

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    • Patterns Of Evidence The Moses Controversy (DVD)


      Rocked by questions about his faith, a filmmaker seeks scientific evidence that Moses actually wrote the first books of the Bible-despite the skepticism of mainstream scholars. What he finds you’ll have to see to believe.

      Is the Bible the inspired word of God? Or is it a book of fables and myths?

      Award-winning investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney and his Patterns of Evidence team return with a brand-new examination into The Moses Controversy.

      Mahoney was raised to believe the stories of the Bible were true. But mainstream scholars reject the Bible’s claim that Moses wrote the Exodus journey as an eyewitness account, they believe it is just an exaggerated tale. These scholars emphatically declare Moses didn’t even have a writing system like Hebrew to record it; instead, the writing of Exodus came more than one thousand years after the fact.

      Since the Bible claims that Moses was the author of one of the greatest stories in the entire Bible-the Israelites’ Exodus out of Egypt and their journey to Mt. Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God-Mahoney realizes that the question of Moses’ ability to write its first books impacts the credibility of the entire Bible.

      Traveling throughout the Middle East to see where the patterns lead, Mahoney uncovers profound new scientific evidence you have to see to believe! This new documentary investigation Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy had a successful theatrical release in March 2019.

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    • Tortured For Christ (DVD)


      As seen in theaters, be inspired by love and forgiveness that conquered Communist prisons. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand suffered 14 years of imprisonment and brutal torture, while his wife, Sabina, was treated as a slave in a labor camp. Their only “crimes” were their faith and witness for Jesus Christ. Through it all, they loved their enemies and sought to win their torturers for Christ. Filmed entirely on location in Romania, including in the very prison where Richard endured torture and solitary confinement, this is the cinematic retelling of one of the most powerfully inspiring and historically significant testimonies of all time.

      The Voice of the Martyrs presents the inspiring new movie Tortured for Christ, a cinematic retelling of the testimony of VOM founder Pastor Richard Wurmbrand as written in his international bestseller Tortured for Christ. This movie was produced to honor the 50th anniversary of the book’s 1967 release.

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    • Hudson Taylor : Into The Heart Of The Dragon (DVD)


      James Hudson Taylor was one of the most influential missionaries of the nineteenth century. Founder of China Inland Mission, he spent a total of 51 years spreading the gospel in China. Taylor was unique in his time, he adopted the dress and customs of the Chinese people, showing great respect for their culture and his organization was strictly non-denominational. Generations of Christian evangelists have followed in his footsteps.

      Into the Heart of the Dragon is a striking docudrama filmed on location in China and the U.K. It paints an intimate portrait of Taylor’s life and legacy.

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    • Billy Graham An Extraordinary Journey (DVD)


      Walk in the shoes of an unlikely messenger who touched the world. Rare historical footage and compelling interviews with family members, lifelong friends, former presidents, and prominent broadcasters tell the remarkable story of Billy Graham-who grew up on a farm and became the most prolific preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in modern history. Known as a pastor to presidents, an advocate for racial equality, and the fearless risk taker who preached behind The Iron Curtain, see Graham’s unwavering faith as he encountered challenges, tragedies, and world crises.

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    • Jehovahs Witnesses And Christianity (DVD)


      How do Jehovah Witness beliefs compare to biblical Christianity? They claim to believe in Jesus and hold the Bible in high regard, but do they? Their door-to-door activity seems to show a devotion that amazes others. But what is really going on?

      Find out by watching this powerful 30-minute session covering the Jehovah’s Witnesses (Watchtower Society).

      Learn about the Jehovah Witnesses’s

      *History, dating back to the 1800s
      *Founder and key leaders, including Charles Taze Russell and Judge Rutherford
      *Practices and rules (For example, before their prohibition of blood transfusions, there were other prohibitions they observed, but have now set aside.)
      *Beliefs about God, Jesus, the Church, what happens after death, and more.
      Discover the practical Do’s and Don’ts when talking to Jehovah’s Witnesses and uncover the answers to key questions, such as “When Jehovah’s Witnesses say they believe in Jesus, what do they actually believe about him?”

      This DVD has all you need: 30-minute video + a PDF Leader Guide + a PDF Participant Guide. You don’t have to be an expert to lead this 30-minute session. Perfect for small groups, Bible studies, adult Sunday school, or for individual use.

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    • Isaiah 9:10 Judgment (DVD)


      In the Book of Isaiah, an obscure passage describes the demise of ancient Israel. Does it eerily echo the decline of the United States? Revealing astonishing parallels between the fall of ancient Israel and current events, Rabbi Cahn’s riveting presentation unravels the mystery behind Isaiah 9:10—and shows that similar harbingers of judgment are manifesting themselves in contemporary America.

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    • Great Bible Stories 1 (DVD)


      Witness a touching depiction of sacred events from the Bible and Jesus’ teachings with this engaging collection of six short films. A blind man’s sight is restored because he sees Jesus as his divine Savior (“Seeing”), a woman’s touch becomes an act of faith when she is miraculously healed after she touches Christ’s garment (“The Touch”), and a widow faithfully gives away her remaining food during a famine (“Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath”). Then, a Jewish man saves his enemy from certain death (“The Good Samaritan”), and in “Akedah (The Binding),” Abraham nearly sacrifices his only son Isaac. In addition, “The Sisters of Bethany” focuses on the important roles Mary and Martha had in Christ’s ministry and teaching.

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    • John Newton : A Ruthless Slave Trader Becomes A Messenger Of Amazing Grace (DVD)


      The words of the Apostle Paul in I Timothy 1:15 no doubt resonated with John Newton. As a person who had grown up in the church under the tutelage of a very godly mother and who later became a faithless rebel, Newton may have felt he was “the worst.” But if his story teaches us anything, it is to never give up on anyone no matter how far they seem to be from the Kingdom. As Newton’s most famous hymn says, “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.” This documentary, featuring interviews with Newton scholars Brian H. Edwards, Jonathan Aitken and Tony Baker, thoroughly explores Newton’s life from his turbulent youth to his involvement in the 18th century African slave trade, his dramatic conversion aboard a sinking ship and on through his remarkable ministry as an evangelistic preacher, hymn writer and abolitionist. This fast-paced and insightful documentary serves as an excellent teaching tool and will inspire viewers to take hold of God’s amazing grace.

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    • 20 Minute PraiseMoves (DVD)


      Over 16.5 million Americans practice some form of yoga. Many are Christians who are looking for a Christ-centered alternative to their exercise routine. From the creator of the popular PraiseMoves–The Christian Alternative to Yoga DVD, Laurette Willis offers three new 20-minute workouts. In just 20 minutes a day, viewers can strengthen, tone, and increase flexibility while renewing their minds and nourishing their spirits on God’s Word. Each posture is linked to Scripture to transform workouts into times of worship. This new program offers ways to– reduce stress, improve circulation, and lose weight energize to optional Walkin’ Wisdom Warm-ups learn God’s Word through beautifully flowing Scripture Sequences 20 Minute PraiseMoves also includes an instructional segment with exercise tips, detailed posture moves, and postures for the beginner as well as the advanced PraiseMover.

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    • Against All Odds Collectors Edition Set (DVD)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781594642623UPC: 033937036804Binding: Video DVDPublished: October 2006Publisher: Questar

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    • Peter And Paul (DVD)


      The life of the early church through the adventures of two of its greatest leaders.

      This epic network television mini-series brings to life the precarious existence of early Christianity. The new movement is beset by violent opposition from without and constant turmoil from within.

      Two key leaders emerge–Peter and Paul–who struggle to keep the faith alive. This dramatic presentation follows the pair, together and separately, through three epochal decades. Included are the stoning of Stephen, the road to Damascus, their encounter in Jerusalem, their conflicts over how the word of Christ should be spread.

      Paul’s travels to Asia Minor and Greece, Peter and Paul’s clashes over Jewish law, and Peter’s decision to follow in Paul’s courageous footsteps. The drama concludes in Rome in approximately A.D. 64 with the beheading of Paul and the crucifixion of Peter under Emperor Nero.

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