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Sermons On Cries From The Cross
$17.95Since the days he shook the pulpits of Victorian London with Christ-centered passion, each succeeding generation discovers Charles Spurgeon anew. Featuring Easter topics in time for the season, this collection offers homiletic gems from the “Prince of Preachers.” In sermons as timeless as their topics, Spurgeon combines keen intellect, scriptural truth, and a zeal for making God known to a world in darkness.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) was Victorian England’s most gifted pastor. Ordained at age twenty, just four years after his conversion, Spurgeon opened his career of
spectacularly effective preaching at London’s New Park Street Chapel. Even in his own time, Spurgeon’s printed sermons- there were nearly 3,600 of them-were prized by fellow
preachers for their ideal homiletic models, and by ordinary believers for their deeply devotional encouragement to follow Christ.Add to cart1 in stock
701 Sentence Sermons 4
$14.99A new set of simple truths to be conveyed succinctly and quickly via the church marquee.
People can get daily truth injections through a very inexpensive yet effective method – the church sign. In this age of short attention spans and slogan-lovers, it is important that churches effectively communicate the gospel in sound bites. Each quote – some from Scripture, some from contemporary thought, and some from the sages of life – encapsulates an entire sermon in just a sentence, giving people an idea that is profound yet simple. Indexed by topic and Scripture references, it also includes practical advice on how to effectively use your church sign.
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Wounded For Us
$12.95By focusing on the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf — and powerfully linking it to our lives today — this comprehensive resource offers a compelling approach to observing Lent that truly prepares worshipers to experience Easter’s new hope, new possibilities, and new life. Based on the ancient tradition of the five wounds of Christ, Wounded For Us identifies places where we find ourselves hurting, then connects them to one of the wounds Jesus suffered and explores how Christ’s resurrection offers reconciliation and healing.
Wounded For Us draws an imaginative analogy between Jesus’ wounds and these areas in our lives where we are wounded:
* Head (crown of thorns) — our thoughts
* Side (piercing) — our spirit and emotions
* Back (scourging) — our hopes and dreams
* Hands (nails) — our relationships
* Feet (nails) — our actionsWith sermon and worship material for Ash Wednesday, the Sundays in Lent, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, Wounded For Us provides a complete package with everything needed for developing meaningful, thematically unified services throughout the Lenten season. Each sermon suggests an action plan that applies the “cure” of the gospel to our wounds, and reproducible outlines that help the congregation focus on the main themes are also included.
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Light Of Bethlehem Shines On
$12.99* In The Darkness Of Despair — Isaiah 9:2-7
* In The Darkness Of Suffering — John 1:1-13
* In The Darkness Of Oppression — Luke 2:1-5
* In The Darkness Of Fear — Luke 2:6-11
* In The Darkness Of Anxiety — Luke 2:12-17
* In The Darkness Of Uncertainty — Luke 2:17-20
* In The Darkness Of Suspicion — Matthew 2:1-12Additional Info
The impact of the miraculous event of the incarnation continues — and the light of hope that appeared in the darkness of that night in Bethlehem two thousand years ago still shines on us today, even in the midst of life’s most difficult situations. Illustrated with poignant stories and anecdotes, these powerful messages celebrate the heartwarming joy of Christ’s coming, and demonstrate how we can rely on the Lord to serve as our steady lighthouse while we navigate the shoals of life.This seven-part series for Advent, Christmas Eve, the Sunday after Christmas, and Epiphany Sunday provides a comprehensive seasonal resource for busy pastors and worship planners. Each chapter includes a sermon, a children’s message, a candle lighting response with scripture reading, and a pastoral prayer.
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