




    • When Jesus Returns


      The Best Teachings on Bible Prophecy-in One Compelling Volume

      As global unrest and societal shifts intensify, Bible prophecy offers us a shining beacon of clarity and hope. In a world that is descending deeper into darkness and confusion, it’s more vital than ever that we understand the times, and how God desires for us to live.

      That’s the focus of When Jesus Returns. Drawing on the all-time best messages from one of the most popular Bible prophecy conferences in the US, this volume features instruction and practical wisdom from today’s most respected Bible prophecy experts. These teachings will:

      *help you gain a clear understanding of how the last days will unfold
      *encourage you to live boldly and faithfully amid the increase of cultural evil and decay *inspire you to speak and live in ways that bring Jesus’ offer of salvation and hope to those in spiritual darkness

      As these powerful messages stoke your trust in God’s glorious plans for the future, you will be empowered to live with boldness and readiness like never before!

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    • Coming Golden Age


      Most days peace feels elusive, and our hope feels light-years away. And it is almost impossible to set our minds on God’s coming reign. But what if the return of the King and His Kingdom is exactly what we need to find our peace and ground our hope today? His coming victorious reign is what gives us the strength we need now.

      In this definitive book, trusted Bible teacher and Pastor Dr. David Jeremiah unfolds the Second Coming of Christ and His millennium reign here on earth with stunning clarity while also showing how the correct interpretation of these pivotal events changes how we live here and now. The King is coming, and we have a part to play in this story that promises to set right all that is wrong and usher in a new golden age.

      Read with fresh eyes, how the coming reign of Christ impacts us today.

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    • Every Prophecy Of The Bible Revised And Updated Edition (Revised)


      From one of the most respected theological minds of the twentieth century, this revised and updated classic book on biblical prophecy uses solid biblical evidence to explain over 1,000 key prophecies of Scripture, including those that point to events still to come.

      A global pandemic, wars and uprisings, and economic instability have many of us wondering: Is this the end of the world? Now you don’t have to be a biblical scholar to answer that question. In Every Prophecy of the Bible, Dr. John F. Walvoord offers clear explanations for prophecies from Genesis through Revelation. This fascinating book:

      *Explores how past, present, and future fit together in God’s perfect design
      *Explains how 50 percent of biblical prophecies have already happened
      *Places each prophecy into historical and current context
      *Celebrates the accuracy of God’s Word
      *Offers hope and peace in troubled times

      Don’t just wonder about the signs of the times. Understand them. Every Prophecy of the Bible is a faith-affirming, highly readable guide about prophecies already fulfilled, those yet to come, and what they mean for us today.

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    • What You Need To Know About The Rapture


      “Behold, I am telling you a mystery…we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.”–1 Corinthians 15:51-52

      Mysterious yet intriguing, the rapture is one of the most fascinating prophetic subjects in the Bible. But what is it? When will it take place? Why does it seem so hard to understand?

      Dr. Charles C. Ryrie, compiler and author of The Ryrie Study Bible, clarifies diverse views on this complex topic in a reader-friendly manner. As you engage with this comprehensive guide, you will discover answers to these important questions:

      *How does prophecy benefit people today?
      *Why are the same Scriptures interpreted so differently?
      *What events surround the rapture?
      *What is the millennium?
      *How do we benefit from a clear understanding of the rapture?

      Using concise language and helpful diagrams, Ryrie explores the key events that surround the last days from a pretribulation perspective. As you immerse yourself in this straightforward study, you will not only grow in your knowledge of the rapture and its key role in future events, but also experience the profound joy of knowing God’s glorious plans for the future!

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    • End Times Made Easy


      End Times Made Easy is an essential primer for understanding the different views Christians have about the last days. In an unbiased way, this book explains what you need to know about the most common end times views. It includes important end-times terms with clear definitions and side-by-side charts comparing the views.

      This book will help you answer questions like:

      *What are the signs of the Second Coming?
      *What is the book of Revelation about?
      *What do Christians believe about Israel and the church?
      *What are the tribulation, the millennium, and the rapture?
      *Are we living in the last days now?

      Four main views explained:

      *Dispensational premillennialism
      *Historical premillennialism

      Though no one knows the day or hour, Christians agree that Jesus will return just as he promised, and he calls his followers to be watchful and ready at all times.

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    • What Happens Next


      Be Prepared, Not Scared

      Are we living in the end times? If so, what does that mean for you?

      In contrast to the confusion and anxiety that often comes with this topic, Max Lucado believes God wants us to be prepared, not scared; informed, not intimidated. He writes: “The future is not frightening if you know the future. And you can know the future when you know who holds it.”

      What Happens Next is an optimistic, accessible, and nonsensational guide to what the Bible says about heaven’s time line that will empower you to face the future with faith. Max takes you on a well-researched overview of what God’s Word says, exploring the following four big ideas that provide a solid foundation for understanding God’s eternal plan:

      *We were made to reign with Christ.
      *God has made and will keep his promises.
      *Heaven has a time line.
      *A golden era-the millennium-awaits God’s children.

      Plus, Max takes you on a journey of the time line of history, examining essential milestones such as the rapture, the seven years of tribulation, and the glory of heaven.

      Whether you find yourself in the “I can’t wait,” “I’m almost ready,” or “I’m not sure about all of this” camp, you will be encouraged to ponder God’s promises for the future.

      In Max’s signature encouraging style, he reminds us, “It’s all about hope. It’s all about him.”

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    • Time Of The Signs


      “What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” –Matthew 24:3

      The disciples could not wait. Christ had said He would bring an end to human rule and establish His kingdom. But when? Eager to learn how the future would unfold, they asked Him about the signs of His coming and the end times. What should they expect to take place?

      In The Time of the Signs, pastor Barry Stagner explores the events that will precede Christ’s return. As he describes Earth’s final days, he answers the many questions people ask, including:

      *Why is the rebirth of Israel the most significant sign that the end times are near?

      *What other important clues, evident today, reveal the closeness of the tribulation and Christ’s return?

      *Where does the rapture fit in the chronology of all that will occur in the last days?

      *After Christ returns, what is next?

      As you study the signs Jesus foretold, you’ll see amazing evidence that we are living in the very time of these signs–and gain a clear understanding of what will happen, and when.

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    • Great Disappearance : 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready


      The rapture is the central event in biblical prophecy. But what does it mean for us today? How can this crucial end times event draw us nearer to God in a world that is seemingly on the brink of chaos? Political turmoil, economic uncertainty, an ideological divide that feels increasingly impassable–the signs of the times point us toward the end, and that can be disconcerting.

      But the greatest truth about the rapture is not its timing, but its reality–for blessed are all who long for His appearing.

      The Great Disappearance is a culmination of decades of Dr. Jeremiah studying end times throughout the Bible. In this definitive volume he will explain the meaning of the word rapture, the difference between the rapture and the second coming, and the joy of expecting our Savior to come at any given moment. Dr. Jeremiah will also explore key questions such as:

      *Who will be raptured?
      *When will it happen?
      *What will happen to those left behind?
      *What will believers experience when they are taken away to heaven?
      *Will non-believers still have time to repent and be saved?

      Dr. Jeremiah seeks to answer all of those questions and many more, not with sensationalism or stories ripped from the headlines but with solid, biblical truth. Because God has laid out His plan for us in His Word so that we might not be caught unaware. We may not know the exact date that the rapture will happen, but we do know it will happen. Are you ready for it?

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    • Has The Tribulation Begun


      Are the End Times Here?

      As local and international events and news reports become more troubling, interest in Bible prophecy continues to grow. Cultural anxiety is reaching unprecedented highs, and many Christians have begun to wonder if the tribulation described in Revelation is already upon us.

      Bestselling author and native Israeli Amir Tsarfati explores what will happen during the tribulation and explains its place on the eternity-to-eternity timeline. His rich knowledge of the Bible and unique perspective on current events equip him to share helpful insights into how:

      *the Bible’s signs of the times compare to global events today
      *we can rightly understand key prophecy terms like tribulation and rapture
      *an eternal focus gives us hope and enables us to persevere in today’s temporal world *Scripture’s teachings about the end times are more relevant than ever
      *we must remember to live out our God-given mission with a greater sense of urgency

      As we wonder how close the end times truly are, we must return to God’s Word for clarity and wisdom. Has the Tribulation Begun? delivers enlightening biblical truth alongside powerful encouragement to live for the Lord today.

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    • 40 Days Through Bible Prophecy


      A 40-Day Crash Course on One of the Bible’s Biggest Topics

      From bestselling prophecy author Ron Rhodes comes 40 Days Through Bible Prophecy: a succinct, unsensationalized survey of what God has made known through His Word about our future. No matter what your background with prophecy, this Bible study primes you to understand-or rediscover-how prophetic Scripture impacts your life today!

      As you read, you’ll learn the timeline of the key events that are to come and how you can apply this knowledge to your walk with Christ. You’ll also find:

      *all the major themes of Bible prophecy, including the rapture, the tribulation, the second coming, the millennial kingdom, and beyond

      *biographical sketches of key prophecy personalities, like the antichrist and the false prophet

      *special “Big Ideas” and “Transformational Truths” sections that help you better retain what you learn

      In the book of Revelation, God promises that studying prophecy will yield blessings to every believer! 40 Days Through Bible Prophecy is an approachable, user-friendly way to understand what Bible prophecy encompasses and how it applies to your faith.

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    • Messianic Prophecy Revealed



      The Old Testament isn’t just a collection of traditions from one group of people–it’s about Jesus as the key to salvation.

      After reading this book, you will have no doubts that Jesus is the Messiah, and you will be able to read the Old Testament with the newfound revelation that God has been pointing to His Son as the Savior of the world for thousands of years.

      Many times, when inquisitive readers look to see how the New Testament authors applied the Old Testament to show that Jesus is the Messiah, they become confused. When the Gospel writers quote Old Testament scriptures and say, “This is how Jesus fulfilled it,” the passage quoted doesn’t appear to be a prophecy at all. This is because understanding Messianic prophecy is often more of an art than a science.

      Messianic prophecy is not simply the measurement of specific prophecies about the future that Jesus fulfilled. In the Hebrew tradition, prophecy is not one-dimensional; it is not simply foretelling the future. In reality, the whole of Scripture is prophetic, pointing us to Christ.

      In Messianic Prophecy Revealed, Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider takes readers through the Word of God, showing them how the New Testament writers took passages out of the Old Testament to prove that Jesus is indeed the Messiah. It’s a subject that sounds simple but is, in fact, more complex than many realize.

      This book will show followers of Jesus why they can have absolute confidence that Jesus is who He claimed to be–the Messiah.

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    • Bible Prophecy : The Essentials – Answers To Your Most Common Questions


      An Information-Packed Overview of Bible Prophecy

      The study of Bible prophecy can seem complicated or controversial, yet Christians still long to understand what God’s Word reveals about the future. Whenever authors Amir Tsarfati and Barry Stagner teach on the end times, the most popular part of their ministry is the question-and-answer session, revealing the church’s great hunger to know more about the last days.

      In Bible Prophecy: The Essentials, Amir and Barry pool their knowledge to answer some of their most commonly asked questions. Through succinct, Scripture-focused teachings, Amir and Barry address the seven biggest themes of Bible prophecy, including:

      *the Church
      *the Rapture
      *the Tribulation
      *the Millennium
      *the Great White Throne of Judgment

      When studied with wisdom and discernment, God’s Word provides all you need to know about what is to come. Amir and Barry’s thoughtful, informative, and user-friendly book is a resource you’ll return to again and again as you seek to prayerfully grow in your understanding of Bible prophecy.

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    • After The Rapture


      What if you or someone you loved missed out on the Rapture? What happens to those who are left behind? Trusted and beloved Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah shares the help and hope people will need as they face unfolding events during the End Times.

      From one of the world’s most beloved Bible teachers comes a timely, easy-to-understand guidebook about the Rapture and End Times and how to prepare yourself and your loved ones.

      In After the Rapture Dr. David Jeremiah equips you to understand End-Times theology and Bible prophecy. Many people want to understand how the Rapture unfolds, and this is the perfect handbook to share with your unsaved friends and loved ones so they can prepare themselves before or cope with the challenges they’ll face after the Rapture. With trusted biblical insight, this book will provide the hope and confidence you need and can share with your loved ones.

      This life-changing book includes:
      *End Times, Rapture, Judgment Day, and Great Tribulation sections
      *Guidance for preparing your heart
      *How to share with loved ones
      *Life application to strengthen understanding
      *Highlighted questions and answers
      *Relevant Scripture verses

      An epic and vital guide to life after the Rapture, this book is a must-have resource for you to buy for those you fear might be left behind. Help your loved ones understand the End Times and guide them to accept Christ as their Savior.

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    • Basic Bible Prophecy


      Bible prophecy made simple

      There’s no better time than now to start researching the end-time events foretold in the Bible and examining how they align with what’s happening today. But how can a beginner approach the vast and sometimes puzzling study of Bible prophecy without feeling overwhelmed?

      Written primarily for curious newcomers, Basic Bible Prophecy is a straightforward, no-frills breakdown of what you need to know about the future. Bestselling prophecy author Ron Rhodes provides a big-picture overview of the essential facts about Bible prophecy, including…
      *The key events and figures you can anticipate
      *A biblically based chronology of when each event will take place
      *How the study of Bible prophecy is relevant to you today

      Exploring prophecy shouldn’t leave you feeling confused, afraid, or frustrated, but rather, should make you feel hopeful and excited. Basic Bible Prophecy will help you approach each day with renewed confidence in the promises God has made to His people.

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    • Moody Handbook Of Messianic Prophecy


      Dr. Michael Rydelnik, coeditor of The Moody Bible Commentary, brings you a thorough exploration of messianic prophecy in the Old Testament. You’ll learn about interpretation of messianic prophecy in general and dig into specific Scripture passages along the way. Look for its release in September 2019 or pre-order now.

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    • 7 Letters To Seven Churches (Student/Study Guide)


      What if Jesus wrote a letter to your church? This eight-session LifeGuide Bible Study helps us engage with the words of Jesus in the seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation. Studying this Scripture with a group or individually will allow us to ask some hard questions-of ourselves, of our leaders, and of the Lord. Jesus will be pointedly honest with us. Whether we respond with a yawn or with a renewed pursuit of obedience will be up to us.

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    • Book Of Revelation Decoded


      Understand the connection between the Old Testament and the end times, what to expect during the last days, and how to stand firm in Christ in the face of opposition.

      Rabbi K. A. Schneider decodes the Book of Revelation, showing how the end-time events prophesied in the New Testament book correspond with the teachings of the Torah and the Hebrew prophets. You will discover how the Passover foreshadows the great tribulation, and what the Hebrew prophets reveal about the anti-Messiah, Armageddon, hell, the return of the Messiah, the millennial kingdom, heaven, and much more. As the world grows darker and darker, many people have a sense of impending doom. This book will teach you what to expect during the last days and how to stand firm in Christ even in the face of opposition.

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    • Agents Of The Apocalypse


      Who Will Usher in Earth’s Final Days?

      Are we living in the end times? Is it possible that the players depicted in the book of Revelation could be out in force today? And if they are, would you know how to recognize them?

      In Agents of the Apocalypse, noted prophecy expert Dr. David Jeremiah does what no prophecy expert has done before. He explores the book of Revelation through the lens of its major players-the exiled, the martyrs, the elders, the victor, the king, the judge, the 144,000, the witnesses, the false prophet, and the beast.

      One by one, Dr. Jeremiah delves into their individual personalities and motives, and the role that each plays in biblical prophecy. Then he provides readers with the critical clues and information needed to recognize their presence and power in the world today.

      The stage is set, and the curtain is about to rise on Earth’s final act. Will you be ready?

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    • End Times In Chronological Order


      Bible prophecy expert Ron Rhodes offers an easy-to-understand yet detailed chronology and explanation of end-times events.

      The chapters are arranged around the major end-times themes: the rapture, the tribulation, the millennial kingdom, and the eternal state. Each chapter begins with a list of the specific events it covers, making this an extremely user-friendly chronological guide to end-times biblical prophecy. Rhodes allows for various interpretations among Christians. Yet the sequence he describes is faithful to the biblical text, based on a literal approach to prophecy, and held by many Bible scholars. As readers discover that they really can understand Bible prophecy, they will come to love and trust the Scriptures like never before.

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    • 2nd Coming Of Christ


      The King Is Coming!

      Have you ever tried to imagine what Christ’s return will be like? As you explore the Scriptures with Charles Spurgeon in this book, you will discover…
      *The circumstances that will surround Christ’s second coming
      *What will actually happen during Jesus’ reentry to Earth
      *What it means to watch for the Lord’s reappearance
      *How to prepare yourself for His return
      *How to insure the safety and acceptance of your loved ones
      *The heavenly rewards that are laid up for the righteous
      *How you are to act until Christ comes again

      Christ’s first Advent altered the course of all mankind, forever changing our destiny. His second coming will have an even greater impact as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords returns to earth, intervening in one moment to claim His bride and to judge all of humanity.

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    • Prophecy 20 20


      Dr. Chuck Missler’s Prophecy 20/20 is a comprehensive, easily digested book that will give you a basic understanding of how past events fulfilled biblical prophecy. It provides a strategic grasp of prophecy that equips you to clearly see the “prophetic moment” of current events. Chuck Missler, founder of Koinonia House, analyzes trends on the geopolitical and technological horizons as well as their implications for the coming years.

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    • All The Messianic Prophecies Of The Bible


      7 Chapters

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      A Compendium of All the Prophecies in Scripture Concerning the Promised Messiah

      Dr. Herbert Lockyer has compiled a compendium of all the prophecies in Scripture concerning the promised Messiah, His ministry, and His message. His discussion is divided into two sections, “Specific Messianic Prophecies” and “Symbolic Messianic Prophecies.”

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