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    • Exposing Prophetic Witchcraft


      In Jennifer LeClaire’s bestselling book, Discerning Prophetic Witchcraft, you learned how to identify false prophecies and spiritual manipulation.

      Now, it’s time to go on the offense. It’s time to expose these prophetic wolves in sheep’s clothing before they sabotage your destiny.

      False prophets are arising at an alarming rate in these last days, as Jesus told us they would. Too often, believers are deceived and their lives ruined by prophetic witchcraft–messages and messengers that sound spiritually appealing but are actually destructive weapons of the devil.

      Only when prophetic witchcraft is exposed, can we resist it and help others avoid satan’s snares.

      In Exposing Prophetic Witchcraft, author and seasoned spiritual warfare leader Jennifer LeClaire offers sound instruction on how to further shine light on the mixture and deception that are prevalent in the Church today.

      Through her personal life experiences and helping others navigate these difficult lessons of discerning and exposing false prophets and manipulators, Jennifer teaches you to expose:

      *13 Symptoms of prophetic witchcraft alignments.

      *Counterfeit Christs and Elijahs claiming to be prophetic voices.

      *False Dreams, Visions, and Angelic Encounters that sound spiritual, but are actually evil.

      *Scripture-Twisting and Manipulation where false prophets use the Bible to advance their own carnal agendas or heretical theology.

      *17 Signs That You May be Under a Witchcraft Attack.

      *6 Ways to Recognize a Demonic Night-Attack through nightmares, sleep paralysis, and other sleep-related spiritual maladies.

      *How and when to confront prophetic manipulators.

      Jennifer’s insightful teaching will instruct and challenge you to connect with the Lord on a deeper level, and help you recognize and expose the works of darkness!

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    • Silent Night : A Christmas Song


      Share the joy and magic of the Christmas season with this whimsical, dream-like board book while singing along to a Christmas classic, “Silent Night.”

      Step into a snow-blanketed, wintery night in this beautiful, giftable board book. Featuring creatures great and small, kids and their parents will enjoy singing along to the words of “Silent Night” while they prepare to celebrate the Christmas season.

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    • Wise Men Seek The Savior


      Gather around the story of the Wise Men as they journey to find Baby Jesus! This new Arch Book follows the Magi as they are guided by the star in the sky to the Baby King who was born in a manger. Children will love learning about their Savior through the fun sing-song rhyme scheme, and parents or educators will love watching their reading comprehension and biblical knowledge improve.

      Perfect for early elementary readers as a classroom story, family devotions, family activity, or as a wonderful Advent bedtime story.

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    • Core 52 Family Edition


      In just ten minutes a day, you and your kids can master 52 core Bible verses over the course of a year–and have fun doing so!

      While there are lots of one-year Bible reading plans and family devotionals, few help kids understand the words that they’re reading. In this new addition to the popular Core 52 line of resources, Mark E. Moore and his daughter, former teacher and stay-at-home mom Megan Howerton, coach you and your family through 52 of the Bible’s key verses.

      Each week provides you and your child with a simple 5-day plan:

      – Day 1-read the Bible verse and explanatory text and start a fun challenge
      – Day 2-memorize a key verse with the help of an engaging 3-minute video
      – Day 3-read a longer related Bible passage and answer a question
      – Day 4-further explore through a second Scripture verse and question
      – Day 5-answer deeper questions together and assess the results of the week’s challenge
      In just a year, Core 52 Family Edition takes children aged 6 to 12 from biblically curious to spiritually confident and competent. Best of all, it’s a journey you’ll take with them!

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    • Known : Psalm 139


      From Sally Lloyd-Jones, the author of the bestselling?The Jesus Storybook Bible, comes an uplifting new board book with a padded cover that is a perfect fit for little hands. Inspired by Psalm 139, Known’s lyrical text reminds little ones that God sees them, knows them, and loves them more than they could ever know.


      *Is written by Sally Lloyd-Jones, the bestselling author of The Jesus Storybook Bible

      *Is beautifully illustrated by award-winning artist Jago

      *Contains lyrical text inspired by Psalm 139

      *Contains a reassuring message that reminds kids that God fully knows them and fully loves them, no matter what–a foundational truth to comfort and inspire children

      *Features a padded cover that is a perfect fit for little hands

      *Is a great gift for a new baby, First Communion, or birthday

      Look for additional inspirational children’s books in the series inspired by The Jesus Storybook Bible:

      *Near: Psalm 139
      *Loved: The Lord’s Prayer
      *Found: Psalm 23

      Known is another resource to invite children to experience God’s Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.

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    • Kids Bible Trivia


      The Bible is anything but trivial. . .yet trivia quizzes are a great way to get kids interested in scripture’s deeper truths.

      Here’s a fun and fascinating book offering twenty, six-question quizzes for 6-10-year-olds. Each quiz starts easy, with questions from the most familiar stories, then gets progressively harder.

      Inside, you’ll find questions on stories like:

      *Noah’s flood
      *the little tax collector Zacchaeus
      *Jesus and Lazarus
      *the wise men
      *Moses and the Red Sea
      *and dozens of others

      How well do you know the Bible? Find out here!

      If you get stuck, “Bible Bonuses” provide help. You can

      *”Double Your Chances” by learning two of the wrong answers, or
      *”Look in the Book” with a reference to the answer in God’s Word

      And each question is accompanied by an intriguing “Did You Know?” that adds to the fun.

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    • Healing Whats Hidden


      There is hope after trauma. Some of us can recall the exact moment our lives changed forever. The horrific accident. The miscarriage. The day they walked out. The moment our innocence was taken. Others of us can’t remember a time when our lives weren’t marked by trauma, abuse, or neglect. What happened to you was wrong and it hurt you, but it doesn’t have to define you. You may be wounded, but you’re not broken. You can overcome trauma and embrace a brighter future.

      Over the last decade, husband and wife team Evan and Jenny Owens have helped thousands of people overcome the trials, tragedies, and traumas of their past, and in this book, they show you how you can too. With empathy and insight, Healing What’s Hidden offers a practical, step-by-step process to help you acknowledge your trauma, heal your invisible wounds, and reclaim your future so you can live beyond the anxiety, depression, and shame trauma leaves behind. Others are already experiencing healing. Now it’s your turn.

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    • Letter To The American Church


      In an earnest and searing wake-up call, the author of the bestseller Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy warns of the haunting similarities between today’s American church and the German church of the 1930s. Echoing Bonhoeffer’s prophetic call, Eric Metaxas exhorts his fellow Christians to repent of their silence in the face of evil before it is too late.

      “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.
      Not to speak is to speak.
      Not to act is to act.
      God will not hold us guiltless.”

      Can it really be God’s will that His children be silent at a time like this? Decrying the cowardice that masquerades as godly meekness, Eric Metaxas summons the Church to battle.

      The author of a bestselling biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Metaxas reveals the haunting similarities between today’s American Church and the German Church of the 1930s. Echoing the German martyr’s prophetic call, he exhorts his fellow Christians to repent of their silence in the face of evil.

      An attenuated and unbiblical “faith” based on what Bonhoeffer called “cheap grace” has sapped the spiritual vitality of millions of Americans. Paying lip service to an insipid “evangelism,” they shrink from combating the evils of our time. Metaxas refutes the pernicious lie that fighting evil politicizes Christianity. As Bonhoeffer and other heroes of the faith insisted, the Church has an irreplaceable role in the culture of a nation. It is our duty to fight the powers of darkness, especially on behalf of the weak and vulnerable.

      Silence is not an option. God calls us to defend the unborn, to confront the lies of cultural Marxism, and to battle the globalist tyranny that crushes human freedom. Confident that this is His fight, the Church must overcome fear and enter the fray, armed with the spiritual weapons of prayer, self-sacrifice, and love.

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    • You Were Made For This Moment DayBrightener


      Take a 365 day journey through the powerful Old Testament story from the book of Esther and apply the simple, profound daily messages of hope and courage to your life. This daily flip calendar inspired by the modern-day wisdom and biblical truths from best-selling author Max Lucado’s book, You Were Made for this Moment will bring extra hope to your heart, every day of the year.

      366 quotes and Scripture verse for everyday inspiration
      Durable padded hardcover
      Spiral binding
      Stand-up easel
      Size: 5.5″ x 5.25″

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    • Bible Word Search Christmas Puzzles Large Print


      Brain Games Bible Word Search Christmas Puzzles Large Print offers wholesome fun the whole family can enjoy!

      *Includes 70 word search puzzles based on the Bible’s nativity story and Christmas hymns.

      *Puzzles of varying difficulty levels are presented in an easy-to-read large print format spread across 2 pages.

      *Contains puzzles with traditional word lists, and puzzles where you’ll search for the words in capital letters within a Bible verse or song excerpt.

      *Puzzle topics include The Birth of Jesus, Silent Night, and Advent.

      *Answer key is located at the back of the book.

      *Spiral binding allows the book to lie flat when in use.

      *160 pages

      A perfect Christmas gift for any puzzler in your life!

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    • Women Of The Bible New Testament Bible Study


      Encounter fascinating women from the New Testament in this six-session Bible study. Their lives challenged what society said women like them “ought” to do–or not do–but social traditions do not constrict God! Discover these women’s tenacious faithfulness to their Lord, their seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and the unique roles they played in bringing others to Jesus and the new life he offers.

      Each session unpacks the history, culture, and geography that forms the backdrop to these women’s lives, giving you a deeper understanding of their stories and insight into what we can learn from them for today.

      This study will challenge what you thought you always knew about these women. Read their stories anew with this easy-to-use Bible study incorporating helpful visuals, thought-provoking questions, and practical life application.

      The six sessions include:

      *Mothers of Jesus from the genealogy in the gospel of Matthew
      *Mary and her warrior song in the gospel of Luke
      *Anna the prophetess at the temple
      *The Samaritan woman at the well
      *Sisters Mary and Martha
      *Women of the early church in Paul’s letters to the Romans

      Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with full color visuals that show key information at a glance! With their easy-to-use format–read it, know it, explore it, and live it–these 6-week inductive studies are perfect for gaining a deeper insight into God’s Word.

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    • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Notes For Gratitude


      Prayers to Share: 100 Pass-Along Notes for Gratitude makes infusing thankfulness in daily life as easy as tearing and sharing prayers, collected Scriptures, and inspirational quotes. Though we may be grateful for others, they may feel completely unnoticed until that gratitude is expressed. Prayers of gratitude are a wonderful way to say a heartfelt “thanks” to those who need to hear it far more than we think. In using these pass-along notes & reading for yourself, you will find a simple path for exercising and spreading an attitude of gratitude, which can have a domino effect within communities and positively impact our social and cultural livelihood.

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    • Create In Me DayBrightener


      The Create In Me (in)courage perpetual calendar features quotes from favorite (in)courage writers, each page is inspired by the devotional Bible study series, Create in Me a Heart of… Hope, Peace, Wisdom, and Mercy. Daily affirmations and Scripture quotations will encourage you to seek Jesus in your everyday, gloriously ordinary, and often messy life.

      366 inspirational quotes, positive affirmations, and Scripture verses
      Durable padded hardcover
      Spiral binding
      Stand-up easel
      Size: 5.5″ x 5.25″
      From DaySpring

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    • Prayer Power : 40 Days Of Learning To Pray Like George Muller


      Prayer is the master key that opens the door to the blessings of God. It opens the heart, opens possibilities that are impossible by natural means, and opens the door to God’s presence.

      Through a particular and persistent kind of prayer, peace and power flow from God into our lives. The problem is that many people have an experience of prayer that is dull, unimaginative, and lacking power. Their prayer yields few answers and little peace.

      Jesus’s disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Hearing Jesus pray, they knew that they needed to learn how to pray on a deeper level in order to see the miracles and transformation of persistent prayer. In the same way, we need to learn the conditions of prayer that prevail so that we can walk in faith, expect answers, and give thanks even before prayer is answered.

      In Prayer Power: 40 Days of Learning to Pray Like George Muller, author Brent Patrick McDougal invites you to take a forty-day journey to discover that kind of prayer.

      Each day features a teaching from Scripture and a story from the life of nineteenth-century pastor George Muller, one of the great heroes of our faith. Over a lifetime of ministry, Muller launched multiple orphanages that cared for more than 10,000 children. But not once did he ever ask for donations. Instead, he prayed as each need arose.

      Prayer Power teaches everyday people of faith how to pray with the faith of George Muller, expecting answers because our good God is waiting to meet and reward those who seek Him.

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    • Good News God Loves You


      Precious little ones will be delighted by Lizzie Walkley’s frolicking barnyard animals while learning deep truths about God’s great love for them. In gentle rhyme and rhythm best-selling author Glenys Nellist affirms the heights and depths and permanence of God’s love. Snuggle up for storytime with your little one and help them grasp just how much our God loves them using this adorable board book (for ages 1-4).

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    • Wipe Off Bible Activities


      This reusable activity book teaches kids ages 3 to 6 years old about the Bible!

      *Includes a wipe-off marker that helps kids practice tracing and writing letters and numbers.

      *Simple activities teach the parables, miracles, and stories of the Bible.

      *More than 45 activities let kids draw, trace, connect the dots, match, count, spell words, use letters for simple 4-square sudokus, and more!

      *Spiral bound, 64 pages.

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    • Everyday Bible Word Game Collection


      Spend your down time productively with a Bible word game!

      Enhance your Bible knowledge and your puzzle-solving skills with the Everyday Bible Word Game Collection. Each day for an entire year, you’ll investigate the fascinating people and places, times and teachings, objects and oddities of the Bible through one of nine types of puzzles. You’ll enjoy:

      *Drop Twos
      *Scrambled Circles
      *Spotty Headlines
      *Bible Quotations
      *Telephone Scrambles

      Perfect for puzzle lovers of all ages, the Everyday Bible Word Game Collection promises a whole year of fun!

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    • Super Christmas Activities 2 In 1


      Bring the holiday season to life with Super Christmas Activities 2-in-1! Perfect for kids ages 8 to 12, this book promises hours of pencil-and-paper entertainment in two sections: “Christmas Around the World” and “The Best Present Ever,” featuring picture puzzles, word searches, letter scrambles, silly stories, and much more.

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    • 100 Days To Freedom From Shame


      Countless people are weighed down by shame, creating emotional, spiritual, relational, and physical problems. Shame results in the breakdown of self-esteem and the inability to move forward in life. Shame is often the driving force behind addiction, compulsion, anxiety, and depression. The good news is that God wants his children to experience freedom and wholeness. Daily readings from Stephen Arterburn of New Life Ministries will chart the path to freedom from shame. Each day offers fresh insight, a key Bible verse, notable quotes, additional Scripture for further reflection, and a prayer to help readers remain focused on the God who is greater than all things.

      100 Days to Freedom from Shame is part of the New Life Devotions series by bestselling author Stephen Arterburn.

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    • Fruit Of The Spirit Bible Study


      Do you think you know the fruit of the Spirit? Think again! In this six-session Bible study, you will rediscover the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, kindness, goodness, self-control, and gentleness. Learn the context around Paul’s writings about the fruit, and hone in on each fruit understand fully what it means to keep in step with the Spirit. Full color visuals, thought-provoking questions, Bible passages for further reflection, and more will offer a deeper look into a familiar topic. Gain new insights as you focus on the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your life.

      *Cover all nine fruits of the Spirit in six sessions
      *Know the meaning and Greek word for each fruit
      *Biblical examples of spiritual fruit-filled lives
      *Fruit of the Spirit vs. acts of the flesh
      *”Fruitful” action steps anyone can do to walk in the Spirit
      *The who, what, where, when and why of Paul’s letter to the Galatians

      Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with full-color visuals that show key information at a glance! With their easy-to-use format-read it, know it, explore it, and live it-these 6-week inductive studies are perfect for gaining a deeper insight into God’s Word.

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    • Childs First Bible Learn With Me Set With Carrying Case


      Numbers, shapes, and colors are all blessings given by God! In these sweet, rhyming board books, young children will learn how to count, label shapes, and recognize colors while being reminded to thank God for the wonderful way he created the world. These three books-A Child’s First Bible: Numbers, A Child’s First Bible: Shapes, and A Child’s First Bible: Colors-come packaged together in a small carrying case, making them portable and easy to take on the go. They were initially published as part of the Little Blessings line, with over 250,000 books sold in the series.

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    • Chosen Kids Activity Book Season Two


      This inspirational activity book, based on the second season of the global phenomenon The Chosen(R), is perfect for helping kids engage their minds and hearts as they explore the life of Jesus.

      Activities designed to expand thinking skills include word finds, mazes, codebreakers, crosswords, puzzles, and more. Best of all, the activities reinforce spiritual growth and character development as found in the epic TV series.

      Challenge your brain and stir your imagination as you spend time in this exciting activity book!

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    • Godly Dating 101


      How can you be sure you’ve found “the one”? How do you know when it’s time to leave a relationship that’s turning toxic? Godly Dating 101 answers these questions and more in a practical guide that will help young Christians develop authentic and healthy dating relationships.

      With more than three million followers across Godly Dating 101’s social media accounts, Tovares and Safa Grey hear daily from hundreds of young adults looking for help in their current struggles regarding relationships and purity. Deep down, many Christian young adults are wondering if their relationships are drawing them closer to God or leading them back to the life from which Jesus freed them.

      Godly Dating 101 addresses what you hear from culture and contrasts it with Scripture. As the authors candidly cover topics like friends with benefits, pornography, masturbation, and other areas that affect future marriages, you gain an understanding that what’s considered normal or “fun” from the world’s perspective may not be God’s will for your life. Discover:

      *You are not alone in your relationship struggles
      *God can extend grace and restoration to you no matter what
      *Scripture that points you back to Jesus and what He says about relationships
      *How to find and sustain a relationship that honors God

      This encouraging message will empower you to rise out of confusion, toxic environments, and sin so that you can follow Jesus passionately and experience abundant life in Him as you nurture and develop healthy relationships.

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    • Peanuts A Charlie Brown Christmas


      Celebrate the season with the Peanuts gang by counting down to Christmas with the official A Charlie Brown Christmas advent calendar–i ncluding classic quotes and images, pull-out ornaments, and sound buttons that play clips of 5 beloved songs from the animated special!

      *A dash of Peanuts-themed delight for each day: Iconic quotes and images, beloved songs, pull-out ornaments, and more are included in this 25-day holiday season countdown

      *Plays music: Features audio clips from 5 iconic songs from A Charlie Brown Christmas

      *Book included: 2-1/2 x 3 inch, 72-page illustrated mini book version of A Charlie Brown Christmas

      *Distinctive package: This tri-fold package opens up to reveal 25 windows featuring a dash of Peanuts-themed delight for each day

      *Holiday keepsake: A durable, reusable keepsake item that can can be displayed as holiday decor year after year

      *Perfect gift: An ideal holiday gift for A Charlie Brown Christmas fans of all ages

      *Officially licensed: Authentic Peanuts product
      (c) 2022 Peanuts Worldwide LLC.

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    • No Reason To Hide


      Will You Be Complicit, Complacent, or Courageous?

      In a culture with an ever-narrowing definition of tolerance, Christians can no longer stay silent about the divide between the Bible’s truth and the world’s lies. From bestselling author Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, No Reason to Hide examines the toxic roots behind the alarming symptoms of a nation in spiritual freefall–and why your faith must empower you to engage rather than hide.

      As you read, you’ll be equipped to defend your biblical beliefs with confidence and compassion. You’ll also identify how you can respond to the battleground issues of today, including:

      *identity-driven social justice ideologies that seek to divide rather than unite
      *cultural attacks on the definitions of sex and gender that turn language into a war
      *progressive pushes within the church that ultimately desecrate the Bible’s teachings

      A call for believers to standing firm in today’s oppressive world, No Reason to Hide is a rallying reminder that will ready Christians everywhere to have the courage to proclaim Scripture’s truth to a culture in desperate need of what only God can offer.

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    • Bondage Breaker Youth Edition


      Now with a fresh new cover, this bestseller (more than 150,000 copies sold) will impact more teens on their journey to healthy, authentic spiritual and emotional lives.

      Neil T. Anderson and Dave Park give teens powerful guidance on Christ-centered living in today’s pressure-cooker world. Youth will discover how to break the habits and bonds that lead to sin and rely on the Holy Spirit to avoid deception.

      Revealing the traps that will come their way, The Bondage Breaker(R) Youth Edition helps teens strip away superficiality and provides specific steps to achieving true freedom.

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    • Im So Glad You Were Born


      New York Times bestselling author and FOX News anchor Ainsley Earhardt has created a picture book that celebrates ALL the dreams come true–a parent’s, a child’s, and Creator God’s! I’m So Glad You Were Born is full of love and hope and has a sweet, playful message inspired by Scripture that will leave your child without a doubt just how thankful you are that they are in your life and that they were created to be extraordinary.

      Parents and children both have big dreams–about their life and the wonders the future holds. I’m So Glad You Were Born celebrates those dreams as well as the wonder of everyday experiences like all the sweet and special snuggles and cuddles, fun times and learning times too!

      I’m So Glad You Were Born:

      *Will appeal to children as well as the adults who love them

      *Is a perfect gift for childhood celebrations including baby showers, birthdays, graduation gifts, communion, confirmation, and dedication gifts

      *Is written in sweet (and humorous) rhyme perfect for reading aloud

      *Features beautiful illustrations by artist Kim Barnes

      I’m So Glad You Were Born is an inspiring and loving message to your child, sure to become a go-to favorite for reading aloud as well as during bedtime snuggles!

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    • Very Thankful Prayer Seek And Find


      This sweet fall-themed seek-and-find activity book helps your preschooler grow in gratitude as they search, match, learn, and give thanks.

      This interactive edition of A Very Thankful Prayer includes:

      *heartfelt rhyming text about all the blessings of the fall season

      *whimsical illustrations, updated to have just the right level of complexity for the youngest searchers

      *a key of hidden objects on each page that includes the name of each item

      *a bonus key on the back cover with even more items to find throughout the book

      Children ages 3 to 5 will build early learning skills as they:

      *develop observation and concentration skills
      *learn letter recognition and connect letters with their sounds
      *identify simple sight words and match words to pictures
      *find bright pumpkins, colorful leaves, cozy hats, adorable animals, and much more
      *build confidence in their own value and skills

      This refreshed favorite makes a great gift for many occasions for you and your children or grandchildren to enjoy throughout the fall season. Help your toddlers and preschoolers develop pre-reading skills while your family gives thanks for all that the season has to offer–from watching the autumn leaves fall and picking pumpkins from the patch to sharing a Thanksgiving meal with loved ones and learning how to give and receive.

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    • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Notes To Celebrate The Good


      An uplifting addition to one of our top-selling series by Christian actress and reality TV star Sadie Robertson Huff. Prayers to Share: 100 Pass-Along Notes to Celebrate the Good is designed to refresh and uplift people from all walks of life with the good news that surrounds us on a daily basis. Whether we’re in a growing season, a waiting season, a celebratory season, or a downright hard season, God is still working all things out for our good. He is in control, and He loves us. These tear-and-share prayer notes will help you remind others of the good in life with heartfelt sentiments, select Bible verses, and thoughtful quotes. An uplifting addition to one of our top-selling series by Christian actress and reality TV star Sadie Robertson Huff. Prayers to Share: 100 Pass-Along Notes to Celebrate the Good is designed to refresh and uplift people from all walks of life with the good news that surrounds us on a daily basis. Whether we’re in a growing season, a waiting season, a celebratory season, or a downright hard season, God is still working all things out for our good. He is in control, and He loves us. These tear-and-share prayer notes will help you remind others of the good in life with heartfelt sentiments, select Bible verses, and thoughtful quotes. An uplifting addition to one of our top-selling series by Christian actress and reality TV star Sadie Robertson Huff.

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    • Bible Story Crosswords For Kids


      Grab a pencil. . .and get ready to begin a Bible story crossword adventure!

      Kids, ages 4 to 8, will be prompted to read through dozens of Bible stories–from Genesis to Revelation–including favorites like Moses and the Burning Bush, David and Goliath, Mary Gives Birth to Jesus, and more! Each Bible story includes scripture references, so kids can find the story in their very own Bibles.

      Once they’ve read the story, they’ll challenge their memory and spelling skills by filling in a simple crossword grid. Of course, answers are provided in case they get stuck.

      Kids will be delighted as they work through their very own Bible story crossword adventure!

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    • Fun Bible Word Games Large Print


      An Entertaining, Easy-to-Read Challenge for Any Age!

      Fun Bible Word Games includes more than 80 large print puzzles–each based on an inspiring quotation–in a great oversized format for easy reading and completion. Puzzle types include:

      *Word Searches
      *Quotation Puzzles
      *and Anagrams

      Easy-reading answer keys are included in the back. The combination of enjoyable puzzles and encouragement makes Fun Bible Word Games a fantastic large print puzzle book!

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    • Gods Blessings For You


      Drink Deep from God’s Word and Discover His Heart for You.

      Here is a delightful offering of inspiring devotions plus memorable Bible promises created especially for you. . .a stirring reminder of God’s blessings and His amazing love. This unique devotional volume, in its simplicity, will speak to your heart, while sections highlighting meaningful scripture selections add a rich spiritual depth to the book. Set in a charming design, God’s Blessings for You is a stirring reminder of God’s promises and His amazing love. It’s the perfect book to give as a gift or use for personal quiet time.

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    • Authentically Uniquely You


      Discover your unique gifts and dare to be different with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher, Joyce Meyer.

      God has given you gifts so you can fulfill His purpose for your life, but if you’re like a lot of people, you may not have recognized your talents yet. Start asking God to show you something special about the way He’s made you.

      To some people, He’s given a very tender, compassionate heart, and some He has wired to lead others effectively. Others, He has given a gift of being able to communicate clearly, to teach, to make scientific discoveries, or to write beautiful music. Only you can discover all the dynamic gifts He’s placed in you.

      Become Authentically, Uniquely You because God is never going to help you be anyone but yourself. He loves you just as you are. Let God use you, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and transform you from the inside out to do something powerful beyond your wildest dreams.

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    • Perfectly Suited : The Armor Of God For The Anxious Mind


      What do you do when your own mind turns on you?

      Fear, anxiety, and the critical voices in your head can be overwhelming–even if you believe Christ died to free you from those things. When J. D. Peabody found himself in a mental and emotional meltdown, he reached for the armor of God. In the process, he discovered God’s protection and grace were far greater than he had previously imagined.

      Perfectly Suited explores the armor of God through the lens of personal struggle, showing how the ancient metaphor for God’s care is powerful for his embattled children in every generation.

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    • Uncommon Influence : Saying Yes To A Purposeful Life


      A Compassion Title

      Tony and Lauren Dungy remind readers that in order to live our fullest life, we need to be prepared to say yes to the opportunities God puts in our path. When we determine to be available to the possibilities that come from God, we discover a sense of fulfillment and contentment that is unparalleled by any other circumstances. The exact situation will look different for everyone, but the choice to say yes is the same for each of us. The Dungys teach us that the only way to know a life of true fulfillment is to totally give that life away.

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    • Dont Date A BooBoo Dude


      Many women enter or stay in relationships out of fear of being alone, shame, or insecurity which may cause them to lower their standards or expectations. What they find are men they normally would never have tolerated. Men they would have told their friends to avoid.

      What they find are BooBoo Dudes.

      So, what is a BooBoo Dude?

      While the term BooBoo Dude might be light-hearted, the concept behind them and the damage they cause women is serious. This term describes a man who portrays narcissistic and abusive behavior, which leads to confusion, shame, and eventual isolation.
      Related through Ainsley’s humorous and vulnerable personal experiences, you’ll learn about:

      *the often-unbelievable behaviors of BooBoo Dudes
      *how to exit a futureless relationship with higher standards
      *keeping or restoring your identity through Jesus
      *and reaching others trapped with BooBoo Dudes

      With wisdom rooted in the gospel, Ainsley tenderly brings the reader along her own journey toward confidence found only in Jesus. She embraced her identity and left BooBoo Dudes behind. Every woman can do the same.

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    • Raising Resilient Kids


      Children need to believe their future is bright. The more disappointments they don’t recover well from, the less likely they are to dream. When they do not process challenging experiences well it can lead to defeat, rather than encourage them to grow and mature. Far too many children don’t grasp their strengths and, as a result do not believe they can overcome negative encounters. Apathy sets in. Discouragement persists. Arguments rage. Mental health suffers. Children need to be resilient and when they develop this ability and make wise choices it becomes part of their character. Furthermore, they need parents who help them to learn from negative experiences and who allow them a certain measure of struggle. In Raising Resilient Kids moms and dads will learn the power and purpose of resilience and how to parent so as to make it more likely their children will utilize this character quality.

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    • Christmas Scripture Word Search Coloring And Activity Books Ages 8-10


      This Christmas Scripture Word Search activity book teaches children the story of Jesus’ birth as they look up Bible verses, fill in the blanks, and then search for the words in each puzzle. The activities are designed for children (ages 8-10) to enjoy. Kids will love coloring the fun illustrations and doing the activities as they learn Bible stories and scriptures. Featuring: Bible Stories, Christian Themes, Scriptures, Hidden Pictures, Mazes, Secret Codes, Word Puzzles, and more! Activities based on NIV.

      Coloring books (8.5″ x 11″) contains 16 pages. Inside text and activity is age appropriate. For home or classroom use.

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    • Lifemark : Hope Is At The Heart Of Every Journey


      For eighteen years, she tried to believe she had made the right decision–for him.

      But if she never saw him again, how could she ever be sure?

      Melissa had clung to the thin thread of hope given by the adoption agency that someday her newborn son might want to connect with her. When his eighteenth birthday arrived, she called the agency to simply update her contact information, not expecting a response.

      Susan and Jimmy Colton had raised their boy with openness about his adoption. After the heartbreaking loss of two infant sons that marked their early years of marriage, they promised themselves they would try not to hold too tightly to David or hold back any information he wanted about his birth. And so they waited on him.

      David was hesitant to talk about the questions and curiosities about his birth story that often haunted him. But as he neared adulthood, his need to know the full story of his life became something he couldn’t shake. Until the call came to the Coltons from the adoption agency, and the first tentative bits of communication and connection set in motion a story that would change all their lives forever.

      From the team that brought you the movies Courageous and War Room comes Lifemark, the novelization of the new film inspired by a true story of adoption, redemption, and hope

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    • Retirement Rocks : 50 Devotions For All That New Free Time


      Whether you enjoy a long sit in a rocking chair, go rock climbing, or attend rock concerts, retirement rocks! Divided into 12 categories, these 50 devotions encourage retirees to re-engage with their dreams, goals, and relationships. With fun and witty “how-to retire well” lists interspersed throughout, new and not-so-new retirees will use this fun devotional to explore all the opportunities this season of adventure has to offer. God has great plans ahead?plans to fill you with joy, excitement, and anticipation of what the future holds.

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    • You Are Part Of The Body Coloring And Activity Books Ages 5-7


      This You Are Part of the Body coloring book helps children understand that every person has an important place in the body of Christ. Based on Paul’s message in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. The illustrations are designed for children (ages 5-7) to enjoy as an adult helps read the story. Activities based on (NIV).

      Coloring books (8.5″ x 11″) contains 16 pages. Inside text and activity is age appropriate. For home or classroom use.

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    • Trip To Bethlehem Coloring And Activity Books Ages 5-7


      This A Trip to Bethlehem coloring book retells the story of Jesus’ birth in an engaging way that children can understand. The illustrations are designed for children (ages 5-7) to enjoy as an adult helps read the story. Activities based on KJV.

      Coloring books (8.5″ x 11″) contains 16 pages. Inside text and activity is age appropriate. For home or classroom use.

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    • God Made The Seasons Coloring And Activity Book Ages 2-4


      This God Made the Seasons coloring book teaches children about the wonderful world God created. The simple pictures are designed for children (ages 2-4) to enjoy as an adult helps read the story. Activities based on (NIV).

      Coloring books (8.5″ x 11″) contains 16 pages. Inside text and activity is age appropriate. For home or classroom use.

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    • Christmas Is Special Coloring And Activity Books Ages 2-4


      This Christmas Is Special! coloring book retells the traditional Bible story of Jesus’ birth in a simple way that little ones can understand. The illustrations are designed for young children (ages 2-4) to enjoy as an adult reads the story. Activities based on KJV.

      Coloring books (8.5″ x 11″) contains 16 pages. Inside text and activity is age appropriate. For home or classroom use.

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    • Bible Chronology Made Easy


      Did you know that the Bible has more than 1,100 chapters and 30,000 verses? It can be easy to get lost in all its people, places, and stories. Discover where your favotire Bible story fits within God’s great story of human history with Bible Chronology Made Easy.

      From Genesis to Revelation, all sixty-six books are arranged chronologically in this pocket-sized handbook. See Bible characters and events in the order that they happened and understand Bible history at a glance.

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    • Bible Memory Word Searches Large Print


      Memorize Scripture While Word Searching!

      Bible puzzles are a great way to pass time while learning scripture-and here’s a collection of nearly 50 large print word searches sure to satisfy both the passionate word search fan and the avid scripture memorizer. Featuring stories and individual scriptures drawn from both the Old and New Testaments, Bible Memory Word Searches Large Print will challenge and expand your knowledge of scripture in a new and entertaining way.

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    • Basics Of The Christian Faith Made Easy


      Basics of the Christian Faith Made Easy outlines key Christian beliefs and practices and explains the Christian understanding of who God is. It details what we can do to have a real relationship with God, and describes practices that assist our growth in faith.

      This pocket-sized book is an excellent introduction for new believers or refresher for mature believers. It addresses common questions about Christian faith, trusting the Bible, the Trinity, life after death and it highlights God’s attributes, defines essential doctrines, explains prayer and other spritual practices for growth.

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    • What Do I Do With Anger


      Alex is angry. During practice before the big game, his teammate Emma won’t pass him the ball–and then she has the nerve to pass it to Sam! Thankfully, Coach Ryan understands plenty about anger. When Alex reveals his irritation in an unhealthy way, Coach Ryan has biblical tools and wisdom that will help Alex calm his anger and identify the underlying emotion beneath it so he can rejoin the team.

      Psychologists have long labeled anger a “secondary emotion.” It’s there to cover up other negative feelings such sadness, betrayal, and embarrassment. Dr. Josh and Christi Straub want children to understand that being angry is not a bad thing: we can express our anger in healthy ways, and we can use it to help us figure out what we’re struggling with deep down. What Do I Do with Anger? models this approach to anger in a fun and relatable way for children, ages 4-8.

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    • Sticker By Number Words Of Jesus


      Keep your brain engaged while creating beautiful art with Brain Games Sticker by Number Words of Jesus.

      *Includes 28 images to sticker.
      *Each design includes an inspiring Bible quote from Jesus.
      *Spiral binding and perforated pages make the book easy to use.

      As in paint-by-number, each design is divided into dozens of spaces. Each space has number that corresponds to a sticker. Find the sticker, peel it, and place it in the right space. Watch as a full-colored image emerges from the original unfinished illustration.

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    • Coloring Gods Love For Me


      Hold on to the Bible’s promises of God’s love, care, and protection with this coloring book devotional for kids. Each devotion includes Scripture, a reflection on the verse using kid-friendly examples, and a coloring page that illustrates the promise.

      This activity book for kids ages 6 to 9 features:

      *100 promises based on God’s Word that encourage children to trust the Lord no matter what–through exciting adventures, new experiences, anxieties, challenges, and sad times

      *devotions that guide children toward a better understanding of who God is and His loving plans for them

      *illustrations to color on every page that represent the biblical truths in fun, creative ways

      Enjoy hours of coloring God’s promises with:

      *sturdy paper perfect for markers, gel pens, crayons, or colored pencils

      *short readings great for family and homeschool devotions, kids’ quiet times, or Sunday School lessons

      *notebook-sized pages that fit just right in a backpack or car seat pocket

      Kids will love personalizing this keepsake devotional as they color their way through each promise and reflect on God’s goodness. Coloring God’s Love for Me is a hands-on devotional for kids that makes an encouraging gift for summer vacation, birthdays, Christmas, and Easter.

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