


    Other Religions

    • 40 Questions About Islam


      A much anticipated new addition to the very popular and practical book series that answers real questions on key topics in contemporary Christianity.

      Islam is one of the most significant forces shaping the world today, but most Christians are confused about its key beliefs and practices. Many wonder about the apparent similarities and obvious differences between Christianity and Islam, and want to reach out to Muslim friends or neighbors with the gospel but don’t know where to begin. Having spent several years living in North Africa and the Middle East, missions professor Matthew Bennett guides readers through Islam’s key tenants and provides answers to critical questions, such as:

      – Who was Muhammad and what was his message?
      – Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God?
      – What are the differences between the Qur’an and the Bible?
      – What is shariah law ?
      – What is the Islamic view of salvation?
      – What happens in the mosque?
      – Is Islam inherently misogynistic?
      – Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God?
      – How should a Christian share the gospel with Muslims?

      Helpful summaries at the end of each chapter encapsulate important information, followed by discussion questions useful for personal or small-group study. Whether you want to understand Islam better or reach Muslims for Christ, 40 Questions on Islam is an indispensable primer and reference book.

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    • World Religions Made Easy


      From Islam and Judaism to Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormonism, quickly get a handle on 30 different belief systems and how they compare to Christianity with this pocket-sized book!

      In addition to covering world religions such as Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam, World Religions Made Easy also explains the relationships between these religions and other groups, including Mormons, Sikhs, and the Nation of Islam.

      * Each religion’s origin
      * Key writings
      * Key beliefs and practices
      * Perspective on salvation, the Trinity, and the afterlife
      * Religions included:
      -Neopaganism & Wicca
      -New Spirituality
      -World Mission Society of God
      -And many more

      Strengthen your understanding of Christianity and get practical insight into different faiths so that you can be a more effective witness.

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    • Facts On The Masonic Lodge


      Well-known authors and researchers John Ankerberg, John Weldon, and Dillon Burroughs have updated and revised The Facts on the Masonic Lodge, a best-selling title from the popular Facts On Series (more than 1.9 million copies of books from this series sold). The Facts on the Masonic Lodge is filled with well-documented facts and comprehensive comparisons to biblical truths. Readers learn what Masonry (also known as Freemasonry or “the Lodge”) is by discovering when it began, who has been involved, what its teachings are, and how it influences their lives and the Christian church today. The Facts on the Masonic Lodge provides concise, straightforward answers to questions that include: Is Masonry a religion? What do the Masons teach about Jesus, salvation, and life after death? What do Masonic symbols represent? Are Masonry and Christianity compatible? Why is understanding Masonry important today?

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    • Jesus And The Quran


      Dear Muslim friend, do you believe the words and teachings of your holy Qur’an? Or have you unknowingly rejected the testimony of the Qur’an about Jesus (or Isa) and about the prior revelations that God sent to bear witness to him? If you trust the Qur’an and have an open and prayerful heart, you may be surprised at what it says about the prophet Jesus. The Testimony of the Qur’an The Qur’an declares many wonderful things about the prophet Jesus. Three surahs (or chapters) are named after references to him, and he is spoken of in fifteen surahs (ninety-three verses) altogether, more than any other person in the entire Qur’an. The Qur’an teaches that Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead (3:49; 5:113), was born of the virgin Mary (3:45-47; 23:50; 19:16-22), brought the gospel to the Jewish people (3:49-51; 13:38), and was an apostle and prophet of God (3:49; 6:85-90). In the Qur’an, Jesus alone is supported by the Holy Spirit (2:87, 253). Jesus alone is called “the Word of God” (3:45; 4:171) and “the Messiah” (“Christ,” 3:45; 4:157, 172, etc). Yet the Qur’an is not the only testimony to Jesus. Nor is it the primary one. The Qur’an repeatedly states that God sent prior revelations to the Jews and the Christians: The Torah (Taurat), the Psalms (Zabur), and the Gospel (Injil). Have you ever read what these prophetic words say about Jesus? The Qur’an’s Testimony to God’s Prior Revelations But you may wonder if the Jewish and Christian Scriptures are really trustworthy revelations from God. Perhaps you have been told that they have been corrupted or lost. What does the Qur’an say about this? God Sent Other Scriptures Prior to the Qur’an In numerous places the Qur’an testifies that God gave the Jews and the Christians revelations in the past: “He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind” (3:3-4); “Say, ‘We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you'” (29:46; cf. 6:89; 2:136; 5:46-47; 7:157). These Revelations Existed During Muhammad’s Time In other passages the Qur’an is clear that these Scriptures existed during Muhammad’s lifetime: “Say ‘O People of the Book! Ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord'” (5:68; cf. 4:136; 10:94 3:93; 5:46, 59, 68-69). It would be impossible for Christians and Jews (the People of the Book) to “stand fast” by these revelations unless they were

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    • Comparing Christianity With World Religions


      The world has always been a melting pot of beliefs, but now more than ever, your neighbor may be part of a differing world religion. The truths of Christianity are compared in key life beliefs to several other religions. A most helpful tool.

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    • Comparing Christianity With The Cults


      What constitutes a cult? How does it contrast with what the Bible says? These colorful and concise brochures will answer seven fundamental questions of life and belief. Contrasted with the truth of God’s Word are cults such as christian Science, Spiritualism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology, Mormonism, Eastern Mysticism, unification church, Wicca, and others. Perfect for training or for keeping by your front door. Formerly titled The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error.

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    • 10 Questions And Answers On Jehovahs Witnesses Pamphlet


      10 Questions & Answers for Jehovah’s Witnesses pamphlet
      Includes information on:
      – How the Jehovah’s Witnesses began – Prophecies by their leaders – Should God be called “Jehovah”? – Is the Trinity a “Pagan Doctrine”? – Is Jesus God Almighty or the Archangel Michael? – Will only 144,000 people go to heaven? – Is the Watchtower’s New World Translation reliable? – and more

      Pamphlet is 5.5 inches x 8.5 inches and unfold to 33 inches long. Fits inside a Bible cover.

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    • 10 Questions And Answers On Mormonism Pamphlet


      What do Mormons teach about Jesus, the Trinity, God, baptism for the dead, and how to be saved? The Latter-Day Saints often use Christian terms, but mean something completely different. This pamphlet will help you sort through the confusion.
      This new series gives —
      Clear summary of what Mormons believe
      Misunderstandings and how to correct them
      Tips on interacting with your friends, neighbors, and co-workers

      General editor: Paul Carden is a longtime specialist in the field of cults and new religions around the world. Executive Director of the Centers for Apologetics Research (CFAR), and general editor of Christianity, Cults & Religions. Former co-host of the nationwide “Bible Answer Man” radio program.

      Pamphlet Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches Unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits inside most medium-sized Bible covers.

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    • Islam And Christianity Pamphlet


      Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      Pamphlet: Islam and Christianity
      This concise pamphlet allows you to compare the basic beliefs of Christians and Muslims (those who follow the Islamic faith) at a glance. It will help you reach out to your Muslim friends and neighbors with understanding, and learn how to answer misunderstandings.

      Topics include:
      * Founder, Date, Location * Life After Death
      * Who is God? * Key Writings and Scriptures
      * Who is Jesus? * Sects and Denominations
      * Who is the Holy Spirit? * Prophets and Angels
      * Major Doctrines and Beliefs
      More than one billion people around the world follow the teachings of Muhammad and Islam. And the number of Muslims is growing rapidly. Learn what beliefs Christians and Muslims have in common and which are different. Avoid common mistakes Christians make when communicating with Muslims at school, neighborhood, and at work. Know what Muslims have been taught about Christianity and how to answer their questions and concerns. Be aware of cultural differences. Topics include what Muslims believe, what Christians believe, and how to correct misunderstandings in the following areas-Religious History, Who is God?, Holy Scriptures, Prophets, Practices and Rituals, Salvation and Paradise, Role of Women, and Religion and Culture. Also includes a helpful glossary. Ages 12 to adult.

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    • Messianic Judaism Is Not Christianity


      “How messianic Judaism is unscriptural and dividing in the Body of Christ; and the key biblical understanding of Jewish and Gentile believers as “”one new man.”””

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    • Fast Facts On False Teachings


      World-renowned cult expert Ron Carlson and Ed Decker combine their extensive knowledge to give readers quick, clear facts on the major cults and false teachings of today. Short, informative chapters contrast the cults’ theologies with the truth found in God’s Word. This book is an easy-to-use resource that provides powerful insights for sharing the biblical gospel with people ensnared by false religions and philosophies.

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