




    • Stories Of The Spirit Of Justice


      New York Times bestselling author Jemar Tisby collects the true, impactful stories of figures from across history–from the well-known to those often forgotten–who resisted racism and created a legacy of hope and perseverance. Each short biography is paired with an illustration to help inspire young readers to continue to work toward justice today.

      We are living in the civil rights movement of our day. But the challenges of the present call us to remember the past. Throughout American history, there has always been a resilient group of people who, motivated by their faith, resisted oppression and pushed for greater equality and liberty for all. From well-known figures like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Harriet Tubman, to those time has nearly forgotten, all these people tapped into an abiding spirit of justice to pursue the dignity of all people.

      Stories of the Spirit of Justice is the companion book for young readers ages 8-12 to Jemar Tisby’s The Spirit of Justice and tells the story of the justice movement through short biographies of the figures who did the work. With illustrations depicting the people profiled and practical tips connecting readers to the continued fight for justice, this is essential reading for everyone who still dreams of a land where all are truly free.

      Stories of the Spirit of Justice:

      *covers the colonial era to the present day

      *includes inspiring takeaways from each person’s life and a bibliography for further reading

      *roots each story in the historical moment, with descriptions of the state of justice in different eras in American history

      *can be used by families and church or school groups to start meaningful conversations with kids

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    • 10 Foot Christian And World History Time Line


      The 10-Foot Christian and World History Time Line offers a birds-eye view of history showing Christian historical events unfolding next to their world history counterparts. This indispensable Bible study tool is a great addition to any church resource library, Christian school, or homeschooler’s classroom.

      This time line covers the life of Jesus to the modern day (AD 1 to present). It also covers the expansion of Christianity after the ascension of Jesus, including key eras such as the emergence of the Eastern Orthodox Church and monasticism, the rise of Islam and iconoclasm, the Protestant Reformation, the age of exploration, and Puritanism.

      Comes in an 8.5″ x 11″ envelope; unfolds to 10′ x 11″. Easy to put together in four panels.

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    • 10 Foot Bible And World History Timeline


      The 10-Foot Bible and World History Time Line offers a birds-eye view of history showing Christian historical events unfolding next to their world history counterparts. It’s easy to see how biblical history relates to events happening throughout the Middle East and around the world.

      This indispensable Bible study tool is a great addition to any church resource library, Christian school, or homeschooler’s classroom. The time line covers Genesis to Revelation, 2200 BC to AD 100. Comes in an 8.5″ x 11″ envelope; unfolds to 10′ x 11″. Easy to put together in four panels.

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    • Miracles In American History Volume 2


      Captivating stories of revivals, battle heroes, missionaries, & courage from America’s history: William Penn’s Holy Experiment “the Seed of a Nation”; Pere Marquette; Moravian Missionaries; Wesleys; Whitefield & Great Awakening; Molly Pitcher, Betsy Ross & Courageous Women of the Revolution; Francis Asbury & Circuit-riding Preachers; Early Black Preachers; Richard Allen & AME Church; “Black Harry” Hosier; “Amazing Grace”: Newton & Wilberforce; 2nd Great Awakening; Yale Student Revival; Haystack Prayer Meeting & World Missions; Indians, Whitmans & Northwest Missions; John Stewart, Missionary to Wyandots; Volcano Defied & Hawaiian Great Awakening; Charles Finney’s Revival; Salvation Army; YMCA; Layman’s Prayer Revival, 3rd Great Awakening; Shoe Salesman to Evangelist-D.L. Moody; Slave to College President-Booker T. Washington; Katherine Lee Bates & “America the Beautiful”; Baseball Star Preacher-Billy Sunday; Eddie Rickenbacker-World War I Fighter Ace; U.S. Military “For God & Country”;

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    • Dinosaurs Of Eden (Revised)


      Did you know that we have a written record of the history of the universe, past, present, and future, from someone who sees and knows everything? The infinite Creator of the universe made sure that all the most important events of history were recorded in a special series of books that together make up one book, the Bible. Using the Bible, we can actually read about the past (that enables us to correctly understand what we observe in the present in this world), and the future!

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    • Miracles In American History Volume 1


      Discover desperate circumstances in America’s past and how men and women rose up with faith and courage and situations unexplainably turned around.

      Read of captivating, little-known stories during the French & Indian War, Revolution, Barbary Pirate War, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI & II, and up through Apollo 13.

      Learn “the rest of the story” of how leaders prayed, challenged and inspired the nation and disaster was averted!

      YOU will be inspired as you uncover “Miracles in American History – 32 Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer.”

      ARE you aware of these past crises when America’s fate hung in the balance?

      In 1746, 70 ships with 13,000 troops sailed from France to lay waste to the American colonies. Massachusetts Governor William Shirley proclaimed a Day of Fasting. What happened next was unexplainable!

      After the Battle of Monongahela, George Washington wrote from Fort Cumberland to his younger brother, John Augustine Washington, July 18, 1755:

      “But by the All-Powerful Dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me!”

      How did Thomas Jefferson’s resolution for a Day of Fasting on June 1, 1774, lead to the forming of the Continental Congress, and eventually Independence?

      Read how in 1781 the providential rising of three rivers in 10 days allowed Americans to escape British General Cornwallis?

      Or how the uncanny way Benedict Arnold’s planned betrayal of West Point was discovered?

      George Washington exclaimed: “The Hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in all this (the course of the war) that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith.”

      Ben Franklin declared: “In the beginning of the Contest with Great Britain…we had daily prayer in this room for Divine protection…All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a Superintending Providence in our favor.”

      In 1865, President Lincoln proclaimed a Day of Fasting for April 30. What freak accident happened two days later which changed the course of the Civil War?

      What did Woodrow Wilson declared as the U.S. entered WWI.

      Or Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression?

      Or FDR, Eisenhower, MacArthur and Patton during WWII?

      Or Truman during the Korean War?

      When Apollo 13 was lost in space, what happened after President Nixo

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    • Reformation Time Line Pamphlet


      12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      Reformation Sunday is October 29. It commemorates the day that Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg. A good opportunity to know more about reform, revival, and the importance of the Bible.

      This concise guide to the Reformation shows a time line of key people and events. Gain deeper insights into the rise of Protestantism, and the influence of people such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale, and King James. Learn why they wanted to reform the church of their day. See 400 years of church history alongside the colorful politics of King Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth, and others,
      *Pre-Reformation Period through the Post-Reformation Period (1300-1700)
      * Wycliffe, Hus, Erasmus, Tyndale, Cromwell, Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox, and many more reformers
      *Simple explanations of points of doctrine and practice
      *Comparison with events in world history

      Packed with colorful illustrations and photographs

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