



    Family Concerns

    • 1st Five Years Of Marriage


      SKU (ISBN): 9781589970410ISBN10: 1589970411Phillip Swihart | Wilford WootenBinding: Cloth TextPublished: February 2007Complete GuidesPublisher: Focus On The Family

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    • Parenting


      SKU (ISBN): 9780849900242UPC: 023755026026Charles SwindollBinding: Cloth TextPublished: December 2006Publisher: Thomas Nelson

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    • Single Parenting That Works


      SKU (ISBN): 9781414303352ISBN10: 1414303351Kevin LemanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2006Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Total Marriage Makeover


      SKU (ISBN): 9781597894098ISBN10: 1597894095David ClarkeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2006Publisher: Barbour Publishing Inc.

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    • Every Womans Marriage


      SKU (ISBN): 9781400071197ISBN10: 1400071194Shannon Ethridge | Greg EthridgeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2006Publisher: WaterBrook

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    • Creating An Intimate Marriage (Reprinted)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780764202063ISBN10: 0764202065Jim BurnsBinding: Cloth TextPublished: July 2006Publisher: Bethany House Publishers

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    • We Do : A Guide For Godparents


      We Do! A Guide for Godparents helps godparents understand what baptism is, clarifies the godparent’s role, and offers ideas for celebrating baptism, birthdays, and other milestones in their godchild’s life.

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    • Single Parenting That Works


      SKU (ISBN): 9781414303345ISBN10: 1414303343Kevin LemanBinding: Cloth TextPublished: February 2006Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Marriage Covenant


      Is your marriage less than what you envisioned? Are you suffering in a bad marriage, but don’t want to be the next divorce statistic?
      If you find yourselves divided as a couple while you focus on who is at fault rather than what can be done – here is the answer!
      In Marriage Covenant, Derek Prince unravels the principle of covenant and how we can build “a cord of three strands” that cannot be broken.
      By following God’s plan for marriage, you will build a relationship that faces difficulties, overcomes them, and emerges stronger than ever.
      Discover a cherished love the most people only dream about.

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    • Mamas Going To Heaven Soon


      SKU (ISBN): 9780806651224ISBN10: 0806651229Kathe Copeland | Illustrator: Elissa HudsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2005Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media

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    • Love And Respect Workbook (Workbook)


      Successful couples know that harmony and happiness in marriage are not achieved by love alone. There is the other side of the Ephesians 5:33 equation respect. Yes, a wife needs love. But a husband needs respect. Based on extensive biblical and scientific research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the secret to couples meeting each other’s deepest needs: Without love she reacts without respect, and without respect he reacts without love and a destructive, vicious cycle begins.

      Love and Respect is a groundbreaking book, to be featured on Focus on the Family, which offers much-needed help to husbands and wives everywhere. It introduces the biblical teaching of unconditional respect, and that it is as powerful as unconditional love. Discover the secret revealed by God that cracks the communication code between male and female and reap the benefits of marriage as God intended.

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    • Creative Correction


      SKU (ISBN): 9781589971288UPC: 700001001289Lisa WhelchelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2005Publisher: Focus On The Family

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    • 15 Minute Devotions For Couples (Reprinted)


      Everything in our busy world seems aimed at pulling marriages apart. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Fifteen minutes spent together in devotion and prayer each day will strengthen a marriage like nothing else, and Bob and Emilie Barnes have made it easy to do in this best-selling devotional that has a fresh new cover design. In just 15 minutes, couples can find spiritual refreshment as they explore God’s majesty and all-sufficient power. At the same time, they will discover practical help in: the art of communication; the joy of forgiveness; the challenge of building each other up by serving; the fun of being together and with others. With encouragement, grace, and the experience of more than 35 years of marriage, Bob and Emilie will help readers grow in their love for each other and the Lord and inspire them to live out that love with their family and friends.

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    • Love And Respect


      Successful couples know that harmony and happiness in marriage are not achieved by love alone. There is the other side of the Ephesians 5:33 equation respect. Yes, a wife needs love. But a husband needs respect. Based on extensive biblical and scientific research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the secret to couples meeting each other’s deepest needs: Without love she reacts without respect, and without respect he reacts without love and a destructive, vicious cycle begins.

      Love and Respect is a groundbreaking book, to be featured on Focus on the Family, which offers much-needed help to husbands and wives everywhere. It introduces the biblical teaching of unconditional respect, and that it is as powerful as unconditional love. Discover the secret revealed by God that cracks the communication code between male and female and reap the benefits of marriage as God intended.

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    • Angry Men And The Women Who Love Them


      1. The Background
      2. The Wide Range Of Domestic Violence
      3. It’s All In Your Head
      4. Identifying Abuse
      5. Driven By The Wounds
      6. The Reactive Lifestyle
      7. Shame, Guilt, And Anger
      8. Building Healthy Relationships
      151 Pages

      Additional Info
      Paul Hegstrom handled his problems and frustrations the only way he knew how – with fists and fury. Facing a charge of attempted murder and a prison term, Hegstrom got the wake-up call he needed. With professional help and an intense struggle with spiritual issues, he began the lengthy process of healing and recovery.

      Through a fascinating, thorough examination of the psychological components of various types of abuse, along with true examples from his own life and others, Paul Hegstrom points the way back to wholeness and freedom. An invaluable aid for the man who batters, the woman who feels trapped, and the pastor, counselor, or friend who desperately wants to help them both, Angry Men and the Women Who Love Them offers straight answers for those willing to overcome the cycle of violence.

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    • 1st Time Mom


      SKU (ISBN): 9780842360388UPC: 031809060384Kevin LemanBinding: Cloth TextPublished: February 2004Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Grandma Do You Remember When


      In this keepsake journal for grandma to fill out, grandchildren can discover the experiences, happy moments, and cherished events that shaped their grandmother’s legacy. Old-fashioned paintings by Jim Daly will sweeten every grandmother’s stroll down memory lane as she shares her thought on the lined pages filled with questions and requests. This hardcover treasury-in-the-making is a wonderful present for families to give to grandmothers or for grandmothers to give their loved ones. The best gift of all will be the recorded memories that represent a life of significance, the core of a family’s story, and the hopes and dreams women want to pass along to their beloved grandchildren.

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    • Communication Sex And Money Workbook (Workbook)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781931682183ISBN10: 1931682186Edwin ColeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2002Publisher: Anchor Distributors

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    • Boundaries In Marriage


      Learn when to say yes and when to say no_to your spouse and to others_to make the most of your marriage

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    • Spiritually Single


      SKU (ISBN): 9780834119734ISBN10: 0834119730Jeri OdellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2002Publisher: The Foundry Publishing – formerly Beacon Hill Pres

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    • 60 Minute Father


      SKU (ISBN): 9780805425611ISBN10: 0805425616Rob ParsonsBinding: Cloth TextPublished: March 2002Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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    • 60 Minute Mother


      SKU (ISBN): 9780805425567ISBN10: 080542556XRob Parsons | Dianne ParsonsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2002Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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    • 7 Secrets Of Effective Fathers


      SKU (ISBN): 9780842359184UPC: 031809059180Ken CanfieldBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2001Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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    • Age Of Opportunity (Reprinted)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780875526058ISBN10: 0875526055Paul TrippBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2001Resources For Changing LivesPublisher: P & R Publishing

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    • Where Do Babies Come From


      SKU (ISBN): 9780570035633ISBN10: 0570035635Ruth HummelBinding: Cloth TextPublished: May 2001New Learning About SexPublisher: Concordia Publishing House

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    • New Hide Or Seek (Reprinted)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780800756802ISBN10: 0800756800James DobsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2001Publisher: Revell

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    • Act Of Marriage After 40


      15 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Act of Marriage After 40, written by Tim and Beverly LaHaye with a Christian physician, follows the hugely popular book The Act of Marriage (more than two and a half million copies in print). The Act of Marriage After 40 covers such topics as nutrition (how do nutritional supplements affect your sex life?), fitness, sexual desire (does sexual desire actually reverse with age?), male impotence (psychological and physical causes, including a discussion of Viagra), female hormone drugs (the effect on desire), menopause and hysterectomy sex, first-time marriage after 40, and much more.

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    • Finishing Strong : Going The Distance For Your Family


      Men, in a road race it doesn’t matter if you stumble at the start or lag behind the leaders. Finishing is what matters! Similarly, endurance means hanging in there for your family and Lord. Learn how to avoid the common pitfalls that knock you out of the race, and you’ll “go the distance” with character and honor.

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    • Shepherding A Childs Heart (Anniversary)


      Many parenting books are based on hit-or-miss theories steeped in secular thinking. This one draws from Pastor Tripp’s seasoned experience as a father-and from God’s Holy Word. Grounded in the Bible’s divine plan for parenting, this guide defines your goals as a parent and provides the Scriptural methods for accomplishing them.

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    • Kids Online


      SKU (ISBN): 9780800756727ISBN10: 080075672XDonna Hughes | Pamela CampbellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 1998Publisher: Revell

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    • Advent Worship And Activities For Families


      Offers brief family worship services for each Sunday in Advent and Christmas Day. Each service centers around the use of the Advent wreath. Additional activites help families focus on the meaning of the season.

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    • Compelled To Control


      This exciting book breaks new ground in identifying the major cause of relationship failure as the need to control – in marriages and families, with friends and within organizations. Compelled to Control reflects Miller’s sweeping knowledge as a thinker, a speakers and a writer. Going far beyond “how to control a controller,” Miller speaks from the perspective of experience and personal change.

      “When a controller has the sense of life being out of control,” he says, “he or she reacts with an even stronger need to ‘get things under control’ usually with the negative result of alienating the people who matter the most.” Miller tackles this deeply denied, seemingly universal phenomenon with compassion and offers a way out of the dilemma. He tells who to approach broken relationships in new ways, leaving behind destructive patterns of perfectionism and self-justification.

      Keith miller is one of those rare writers who can combine intellectual acuity with deeply felt insight born of his own struggle for authenticity. Compelled to Control is an impressive contribution to the literature of recovery and personal change.

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    • Act Of Marriage (Revised)


      1. The Sanctity Of Sex
      2. What Lovemaking Means To A Man
      3. What Lovemaking Means To A Woman
      4. Why God Created Sex
      5. Sex Education
      6. The Art Of Lovemaking
      7. For Men Only
      8. For Women Only
      9. The Unfulfilled Woman
      10. The Key To Feminine Response
      11. The Impotent Man
      12. Sane Family Planning
      13. Sex Survey Report
      14. The Missing Dimension
      15. Practical Answers To Common Questions
      304 Pages

      Additional Info
      This updated and expanded edition gives a fresh, informative edge to an already definitive book.

      New sections discuss “sex after sixty” and five reasons why God created sex. All supported by the very latest findings in the fields of medicine and sociology.

      For engaged couples and newlyweds who want to make lovemaking a joy from the start…for couples who have been married for years and want to maintain the flame or rekindle the embers…for every husband or wife who wants to be a better lover—here are the insights into each other’s bodies, psychosexual makeup, and need for tender, unselfish affection that can help you achieve your goal.

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    • Water Bugs And Dragonflies


      How can we answer the many questions young children have about death?

      Doris Stickney and her minister husband were looking for a meaningful way to explain to neighborhood children the death of a five-year-old friend — an explanation that would satisfy not only the children but adult minds as well. While they were preparing for the child’s memorial service, the fable of the water bug that changed into a dragonfly came to mind.

      “Water Bugs and Dragonflies” tells the story of a small colony of water bugs living happily below the surface of a quiet pond. Every so often one of them climbs up a lily stalk and disappears from sight, never to return. Those left behind are faced with the mystery of figuring out what has become of them.

      Revealing the “miracle that makes shiny dragonflies out of ugly bugs”, this graceful story reminds us that God has given us the means of transforming our metaphorical selves into dragonflies capable of winging off contentedly into a new world. Recognizing that “the old answers will not satisfy today’s children”, Stickney presents instead a simple, wise tale that illuminates a difficult reality without pretending to contain all the answers.

      This bona fide bestseller — more than 150,000 copies have been printed — is presented here in a deluxe gift edition, including newly rendered full-color illustrations. Set in large type so that young readers can enjoy it themselves, Water Bugs also includes accompanying information that offers the author’s own insights for explaining how adults can effectively assist children in coping with death.

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    • Complete Financial Guide For Young Couples


      SKU (ISBN): 9781564761309ISBN10: 1564761304Larry BurkettBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1993Publisher: David C. Cook

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    • Love Life For Every Married Couple


      1. A Love Affair: It Can Happen To You!
      2. Discoveries: The False And The True
      3. Does The Plan Still Work?
      4. Love: Solving The Mystery
      5. The Five Ways Of Loving
      6. How To Love Your Partner Sexually
      7. Romantic Love-The Thrill Factor
      8. The Gift Of Belonging
      9. Becoming Best Friends
      10. The Agape Way
      11. The Secret Of Staying In Love (Especially For Newlyweds)
      12. A Pattern For Lovers
      13. Prescription For A Superb Marriage
      14. Removing The Barriers
      15. How To Save Your Marriage Alone
      16. Resources For Change
      256 Pages

      Additional Info
      Physician Ed Wheat has helped thousands of couples improve their love lives and build happier marriages. In Love Life for Every Married Couple he’ll help you improve your marriage through sharing, touching, appreciating, and focusing healing attention on your mate.

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