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Eschatology (End Times)

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  • Coming Golden Age


    Most days peace feels elusive, and our hope feels light-years away. And it is almost impossible to set our minds on God’s coming reign. But what if the return of the King and His Kingdom is exactly what we need to find our peace and ground our hope today? His coming victorious reign is what gives us the strength we need now.

    In this definitive book, trusted Bible teacher and Pastor Dr. David Jeremiah unfolds the Second Coming of Christ and His millennium reign here on earth with stunning clarity while also showing how the correct interpretation of these pivotal events changes how we live here and now. The King is coming, and we have a part to play in this story that promises to set right all that is wrong and usher in a new golden age.

    Read with fresh eyes, how the coming reign of Christ impacts us today.

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  • World Of The End


    Now available in trade paper!

    A Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller

    In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, we need hope now more than ever. What if the life sustaining hope you need is found within the pages of the Bible?

    Our world is packed with lies and loss of trust. Wars and rumors of war. Devastation and disaster. Pressure and persecution. Lawlessness and lovelessness. Some days it seems like bad news all around. And with bad news comes questions: “Why is this happening? When will it stop? What can we do?” And perhaps the most pressing of all: “Is this the end?”

    In these hope-filled pages, bestselling author, pastor, and respected Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah focuses our attention not on the problems at hand, but on the hand of God. That’s because Jesus Himself told us what to expect from this season of history when He delivered His Olivet Discourse-a significant sermon that scholars have called “the most important single passage of prophecy in all the Bible.”

    In The World of the End, learn how:

    *The Bible has already laid the foundation on how we can live victoriously, even in difficult times

    *Jesus not only calls Christians to a higher standard, but equips us with the tools and strength we need to confidently follow him daily

    *The gospels contain the comfort you need to trust that God is in control and that his plan is still working to completion

    With his trademark clarity, Dr. Jeremiah reveals exactly what Jesus promised to us-and what He expects of us-as we approach the World of the End.

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  • Dragons Prophecy : Israel, The Dark Resurrection, And The End Of Days


    Is it possible that what we see taking place at the end of the age is the answer to ancient revelation-and that we are now seeing it unfold?

    Like Jonathan Cahn’s other eight New York Times best sellers, The Dragon’s Prophecy is explosive and mind-blowing. Readers will discover how the events of our times are dramatically shifting our world into the fulfillment of ancient prophecies and revelations.

    THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY-Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days-by JONATHAN CAHN

    Is there more to this world than meets our eyes?

    Is there an ancient vision that reveals what is now taking place in our world?

    Is there an ancient prophecy that tells us what the future holds?

    Is there an ancient force that operated in ancient times that is now operating in the modern world, determining the course of current events, from Israel to that which threatens a Third World War, and touching each of our lives?

    *What is the dark resurrection?
    *What is the mystery of the dragon?
    *Are we in the midst of a war we don’t even realize is being waged against us?

    What is the most accurate timepiece signaling the last days?

    Who are the Sea Peoples?

    Can we uncover its plans and strategies, even those directed against our own lives?

    Is there a little-known secret to overcoming the evils of our day and the conflict of our lives?

    Was there a three-thousand-year-old revelation that determined the attack of Hamas on Israel, down to the year, the month, the week, and the exact day?

    What is the End of Days, and are they here?

    What lies ahead?

    And much, much more

    After eight New York Times best sellers, Jonathan Cahn now releases his newest blockbuster, THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days, the stunning and mind-blowing revelation that opens up the mystery of our times, the events shaking our world, and what lies in store for us in the days to come. Jonathan Cahn’s latest book will open up the mysteries of what has been, what is now happening, and what is yet to take place-even the end of the age-unlocking shocking revelations that will enable you to see what is taking place in your world in an entirely new way.

    THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY will reveal…

    *The mystery of Israel and how it is now unfolding before our eyes

    *The other ancient people that were resurrected at the same time as Israel’s resurrection-more than 2,000 years after they perished

    *The Return of the Sea People

    *The Da

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  • What Happens Next


    Be Prepared, Not Scared

    Are we living in the end times? If so, what does that mean for you?

    In contrast to the confusion and anxiety that often comes with this topic, Max Lucado believes God wants us to be prepared, not scared; informed, not intimidated. He writes: “The future is not frightening if you know the future. And you can know the future when you know who holds it.”

    What Happens Next is an optimistic, accessible, and nonsensational guide to what the Bible says about heaven’s time line that will empower you to face the future with faith. Max takes you on a well-researched overview of what God’s Word says, exploring the following four big ideas that provide a solid foundation for understanding God’s eternal plan:

    *We were made to reign with Christ.
    *God has made and will keep his promises.
    *Heaven has a time line.
    *A golden era-the millennium-awaits God’s children.

    Plus, Max takes you on a journey of the time line of history, examining essential milestones such as the rapture, the seven years of tribulation, and the glory of heaven.

    Whether you find yourself in the “I can’t wait,” “I’m almost ready,” or “I’m not sure about all of this” camp, you will be encouraged to ponder God’s promises for the future.

    In Max’s signature encouraging style, he reminds us, “It’s all about hope. It’s all about him.”

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  • Time Of The Signs


    “What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” –Matthew 24:3

    The disciples could not wait. Christ had said He would bring an end to human rule and establish His kingdom. But when? Eager to learn how the future would unfold, they asked Him about the signs of His coming and the end times. What should they expect to take place?

    In The Time of the Signs, pastor Barry Stagner explores the events that will precede Christ’s return. As he describes Earth’s final days, he answers the many questions people ask, including:

    *Why is the rebirth of Israel the most significant sign that the end times are near?

    *What other important clues, evident today, reveal the closeness of the tribulation and Christ’s return?

    *Where does the rapture fit in the chronology of all that will occur in the last days?

    *After Christ returns, what is next?

    As you study the signs Jesus foretold, you’ll see amazing evidence that we are living in the very time of these signs–and gain a clear understanding of what will happen, and when.

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  • Great Disappearance : 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready


    The rapture is the central event in biblical prophecy. But what does it mean for us today? How can this crucial end times event draw us nearer to God in a world that is seemingly on the brink of chaos? Political turmoil, economic uncertainty, an ideological divide that feels increasingly impassable–the signs of the times point us toward the end, and that can be disconcerting.

    But the greatest truth about the rapture is not its timing, but its reality–for blessed are all who long for His appearing.

    The Great Disappearance is a culmination of decades of Dr. Jeremiah studying end times throughout the Bible. In this definitive volume he will explain the meaning of the word rapture, the difference between the rapture and the second coming, and the joy of expecting our Savior to come at any given moment. Dr. Jeremiah will also explore key questions such as:

    *Who will be raptured?
    *When will it happen?
    *What will happen to those left behind?
    *What will believers experience when they are taken away to heaven?
    *Will non-believers still have time to repent and be saved?

    Dr. Jeremiah seeks to answer all of those questions and many more, not with sensationalism or stories ripped from the headlines but with solid, biblical truth. Because God has laid out His plan for us in His Word so that we might not be caught unaware. We may not know the exact date that the rapture will happen, but we do know it will happen. Are you ready for it?

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  • Has The Tribulation Begun


    Are the End Times Here?

    As local and international events and news reports become more troubling, interest in Bible prophecy continues to grow. Cultural anxiety is reaching unprecedented highs, and many Christians have begun to wonder if the tribulation described in Revelation is already upon us.

    Bestselling author and native Israeli Amir Tsarfati explores what will happen during the tribulation and explains its place on the eternity-to-eternity timeline. His rich knowledge of the Bible and unique perspective on current events equip him to share helpful insights into how:

    *the Bible’s signs of the times compare to global events today
    *we can rightly understand key prophecy terms like tribulation and rapture
    *an eternal focus gives us hope and enables us to persevere in today’s temporal world *Scripture’s teachings about the end times are more relevant than ever
    *we must remember to live out our God-given mission with a greater sense of urgency

    As we wonder how close the end times truly are, we must return to God’s Word for clarity and wisdom. Has the Tribulation Begun? delivers enlightening biblical truth alongside powerful encouragement to live for the Lord today.

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  • After The Rapture


    What if you or someone you loved missed out on the Rapture? What happens to those who are left behind? Trusted and beloved Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah shares the help and hope people will need as they face unfolding events during the End Times.

    From one of the world’s most beloved Bible teachers comes a timely, easy-to-understand guidebook about the Rapture and End Times and how to prepare yourself and your loved ones.

    In After the Rapture Dr. David Jeremiah equips you to understand End-Times theology and Bible prophecy. Many people want to understand how the Rapture unfolds, and this is the perfect handbook to share with your unsaved friends and loved ones so they can prepare themselves before or cope with the challenges they’ll face after the Rapture. With trusted biblical insight, this book will provide the hope and confidence you need and can share with your loved ones.

    This life-changing book includes:
    *End Times, Rapture, Judgment Day, and Great Tribulation sections
    *Guidance for preparing your heart
    *How to share with loved ones
    *Life application to strengthen understanding
    *Highlighted questions and answers
    *Relevant Scripture verses

    An epic and vital guide to life after the Rapture, this book is a must-have resource for you to buy for those you fear might be left behind. Help your loved ones understand the End Times and guide them to accept Christ as their Savior.

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  • Where Are The Missing People


    In this unique, practical book–written to be read by those remaining on earth after the Rapture–Jimmy Evans reveals the truth of the Bible about the end times. With compassion and deep insight into the prophecies of Scripture, he explains the disappearance of millions of believers around the world and gives future readers a glimpse into the events of the Tribulation. From the rise of the Antichrist to the ultimate redemption provided by Jesus, this hopeful book is a must-read for anyone navigating the future. Buy it for family members or friends. Leave it on your desk or coffee table. Put it in a place where a future reader can find it. The truths in this book will literally transform their lives. And it may be necessary sooner than you think.

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  • Harvest Handbook Of Bible Prophecy


    Everything You Need to Know About the Last Days at Your Fingertips

    The Harvest HandbookTM of Bible Prophecy is a reference resource that provides a comprehensive overview of everything the Bible says about the last days.

    Compiled by bestselling prophecy teachers Ed Hindson, Mark Hitchcock, and Tim LaHaye, this volume has 150+ topics on the most important subjects of prophetic study from 40+ of world’s foremost prophecy experts, including Armageddon, the Day of the Lord, eternal life, the glorious appearing, the messianic kingdom, the millennium, rewards, and the Tribulation.

    You will gain clear and useful insights about the future in this A-to-Z handbook, which is written to provide:
    *thousands of Bible-based facts about the end times and beyond
    *a chronology of the last days from a pretribulational, premillennial view
    *detailed definitions of all the major prophecy-related terms

    Both new and experienced students of prophecy will find this a tool they can use and understand. Ideal for browsing or serious research, you’ll find yourself reaching for this indispensable resource again and again.

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  • Is This The End


    About This Study Guide

    Part I: Is This The End For America?
    Lesson 1. The Age Of Anything Goes (Romans 1:18-32)
    Lesson 2. The Bleeding Of Our Borders (Selected Scriptures)
    Lesson 3. The Increase Of Intolerance (Selected Scriptures)
    Lesson 4. The Apathy Of America (Selected Scriptures)
    Lesson 5. The Remedy Of Revival (2 Chronicles 34-36)

    Part II: Is This The End For The World?
    Lesson 6. The Isolation Of Israel (Genesis 12:1-3)
    Lesson 7. The Insurgency Of ISIS (Selected Scriptures)
    Lesson 8. The Resurrection Of Russia (Ezekiel 38-39)
    Lesson 9. The Rapture Of The Redeemed (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
    Lesson 10. Translated Before The Tribulation (Selected Scriptures)

    Leader’s Guide
    About Dr. David Jeremiah And Turning Point
    Stay Connected

    Additional Info
    The world seems more fractured each day. People are asking, “Is this the End?”

    Never have the headlines been this jarring, the cultural changes this rapid, or the moral decay this pronounced. What on earth is happening? After each new occurrence, the most oft-heard questions are, “Will the world ever be the same again?” and “Where is God in all of this?” Over the last few decades, Dr. David Jeremiah has become one of the world’s most sought-after Christian leaders on topics that deal with biblical application and modern culture. And few would dispute that the pace at which things are currently changing is unprecedented. The time has come to accept this new normal, Jeremiah says, and understand how God’s hand is still at work on His eternal plan for mankind. No one can afford to ignore these warnings, but all can better understand the greater story and the role we each play in this changing world. From prophetic clues in Scripture to an understanding of the power of Christ in all believers, this book directs us on a clear path forward. Includes detailed chapters on:
    *Terrorism ISIS and Radicalized Islam
    *The New Russia
    *The American Debt Crisis
    *The Loss of Absolutes
    *Polarization and Divisiveness
    *and many more

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  • Agents Of Babylon


    SKU (ISBN): 9781414380520ISBN10: 1414380526David JeremiahBinding: Cloth TextPublished: October 2015Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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  • Agents Of The Apocalypse


    Who Will Usher in Earth’s Final Days?

    Are we living in the end times? Is it possible that the players depicted in the book of Revelation could be out in force today? And if they are, would you know how to recognize them?

    In Agents of the Apocalypse, noted prophecy expert Dr. David Jeremiah does what no prophecy expert has done before. He explores the book of Revelation through the lens of its major players-the exiled, the martyrs, the elders, the victor, the king, the judge, the 144,000, the witnesses, the false prophet, and the beast.

    One by one, Dr. Jeremiah delves into their individual personalities and motives, and the role that each plays in biblical prophecy. Then he provides readers with the critical clues and information needed to recognize their presence and power in the world today.

    The stage is set, and the curtain is about to rise on Earth’s final act. Will you be ready?

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  • Agents Of The Apocalypse


    Who Will Usher in Earth’s Final Days?

    Are we living in the end times? Is it possible that the players depicted in the book of Revelation could be out in force today? And if they are, would you know how to recognize them?

    In Agents of the Apocalypse, noted prophecy expert Dr. David Jeremiah does what no prophecy expert has done before. He explores the book of Revelation through the lens of its major players-the exiled, the martyrs, the elders, the victor, the king, the judge, the 144,000, the witnesses, the false prophet, and the beast.

    One by one, Dr. Jeremiah delves into their individual personalities and motives, and the role that each plays in biblical prophecy. Then he provides readers with the critical clues and information needed to recognize their presence and power in the world today.

    The stage is set, and the curtain is about to rise on Earth’s final act. Will you be ready?

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  • Mystery Of The Shemitah


    The book you can’t afford NOT to read. It is already affecting your life… And it WILL affect your future!

    Is it possible that there exists a three-thousand-year-old mystery that…
    – Has been determining the course of your life without your knowing it?
    – Foretells current events before they happen?
    – Revealed the dates and the hours of the greatest crashes in Wall Street history before they happened?
    – Determined the timing of 9/11?
    – Lies behind the rise of America to global superpower… and its fall?
    – Has forecast the rising and falling of the world’s stock market throughout modern times?
    – Lies behind world wars and the collapse of nations, world powers, and empires?
    – Holds key to what lies ahead for the world and for your life?
    – And much more…

    Jonathan Cahn, who stunned millions across America and the world with the mysteries revealed in his New York Times best seller The Harbinger, now uncovers and reveals a new realm of astonishing mysteries so big they lie behind everything from world wars, the rise and fall of nations, economic recession and financial collapse, and your future. Discover the never-before revealed mystery of the towers, the key of cataclysms, the mystery of sevens, and much, much more. The Mystery of the Shemitah will amaze, stun, forewarn, and prepare you for what lies ahead…and it may just change your life.

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  • Exo Vaticana : Petrus Romanus Project LUCIFER And The Vaticans Astonishing


    Defender Publishing LLC Publication

    Following the release of their 2012 best-seller Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here, Tom Horn and Cris Putnam were inundated with invitations from around the world to be interviewed on radio, television, and in print media. These included segments in The History Channel’s “Countdown to Apocalypse,” a special feature on Canada’s largest Christian channel VisionTV titled “I Prophesy: The Apocalypse Series,” invitations to Rome to discuss with Italian media their findings on Rene Thibaut (a Belgian Jesuit whose meticulous analysis of the Prophecy of the Popes predicted the arrival of Petrus Romanus in this era), and dozens more. But during a show on Omega Man Radio the author’s disclosed an “extraterrestrial” connection between Petrus Romanus, the Vatican, and the Mount Graham Observatory, which rocketed that program into the #1 position in the world, illustrating to the authors that modern civilization is more than casually interested not only in the final pope, but in the connection between Rome and their secret work on extraterrestrial intelligence, astrobiology, and the intriguing preparations they are making for the arrival of an alien ‘savior.’ Thus, the new investigation began and quickly resulted in findings far more disturbing than the authors expected to find.

    *Unveiled! The Vatican’s secret plan for the arrival of an alien god
    *Disclosed! Secret files in the Vatican library on the reality of the alien presence
    *Found! The private document detailing the Vatican’s position on the extraterrestrials
    *Revealed! Project LUCIFER and the hidden quest for “Fallen Star”
    *2013! The year top astronomers say the alien world and its inhabitants will be divulged
    *The Collins Elite, Occultism, and the covert breeding and hybridization program
    *The incredible family secret that Tom Horn has kept concealed for decades!
    *What top Government and Vatican Officials told the authors about the reality of UFOs, ETIs
    *The Vatican’s Top Astronomer agrees to and is interviewed by Horn & Putnam
    *Nick Pope, Bruce Maccabee, Stanton Friedman, Jesse Marcel Jr. and others weigh in
    *Back to Cydonia! The truth behind the face on Mars and artificial structures on other worlds

    In Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, PROJECT LUCIFER, and the Vatican’s astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior, internationally acclaimed investigative authors Thomas Horn and

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  • End Times In Chronological Order


    Bible prophecy expert Ron Rhodes offers an easy-to-understand yet detailed chronology and explanation of end-times events.

    The chapters are arranged around the major end-times themes: the rapture, the tribulation, the millennial kingdom, and the eternal state. Each chapter begins with a list of the specific events it covers, making this an extremely user-friendly chronological guide to end-times biblical prophecy. Rhodes allows for various interpretations among Christians. Yet the sequence he describes is faithful to the biblical text, based on a literal approach to prophecy, and held by many Bible scholars. As readers discover that they really can understand Bible prophecy, they will come to love and trust the Scriptures like never before.

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  • Petrus Romanus : The Final Pope Is Here


    For more than 800 hundreds years scholars have pointed to the dark augury having to do with “the last Pope.” The prophecy, taken from St. Malachy’s “Prophecy of the Popes,” is among a list of verses predicting each of the Roman Catholic popes from Pope Celestine II to the final pope, “Peter the Roman,” whose reign would end in the destruction of Rome. First published in 1595, the prophecies were attributed to St. Malachy by a Benedictine historian named Arnold de Wyon, who recorded them in his book, Lignum Vit. Tradition holds that Malachy had been called to Rome by Pope Innocent II, and while there, he experienced the vision of the future popes, including the last one, which he wrote down in a series of cryptic phrases. According to the prophecy, the next pope (following Benedict XVI) is to be the final pontiff, Petrus Romanus or Peter the Roman. The idea by some Catholics that the next pope on St. Malachy’s list heralds the beginning of “great apostasy” followed by “great tribulation” sets the stage for the imminent unfolding of apocalyptic events, something many non-Catholics would agree with. This would give rise to a false prophet, who according to the book of Revelation leads the world’s religious communities into embracing a political leader known as Antichrist. In recent history, several Catholic priests-some deceased now-have been surprisingly outspoken on what they have seen as this inevitable danger rising from within the ranks of Catholicism as a result of secret satanic “Illuminati-Masonic” influences. These priests claim secret knowledge of an multinational power elite and occult hierarchy operating behind supranatural and global political machinations. Among this secret society are sinister false Catholic infiltrators who understand that, as the Roman Catholic Church represents one-sixth of the world’s population and over half of all Christians, it is indispensable for controlling future global elements in matters of church and state and the fulfillment of a diabolical plan they call “Alta Vendetta,” which is set to assume control of the papacy and to help the False Prophet deceive the world’s faithful (including Catholics) into worshipping Antichrist. As stated by Dr. Michael Lake on the front cover, Catholic and evangelical scholars have dreaded this moment for centuries. Unfortunately, as readers will learn, time for avoiding Peter the Roman just ran out.

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  • 4 Views Of The End Times Pamphlet


    Unfolds To 33″ Long.
    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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    Four Views of the End Times pamphlet

    So what does the Bible actually say about the end times leading up to the return of Jesus Christ? Historically, four views have predominated Christianity’s understanding. Finally, those four views are explained and illustrated in simple terms.

    Each view includes a definition of the position with its main points, supporting Scriptures, the time period for the view’s main popularity, and Christian leaders supporting that view.
    Positions covered:
    – Dispensational Premillennialism
    – Amillennialism
    – Postmillennialism
    – Historic Premillennialism

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  • End Times : Practical Heavenly Mindedness (Student/Study Guide)


    Do you wonder about the “end times”–when it will come? What it will be like? What will happen to you? As R. Paul Stevens leads you to examine for yourself what the Bible says about end times, you’ll learn what you can do now to be ready for the future–whatever it holds.

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