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    Bible Studies

    • 10 Women Of The Bible Updated Edition (Student/Study Guide)


      Do you ever feel like a second-class citizen in this world?

      Do you wonder how God could possibly use you to change lives?

      For women in Bible times, these weren’t even questions they thought about. Being overlooked, marginalized, having your contributions discounted because you’re a woman… it’s just the way things were. In this ten-lesson workbook, Max Lucado tells some of his favorite accounts of women in Scripture and the remarkable way God broke down cultural barriers to use them in the unfolding of His story.

      You will discover…

      *Sarah, the woman whom God promised would give birth to a nation, but who tried to rush things when God’s promises didn’t seem to be coming to pass.

      *Rahab, a prostitute in the Canaanite city of Jericho, who would save herself and her family through her faith in the one true God of the Israelites.

      *Abigail, a woman forced to play peacemaker by the barbaric behavior of her husband.

      *Esther, a young queen whom God placed in the Persian court for “such a time as this” to prevent the genocide of the Jewish people.

      *Mary, the young virgin pledged to Joseph, whom God would choose to give birth to Jesus, the promised Messiah who would save the world.

      *The Samaritan Woman, who would meet this Messiah at a well one day. His words would forever after change her life.

      *The Canaanite Woman, who made God smile with her wit and faith, and who received from Jesus an answer to her prayer.

      *Mary of Bethany, a friend of Jesus who witnessed the resurrection of her brother, Lazarus, and then anointed Christ in anticipation of his death and resurrection.

      *Mary Magdalene, who followed Jesus despite the injustice of a world that judged her for her past and said she would always be considered a failure.

      *Sapphira, a woman in the early church who, along with her husband, made the unfortunate (and deadly) decision to lie to the Holy Spirit.

      These stories show us there is a God who sees us where we are and loves us for who we are. He is the one who hovers over all the pages of the Bible, shaping lives, rescuing hearts, healing sicknesses, raising what was dead to life, and passing out high callings to those who choose to follow him and have faith in him.

      Each lesson includes:

      *Five daily in-depth Bible studies to help you explore the stories in Scripture
      *Daily points to remember to help you summarize the key points
      *Daily prayers to help you focus your thoughts and move into your quiet time
      *Weekly m

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    • Gospel 101 For Teens


      The gospel is the most powerful message in the world it’s God’s dynamite to change hearts, lives, and communities. In Gospel 101 for Teens, Jeff Dodge communicates the good news of Jesus in a clear, understanding, and compelling way, inviting students to grow in gospel fluency, community, and action.

      Gospel 101 for Teens serves as an introductory-level course on the “big picture” message of redemption. It equips teens with the language of the gospel to confidently move past the fear of sharing their faith with friends and classmates. By learning to share the gospel in their own words and explain why it matters, teens will be ready to communicate this message in a life-giving, clear, and personal way.

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    • Armor Of God


      Every day, an unseen battle is going on around us in the spiritual realm.

      God has provided everything we need to stand firm and resist evil, but we are called to be actively aware of both the struggle and the resources available.

      In Ephesians 6 the apostle Paul gives us the clearest description anywhere in Scripture of believers’ resources for the spiritual battle. He vividly describes them as armor, which we must repeatedly take up in prayerful reliance on God.

      In this eight-session LifeGuide(R) Bible Study, Douglas Connelly unpacks each element of the armor of God, from the belt of truth to the sword of the Spirit. Readers will explore the context of the Ephesians 6 passage along with additional texts that help them dig deeper into each theme. This guide features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, plus leader’s notes to help facilitate discussion.

      For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions-making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.

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    • 5 Minute Bible Study Journal For A Less Stressed Life


      Allow God’s Word to Transform Your Stressed-Out Life

      Whether you’re a worrier by nature or in a season of anxiety, this book provides simple tools for you to open the Bible regularly and dig into God’s Word–even if you only have five minutes!

      *Minutes 1-2: Read a few verses pulled from a lengthier passage. If time allows, read the full passage listed for you in each Bible study.

      *Minute 3: Understand. Ponder thoughtful questions designed to help you apply the verses from the Bible to your own life. Consider these throughout your day as well.

      *Minute 4: Apply. Read a brief devotion based on the scripture you read. Think about what you are learning and how you can apply the scriptural truths to your own life.

      *Minute 5: Pray. A prayer starter will help you to begin a time of conversation with God.

      The 5-Minute Bible Study Journal for a Less Stressed Life will help you establish the discipline of consistent study of God’s Word. You will find that even five minutes focused on scripture and prayer has the power to make a huge difference in your daily life–emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. Soon you will be making time for more!

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    • Gods Goodness For The Chosen


      God’s Goodness for the Chosen is an eight-lesson Bible study for individuals or groups that follows each episode of season 4 of The Chosen.

      This study teaches readers how to reframe their hardships and see them as fertile soil for God’s goodness to grow in their lives.

      We see it over and over again in the Bible: God brings good things out of bad things for the sake of His people and for His glory. But truth be told, when we personally experience suffering, we have a difficult time actually believing it. Yet, life is challenging even for the followers of Jesus, and hardship in the twenty-first century is no exception. God’s Goodness for the Chosen takes readers through eight lessons which reveal how God uses suffering to bring about good things in the lives of those He loves.

      You’ll see:

      – Death is eclipsed by life
      – Grief is eclipsed by praise
      – Questions are eclipsed by resolve
      – Confusion is eclipsed by grace
      – Temporary things are eclipsed by eternal things
      – Heartbreak is eclipsed by love
      – Sin is eclipsed by obedience
      – Pain is eclipsed by the fullness of God’s plan

      Indeed, readers will be challenged to embrace the hard things of life, to experience more of the goodness God offers on the other side.

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    • Psalms Bible Study


      In this six-session study, explore how the Psalms are worship-prayer songs lifted to God. Whether chanted in a synagogue, sung from a hymnal, or read from projectors on walls, the Psalms have given us the content of our prayers and defined both our worship and faith for generations. By studying, praying, and living the Psalms, our lives become an enduring song of praise to the Lord, like strong, fruitful trees that thrive through every season.

      This study is an invitation to the wild beauty that comes from experiencing God as we journey deeper in relationship with him through the Psalms. Study different types of worship-prayer songs from the book of Psalms, consider the background of specific psalms and their connections with Jesus, and explore how the songs we sing and the song of our lives reflect the themes of the book of Psalms.

      The six sessions include:

      *Blessed is the One Who Praises the Lord (Psalms 1 and 150)
      *The Heavens Declare and the Word Shines a Light (Psalms 19 and 119)
      *Even in Darkest Valleys, the Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalms 22-24)
      *Unfailing Love and Forgiveness (Psalms 51 and 32)
      *Lord, You Have Been Our Home (Psalms 90 and 46)
      *Bless the Lord, O My Soul (Psalm 103)

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    • Way Of The Chosen


      Discover what it means to belong to and be blessed by God.

      We all have to choose: the wide road that leads to destruction or the narrow path that leads to life. The third season of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen, picks up with how Jesus’ followers apply His teaching to their lives.

      The Way of the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups that works in tandem with each episode of the show. In modeling “the narrow road that leads to life” it includes:

      *Forgiving the way Jesus does
      *Going when and where He says to go
      *Grieving what He grieves
      *Standing firm on His words and character
      *Delighting in the things that please Him
      *Asking because He says to
      *Welcoming those He welcomes
      *Trusting His will and way

      Readers will be challenged to move from knowing who Jesus is to living out their faith by going the way of the Chosen.

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    • Praying The Names Of God For 52 Weeks


      Based on Praying the Names of God and Praying the Names of Jesus, two bestselling books by Ann Spangler, this unique Bible study is designed to help individuals explore the most prominent names God chooses for Himself and how each name can be used in focused, intentional prayer as God reveals His character and heart throughout the Bible.

      Names in the ancient world did more than simply distinguish one person from another. They often conveyed the essential nature and character of a person. This is especially true when it comes to the names of God recorded in the Old Testament: El Shaddai, Elohim, Adonai, Abba, El Elyon, God Almighty, Mighty Creator, Lord, Father, God Most High, and more. In the New Testament, God is called Immanuel, Prince of Peace, Lamb of God, Bread of Life, Yeshua, and more. Through His names and titles, we come to understand more fully how God reveals His heart to us.

      Praying the Names of God for 52 Weeks teaches you how to use one name each week of the year to pray to God in an intentional and focused way.

      Each name or title is broken down into three sections each week:

      *Monday: Study a portion of Scripture that reveals the name.

      *Tuesday-Thursday: Understand and connect to the name through questions and reflections. Pray the name in Scripture and pray the name for yourself.

      *Friday: Pray Scripture promises connected to the name. Optional Deeper Study.

      Ultimately, you’ll gain a more intimate understanding of who God is and how He can be relied upon in every circumstance of your life, enabling you to echo the psalmist’s prayer: Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

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    • Women Of The Bible New Testament Bible Study


      Encounter fascinating women from the New Testament in this six-session Bible study. Their lives challenged what society said women like them “ought” to do–or not do–but social traditions do not constrict God! Discover these women’s tenacious faithfulness to their Lord, their seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and the unique roles they played in bringing others to Jesus and the new life he offers.

      Each session unpacks the history, culture, and geography that forms the backdrop to these women’s lives, giving you a deeper understanding of their stories and insight into what we can learn from them for today.

      This study will challenge what you thought you always knew about these women. Read their stories anew with this easy-to-use Bible study incorporating helpful visuals, thought-provoking questions, and practical life application.

      The six sessions include:

      *Mothers of Jesus from the genealogy in the gospel of Matthew
      *Mary and her warrior song in the gospel of Luke
      *Anna the prophetess at the temple
      *The Samaritan woman at the well
      *Sisters Mary and Martha
      *Women of the early church in Paul’s letters to the Romans

      Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with full color visuals that show key information at a glance! With their easy-to-use format–read it, know it, explore it, and live it–these 6-week inductive studies are perfect for gaining a deeper insight into God’s Word.

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    • Fruit Of The Spirit Bible Study


      Do you think you know the fruit of the Spirit? Think again! In this six-session Bible study, you will rediscover the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, kindness, goodness, self-control, and gentleness. Learn the context around Paul’s writings about the fruit, and hone in on each fruit understand fully what it means to keep in step with the Spirit. Full color visuals, thought-provoking questions, Bible passages for further reflection, and more will offer a deeper look into a familiar topic. Gain new insights as you focus on the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your life.

      *Cover all nine fruits of the Spirit in six sessions
      *Know the meaning and Greek word for each fruit
      *Biblical examples of spiritual fruit-filled lives
      *Fruit of the Spirit vs. acts of the flesh
      *”Fruitful” action steps anyone can do to walk in the Spirit
      *The who, what, where, when and why of Paul’s letter to the Galatians

      Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with full-color visuals that show key information at a glance! With their easy-to-use format-read it, know it, explore it, and live it-these 6-week inductive studies are perfect for gaining a deeper insight into God’s Word.

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    • Blessed Are The Chosen


      Blessed Are the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups based on season 2 of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen. This study brings both the Old and New Testaments to life in an approachable and conversational way.

      This study guide works in tandem with each episode of the show and includes:
      *A deeper look at God’s character, power, and promises using the framework of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount
      *Script excerpts, quotes, and illustrations from each episode
      *Scripture to provide lesson context
      *Pictures and bios of characters for increased connection
      *Conversational features to invite Bible knowledge
      *Guiding questions for group or individual discussion or reflection

      Once we belong to Him, we’re not only given a new identity; we’re ushered into a new reality–one that is sure, powerful, and life changing.

      And so–
      *We have hope no matter our circumstances.
      *We have assurances and resources, even in life’s trials.
      *We are blessed in all things because we are chosen by Him.

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    • Gratitude : Giving Thanks In Life’s Ups And Downs – 8 Studies For Individua


      In the busyness and challenges of daily life, it’s easy to put showing gratitude low on our priority list.

      Yet Scripture continually reveals how important gratitude is for God’s people–in good times and bad. In this eight-session LifeGuide(R) Bible study, Dale and Sandy Larsen help us explore how giving thanks reminds us of what God has done, reorients us around God’s grace, and helps us enjoy good gifts instead of taking them for granted. Drawing from both the Old and New Testaments, Gratitude encourages us to grow in trust and joy as we hold tight to God’s goodness in life’s ups and downs. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions–making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.

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    • Lords Prayer Bible Study


      Using colorful visuals, easy-to-read summaries, and reflections, The Lord’s Prayer Bible Study takes you through the seven petitions of one of Jesus’s most famous prayers.

      Enrich your prayer life with a deeper understanding of this model prayer that Jesus taught his closest disciples to pray.

      Key features include:

      *Short, concise lessons for people with busy lives, as well as an optional reading plan for people with more time who want to go deeper.
      *Leader’s guide is contained within each study guide, so no extra book purchase is required.
      *Discussion questions for each session and lots of space for writing.

      Most Bible studies on the Lord’s Prayer don’t include visuals. Imagine having one that does! Perfect for small groups, individual use, young adult study, homeschool, church library, to give to a friend, and more!

      Whether you have repeated The Lord’s Prayer countless times in church or are new to this classic prayer, this Bible study will help you dive deeper into the rich theological and spiritual meaning behind each line. This study answers questions such as:

      *What does it mean for God’s kingdom to come, and to ask for our daily bread?
      *How do we “hallow” God’s name?
      *How are we forgiven of our debts (trespasses)?
      *And more!

      With practical life application and thought-provoking discussion questions, you will discover more about God’s attributes and how to pray to our Father in heaven.

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    • What Does It Mean To Be Chosen


      This eight-week Bible study is the official complement to season 1 of the Chosen, the groundbreaking series about the life of Jesus. What Does It Mean to Be Chosen? works in tandem with every episode of the show, bringing the Bible to life in a brand-new way.

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    • Ephesians : The Inheritance We Have In Christ


      The apostle Paul founded many churches in the Roman Empire, including one in the prosperous port city of Ephesus, located in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). Although Paul’s initial visit was brief, he would eventually use the city as his base of operations to spread the gospel throughout the region. Paul penned this letter sometime after being imprisoned in Rome, but even in chains his concern for the believers is evident. He reminds them of the inheritance they have in Christ and calls on them to avoid divisions, resist false teachings, and take up spiritual “arms” to battle against the wiles of Satan. Paul’s words reveal to all believers today that we are not only chosen by God-but we are also adopted, accepted, redeemed, sealed, and secured through our relationship with Christ.

      David Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point, an international ministry committed to providing Christians with sound Bible teaching through radio and television, the Internet, live events, and resource materials and books. He is the author of more than fifty books, including A Life Beyond Amazing, Overcomer, and The Book of Signs. Dr. Jeremiah serves as the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in San Diego, California, where he resides with his wife, Donna. They have four grown children and twelve grandchildren.

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    • John 13-21 Part 2


      Publisher Marketing:
      We all long for a full, rich, satisfying life. But how do we fill up the empty places in our souls? How can we quench our thirst for something deeper, more lasting, more meaningful?

      In this thirteen-session LifeGuide (R) Bible Study on the second half of John, Douglas Connelly urges you to take a fresh look at Jesus. Here is the opportunity to establish–or renew–your faith in the One who offers true meaning, true belonging and true life. LifeGuide Bible Studies feature questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection. Also included are leader’s notes with information on study preparation, leading small group discussion, and additional insights into specific Bible passages. Presented in a convenient workbook format and featuring the inductive Bible study approach, LifeGuides are proven and popular guides for digging into Scripture on your own or with a group.

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    • Developing A Servants Heart


      Service is giving, and giving is the very essence of the gospel. God gave His only begotten Son. Jesus gave His life on the cross. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to resist sin and follow God’s commands. It is from this abundance of what we have been given that God calls us to then freely give of ourselves-to actually develop a mindset in which we look first to the needs of others above our own interests. In Developing a Servant’s Heart, Dr. Charles Stanley shows how each of have been equipped, empowered, and charged to do this as we follow the example of Jesus-the Supreme Servant.

      The Charles Stanley Bible Studies are a unique approach to Bible study, incorporating biblical truth, personal insights, emotional responses, and a call to action. Each study draws on Dr. Stanley’s many years of teaching on the guiding principles found in God’s Word, showing how we can apply them in practical ways to every situation we face. This edition of the series has been completely revised and updated and includes two brand-new lessons from Dr. Stanley.

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    • Depending On Jesus


      In this ten-session LifeGuide study, you’ll explore instances of biblical people learning that they could rely on Christ to see them through, even when all other avenues of help failed. They encountered every kind of obstacle: hostility, loneliness, injustice, failure, and other seemingly impossible difficulties. Just as they discovered that Christ is sufficient for any and all circumstances, you will be encouraged to discover the same. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions–making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.

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    • Study And Meditation (Student/Study Guide)


      Reading the Bible is one of the most important spiritual disciplines we can engage in. Why is Bible study so significant? How can our attitude and approach affect what we get out of our reading?

      The way we approach the Bible affects our interaction with God. Learning to immerse ourselves in God’s thoughts through study and meditation allows us to go deeper into God’s Word and live in a more Christlike way. This six-session LifeGuide from Jan Johnson helps us do just that.

      For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions-making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.

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    • 12 Disciples : Bible Study


      Jesus called twelve ordinary men–and turned their weaknesses into strengths, their faults into testimonies, and their doubts into faith. Who were these men who walked with Jesus? What can we learn from their lives? Find out with The Twelve Disciples Visual Bible Study.

      From John and Peter to Matthew and Mark, enjoy digging deeper into the lives of each of Jesus’ twelve disciples and learn more about:
      *Their personalities
      *Why Jesus called each of them
      *How they served
      *The lessons that we can learn from their mishaps and strengths
      *And more!

      All-Inclusive Ready-to-Use Bible Study on the Twelve Disciples Can Be Led By Anyone!
      This highly visual and informative introduction to the twelve disciples shows how Jesus called the Twelve individually–and uniquely–for life with him. See how Jesus entrusted them with authority despite all their mishaps and failures. Discover how these men’s lives were radically changed in the midst of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection; and celebrate the global effect they had for generations to come. Features include:
      *6-session flexible Bible study
      *Optional reading plan for people with more time who want to go deeper
      *Leader’s guide is contained within each study guide, so no extra book purchase is required
      *Discussion questions for each session and lots of space for writing

      Most Bible studies on the twelve disciples don’t include visuals. Imagine having one that does!

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    • Journey To The Resurrection


      From Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to his resurrection on Sunday morning, go day-by-day through the events of Holy Week. Combining historical and biblical insights with colorful charts, timelines, and illustrations, this six-week study will deepen your understanding of Jesus’ death and Easter resurrection.

      Gain a deeper understanding of events like Passover and the Last Supper, Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, the road to Golgotha and crucifixion, and the empty tomb and the Easter resurrection. See how even the smallest details of Holy Week fulfilled Old Testament prophecies. Also includes a timeline of events and a map of Jerusalem.
      Features include:
      *6-session flexible Bible study
      *Optional reading plan for people with more time who want to go deeper
      *Leader’s guide is contained within each study guide, so no extra book purchase is required
      *Discussion questions for each session and lots of space for writing

      Most Bible studies on Jesus’ journey to the cross and his resurrection don’t include visuals. Imagine having one that does! Perfect for group and individual use, young adult study, homeschool, church library, to give to a friend, and more!

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    • Book Of James


      This informative introduction to the book of James summarizes the main themes of temptation and spiritual maturity, controlling the tongue, patience in prayer, and faith in action. Helpful charts summarize the dangers to believers, responses that lead to maturity, and spiritual benefits of perseverance. In the clear and easy-to-read style of Rose’s visual elements, Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts. These Bible studies are easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.

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    • Life Of Paul


      An archenemy of the early Christians who became a great Christian missionary and the author of thirteen books in the New Testament. Paul’s letters speak profoundly to us centuries later as the inspired word of God. The study brings to life the struggles and circumstances of Paul’s life, his courage in the face of persecution, and his relentless mission to spread the good news of Jesus. Capitalizing on the recognized excellence of Rose’s visual elements, Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts. These Bible studies are easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.

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    • Armor Of God


      This study provides historically accurate background of a Roman centurion’s armor, then draws vital correlations to the spiritual armor God gives his children: the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, Feet Prepared with the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit. Helps those you teach learn to “stand firm in the faith.” Capitalizing on the recognized excellence of Rose’s visual elements, Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts. These Bible studies are easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.

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    • 1-2 Kings : Gods Imperfect Servants (Student/Study Guide)


      Getting The Most Out Of 1 & 2 Kings
      1. Solomon: Praying With God’s Values (1 Kings 3)
      2. Solomon: Faithless In Love (1 Kings 11)
      3. Jeroboam/Rehoboam: Internal Conflict (1 Kings 12)
      4. Ahab: Deaf To God (1 Kings 22:1-40)
      5. Ahaz: Faithless In Trouble (2 Kings 16)
      6. Hoshea: Idolatry’s Reward (2 Kings 17)
      7. Hezekiah: King In Crisis (2 Kings 18:1-20:21)
      8. Manasseh: One Giant Step Backward (2 Kings 20:1-21:18)
      9. Josiah: Following God’s Law (2 Kings 22:1-23:30)
      10. Zedekiah: End Of The Line (2 Kings 24:1-25:21)
      Leader’s Notes

      Additional Info
      Some chose to follow God. Others followed only fame and fortune. They lived through times of difficulty and times of triumph, through political and emotional turmoil, through popularity and through political and emotional turmoil, through popularity and through discontent. This ten-session LifeGuide Bible study focuses on the character of the Kings of the Old Testament and what we can learn from them.

      For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions-making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 120 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.

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    • Overcoming Depression Bible Study


      Under the crushing weight of depression, life can seem endlessly hopeless, numb, and tiresome. Let God’s Word help you rediscover purpose, joy, and satisfaction again with this 6-week Overcoming Depression Bible study, the 4th book of 6 in the new Hope for the Heart Bible Study series by June Hunt.

      *Based on the bestselling Hope for the Heart series (Over 1 million copies sold)
      *Biblically Solid. Features key Scripture verses as well as counseling insights to help practically apply its message to your life.
      *Easy-to-use format that anyone can lead, with tips and preparation guides
      *Relevant and Personal. Engaging discussion questions and journaling space for group or individual study
      *Interactive. Verses to memorize and space for note-taking
      *Trusted brand within churches and ministries for counseling

      The “Hope for the Heart Bible Study Series” covers many day-to-day problems that Christians face. These 6 topical Bible studies with 6 sessions each, give biblical hope and practical help along life application and discussion questions.
      June Hunt is a biblical counselor whose award-winning radio program “Hope for the Heart” is heard on nearly 900 radio outlets around the world. For more than 30 years, she has counseled people, offering them hope for today’s problems. June has helped many people with emotional, relational, and spiritual problems experience God’s love through biblical hope and practical advice.

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    • Dealing With Anger Bible Study


      We all have times of anger, disappointment, and frustration. But, it is how you respond to the anger that matters most. Should you cover it up? Suppress it? Let it go? Based on June Hunt’s bestselling Hope for the Heart Series, this 6-week Bible study (1st in the series) shows how to keep your anger under control by knowing your personal triggers. Featuring practical tips, scriptures, and counseling insight, this Bible study will navigate you through key stories of the Bible, pulling out nuggets of wisdom on how to resolve your anger, release it to God, and experience God’s peace.

      *Based on the bestselling Hope for the Heart series (Over 1 million copies sold)
      *Biblically Solid. Features key Scripture verses as well as counseling insights to help practically apply its message to your life.
      *Easy-to-use format that anyone can lead, with tips and preparation guides
      *Relevant and Personal. Engaging discussion questions and journaling space for group or individual study
      *Interactive. Verses to memorize and space for note-taking
      *Trusted brand within churches and ministries for counseling

      The “Hope for the Heart Bible Study Series” covers many day-to-day problems that Christians face. These 6 topical Bible studies with 6 sessions each, give biblical hope and practical help along life application and discussion questions.
      June Hunt is a biblical counselor whose award-winning radio program “Hope for the Heart” is heard on nearly 900 radio outlets around the world. For more than 30 years, she has counseled people, offering them hope for today’s problems. June has helped many people with emotional, relational, and spiritual problems experience God’s love through biblical hope and practical advice.

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    • Finding Self Worth In Christ Bible Study


      What will they think of me? What if I’m not good enough? Negative self-talk can sabotage spiritual growth and hinder the emotional wellness God intended for us to have. Deepen your understanding of who you are in Christ and discover the love, acceptance, and purpose God has for you with this 6-week Self-Worth Bible study (5th in the series) based on the bestselling Hope for the Heart series.

      *Based on the bestselling Hope for the Heart series (Over 1 million copies sold)
      *Biblically Solid. Features key Scripture verses as well as counseling insights to help practically apply its message to your life.
      *Easy-to-use format that anyone can lead, with tips and preparation guides
      *Relevant and Personal. Engaging discussion questions and journaling space for group or individual study
      *Interactive. Verses to memorize and space for note-taking
      *Trusted brand within churches and ministries for counseling

      The “Hope for the Heart Bible Study Series” covers many day-to-day problems that Christians face. These 6 topical Bible studies with 6 sessions each, give biblical hope and practical help along life application and discussion questions.
      June Hunt is a biblical counselor whose award-winning radio program “Hope for the Heart” is heard on nearly 900 radio outlets around the world. For more than 30 years, she has counseled people, offering them hope for today’s problems. June has helped many people with emotional, relational, and spiritual problems experience God’s love through biblical hope and practical advice.

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    • Understanding Verbal And Emotional Abuse Bible Study


      You didn’t think anyone could hurt you like this. But now that you’re in or have experienced an abusive relationship, how can things be restored? Designed to help you effectively overcome the trauma and pain of mistreatment, the 6-week Verbal and Emotional Abuse Bible study (6th in the series) will show you how to heal from past abuse, set up proper boundaries, and know the warning signs of abusive behavior.

      *Based on the bestselling Hope for the Heart series (Over 1 million copies sold)
      *Biblically Solid. Features key Scripture verses as well as counseling insights to help practically apply its message to your life.
      *Easy-to-use format that anyone can lead, with tips and preparation guides
      *Relevant and Personal. Engaging discussion questions and journaling space for group or individual study
      *Interactive. Verses to memorize and space for note-taking
      *Trusted brand within churches and ministries for counseling

      The “Hope for the Heart Bible Study Series” covers many day-to-day problems that Christians face. These 6 topical Bible studies with 6 sessions each, give biblical hope and practical help along life application and discussion questions.
      June Hunt is a biblical counselor whose award-winning radio program “Hope for the Heart” is heard on nearly 900 radio outlets around the world. For more than 30 years, she has counseled people, offering them hope for today’s problems. June has helped many people with emotional, relational, and spiritual problems experience God’s love through biblical hope and practical advice.

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    • 7 Letters To Seven Churches (Student/Study Guide)


      What if Jesus wrote a letter to your church? This eight-session LifeGuide Bible Study helps us engage with the words of Jesus in the seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation. Studying this Scripture with a group or individually will allow us to ask some hard questions-of ourselves, of our leaders, and of the Lord. Jesus will be pointedly honest with us. Whether we respond with a yawn or with a renewed pursuit of obedience will be up to us.

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    • Good News : The Meaning Of The Gospel (Student/Study Guide)


      8 Sessions

      Additional Info
      This eight-session LifeGuide Bible study explores not only the question “What must I do to be saved?” but also will help groups understand the meaning of the good news: that is, the incredibly broad scope of what God has done, is doing, and will do in the future to reconcile all things to himself through Jesus Christ.

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    • What The Bible Says About Fasting Pamphlet


      See key information on fasting at a glance! From Jesus’ 40 day fast in the wilderness to the “Daniel” fast, What the Bible Says About Fasting covers dozens of Bible verses on fasting and features over 20 practical tips for how to fast and pray!

      Have you ever wondered why fasting is important? Do you want to fast, but not sure if you are doing it “right?” Have you fasted before, and nothing happened? Fasting is a key spiritual discipline that will grow your spiritual intimacy with the Lord and refresh your prayer life. Deepen your understanding of fasting and see key information at a glance with this quick-reference pamphlet packed with charts, dozens of fasting verses, and practical tips!

      Enjoy getting solid answer to key questions on fasting:
      *What is fasting? Why should I fast?
      *Does Jesus say we are required to fast?
      *What’s the “Daniel fast?”
      *Will fasting help me get closer to God?
      *How can I fast and what is the right way to fast?

      Find out 4 different types of fasts; discover 8 tips on how to start fasting, and explore the connection between prayer and fasting as you dive into 17 stories of fasting from the Bible, including Daniel, Esther, Nehemiah, and Jesus. Great for personal or group Bible study!

      14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

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    • Ruth : Rescued By The Redeemer (Student/Study Guide)


      Getting The Most Out Of Ruth
      1. Redeemer Rejected Judges 2:6-23-3:6
      2. A Radical Decision Ruth 1
      3. Newfound Hope Ruth 2
      4. A Bold Appeal Rewarded Ruth 3
      5. The Redeemer Acts Ruth 4:1-12
      6. An Improbable Ancestor Ruth 4:13-22; Matthew 1:1-6
      Leader’s Notes

      Additional Info
      In the book of Ruth we meet not only Ruth herself but other significant players who populate the drama: Naomi, Elimelech, Mahlon, Kilion, Orpah and Boaz. In addition there are a whole host of unnamed kinsmen, reapers, elders, neighbors. Like us, each of these characters in their own way needs the Redeemer who is foreshadowed here.

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    • Busyness : Finding God In The Whirlwind (Student/Study Guide)


      In the midst of the whirlwind of our lives, however, it may seem impossible to make time to focus beyond the noise and activities of daily demands. In this guide we will explore ways of conversing with God in the midst of life and come to see our day’s work as the joyful service of kneeling before all others with Jesus.

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    • Kids Guide To The Armor Of God


      As one of the country’s most respected evangelical leaders, pastor and author Tony Evans challenges “tweens” (ages 8 to 12) to explore what the armor of God is all about. He understands that Christian kids want to be stronger, more confident, and skilled at living an exciting God-centered life, and so he presents the unvarnished truth.

      Tony Evans gives kids a plan for success by explaining:
      *Scripture reveals who’s behind the world’s traps and snares and how to resist him.
      *God offers all Christians a powerful suit of armor and mighty weapons.
      *The suit includes a belt of truth and helmet of salvation to wear and shield of faith to carry into the battle.

      When every piece of God’s armor is worn correctly, the enemy is defeated and Christians finish victorious.By learning how to dress in the armor God provides, preteens are able to speak the truth, stand firm in the faith, and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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    • Parable Of The Prodigal Son Pamphlet


      Discover new insights into the Prodigal Son parable and be amazed at the depth of God’s love with Rose’ Publishing Parable of the Prodigal Son pamphlet. Features section-by-section commentary, simple summaries, and reflection question.
      We know Parable of the Prodigal Son Bible studies usually highlight the loving father’s forgiveness of his wayward son, but this Bible study also shows you how to extend compassion, grace, and forgiveness to your own prodigals. Discover original ways of how the parable applies to your life with this 14-page Bible study resource. Gain fresh insight with practical application steps and original reflection questions. Perfect for individual use or small group Bible studies.

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    • Gods Love Through You


      Over his years of walking with Jesus, John–ambitious,opinionated, volatile–came to identify himself simply as “the disciple Jesus loved.” In 1 John, one of his letters, John presents Jesus Christ as the living expression of God’s love, the One who reveals to us the mind and heart of His Father. The apostle tells us what a relationship with Jesus looks like and how it should transform our attitudes and behaviors.

      This study guides you, or you and your group, through selected Bible passages, presents straightforward explanations and applications, and provides open-ended discussion questions. You will see yourself changed as you learn, because to know Jesus is to know love–and to know Jesus is to know God.

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    • Philippians : A 12 Week Study


      The Knowing the Bible series is a new resource designed to help Bible readers better understand and apply God’s Word. Each 12-week study leads participants through one book of the Bible and is made up of four basic components: (1) Reflection questions designed to help readers engage the text at a deeper level; (2) “Gospel Glimpses” highlighting the gospel of grace throughout the book; (3) “Whole-Bible Connections” showing how any given passage connects to the Bible’s overarching story of redemption, culminating in Christ; and (4) “Theological Soundings” identifying how historic orthodox doctrines are taught or reinforced throughout Scripture. With contributions from a wide array of influential pastors and church leaders, these gospel-centered studies will help Christians see and cherish the message of God’s grace on each and every page of the Bible.

      In his letter to the Philippian church, the apostle Paul seeks to encourage and strengthen his readers in the midst of difficult circumstances and severe social ostracism. In this engaging study, pastor Ryan Kelly helps readers grasp Paul’s exhortation to embrace hardship as good citizens of the kingdom of God and faithful imitators of Jesus Christ.

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    • 12 Disciples : 10 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      Getting The Most Out Of The Twelve Disciples
      1 Andrew: Bringing Others To Jesus – John 1:35-42
      2 Simon Peter: Defending (and Rebuking) The Savior – Mark 1:16-20; 8:27-38
      3 Matthew: Drawing In The Outcast – Matthew 9:9-13
      4 James: Hating Our Enemies – Luke 9:51-56; Acts 12:1-2
      5 Philip: Learning To Trust – John 6:1-13
      6 John: Seeking To Be The Greatest – Matthew 20:20-28
      7 Thomas: Leaving Doubt Behind – John 20:19-29
      8 Nathanael: Developing Spiritual Insight – John 1:43-51
      9 Judas Iscariot: Turning Away – Matthew 26:14-30, 47-50; 27:1-10
      10 Three Others: Faithful To The End – Luke 18:18-34
      Leader’s Notes

      Additional Info
      Ten inductive Bible studies on Jesus’ twelve disciples.

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    • Distorted Images Of Self (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Self-reliant Versus God-reliant Matthew 18:1-4
      2. Unlovable Versus Loved Ephesians 3:14-21
      3. Worthless Versus Valued Luke 15:8-10
      4. Condemned Versus Forgiven Psalm 51:1-17
      5. Irrepairable Versus Repairable Jeremiah 31: 3-5, 11-13
      6. Forgotten Versus Remembered Genesis 1
      7. Insignificant Versus Significant Matthew 6:13-16
      8. Disconnected Versus Bonded In Love 1 John 4:7-21

      Additional Info
      Though we say God is loving, trustworthy and all-powerful, our actions and thoughts reveal the lies we’re believing: that God is impossible to please, manipulative and likely to abandon us. Written with compassion and conviction by Dale and Juanita Ryan, these eight studies uncover our distorted thinking and point us to who God really is.

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    • 2 Peter 2-3 John Jude


      SKU (ISBN): 9781434705044ISBN10: 1434705048Warren WiersbeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2013Wiersbe Bible StudyPublisher: David C. Cook

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    • Genesis : A 12 Week Study


      The Knowing the Bible series is a new resource designed to help Bible readers better understand and apply God’s Word. Each 12-week study covers one book of the Bible and is made up of four basic components:
      1. Reflection questions designed to help readers engage the text at a deeper level; 2.”Gospel Glimpses” highlighting the gospel of grace throughout the book;
      3.”Whole-Bible Connections” showing how a given passage connects to the Bible’s overarching story of redemption culminating in Christ; and
      4.”Theological Soundings” identifying how historic orthodox doctrines are taught or reinforced throughout Scripture.

      With contributions from a wide array of influential pastors and church leaders, these gospel-centered studies will help Christians cherish the message of God’s grace on each and every page of the Bible. In this study of Genesis, pastor Mitchell Kim leads readers through the first book of the Bible, uncovering the meaning of the text while exploring important applications for everyday life. From explaining the true significance of the creation account to investigating God’s gracious calling of the nation of Israel, this book highlights how the storyline of Genesis foreshadows and connects to the good news about Jesus, the long-awaited “seed of the woman.” With penetrating exegetical insights and thought-provoking application questions, Kim has crafted an invaluable guide for those seeking to better understand this foundational book.

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    • Waiting For God (Student/Study Guide)


      We spend much of our life waiting. For healing for ourselves or a friend. For a wayward daughter to return to God. For a new job. For marriage and children and grandchildren. Sometimes the waiting can cause us to feel stuck, or forgotten by God. But waiting time is not wasted time. These eight studies by Juanita Ryan help you draw near to God in times of uncertainty and postponement. As she leads you and your group through significant moments of waiting in Scripture, you will become familiar with the dynamics of such times and learn to hear God’s call to rest in his timing.

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    • Distorted Images Of God (Student/Study Guide)


      How To Get The Most Out Of Distorted Images Of God

      1. The God Of Impossible Expectations Versus The God Of Compassion
      Psalm 103:1-14

      2. The Emotionally Distant God Versus The God Of Empathy And Grace
      Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:1-10

      3. The Inattentive God Versus The God Who Knows Us Intimately
      Psalm 139:1-18

      4. The Abusive God Versus The God Who Heals Us
      Matthew 20:29-34

      5. The Unreliable God Versus The God Who Is Trustworthy
      Psalm 145:1-16

      6. The God Who Abandons Versus The God Who Pursues
      Luke 15:1-7

      7. The God Who Withholds Versus The God Who Provides
      Matthew 6:25-34 And 7:7-11

      8. The God Who Is Weak Versus The God Who Is All-Powerful
      Luke 8:22-56

      Leader’s Notes

      Additional Info
      Though we say God is loving, trustworthy and all-powerful, our actions and thoughts reveal the subtle and not-so-subtle lies we’re believing: that God is impossible to please, manipulative and likely to abandon us. Written with compassion and conviction, these eight studies bring to light our distorted thinking and point us to the truth of who God is–the great healer who knows us intimately and pursues us with love.

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    • Who Is The Holy Spirit


      In this transforming six-week study, women will discover an alternative to the roller-coaster experience they may have settled for in their relationship with God. As they consider who the Holy Spirit is, what Hes up to, and how they can experience his power, they will become increasingly aware of Gods presence in their everyday lives. Inspiring quotes from Christian leaders and open-ended questions about the Bibles primary passages on the Holy Spirit make this an engaging and life-changing study.

      About This Series: Stonecroft Bible Studies encourage and equip women with the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. Each book is designed for small groups of seekers and new believers and includes notes for facilitators, easy-to-understand explanation and application of Bible passages, study questions, memory verses, and a prayer journal.

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    • Who Is Jesus


      Jesus Christ is the most extraordinary person who has ever lived. In this six-week study, women will consider why He came, what He said, and what He did, finding fresh inspiration for engaging with Him in life-transforming ways. Each lesson includes helpful at-home Bible study assignments as well as open-ended questions for sharing with a small group. Stonecroft Ministries recommends that those who are new to their studies start here. About This Series: Stonecroft Bible Studies encourage and equip women with the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. Each book is designed for small groups of seekers and new believers and includes notes for facilitators, easy-to-understand explanation and application of Bible passages, study questions, memory verses, and a prayer journal.

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    • Names Of God (Student/Study Guide)


      God is called by many names in Scripture–names that highlight specific aspects of his character. This guide by Doug Connelly, focused on eight titles for God from the Old Testament, invites you to know and experience the Lord Almighty in deeper ways. As you do so, you will come to trust him more fully and worship him with fresh awe and reverence.

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    • Attributes Of God Pamphlet


      People always wonder, “Who is God?Is He an old confused grandfather sitting in the clouds? Or is he a loving father, a righteous judge, and a merciful king? What we believe about God makes a difference in how we worship and behave. This pamphlet gives25key traits of God: loving, just, kind, all-knowing, all-present, all-powerful, eternal, faithful, and more.Each attribute of God comes with explanation, application, Bible references, and questions for reflection and study.Full color, plastic-coated pamphlet, 14 pages, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, fits inside a Bible cover.

      6 in stock

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    • Released Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781572935259ISBN10: 1572935251Tim Jackson | Jeff OlsonBinding: Saddle StitchPublished: May 2011Discovery Series Bible StudyPublisher: Our Daily Bread Publishing

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    • Revelation : In Christ You Are An Overcomer


      The book of Revelation is one of the most intriguing books of the Bible. It’s also one of the most mysterious. Filled with vivid imagery, rich themes, and deep spiritual insights, it can be challenging to read and understand. Yet woven throughout Revelation’s sweeping tapestry is a unifying message: The victory found in Jesus Christ. This Bible study takes an in-depth, yet practical, look at the book of Revelation, and shares how we can experience a victorious life.

      The Wiersbe Bible Studies Series explores timeless wisdom found in God’s word. Based on Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s popular “BE” series, each study provides topical, relevant insights from selected books of the Bible. Designed for small groups, this eight-week study features selected commentaries from BE Victorious, engaging questions, and practical applications, all designed to help you connect God’s word with your life.

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