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    Jimmy Evans

    • Where Are The Missing People


      A Tipping Point Press Title

      In this unique, practical book–written to be read by those remaining on earth after the Rapture–Jimmy Evans reveals the truth of the Bible about the end times. With compassion and deep insight into the prophecies of Scripture, he explains the disappearance of millions of believers around the world and gives future readers a glimpse into the events of the Tribulation. From the rise of the Antichrist to the ultimate redemption provided by Jesus, this hopeful book is a must-read for anyone navigating the future. Buy it for family members or friends. Leave it on your desk or coffee table. Put it in a place where a future reader can find it. The truths in this book will literally transform their lives. And it may be necessary sooner than you think.

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    • Lifelong Love Affair (Reprinted)


      God didn’t create marriage to frustrate us, test us, or to make us feel unworthy or inadequate. He created marriage to be the most fulfilling and sacred of all human covenants. It was designed to be passionate and rewarding and to meet our deepest needs and desires. And it was meant to last a lifetime. So how do you build an indestructible marriage that is filled with passion, purpose, and excitement?

      In Lifelong Love Affair, Jimmy Evans shows couples how to embrace God’s dream for their marriage, cultivate romance and fun, and fulfill each other’s spiritual, emotional, and sexual needs. With more marriages today ending in divorces than ever before, and more young people cohabiting rather than getting married, the message of this book is sorely needed. Any married couple and anyone considering marriage will find Lifelong Love Affair an essential tool they will turn to again and again for inspiration and strength. Foreword by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott.

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